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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />84 - 003388 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANrs, Borrewer and Lender covenant and agree as Jollows: <br />I, Payment of Principal and Inlerest;Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall promptly pay when due <br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced' by the Note -and, any prepaymen't and late charges due u!)denhe Note,' <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borro,!,er shafl'pay <br />to Lender on the daymorlthlypaymenture due under lhe Nole, until theNoteispaid in full,a ,um{"Funds")equal to <br />one-twelfth of: (a) yearly and assessments whichmayanainpriorityoverthis Security Instrument; (b) yearly <br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazardinsllrance preiniUIns;and (d) Yearly <br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any, These items are called "escrow items" Lender may estimate the FUlulsdueonthe <br />b'dSis 'of current data an~ :reas_onable estimates-of future escrow-hems; _ _ , _ "', _ :,' , -' ,-_ _: :" , ' ',' :_," '_'::::..<-",:-':.:;,0',-:-; <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insllredorguaranteedbyafed~rlf1 or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall app!ythe Fundstopaytheescr(lwii~rns: <br />Lender may not charge ior holdmgand applYing the Funds, analyzing the ac<:ountorverifyingtheescJ'owitems,unfu;s' <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable I~wpermits Lender tOillake such acharge,BorroWerllnd <br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds: Vnless an agreement is made ;Or applicabre law <br />requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamin~gs on the Funds,.Lend~r <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting oflhe Funds showing credits and dei)its!athe Funds and the ' <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledgedasaddi(j'onal securit~~orthe SUmS sCjlur"dby <br />this Security Instrumen/, . . ." '.. . . .... . ~>...", <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly payment. of-Funds pay~ble priorta <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amountrequircd to pay the escrow itemswhen,due.thee~sshanbe. <br />at Borrower's option,c1t her promptly repaid to. Borrower or credited to Borrower o~ monthly payments ?f Fu;nds,lfthe <br />.mount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficienl to pay the escrow items when due, Borrower shaBpa~lo Lender~ny <br />amount necessary to make up thedeticiency in one or more payments as required by Lender, .. '. ~ ~". . ....'i.:..' ..~' <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured b~ this Securit~ Instrument. Lender.shall prorttptlyrefun~to.B(jrro'!'~r ~ ~ <br />any Funds held hy Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acqUIred by Lender, LendP.rshallaPRly,~olliier <br />than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Fund, held by Leriderat the til1le of ..~ <br />application as a credit against the sums-secured by t~is Security Instrument. _ ,,'_ ,._ _"_-'_:"':':'" ,':.