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<br />r <br /> <br />84 - 003446 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />C'.ilfORM CO\.'fSA,".;'I"i Borrow!';r )Hid Lender covcrnil"H and agrt~e ct"- fiJIJow,,' <br />1. l'lIyment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Latp Charges, H(lrrower ,hall promptly paj "-hen dut' <br />lhe pnncipai orand intere...t on the debt t~vldenc('d hy the NOIC and any prepayment and late charges due under [he Note. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and lmiUrancc. SllbJt:ct In appIH:al'k bw or to a wntlen \I,:al\'l:r by lA~l1der, Borrower sha!1 pay <br />to Lender 1m !he day monthly payments (in: due under the ~ott, until the Note"l~ paid In full. a sum ("Funds") equal to <br />one~twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes and a~ses,-;mcnh which may attain priority over thi~ Securil)' Instrument; (b) yearly <br />leasehold payment" or ground rents no lite Propaly. if ;lny; (c) rearly hazard in'Otlrilnce premiums; and (d) -YCilr1y <br />mortgage in'\urancc premlUnl<." if all}'. TIK--;';c ltcm\ arc c;:tlkd "escrow item~.'" Lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />ba~i;; of current data and rea(;on;:,hle estimate" (If fu! ure c,>crow item."; <br />The Funds ,hall be held in an institution lht dcrosits or al.'coUnls nfwhtch are irlsured or guaranteed bv a federal or <br />stale, agency (inciuding Lemler if Lender is suth an i;l'l!!tution). Lender shall apply the Funds- to pay the ~scrow- :item-s. <br />L(mder may nOl charge for [widing and applvlHg the Fnnds, allalyzing the account or verlfying the escrow--jtems, uri'l~s <br />Lender pii}'!:'- Borrower !ntcn~s.t on the Fund... !.Illd applicable law permits Lender 10 make -such a charge, Borrower and <br />Lender may Dg.ree 111 wruing that i,llCn'.;t "hall he paid Oil the Fund",. t'nle-ss an agrcemerH is made or applicable law <br />reqUires inferest to be paid, l.ender "hall not tit n~qujn:d t() ray Aorrower any interest or earnings ory,the'Funds, Lender <br />,,"haJJ give to Borrower, withnui {'h,:fg.C, an annual aCi,.~()ufltiTig of the Funds showing credjt~ and debj[;) to the Funds and the <br />purpo~(' for v.:hich each dehit l'"IIhe t:und... wa\ rn;id-t_ The Funds are plcdgcd as additional ~ecurity tor the sums sei:ured by <br />thIS Sccunty In\trumcnl <br />If the ;Jmnunt ('If the J:und... held hy LcrH_kr. together'wllh the future monthly payments of Funds pa:yable ,prior to <br />I he due date" of the C<.;CfO\V Item" shall exc(;ed I he i.HllOUn! f'c-qulrcd to pay the escrow item~ when duet'. the excess-shall- be. <br />at Borrower'~. ortioT1, cJlher promptly fI.'palll {\l Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly pa.ymenrs of FUnd~ .Ifthc- <br />amount cJ the Fund~ held by Ll;nder j.