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<br />r <br /> <br />84- <br /> <br />00328;~ <br /> <br />9. CODdemudon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender, <br />In tbe event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed,of Trust. <br />with the excess, if a paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writ there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed or Trust such proportion of the proceedS <br />as is equal to that pro n which the amount or the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to tbe date of laking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or ir, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a daim for damages, Borrower fij,ili to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date 'such -notice--is <br />maited. Lender is authorized 10 conect and apply the proceeds, at Lender"s option, either to restoration.or repair of- tbe <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed or Trust, <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal- shan- not extend <br />~~C~~~J~~:ts~ue date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the- amount of <br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust grantt'd by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower ,hall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's succes.o;:ors in interest. Lender shalt not be required to commence <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to e~tend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the -sums <br />secured,by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made hy lhe onginal Borrower and Borrower's'successors in interest. <br />11. Forbe1trance by Lender Not. Waiver. Any forbearance by lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy, <br />The procurement of ins.urance or the payment of tax~ or other lien$ or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indehtednes.,,, secured hy this Deed of Trust, <br />12. Remedks Cumubtt,re, AU remedies provided in this Deed of Tru-st are distinct and cumulative to any' other- right <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by Jawor equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independently- or <br />s.uccessively, <br />13. Su("~ and Asstgns Bound~ Joint and Several UabOlty; Captions. The covenants and agreements - herein <br />contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respeclive successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereoi. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs- of this Deed of Trust are for c-onvenience only and are not to be used to <br />i merpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />14. Notice. Except for any notice re:qwfcd under appIH:abl~ f;lW 1O be :given in ~mother manner. (a) _any notice- to <br />Borrower provided for In this Deed of Trust .shall be gIven by maihng such notice by cendled mail addressed to Borrower at <br />[he Property A.ddress or at such other address ~b Borrower may designate by notice 10 Lender as provided herein. and <br />(b) any notice to Lender shall be given bv certified mail. return receipt requested, to Lender~s address stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lend!:! may detiig~ 'b)' notice 10 .Borrower as provided herein_ Any notice provided_ for in this <br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have 1.P' gillen to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />15. Uniform Deed of Trustt Gover-niDlt Law; MverabiJity. This form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non-un.fonn covemmts with limited variations hy jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />covering re.a.l property, This Deed of Trust $h3H be l!overned by the law of the jurisdiction III which the Property lS kl<:ated, <br />In the event that any prOVl-siol1 or dau~. ....J this Deed o! Trust or the Note conflicts with law. such confliCt shall <br />not atI~t other _provisions uf thili Deed of Trust or the Note which c:m bi.' given etTect without the conflicting provision, <br />and to lhis end,jb1:' prov,sior.s of the Dc-ed of Tr~'it anti the Note a.rc JcchHed to be severable. <br />16. Borro~s ~1i Borruwer shall be furrllshet.i 11 ccmforrned copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time <br />01 e~ecution or dter- recordaJ.ioJi heteQt, <br />17. Transfer4.f_,..... PJ"OitertY.l a.....a,ti:m. if all or any piJfI of the ProFW?rty Of an interesf therein is wId or transferred <br />hy_ Borrower WilhoUI Lender!' p,flPt~:~riIJen (,',onsenl, t;,\l,."iudlng i:i) the creaUoll of .a lien ~lr encu,:nbrance subordinate to <br />th1S Deed of Trust. (h) the c.reatlOtl of a purcl!asc money seclInty 1I11ereSI for how:iehold 3ppltfmc~s, {c) a transfer by devise. <br />descent Of by operation o[ law upon the death of it j(Hnl ICflarH Of (d J the grant of any leasehold iutcfe):( of three years or le.\S <br />not conlsinin8 an option to pun:,ha:te. Lender may. ,11 t enJcr's I.lpllOn, decl;:tre all the Iiums secured by this Deed of Trusf 10 be <br />immediately due and pdyable,. Lender shaH have..... awed such option tn accelerate if. prior to the sale o:r transfer, Lender <br />and the person lO whom the Property ~~ t;;1 be ~ulJ or transferred rt:ach agreemen( In writing that the credit of -such person <br />IS satisfactory W Lendn and that the '_ntere:st p~lY;'lbk on the ~\un!o. ~c-.;.;ured by thh Deed (If Trust shall be at stich fate as <br />Lender shall req~.. If Lender ha'!l walv~d lhe opiiol1 to i1i:1;.:eJeral~ provided In this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor <br />m interest haft ex.eculeO,.a written assumption agf~mcm aC1.':-ept~d ill wriling hy Ltnder. Lender shiJ,lI release Borrower from <br />all obligations under thiS Deed oJ TrusL anti lhe Nole. <br />If Lender e)i;erct~ such optl(\n t-() accelerate, Lcnder !loi.tH mail Borr-ow;;r Il;Jta:t- of acct:leration in accQrdance wjth <br />paragraph J 4 hereof. Such nOlh:e ,l,ahaU provide J periuu of not ks\ than 30 days from the date [he notice j~ mailed within <br />which Borrower m:\}' pay the sum~ do.:<,;'lare.J dut:'_ If f:t('lH~)u.;er L"l~ to pa\! .such sum, prior 10 the expiration of sw::,h period. <br />Lender may. withQut funher notke or demand Oil Borrowef, l1'wob.c- all)- (\.~f1ledie~ permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NON-UN1"-ORM COVF.NANrS_ Borrower and Lender Jlmher f.:ov~nanl and agree as fOllows; <br />J 8. Accmration; -Remedies. EIU:pt a..'i provided in paraarapb -J 7 henoof, UPOll &fTow~rs brea4;h of an)' \:ovenant or <br />ag.rt!tnu~nt of Borrower in this I>l'ed of Tru~t" including the ('OH,'nants to p>>}' when due un}' S:Ufi}S senltt'd by thi.. Dud <br />of 'frust, l..ender prior '0 ac~elrraii(Jn ~all mail notice 10 DorrO\i"cc ib pro,'ideii in paragraph 14 hereot .specifyiujt: (I) Ihe <br />bre~l(;h: (2) Iht: adion required to ctlr~ ~uch breat.:h; (3) It date, I~ iti..'i: Hum 30 da)"s from tbe date the- notice h mailed 10 <br />Boru)'wer. by whkb sUi'h b<<ai:b mIlS; be ,:ured; and (4) that failure to cure such breach ou or before the date specified <br />in the mal result in aJ('t"cleration of tilt sUm~ secured b} this Oeed of Trust .and sale of the Pro~rt).