<br />r
<br />
<br />84 _ 003402
<br />
<br />l!N!I(/Jt~1 ((iVj ~",\r"I:._ B{lfl,'Wl:l :1I:d J I.'lldl'f ~-("t'jl,!nl ;1'1I1 ;jl~ln' ;1'" injjow!-';
<br />
<br />I. Payment uf Priudrml ,HHI Inh'rl'l;L Il,ln(l\~~'r ....h;lll prdlllpllv p:ly ll,lWlI ddt" illt' P1HI(ip;1! ll( ;lnd inl~'rc',l OJ) the
<br />1ll(kh[I.'d_1H~V; '.:\ I(ktll.cd hv 1 ilL' Noh'. PI":p.I\'lnt'1l1 dHd 1.11"- ch;lIg(~\ .!\ PJ',.'\'ided HI Ih. ;--'';(11,.'. dl\l:.! 11;,: pril1..:1p.d .d' and inkfl:st
<br />nil all\' "IlHlrt: ,\dV.IIKt'......n'IJl"cd h', ill]'. I},_~'d (11 III!"I
<br />2. Funds for T~.x('~ :lIuf .Jnsurann'. SllhJl:d Ip :ipplil'ahk !;nv pf :U :1 "'THlen v,;;n\"l.:r hy I.ender, BorrO\\'cr shall pay
<br />Itl Lender Oil the day I.lll.ltllhly In...lallmC'llh nl Prlllt'!]);!l ,llId lfdcft....! art' p;ly;ihk Undt"f lh..: Nl1ll.:, IJnlil the NOll: i... paid in ftlll.
<br />:1 slim fhLTCJlI "hJJl<h;") l'qtt;d In '!l1l'-t\\dlt!J ,II lht~ "".";lll\ [;l\l''i .111.1 .1'.Sl'''''I'III'nh \.',hll.:h JJ);I\" ;llt,tin jlf1llritv over jhi~
<br />Deed-o! 'I rw,'.. ;.lI~d rround It:nh Oil till' PrnpCrfy. ll.'lllY, plw, Olll'.!\\dJtl1 \}f Yl;;lrly pr-enlHlll1 inst:lllrncnls for hazard insurance,
<br />plus {llH:-lwdJllJ of yearly pn'IH It III I In'\Ldl/lll''nh lUf nIPrfg;l~c in"IJr;lll(l~. d ,lllY. ,Ill ;1" Il'_Js:iJlahly C\lllll;JIl'd initiallv and from
<br />time til time bv Lender on the ha'.;is Ul a<.,sc,>smcflh :lIld hdh iH,,1 l\::J',i'J1ahk CQil1l;Ile'; 111crCtll. -
<br />i he hind" <;h:l!i he hdd 1Il ,Ill Ill~iiilii;,"i', :;1(: ,l~'p,~..i1.".,t, ,:~-~-,;i;iih ,~f ':.hid; ::~'r: ~!:~!:r~'d ,'f ~!J:!!~!Jl,,_'/>d hy a Federal or
<br />..l.ilt; ;lgCIlCY (lIH:l\l\~1l11l1 cndl1r if Lender 1\ 'ut;h <Ill III'ititntJOn). I t:ndn ..hall apply the hmds to pay said W\CS. aSSC:'ismcnts.
