<br />
<br />It could be that the loan secured by the Security Instrument is subject to a law wmchsets maximum
<br />loan charges and. that law is interpreted .80 that the interest or other loan charges colll!Cted ortl)Qeco~
<br />in comlectionwith .the loan would~ceedpermi~\imits. If this is the case. then: . (A) any 8Uch loan
<br />Ch. arg. e shall.be.reduced. ..by., t.heamoun.' t. necessary.. . .... '" ..', to. ....red. u. C8th.e.'c.ha. .rg.... eto. .t.he, P.!l.rmit. .... .........ted. .....'.limi. .....t...i...an.
<br /> d...'.' (...B..J."...lUlY...............
<br />sums already collected .from.Borrower wmch exceeded permitted limits will be ,refunded to/Borrower;
<br />L,ender may choose to make this refund bY'redl!clngithe principal owed under Jhe~ot!lorlly~~a
<br />direct payment to Borrower, '. .. . , '.' .... .ii" ../,.~,,:;,:
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />,,(:'r/"'<,.
<br />
<br />If Lender det.enninSll that allotiany pat'tofthe SulnS&ecm'edbr;thi!f
<br />to a lilluwhich has priority oyer, this Security Jll8trunlent,J.,enaermaYfil!ri
<br />that lien. Borrower..sh8l1,pl'()mptlyact with~aw,th#Iien;~P~.:t "
<br />Instrument or shallpl'Omptly secure an agreement in lI~onnsa.f;isfactory ".'.
<br />to i;hisSecurity Instrument. Failure to . provide evidence that Lenqer'luIS fiisl'liens
<br />under the terms of this' Note. . '. .' ....,.."
<br />
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<br />"
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<br />
<br />If there is a transfer of thePl'Operty, subject to'I>amgl'llph/17qf.tIl~.S~~~
<br />may require (1) anincrsasein the current Noteinterestratei or,(2) ~in~ln';t
<br />\imit on the amount of anyone interest rate change (if there is alimit),'.?r, (a) a
<br />Index figure, or all of these, as a condition of Lender'swaivil1gtheoptlon'f;(j8,ccele~
<br />graph 17. '.' ..' ., .. .....,
<br />
<br />
<br />\~ signing this, Borrower agrees to all of the above.
<br />
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<br />CO <D <.:> ci; v~
<br />STATE OF NEBl'tASKA, ,. "......'mm........~~.........".'.m"m ..............".........,... Countyss:
<br />
<br />On this ......m....??'~.................. day of ....m'...".'m....'~~........,., 19.11.4..., before me, the IIDde.rsigxi~~,
<br />a Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified for said county,personally came ...................,:...~",.,.,.....,,'
<br />;::e~~~~~~,~;bt'i:.;rfd~~~~f~~~~),~~~;;e.~~:r~)'~":~~~t~d.~.i{~;'i;;t;;gOlDg'fuij~;fij;;~..
<br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be .....,J,\!!ttL.....,,,....,.................., voluntaryacta:t1d,deed.
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal at ...."..~!;'~..1;,!?+,~~...~...<l$g.,.......m......'...:insaidCQ\1Il;ty,
<br />the date aforesaid. ..' .;.
<br />
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<br />
<br />My Commission expires;
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<br />J;~.4l1lOT. N~l'oI>ijc
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<br />bD_ lk~. : 1. i~
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<br />We are an Equal Eml1loyment Opponunit.y/Affinna:tiv~ Action Employei' M/J!'.
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