~: '-;'_~:<' <br />3. Application of Payments, Vnless appltcable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lend~r,un~~r, ~ <br />paragraphs I and 2 shall he applied: tirst. to late charges due under the Note; second, IOprepaymentc.hargesdue:\'/Ider,t~e <br />Note; third, to amounts payahle under paragraph 2: fourth, to interest due; and last, toprincipaldue; . .~. . .... '. '.. .'. <br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxe.., assessments, charges, fines ~nd impositionsattributlibletQ~h<r <br />Property which may attain prj~)f1(y (h't{ this ~ ".city Instrument, and ieasehoid payments 'or:, gn:)tlnd,-~ents.: _~f,~P:Y:-,-;'_ -, <br />Borrower shall pay these pbhgatlOns in the mannc, ,_ _'ovided in paragraph' 2, or if not paid in that, m~nneT,'_-Borr.o\~~'_~,~,alL~ - <br />pay lhem on time directly to the person owed payment, Borrower snail promptlyfurn;sht<rLenderalInoticesofan,oll"ts <br />10 be paid under this paragraph~ If Borrower makes these payments dircctly, shall promptly furnishtoEend~r <br />receipts evidencing the payrnents. , _ _ _ _ _,,' _, _ _' ,__ '_,:, _ , __, <br />Bor~ro~'er :,hall prompt_ly discharg~ any hen which has pr~ori.{y over this Security ~nstrument unless-~rr9"'-~r::,_,~a)', <br />agrees_tn writmg to the payment_ of the obhgation secured by the hen in 'a manner acceptable-to Lend~r;_ (bh;(mtests_i~'good <br />faith the lien by:, or def~nds agalJ1~t enforcement uftht: hen in, legal proceedings which jn-the,-~cender"s.-op.inion'oper.ate:-to'" <br />prevent the enttJrcemcnt of the lien or forfeiture of any: part of the l'ropet1y; or-((:) secures from, the_hold~(oft~~-Jj~_n~,~_- <br />agreement ~.a(isfal:t(~ry-lo Lender !-u~ordinal-ing the lie~l to this Security Inst!"umenl, _If L~nder deter~nines:that:an~ 'par~ 'Of,,-" <br />the Property j, ...ubJc{;( to a hen whIch may altaill priority over ,this Secur:Hy_lnsrrumenc Lender may give -Borro'':u <br />nOiice identifying,fhe lieu, Borrower shaH '-'(llisfy the lien or take one or nlorc:ofthe actions set-forth 'above,withio.-l.O,days <br />of the giving ()fnotic~. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Bo~rower shall keep tht~ imp[nvettlent~ (lOW cxbling or hereafter t'reded_-oi!'lhe:-P'r?pe~t:y <br />instlrt"d agalllsl tos~ by fire, haltlrds md.uJcd within the term "exrt:mled l.:\werage" and any other hazards for \vhi-ch Lender- <br />requirl..~ ;l1suran('t:, Thi:-'.lfl)Uranl.:c ,hall be mainlaini:d in the <tfl1(lunts and _l()r the, periods thaL-Lendefreqti.~re~~-The <br />insurafll:,:c carner prlHilt,hng the lIlSUr3Iltt:'_ ,;,hall be ..::hoS(.'u by Borrower subjt:\:t W Lendcr-\. approval- whic,h Schall not be <br />uflreasonablv ~,jthheld. <br />All i;lsurau.;.'c rolleit'S allll renewals shall be :'K(:cplable to _Lender i.tnd shall include a stand~rd- morlgaw:,_"c;latise~, <br />Lcnder~ shall have the nght to 11\)ld the policies and renc\~ials" If l.ender. requires, BOf[ower shaU-pronipt,ly give to-~~J1~er <br />all r\.."\:e\pls of paid rrCf111UmS and r~ncwal noti(:{.>s, lhe event of lo~5" Horrowel'-shalI give prompt notice, to the insuran~e <br />carr;er and Lcndcl'. Lender lHay make proof \,)f lo.\:i/..lf ilot mad_t" BorrowcL <br />Unk"S~ l"t'fHJer ~nd Ron,ower ()lherwi:,.t.~ agrl"t' ill wdting, IH-sura'ntc proceeds shall be' applied to. restoratlQt), <br />of the Prop<ny damaged, if the, f<.