<br />Incalf.t!KC plt.'mllHn\ ;IJ~l~ grnlllH.1 r<:llh-_ I cndn l1l.I.... 110t -.:h;\rL'_t' fur ,;.. h(l!{llllg ilnd ;ql.pt~'illg fhe F!lnd... analyzIng said account
<br />or Vl:rd)'lng ;Ind cmnr1!;ng a....,(~"$H1('nl\ and hilL..., lillIe,'. I_endc!' p:JY:_ BOfl"{l_il,cl" Intac:-;l \\/1 Ihe Funds and applicahle law
<br />rcrmil'~ I t:l1dcr Itl Jlla~t' ;j ,'har~~l'_ BlIl'r(l\\'L'[' .w,1 i Cndi'l' Ill:!V :1!',n:L' In Wrl!ill!~ ;,t Ihe lime pf execillion (If. 'Ihi"
<br />Dc~d \11 Trust til,l! inler..:;"t ill: Ihe hll1d', \!J,1I1 p;w{ [\1 13uI !(iWL'r. ;lIld unk"" '>;lh:h _lgrcl'mcllt i:> made llr applicable law
<br />rcquirc\; '-Udi inll'rC~:1 hI be p;\I(L Lender ~h;dlll(ll fl'qUlrI.:d h' PdY B,lrrm\\..'T <lilY 1l11t'le\t tiT" t..':lI"llings on the Funds. Lender
<br />!lhall give :1\ Bnrrtlwt.'f" wilhlHlt ...kirgl..'. ,,11 :llltll[;tl <\L"I,.'i1l1Iltllll!, (II 111l' Fund..; "IHl\':lng cn;dl1s ;111.1 dehit,. In the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which l'~ch dehir In 1l1t~ Flln(/'-- \\u" m:lik rhl~ Fond" ;lrc I"kdgcd .h addiliplW.1 }:~cllfity for the sums 'secured
<br />by thiS J);"Td 01 Trost.
<br />, H :;~,: ;~;::::l:;:: d !b~: F"'HI.. Iwld hy I endL!r, l'l!'t:ti,,~r' ""ilb thl: lulme llhllHhly imtidlrnents of Fund" pay~blc prior to
<br />!he Jtle dal<:~c.f la\c", il','i<':..Sllh.'J1!';, 1i1~;llr:illCI: ;1:ld gn\\,'n.l [".:IIl'>. _....h;dll'\L"t'.:d tlw all)l1unt rcqlllfl;u 10 pay s;lid taxes,
<br />;lssc~sm.:nb, Illsur;Ulce pn:n1Hlll1', ,uld Il'111', ;;'0- Jjh'\ ldij dw'. ...l!l:h l'\Ct':-'" "h;dl he, at Rnrrowcr's option, either
<br />promptly rl'paul III BiHlilWl'l' PI" t.' Btl:H'\'.,'; ,'ll 1l1,1Iilhh, 1l1',::dlml'l1h Ii( rUlll!... If Ihc :1I1101ll1l of Ihe Fund"
<br />held by Ll:lIdcr "hall liot hI..' '\lIi1icW;1f I() P;l\ 1.;\1..''>. ,ls-,;c,>;"mCllh. !Il"uran;.:c premiums alld grol!od rents as th~v filII due.
<br />Borrower "hall pay 10 fXlllkr ,11)\ ~!lll(i!lIl! !\Cl":~.";ll\' 1(1 l11~lk,,~ HI) fill' ,jdl~"it'll'-'Y WI!l11l. _iO d;IY<" {rl1m the date l1(ltil.:-~ is m:.Jilcd
<br />by Lender to Horrowcr rcque,>ting pilymC"!1I {hCr~'l)1
<br />LJpilH puymrnl in full pI' <Ill 'jllm'i '>lTIII'I"d h\ li.1." lk~d ll! Tql<"( : elH.kr ~,h,ill jH\\llil,tly refund to BorrO\..;er any Funds
<br />held by Lcnder. 111lnder paragc1rh I ~ hl'i"I'('1 lh\~ l-'rnpl..'rl\' I', ~\lld (II' lite I--'wren\' i<; i)thl,,'rWISC ;lo.:quircd by L~nder, Lendcr
<br />',h;1I1 :Ippiv, no I;tler fhan immediately prill!' I" lhl' '\.Ik i\j ,hi' ('I II'; ,\.'ql!i'dli~)n hy L..'nlkr, any Funds held by
<br />Lcnder at the l!mc of appllc,ilj(lll ,I" :Il;r,'dn :lg~lill'd 1!t1: ',llllh w..:lln.:d llll<" lkcd ol'j I liSt.