~ not "\ufth.'tent In pay IhC' t'seww items when duc, Borrower shall pay to Lender-an-y <br />amourl1 TlCct:"'-;<.,nry In make up the ddicwllcy III line or more pa)'IlICTlI\ ao.; rt:quircd hy Lender. <br />Up0n pn)'mcnt in full of dll o;;urn'i \r:;;urc-d by lhi... SecurilY Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower" <br />any Funds held by Lender, If llnder paragraph I q the PnJpcny is. ')\)ld or acquin~d by Lender. Lender shaH apply, no later <br />than immediatdy prior 10 :he- sale of the- Prof'<."ny or II';. acquislfii)f1 hy Lender, any Funds held by-Lender at-the time or <br />applicatIOn as a credii aga111st t he sums ~ccured h} lhi" Security imil rumen!. <br />3. Application of Payment;;;. t:ti!ess apphcilblc law rrovld~ ntherwist.', all paymcms receiv<.-d by Lender Uridt:'f <br />paragraphs 1 and 2 shall bc applied: tlr~t, to 1ak t:hargc, doe under the NOle: sc\.:ond, tn prepayment charges due uuder the <br />NOlr:: lhlnL to amount:- payable wIder paragraph 2, fnurth,' i.nterest due; :Hld 13St, to principal due; <br />-4. ChHq~es; Lien~, shan P:1Y ~l;lla,'es" ~~;smt'nts, charges, tines. and impositions attribulable (0 the_ <br />l>ropcn~' which may aUaHI priority ('ver lhl~ ....<:t.:unty fnM.mnent. and kas-choid payments or ground _rents,- if a,ny. <br />Borrow\:" ,hall pav lhc'it ohhgatlOn\ III Illt" lllall1H.T provided H1 paragraph 2, or if nol paid in that manner, Borrow~r shaH <br />ray them on !Hne difecliy to the person "wed r~!ymefH. Horrowf;r sh,dl promptly fUTO!sh to Lender all notices of amounts <br />to be paid under lhi:-. par<lgraph_ If B(J;fu\.O,'cr make_" lhtosC payments- directly, [Jorrnwa shall promptly furnish to Lender <br />receipts t.'\.'!dt::ncmg the payments. ' <br />Borrower ~.hall promptly di"~(harge any hen \\.hidt h3~ pritliHY over thIs S-Ct:uflty Instrument unless Bor.rowcr:-{a) <br />agree:~ in wfitwg to the payment of the ohhgfHHlJ! "ccurcd hy the lien in a manner acceptable 10 Lender; ('b) contests in_good <br />tfitlh the lien by, ('f defends iigiHm,( cJlfof!.:cmen[ of lfl(' helllfl, legal pfo1..~t;edings. which Jl1lhc Lender's opinion operate lO <br />prC\-'C'm the (~nfl.lfCl"lncnt of the hen or forfl:ll lire \)1' an)' rart of I he: Property: or (c) ';CCUH~S from the holder of the lien an <br />agreemellt ~i.Hi~ra:;tory tf) I.enJer ~,lfJ{ 'rdlnUI,I1f! j he hen to thi5. Security Instrumt:.nt. If Lender determines that any, part of <br />the Prorerty is \ilhjt:'.~.t to a hen w!lJ(.'h may at lam pntln!y l;\~'r ,hi... Security Inslrumen!. Lender may give Borrower a <br />li.otll'-': idt.