-. The notke <br />shall further lufor'ln Bouo",-er of the right 10 reinstate after lH:cekration and the right to bring a rom1 action to assert <br />the non~existen~e of a ddaull Of" urn other defenM' Hf Borrower io .u~t:deration and i1iale. 11 the breach is not curea <br />Hti or hefon the date- ~pc:dfied in the ~otic-e, Lendt'r ai Lender's opUon l11aS declare all of the -'lOunl~ secured bj" this Det'd <br />of Tru."t t'O be immediatd!' due ltnd pilla-hie ~itht)UI further demand and mD} invoke the, power of salt' and an} other remedies <br />permitted by applicable law. LtRder .!tltaU be eutided to coUel.t aU reaMmabJe (Ollis and c'\penses inc:urr~d ir. punming lhe <br />r~medks pro\<'ide>d in this parag-raph J 8, jnclud:i~. but n(Jl limited to. reasonable aUo..n~!,,'.) fees. <br />If the po~'er of !JUt lll;; im,'oked. Trus-tt'c .shall record loI nolif:t' of default in each count}" in which the Propeuj' or ..."me <br />part fM~uf i~ located and shaJJ mail topics of ,'iuch notice in the manneJ' prc~\.'"ribed b)" applicable Jaw if. Borwwer and to th(' <br />otbff pel'Sf)Jl!lI prescribed b)" applicable lID". Aft~1' the lapsf of sud. tiOlt' as HUI} bt.. required by applicable law. Trustee ~baU <br />l:.h'e publ~ IWt~:t" t!f sWe h-, 'he pt'fWP1" and ii1 tn~ maunn pr~""Tirn.-d b} applicuhh. luw. Tfu~tre. without demand till <br />Bonowcr" s.ba1J !.elJ tb~ Property a. public iludmn to the hi~best bidder at the timt: and pja('~ and undn th-t It''rrullo desl~l1i:dl'd <br />in the nolke of sale in uue or more pan:eb and in such order as TnJ!otee mil)' dde-rmine. Tru!)tl'~ mB)- postpone ~all" of all <br />Ut' any pan:~1 of tbe PJ'6Pfrty by public- ll-nnoUltet':JIWrU at lhe lime 1ffld plun.,: of an} pre,,'iouslJ ~l'ht'dul-t!d sale. Lt:nut'f' (tf <br />l..-tude-r~$ dui&&<< may purc~ the Proped)' ld any We:. <br />Upon_ r~ipt .of I>>lYtUt'ot of tbe prkc:: bid. Trusltt !l-hall ddi\'trr W -the pun:ba~r In"h:t''~ <ked (OH\'e~'ln~ thi: f'roput)- <br />sold. The in t~ _ Trustee",.. deed -shall be prima faf..'ie e'fid~lh:t: (,f lhe truUI (j( ttw shtlt""tlh'ub nwde thct"t.:iQ, Tn.l~lrt <br />shall -appl, the pl'Qil<<ds llf thr- ~ in tile- ((;!'ow.ifilt nl'dt-_r: \aj to aU reaSt,luahh: cf~h and e~pctl-"iC-'" of the SoOth:. lflrhlding, hut <br />nut limiteclt(j;. Tru.stt'f.'~ ft'E':6- uf Dol UHtre tb.un 'iz uf 11-* o-f tb,~ ~ros.~!QlIc prh.,.t:, rt'l.i.wnahl.. aHOrUc\'s fer.'" und l'o'..t... (if thk l'\-idt"JU'('~ <br />\h~ to- aU !UUJl!i. ~uft!d b, tbis ~ uftnJJ\it~ m\d \() llw \I:\('eM: if un}'. 10 the p':l""s.m or pt'fM.lft.\ legaUJ ('utitloo thud", <br />19. ~nu-w-e-f"'S' Ri&ht, to- Reinstate. NiJ-t\vahst~nding\ iK\.Tkr.tlWll ui. rhi..' ,-('curt'll d11" DL'cd of I f\;'d, <br />Btn'Hlwt;,f \~j(H na\.'c- the _ ri,h[ tfl h"v\t ~riY prn~:('~-i:J'ngg\ by t. endc-r h~ r~l1f{1r\:(: ttm Dc-cd _ o( ;11 <br />any (I;ne- pn.:)f to_1he Gather ll) tllCcur.;:t! (fi th\.~ tHth da)- bdore the :-JaIl.- of fhcPtl'1pt:"rly ptlt,~IJ,;l-tlt hi l!lC Ik'\.l,C: {jf <br />Ifl this [>ct.-d {)f TtuU vr tli) tntry \11' a jtidg-mi;,'-Hl i.:nfon:'ing 'lIw.. Deed of Tm~t ti" B<)now-er I.. I.;ndi:f ,i.)1 WI_>uid <br />he lhen due l.mdi.:"_f th!s- l1eed of T(Wr.f, lhc NoH': ~n"Uj lIo-te\ )t;'curmg Fu!un; If <br />fbl Uwrn'-"'tf fHt't,"'" ail bfc~eh('\ Pl art}' (ilt~f t.'('iV\."nM)h {'If ~'tgf('-Cfrl(~n\:) \"1 <br />~(~j lkHTO;".:tt pay'i all f~;l)>l)t\;Jhl~ e\l_~:'n~~ IfK;WH:~d by 1 ,(:i1d~f .md T nj~tc.::" Hl <br />tk'H'ft)'lol,"cr ~~t)ntjAinc..~ If! ItH:$- tkc::d of Tru..t ;Hld 111 ~'nlrrn;lnt;. Lfn-dc(1I, and 1 nh!>:t'" <br />hliJ'-t'1t itlO.:hld,ftl_. bYl, iHH Innit<.li1 !(\ rC:'j:",um,Ne ;{HOl"_t\cf'l; f~'C'L tHH,i fd} Bpj nJW--tf t~,k..:~ <br />;cq~nt(.' h.. ~~~~jf'~ th.~1 ~h-c h(o[l \"f !bl~ fk-ed (,j T!\hf.. i t:.'jHit:f~, lnl';;Tl';,! lh;:- Ph'pC;'~Y <br /> <br />