<br />3. Applieuiun of l'a.\nlcl1h. {lllll'<"'.; ;lppli,':ihk i.i\'" i'r'i'.'id\.'" ,,!kn~jSl', ;ill payml'llt" nxcl\'l'd by Lender under the
<br />Nole ;Llld r:g";\gr;lph", 1 and ::_ !h:I\~\)t ,,!l;tl! he ;!ppIJtd h ll."lltkr ilht 11' n1ell! Ill' :'lIhHlIlf~ p,\y:\hlt: to I.ender by B6rrower
<br />under par'lgraph 2 hcrc()l. thCll I() in1,_'It",1 p!\'.lhk .'11 I:ll ,q,,' Jj'L'U ;,_1 PllJh:q);d or IhL' NIltt'. and then t(l interest and
<br />ilffficipal l)O ;il1Y f'utUi"C Adv;lnCt'.;-;
<br />4, Charge..: Liens, B[\niW:~'I' ~,h:dt P,l\ (.1\(,-, l',s....:-.l\wlll', Ill(! ,'i!H'!' ,-l1:H1:l'...., lilll~" ;Ilul Illlpn'illh1lh allrihll1ahk to
<br />the Property whil.'11 may allilin ;~ priunt\ (lve, lilt., 0,:1:...1 ,,j '111Ft ;11)(J kd.....,hold p;lYlIlcnts or ground r~nts, jf any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragr;lpi1 2 her. f r, ji 11'11 I,; '-;ocl1 nunn<:L hv Bnfn)\\',~r m;lklng payment. when due, directly
<br />to the payee Ihered. Borruwl'1 '>!lall PI\IlIlPII~ (,; ! '."i1\kl .ill lldtj,<.", ill ,lllWtllll', dllt,.' \lodcr this par:lgr<lph, :md in the
<br />event Horrmvu shail make payml'lll di~L',ll\', !l<Ir~,n''--'1 ',kill pnlo1ptl\ fiHl11sh 11; I t..'l1liN rCC\.'lplS evidL'ncing such payments.
<br />Borrow~r shull prompllr djsrh:l!~c ;;Il~ li'..'!l "', !\It'll !~"h pi Illill\ I',>-l"! 111;' Ik,'d ,I! 1''';;....1: pr'l\'idcd. fh;!t HOlTl1\\'t..'r sh..lillh)l ne
<br />required 10 di\;:hargc :lflY such lien ",' iCIng ;! ti' !he j"'dYIllCnl 01 the ohlrgati(ln secured by
<br />';uch lit..'H in il manner a..:c(:pt,]bh:!I\ I \,.'! ckr hy. licfcnd cnforct..'nlcn! of slIch lien in.
<br />legal prdl,,;;:eding.... which orcr;l!l~ Hl prl:v,;Ij- c;l1(irc..'rHC!l! of thL' Propl'rly N any pan thereof.
