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<br />..........00329:~ <br />9:J~ <br /> <br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, <br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required 10 maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the <br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. <br />S, InspectIon, Lender or its agem may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, Lender <br />shall give Borrow~ n0fice at fhe tlme ("If ()r prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection, <br />9, Condemnation, The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or oonsequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby <br />a..igned and shall be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument. whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the Property, <br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in wTlting, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multIplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately <br />before the taking, dIVIded by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking, Any balance shall be <br />paid 10 &,rrowef. <br />If the Propeny " abandoned bv Borrower. or if. after nOlice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br />make an award or senle a cbum for damages, Borrower fails to respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is <br />given, Lender IS authom,ed to collect and apply the proceeds, at .ts option. eilher to restoration or repair of the Property or <br />to the sums. secured bv this SecurilY Instrument. whether or not then due~ <br />Unless Lende; and Borrow~r otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br />10, Borrower Not Released; Forbearance B)' Lender Not a Walver. Extension of tbe time for payment or <br />modIficatIOn of amortization of the sums secured by thIS Security I nSlrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br />interes1 of Borrower shall not operate 10 release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in-futerest. <br />Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceechngs against any successor 10 interest or refuse to extend.- time: for <br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made <br />by the onginal Borrower or Borrower's success-ors m mlertsl. Any forbearam;e by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br />..hall not be a waiver of or preclude the c.\ercfst>- ....f any nght or remedy. <br />] 1. Succe5S0n and A..i~ns Bound.: J and Se..ral Liability; Co-sillners, The covenants and agreements of <br />this Security Instrument shall btnd and benefitll,. ,uccessors and aSSIgns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions <br />of parag.raph il Borrowcr"s Cr)venants and agreements shall be ]Olnl and several. Any Borrower who co-signs ihis-Security <br />Instrument but does not e\ecutc the Noh~" (aj 1$ :~Igning thIS Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant- and convey <br />thaI Borrower's lJltere~{ m fhe Property unJtf (he terms, of thiS S-ecurit~' In~lrum(;nt; (b) is not personally obligated to pay <br />the sums by thls Secunty Instrumt::nI.; ilnd (:,:j agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. <br />modify. forbear or make any a(:comm_odatlQn~ ""'uh regard w the terms of this Security Instrumenf or the Note wi.thout- <br />that Borrower's consent. <br />12. Loan Ll1arg~. If the luan secured by thl~ Sccurity Ins,lrumenl is subject to a law which sets maximum loan <br />chargo-. and that law IS hnaHy mterprelnJ so [hat ,-he interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in <br />connection with the Joan t.\cccd lhe permuted hmlt'J., thew (a) any such loan chaige s.haH be reduced by- the_amount <br />necessary 10 redw.::t' the charge 10 the pel'ITuac::d lirnit. and (h) any sums already collected from Borrower which e-xceeded <br />permined limtlS Wli! be refunded In BOrTo\lol"c:.r. Lender may ,h(){.~e 10 make this refund by reducing the principal owed <br />under the NOle or b)' making a direct payment tn Borrower. If a rt.'fund reduces prinCipal. the reduction will be treated as a <br />partial prepAyment without any prepayment chargt.