~filify:ng rhe !ltn, Ilnrrt'!i\'ef' ...hall :-.ati~jv ih:..~ lJ"-Ii or !:lh(, un~ \)r more of the atllOns set forth abo....e ',,'ilhin 10 days <br />of !he gl\ 1l1g of Ij(l!ll>"' <br />$, i-Ioll.ard In."!itlnHlfC'. BI11rll\,>'(:j .~h~dl keerllht: \inl'rl)'iemt':ll~ flOV. l'\l~llng: ,)[ hereafrer erected on the Prnpaty <br />ins.ured H,~;.unq j"I;-,."- i1n~. hunu d~,"d \,,:1 ftm till' 1,crnl "el\fCfldt:d c{l\'cr;H:e" and .tn) OIha haL.Hd~ for \..-tllch Lender <br />r:-..'qUJr~~s ilhUI;!lln' insucllH':C- .-..hall ht" rn;OllLt!llcd 1:\ ill.; ;\!'h')unts ;]nJ fUf lilt: ~n,)Js that Lender rl.'qUlr~..,. The <br />lfl~\ll ,wee tarf'~'r ri.h' :dlll,f!, ! h':..' m~Ur.H:;:..:''' ..h:dl i 1,,-,..,.:>1 h;: P.\.1! rov. c-r ';Uhj[,(i iI'. Lt"ndn"s appfO\ ill \'. hleh snaii ;101 be <br />llllfea:--()jk1blj \1, l!h h("ld <br />'\Jl Hl~tH;Ui<:(' pollue... .1111.1 r'.'llt.w.d.... ~.h;!;l h: d~i..cpLihk tel LUlder and skill l!i(lude a \tanJad mortg.age dau\.t"-, <br />L..'ndcf o.;hal! ha\;"'~' 1hl.:' right 1',; he<ld the p('h,..'~t:c. ;1:1,.1 rt'j;('.\at~,_ !f Lt'nd::r rei.ju;rc\, Bn,H)\\C, \hail prornptiy give tv Lender <br />.111 reccirl~ of prcmium~ and ret\t::v.a_~ 1'(11iu,'''' In! he (~'.\~tl! pI' hl";';, Borrower ...iuH r.!'. e pwmpt no1ict to the' \nsuranc~ <br />,_'af!!~r and Lemkr Lt'lKkT :n,i';-' makt; if 1"i~H m;idc j'i,-,;'inri;h bv ikn ((n'tCl <br />f l!ik:....~ Li.:ll\.lt-r and Borruwer .igr(i,.. H, ""' rllll,g: !~I~\if;H;(t:' "rnx:t:"~ds "Juli h: dPphed ft) rt:Slorati(m Dr repair <br />{if the PrOp~tl:- d;\Iildged, if the rC":-iuf,it:l)!1 or rCPdll !... t;'Ci,HlOITH.:ally ka"tbk aad Lender's. se('lInty is not les~ened. If the <br />rt::~lor.:tliOI1 df rq,.l1t j>. [It)! CL:\..)llOmli..~llly i',:a\lh!t' \)f Lender':- S>.'dlfll> \4cuukl be h"~~'lli:d, lh.\.' ilhurance proceeds ~hall he <br />.::;:;:-:~:.::;.; :..: 7:,,- ';'.;;~-;~ ","w.':"'; ;_') ';lL',. ~~U.UI".' :"";iUllW!lI. ~;,(\i1(:j \'l !l\;< ,finl ...iut:. \\llfl ail) (xcc:ss pmd to tiorrowcr. 11 <br />B-oflowcr d~:'lnd1.\!\'" _;le Pront'riV, Ui: .joc... nn! ~i!1."\\t:! \"-'i!hl!; ,H) Jay:,-, a llUlld" frpm that (he insurance ~~rriel' ha~ <br />ofrered. 1;, \>.:11 it' ;i .,:hill\. lht'l; l,e;h.kl ilia! I...'_'lk("\ dll' ill\.,H ,1t1-..,-" f'i"l"':t"cd:. ll'mkr may 'U"-(' the pr()(ecds to repair ~\r rt:'l!~,rl: <br />the Property llr Iu PdY "UIll... secured P: !hl' Sc;.'urn:, In.,lrumelll, v.-'hl'ihl"r \If not !htn Jue, fhe 30~day period will begin <br />wnl.?n rht' Ihltl4."1: is gn. t.::.H <br />t. : ',dl''':-. ! .l'il!dcf ,:~~d Bnrrn""er \i1 hrf'''''h~~ .HUe!".: In \-\ nun~. itf\~ ;l[~~-dk~'-ltlt)["l ~_d' rr.:-:...