<br />5. H.n:~lrd hlsuratU't', B\\:I.)\\(.l '.h,di L\'-":i~ l~h' .II !1\.'lC,1Iler t..'!cLll.:d \Jl1 the Prl,lpt'ny insured
<br />again..:t 10'-;\ by lIn:" ha/anls lih'hitJ...:d \\';1110, '\u...:h t'ihL'r h;lf,;lrt!\ ,h l.ender may require
<br />and in ~\l(..'h :\1110unts. ~lnd flit '>lIcb PCI:';,;' ,1', I Iii,!! I ('Ii..k/' <'h;d! [wi TCqUll'l' Ih:lllhc amounl nf
<br />
<br />sllch ~.fi~er~l~~il~ r~i~~~e~;1 :.;\~tr ';~~~~~~:J(\~l:-':' tl::'" ;'l~:,l:~:';j", ,11,1 i I hL :11 \~I:'~~l ~~~.I: 1~'~'~I,,:~~.~~~1 ~\l~-I' :~,J~~ ~:ll'~l~llt:;~)\ J;-I~U~~\" I coder:
<br /> provided,
<br />
<br />that such approv;d 5h~1]j no! be IJnfl:;\\l\H,lhh- \~l!hhdd All l'iVllllllll1" I'll In"lll.I1H:C j\n!H.:ics ')hnl1 hI.': paid in the manner
<br />providcu under paragraph::' ht;lL'pt t\r, j! HII, p,iid 111 ',,1.,,[1 !f!:lldlt:i. ;"\ !Jolri'Vd.:r !1Llklng payment, when due, directly to the
<br />Insurance carrier,
<br />All in'iurant~ poiicic$ :trId r;.:n~:wah ,11,\11 h<..' :11 Itl; n; .lc~~'I'!;d'k ];) Il'rH_h:r ;1I'ld ~_h:L\l includ::: a standard mortgage
<br />clause in favor of and in f._lrm ~lo.:l-'t:p1ahk llj I ,---onder '-,II,d; h~l\'; the I!bdu to 11-01-1 th;: poii(j(:~ :md rencw:.tls thereof.
<br />and Borr~)\H::1 "hall promptly (wHish II.! l. l'ndct ,iiI I'cllt.:\-~aj lIntl,.'..>' ,ll\d .ifl ,\; p_l,d jJlenHums, In the event of loss,
<br />Borrower shali gl\'t,; pfnmpt nllllel; t" (he 1~\''iUr,lll~l" \,.;1I'! ,CI' :liid !,l'IH.kl. ! lll,!\ make proof ~lf ios,> it not made promptly
<br />oy Borrower
<br />l'nlcs.... LCll.dcl' and UIlfi"OWCI 1)lh::r\\"!'iL' ,lglc,__ jl; ;1',!;I;Jlkl: pr'J'-t.:,_~J:-. "!LI;l h~ ,IPpln.:o It, rl'~toration or repair of
<br />the Property i..1amaged, provitkd "-lh.:h n.:"tnf,ltl\\n .'1 i:.-P,lll ~'L,'li,I!llI,-,dl~ kd"ihk ,!l1l1 I!ll,,' "l'curiIY (1f thIS Deed of Trust is
<br />not thereby HnpuircJ, ji '>lL:11 1I'::'!OI,ltH.l11 PI Il.:P,UI ,~;\'..1.; ...:, ;;,;:::i_,::l\' !,,'"!~lill,' ;Ii ,! lilC "':I'llltIY lIf thi.. Deed of Trust \,,'ould
<br />be impaired. the inslIran(t;' pnJl'c;.:d~ shall he apl'It.:...! td 'llt.; 'i:U!1h "L'..:(li...J bv Ihl'- Dcc,'d ,'J:'.. rust, wilh the C:\l:Css, If any, paid
<br />10 Borrower. If the Prop....rt~ i.. .lkuHhlllt'd hy H{\n\l\~'':'' \111; 1i\!JI;'\\CI l,ili-, Itl 1L''>lwnd 1t1 I.ender \\ithm JO days from the
<br />date notice b m~:ih:d by Lt::ndcr to Borm-\\l'f ih;lt lht' ji,:"'\J!'.int:l,' ":;!lrln Illkr.. !i.l_~ettk .I (.:bun IN !n~urJ.tll,:c benefits. Lender
<br />is authorized to collect :md :\ppiy \h(' inSUf,llllL' i'I-\kccd-,. .11 ! cndcl':.. llphUl1 cllh....r 10 H:S!llratioIl llr i"l'puir of the Propc_rty
<br />or to the sums secured hy this DceJ \.}f TnJ<;{.