~ under rhe ~OIe, <br />13. L-t'gislation Affecting Le-nder's Rights. If enaclmc-lIt or expiration of appiicable laws h2S the effect of <br />rendering any proviSIOn (,f the ~ntc Of ttus SecUfliY ltlstrumcnl unenforceable according to it~ terms, Lender. at its option. <br />may requin: irnmediak payment In fun of all s.ums ~cu-re-d by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies <br />permitted b} I-~f;lgrarh j 9, If under exeTC1;:'es tJus option, Lt:nder .sohali take the: ~teps specified in the second paragraph of <br />parag.raph i 7 <br />14. ~Olices. Any nDlh:e III Borrower p[()\,lded for in t~n~ Se-cuiilY Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br />mailing it b)' first das..'i mail unl~ apphcable iaw requires use of another method, The nOlice shaH be directed to the <br />Property Address or any other address Borrower dcslgnatn by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaH be given by <br />first dass mail h) Lender'$ addres.s- 5tattd he-rem or any mher addres~ Lender designates by notice to Borrower,. Any notice <br />provided for in this Securu}' Instrumenl shall be dee,med 1(1 have been given to Borro\,\.'er or lender when given as provided <br />m this paragraph. <br />15. (',ovcrning Law; Seoverabilit)'. This Sccurny InMrurncnl shall be governed by fcdcrallaw and the law of the <br />Juns(hction in which the Property is k-..:atcd. In the eVent that any provislon or clause of this Security Instrumenl or the <br />~ole conflicts \~il[h applicable law, such coot-het shaH not a1feci othe-r provision~ of this Security Instrument or rhe Note <br />whi('.h can be glH:n effect WlthOUI the: conflictmg provl~lOn. To thi~ end lhe- provisions of this Security lns-uunwnl and the." <br />;SOle afe declared to be 5e\"erabie, <br />16. Borrower's COP)'. Borrower ~h:J.H be gi\'en one .:onfDnncd C{)py of the- ;':ote and of thj~ Secunty Instrum~-nL <br />Ii. Transfer o( the Propertl or a Beneficiai lnter~t in Borrower. If aU or any part of the Property or any <br />mtere~t in it b s.old or transferroo (or if a beneficia! intercst in Borrower is s.oid or transferroo and Borro\\'cr is Hot a natural <br />person) without Lender's po...n "nt\en con~nl, Lender may, at its oJHion. reqmre immedIate rZ-l,).-tnent ill full or all sums <br />~\'~ure-J by this Security InslfumenL Hvwe"'~r, lhi~ optlOn s.haH not be c.\e-rcis.ed by Lender if eX("[Cl~C i~ pruhlbited by <br />federai la,",- as of Lh~ date of this Se,,~,urjt' InstrumenL <br />If Lender exercises- thiS opuon. Lender shall givt: Borrower notice of ac.:eleration. TtIt no-ti('~ shall pro'. ide: il pcnod <br />"fnot !t$S than 30 day;;. from lhc. daLe the notice is delivered or m&ik"d wLthin which Iiorrower lllu::,i pay all sums secured by <br />lh~ Security Inslrumem..If fails to pa; th~ .-sum~ pnor to tilt: expiration of thl~ rCflod. L<::IHJcr may in\"okc- any <br />remCijj~ penninerl by t}u~ Sl'"Cunty Ins.trumcnt Without further nmice or demand on .Borrower. <br />18. Rorr,olt-cr's Right -to Re-instate... If Borrower IDeets certain (.;ondl1i()n~, Borrower shall ban: the flght to ha..-\: <br />e.nfor~ertu:nt of ~hi~ Secunty 1u'\!.tfU1neIll dis.cofn.inued at any Urnc poor to ~hc (;.'idicr of- (a) :;. da)':\ ~uch other period a~ <br />appll~ble latA- H\a).' ,$peei_fy._ fOf_ re:inSldlcme-nl} before sale of ~he ProfX:rty pUf5uarn t{,) ~U1y rdWC~ _ ~lc I.;ontained in tlns <br />Sec-Uflt} In~lrum(m.. or {o.t emT)' of ;')u-dglllcnf enforCIng S('-cur;ly In:-,.uu,m-:.:HL rhu~-t; con',lHH,ms 3rt !h..~t r1.)trnw~j <br />{aJ,pa.)"S Lt::Hder all !lums WhKh -lnen would be due under thh Set:-unty In~[n,l;m~Ht and the- !S"01;:.' had nO ~Kcder;1li\Jn <br />tXi'lJlHft-d_; tb) (:ur~ ~!1Y of au) O\hM Ci:!vtnant"~ or agreemenb; (c) pay:'? aU t::-'r-~(;lt,'J,"'~ nh~u:rre::d 1Il (.:nt"on.:.wg ttli~ <br />s.e(unt.)' In/;.!furuciH.! tll.H nul lnn!{td iu, H'(l)onabk aHGrn-ey~~' It-Cs.. and (d ~ !H,ke-:. ..,th.'h ;:-l~~twn ;:-.1" l end;;( md) <br />fc~,,,.)fl,ahiJ re"i1.4i-rt' to i!..sun: thaI the hen t,-r d)t~ Sc:.;:urHy InMf-um~flt, Lt:m;,:r-~ fighr:- HI lhe Pf'UiKft~ and 8,)fH)\\";(~ <br />.,~bf1pq0.n to ~h( ;;.urn~ -.e.:_ure-J IhPr ~(:t;:l.Jri!y Instrument 5,hall ;,;';;.mlin~jt: lH1Ch;wf.cJ_ t,'Pl):\' ron~mknh.m! <br />~)nnWei, -rlu5- IH'S.tPJITlt:nt ilnd (lhhgatinl~S C;'S'Uft-,,j '~h,lH rem;m~ ..t-i~X:ll\-<:;\.> if nn .h';,;'(;kr;llHHl <br />fk,'>O;,t:'l,-[;T. r~gh~ h\f{:m!,J>~t-t.' '';.h.-ill nul al)pl) ,n \A~i\..kI r;~~,I~~lc1t'h:~ <br />