-"Storalioil (Ir repair is _econoOlkaUy feasible and lender's securit,y is iH,j[' 1~'iened:,Jf the <br />restoration Of repair is nOt economically Il:as.lbk.or ,Lendcr-'s ~ccurity would be lessened, the in~unln(e' proce~ds shaH:be <br />applied tn the ...ums St."Cured by this Set:uflty fn~lrumenl, whether Of, not ,th~n'oue, ,with any_ eXl.:css,:paidu), Born;)",'e~.,,:If <br />Borrower ab(tI1dons. the pfl.)pC:rty, or ,th,lt.'s not answer within 30 days a notice fnnn Lender that the-msuranc~ enrrier n;'ll.; <br />offered ti..! s.ettle.1 dam\; then Lcndt.~r may C\>HCCl the insurance pn')("C'cds,l.ender may_u~it~-th~_prnce~ds t(';-rcpairor,reSlore <br />the Pr()pen~/or ,to pay \Ull1S st..\:ured by this SeCUrll) Instrument. whether or not then due, .'Fhc period will begin <br />when the notkc is g1\:cn-, <br />Unlt."s!\: Lt::-nderand Borrower QthC'rwi-s~e agree in \-\-Titing, ,HlY applkatlim of proceeds to principal sha-lI,noj cXI~ndor <br />postpone lht~ JUt' dale of the monthly payments rcJ';:rn:d 10 ill paragraphs. I Joti 2 or (.~halig<.:: lhe arnounl of the: pay-rn~nts: If <br />under paragnlph 1 q the Propat) is ac.qulred by Lender, B.c)f(o"-'cr's right to any inI-.UT.Hu.:C, poitck-s and proceeds rc:!-':ulting <br />from damagt: to the, Property pri~)r.l(lthe at-qull,iliofl shall pa'i$ to Lender to the t.\t('nt uf th~~sums 'St::~:un:d hy this SCl,;urity <br />Instrumenl im-mediatdy prior tolhc tlcquis.ition. <br />O. Presenation and \taintenance (}f Property;' Leaseholds, Borrower shal-llll.1t dt:'I(n~:, damage or sl1bstallfialIy <br />change the Propl.rry. ;'1110'"'" the Property 10 dCl,crinratl: or {~(lrnmit-wa:..te. If Ihi~ Security In:o.lrUml;[l1 ,i~ on a !c-i,ist.'hold,_ <br />B<.!fr(IWer shaH, ;,.'(lmply wilh tl1t.~ pro\-ijim~'j. of tht: !dbC, anJ if Borrower acqulfI..:s r~c lilk' tu the P\,(lp~n1' file kas.~tlOld and <br />fee (lll~ shatl-nol mcrgi: unk-s's ,1 cnder agr(:t."S tu tlac merger .in writing. <br />7; Protectiun of Lender"s Rights in the Propertr; 1\tortg9~e Insurance_. If Borrl'lw~r 1:il1." kl I'erl~)rnl the <br />l;()\'i:na,llh andagrtt'rllents .:.'on.tailh:u in IhlS ~(;uri(y IU'itrufUcrir. or there b.3 legal Plu('c~dll1g thtn may ,)1~l1itk'alltly .dled <br />Lend-r:(s .rights HI Ibe Propt:rty (sudl ~b: a rnK~l'ding If"l ballkrupll,'~'. prtlbatt:, 1'0:- ,.:ondernnallun (1[" /{l enrl'ir~_t,' l~l~'!i nr <br />:egulatu~n~_)"lh(,lll.~_nder m~y.'doand p~y fur whatever is-ncces5.i.l!)" [('i prnfe..:-t :hc\-~llue{"flhc PrOr~..rly Jud J.A.:nd~(~ nghh <br />m 1be Pf(}J)Cfty, Lt.'ndcr's "dum-", may tt\dud~ raj'lHg any >,um-s ,)\t,~cured by <-J lH:n \.\ tllch ha~ pO(lrilY ever thi). S;:(IJfH.!' <br />11l~trUl1len!! -Jpnc-a,nrlg in l,"OlJrC pj}-y~n~ rcas,(.H\aoJe_J.ltorncvs' tee,", :_md en[(;nn~ 1m Ii,,: PmtX"r!v In nuke !'~nalr\.. Afthduch <br />tc.rtdt'r ~na) t~'tkt" a;.:;tkm um.ict lh~",-i)Ur;~r;,lph J. L(,III.icr-do~~ no'f hii\-'t:- 1\1 iJ(1 "!'~1:' .. , ~. <br />Af1}:-artlfJUnh"disburM~d by Lt"n.Jcr under lhis paragraph 7 ~hali hC~(l!lII: addltl,)II:if ddlt_,--J Ik\!T<'\"(-f "l..':,.:un.:d b): thlf> <br />Security Itl~lf~uHt:nL Unk~s-Horrowtr and tenun_ -iigt(:(' to(.ilh~.f ~t'rrm; \If piJ)'UH:fll, ihc-"'t,.aJ11tn,!'.H... :dull he':i.r 111t.c:nt fnml <br />Ihe dil1e of Lhsbur~.fl\('nt _al the N-t,Hc ,r:tk and .,hall he pay.abk, with wt(:rt~;;.L t:f.'on Ill'tl-ct:."' hUH'> I.xndcr (p HurWWd <br />rt1I""~,llnspa~m"llt, <br /> <br />