<br />Unless Lender and Dorwwcr (Itherwis.e ,.grl'c in \-\'rl!lIl~~, .il'1.\ '\oel\ ,q)pliCal\\l!1 01 pr't1Ct.'t'ds I() prin~:ipal ..hall not extend
<br />or postpone the due lh\te of the mOlllhl} lbiJnrnt'llh fl.,'h;lll.d ~\' ItI p.H~lgraph~ I ;.Hli.J :: hcreof or change the amount of
<br />such installmcnts_ If unJer paragf;\ph lS h..;r1.~(lllk Prnpnt} 1', ,:\'qllnt~d hy I Cndl.'l. ~\1I (1!!hC title :md interest of Borrower
<br />in ilod to any ill~urancl~ p~,)licics und in and hI tilt.' pru.:...'..::J':> d,cr.:,~i rl,;;,lliling. frunl dam.ig.... III lhe P!"Opal}' prior to the sale
<br />or acqui::..ition shaH pas\ [n Lender to !h~ L'\lt'nl III !he :,W11' .,(curcd 11) lhi\ O(:t;d 11/ rrusl ~nllncdi:ltclr rrior tn-such sale (lr
<br />acquisilion.
<br />6. Prt-~n;ation and Mulnlt'uance of PtopUi}: Lea<';l'hold~; l' olldmuiniums; I'hulIled Loit neH~lopments_ Borrower
<br />"h.tll keep the Pn.1p-c-rty ill gnnd rq~;lIr and ~h,di l\,-I! <,..''-'I1H1111 \~.\"k I)! !'l"lllli: iU1t);\Hnh:nt ~lr -i.ktcri.ll":lIlon of the Property
<br />unO shall comply with the pnl\,:I.~I()Il" 1\1 ;Joy ka:-.c it d1l"' i kc;.J ,'01 11 U....l ,~ .II, :, iC:hl'hl~ld ~! thi~,,- Deed of Tmsl is on a unit in it
<br />condominium or a planned unll i.kvdllPO\t..'ll,l. BnJ lilv.cr :-,ha!i peiJ(\Il"l! ;dl I'd Bl1Pl.w/cr ~ {>hlrgalfi.)n~ under Ihe dcdilf3tinn
<br />or covcnalHS creating OJ go-vcfliing Ine eondomilliwrt ~~r pL!!!llCll onl! d;:\-dilpnll.:ni, the hy~Jaw~ ,Hid n.:gulalions i,Jf the
<br />condominium (',f planned unit dc\'dupmcnl, ;IIIJ (o'~~t;luCn! J~l(U1ne"I'-_ If,~ ,,-'Im~b;mjllillm or plalltll.~d unit t!c'..dopmcnr
<br />rider is cxet;mcu by Borrower JnJ rt':c-':t)f(kd together wilh th~\ Dct'd III I filS:, the ~'o\'t~n,IlH~ and ;'ign;ements of such rider
<br />shall be incorporated into anu shall :Jmcml ;;nLi ~uppkm':llt the :":c','GLJnh <lilt.! agn.:t:oicnh \If this Deed 01 Trust as If the rider
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />7. Protedion uf l.eiidei's Security_ !f Bono\\c-r I,Hls h) PC!klnl [he ...'o\'\..'n;Hll~ ,llh] agl\:....menh contained _in this
<br />Deed of Trust, or If -any action or prnc~,-,ding ;.~ Cl,H1l\lh'n...:-cJ \.\,tw..h m:ill.'[;ally ;lIk,;h LCIHkfs mlcrc:,t in the Property,