~d\ l:) pI illClral ~~~a..1l not t:''i.tcnd \:\t_ <br />PO:.lPUhl; dH' ,-,Ut: U:1te I'! Ihi..' llhlillhi.:-- I'd) iHen;-. 1 ~lcn cd 1,1 In par.lgr~ipnj I aflJ .:: llf l"/;';,l/;C tflc arn0unl {ll tne ra~ rnt:nh. II <br />[,:",kr l'.i;,tgraph It:) t!le Pmpcny I'> <H:qll\r1_'d hv Il'nder, Borr~-'WCf-\ to ;~in! i:-l~ur;w('C p,\ll('i<':~';' and pn)('~~d~ H:-.ultll1g <br />Ir~Hn damage h.i lhe Property P[l<-jf ill the a...:qill..lth\ll ?>h"dl pa",.\ hi In :hc c\!nH (l(the o.;Llrn~ s.c~urcd b} rhl'- ~;:cun;\ <br />In',(fulflt:lll !lllwo..'liiakly prwr 10 lht" ;)('..filhlll,)l! <br />6, Prc-ser"atiun and \laintenance uf Property; l...cascholds. B(l! f,\\\.{:r] I1t)l de...!rl))", Gr <.;ub~{;!n,~~ilj! <br />-Lh;Hlf..L~ d~[ i'rlJpt.'llY, ~dlow the Prn-perl:-- h: ,!r;';ll,)j;.(( ,If' ("/lIIHnJ! W;j"lo..', It' 1hi'> >'{";".-lJD!\ In::.{rucn-till 1'" on ..1 k.l,dh,jJ, <br />Ht~rro\-''-(f shall c,'mp;y with lhe i'rn.d<;i~H1_'" ,il d.,' lea:....., .Jnd 11 B{jHnw~'r ,-i:,-'qUire~, f.;:;... Hlk hI Ihc Pnjpcny, lh(" k:6l:hn:d .Hhl <br />fee wit.- '~h;dl ooi ulcrgc Hllie.-:. l.elhicr JllHX',; ); he 111(1 lli.:f III \;: illllr <br />1, Protection of L(>nd{~r'~ Rj~ht.\ in tht' Pro~(;rt}; \lortgage Insurance If Bdfw\-\Cr hd" rerl,';;:; dit' <br /> <br />~:t:'~I~~:~1. ':,t ~r::~~.~~it ~j ~\\i;~;~~C~~~_: ,;:_:~~~;ti_:l i ~:~:~. ~~j ;: ,~11,: ~t~~l~':"~~~; I: \l;,~~ ~\"; :~~(~:~ ~:l ~J'l ~.[: \: r ~,;~i:'illt~~'\~, _~; r :';~, ~~::~Ir~jl~ <br /> :i1i\': \\lIJ:~~j \:~~~:: :_:~/~.rl: l \~l \~ f~"~\~; <br /> <br />!"tg.ul.a.hH";'''L i-hen l.t;nd':-J ;n,,> ~hl J.nd !"".~ f, If" \.~ hale.!..'-! ;;-. nn::l:"' !\_l r'ru\!;:,':l thl: \ :i]d:? \)~ th(' Properf:~' ,H1J I..t.'!hler'" nghi.. <br />HI the Prc,-p\.."n\ 1 CndtT"", '\l"\;\In.., 11'id-)' Hk'hldr r,iYlj!~: ,111;'- "Uln':. <,\."\.'(il,-'d b) ,1 ht'l1 \\in.h ju.~, \1\:.:( :lii'" <br />I n~trun;t'~IL ?lPpt';uwg l:, p,.,ym!'_ l ~'d""PlJ;Jt-"k- ,':tIp] ih'~ \.- k..:" :J.n.J t>,,;eoflt; :hc Pl(-'p(~l!V I. 1 l~:;>~IP '-, <br />1. ('n~kr IH-;'(f ; ,lk!.' ,l( ii~ Hi tJadc{ i h (\. ' 1_ \"ilt1t-r d, ~"':'. il, ,t It,.\\ l.~ ~ l-' "le_' <;" <br />Al';Y :H1hHH)[\ .:h,ht,r~d hy W"kl d:!s jU_, ;Igr;q:h ': ...Li.t! b"",-~.'in,: ,iil~L \1\' '!,d lkb! L1(' fl,'! r,l\\C "c..',Jf"d :,:' ; ~H~. <br />\.}<"\':llP,l2> InstnHHOll 1.'111",'_0",,> B\.lffU"'-\.'f ~\!1d 1 t:H,kl Ii, \.'i!!l'I ;u lit, nf r\l~ il\t.!l;. . fie.......' .UiHbl.Hlb \;u!J t,.~-"tr <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />lhc d,-1,;{: _~J dl\tiiJl:)-t'H'_-t,:nl ,H ;~Jt "t.'l;: <br /> <br />h... f'._n-d-.\(, <br /> <br />:nkk-.; <br /> <br />j ('l'l~ (1 <br /> <br />14 'i\ '\\. ~_.f <br /> <br />n:(pJ::--"tin~: 1-'"~),",,('n1 <br />