<br />in~Iuding, but not limited fo, cmilll:,H ,h\lu::in. ifht;\'.cn..')_ c<..-,de l'llf,Q-Ct;nlC!1I, \'1 arr,HI.(Cmenh Pf pr,l~(:cdings invHlving a
<br />baukrupt \,i-r de\;edent, then Lender ;,It Lendcr's optl\':'il+ UpLH1 lJOfi.:t' h) Ik'n\mcr. ma.y rnah,~ ~u..:h ~li:pc~lr.H1C:l:\. Ji::.btlf.'--,e SUdl
<br />sums- and lake such ,lei 1011 a~i is nec,,:~,>:ll Y It: pwtcd J.cll~h:{:; intl.:f'.:sr. lIldw..lJng: but nnl II1l1Hl:d to. di:"Jmrl'ltmcnt (\f
<br />reasonable: altQnl~Y'$ fc(:.--s and en[lY UpOl1 dlC Propcr~y '11,ikc rl'j;.lirs, II L;nJer rCljUlfcd mur.tgag.: lllsttraoCc us a
<br />condition of -maklng t~e IOi.ill "~_'~"Ulcd l,;y tl-'H~, need pi r:W\::, Ikm'i~\\'cr sh,dl pay the prt::JnluUl-$ requIred h1 a'!iaintain .such
<br />ins,urance in effect until 3iuc:h wnt: as Ow H;''-llllrt::I:H;n~ lor Slil!i JiJ~Hra!lL't..' tCflWJ'1;.:tl.:S III .I-:~:>-lrd,wl:l.: wIth BNrower's ~\Ild
<br />Lender"s. wr!UcH ':;;grc~mtent 'I.')!' i!ppji~~lhlt !;\w H-\lrJUW1.'f ',full p;J~ lh:: J!HlHI1H tIt ,Jl lll\..rrt~agc H1:--;ur,H1L~ premiums in the
<br />manner provided und~T paragraph 2 here,of.
<br />Any am~~nts d!~hmscd hy I.cnuN rilf.!>U,l'll io Ihis p:l.raw' aph 7. w!lll ffwreon. :-.hal! h'I..'IJmC additional
<br />jndebte_dhes1- t1f 8{)rrowcr !ic.;;urcu hy fl!is D~,\:.J ~;! ~ in.....!. t!llk~" Aorrn\-'.'>:I ;l1id ,,~r'-'l' {.,1 other tCi'l1lsuf payment., ~uch
<br />afnoUflt:f,~hitn be_ payable upon noti>.::t.' !rmn l.end;;r III B~)rrim'\:!' reql1c:.l:ll~ i:aym,:ld Ihr-r..:\'r. ;tnd Sh;ll! h.'ar interc.st from the
<br />dat,t:: Qf dis-bur1iCfile:nt ~t the nl~e r:1Y~hlc I-rom ton.; j,' -tn'J:lr..' ~_lfj ;~!,ihLllldmg pJjni,:ip~\ tHlI.h:r Ill,: !'\\H{' unks:\. fM)'mcnt of inte"rc$.f
<br />at' weh _ rate. would __be ,;~)!)tt.:try ti_~. appJil:<lhk tal-\., in \\hich even! >;\\Ch an1ount'. __.;,hilt! l~ar \f";Icn.:';! at the highest rale
<br />pr:nnlssl.t_lle_unJcr _9-pplkabk j,lW. N;Jl,lHn!~ c')l\LJm.:J_ Hi Ow; p,H;if~fa.l"h 7' ~,iu;i In\,;"'..- 1 ".:n,kr ;,1 ;;I;:~:~ ;~~y -c.~P'=!1~t (~r ttlke
<br />~IlY llI'ti~1l hncllll.rer.
<br />8, I.mpef1fon., _ t etHl-er may nw~.: \Jf {;,\hi: h\ b(~ r\.';':,,'jl'~tl!( , ,jp,,~~ ;In,j i!\-,p.,',,~l\'m\; Oi~ l_h',__ Pl'op..;-rty, pnn h.ied
<br />th~tLt;-hrJ-ii:r.s.haU gf\'t !It)ff('lWN nf}tin pnOl l~-, ::tHY it:a..(,n,,;'k ,,:tn'>.\! tfh:i't:h.'l l';::!;,;te;J ;\.; r nHk'r'"
<br />aH~f'tS! m tn-t Pwoenv
<br />