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<br />i <br />- <br /> <br />84- 003273 <br /> <br />t:"lfOR."l CO\'f_N.4"TS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Prlndpal and Interest: Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall promptly pay when due <br />the princIpal of and inter~1 on Ihe debl evidenced by Ihe NOle and any prepaymenl and lale charges due under IheSOIe. <br />2. Funds for Tales and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrinen waiver by Lender, Borrower shallpay' <br />to Lender on the day monthly payments arc due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full, asum ("Funds") equal 10 <br />one-Iwelfth of (a) yearly laxes and as~smenls which may allain priority over this Security Instrument; (b) jearly <br />!e-.ii~hold payment':! or ground rents on the Property. if anY'; (c) yearly hazard In:surBft<< premiuins\_;and'-fd'), }"ear.i)"'o <br />m"n gage ,"sma nee premiums, if any _ These ilems are called "escrow items." LendeT"may estimat" the Funds due orftlle <br />ba-s.~s of current data and reasonab-Ie estimates offuture escrow Iterr!"os, <br />The Funds shaH be held inan inMilUtion lhe deposits or aceOuOls of which are insured or guaranl"ed bya-federal'or <br />;lale agen,'~ (including Lender if Lender IS such aninstitution'_ Lender shaltapplYlheFunds to. pay theescro,,'iienK' <br />Lender may nOI charge for hoWing and applying the Funds, analyzing the ac<:ounl or verifyingtheescrowitems,unltss <br />Lender pays Berrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and <br />Lender may agree '" wn!m8 that interest shalt be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requites ,"terest 10 be paId. Lender shall nO' be reqUIred 10 pay Borrower any interesl or earnings on I~' Funds: lender <br />shall gtVe to Borrower. w,thout charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debir to the Funds was made_ The Funds are pledged as additionals..urilyfor lhe sums secured by <br />,h.. Secunry lnstrumenl. <br />If lhe amount of the Fund> held by Lender. togelher....tlh the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior 10 <br />the due dates of the escn)w Items, ,hall..ceed the amount reqUIred to pay the escrow items when due, the e~eesuhalt be, <br />.t Borrower', optIOn, Clther promptly repatd \0 Borrower or credtled to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds,lf the <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender" not ,ullk",nt to pay the escrow items when due, Borrower shalt pay to Lender any. <br />amOunt nec{,"\'Yry to make up the deficlt':ncy In one or more paymenu as required by Lender. <br />l'pOI1 ra~men' tn full of all 'urn' secured by thts Seeurlly Instrument, Lender .haIl promptly refund 10 BorroW'er <br />any Fund' heid hy Lender If under paragraph! 9 the j'ropeny IS wid or acquired by Lender, Lender .hallapply, no later <br />th~Ul- .mmedl~Hdy prw( to the sal~ of the Property or it$ acquisition by Lender, any Funds--held by at the time-of <br />apphc3llon a'S.a >crean agauu.! the sums ~cu:red by thj~ Seeun:)' lnstrumrnt. <br />3, Application or Payments, UIlIe'S$ appheable law proVIdes OIherwt,"", all payment. received by Lender under <br />parag"ph. I and 2 shall be apphed, fim, to late charges due under the Note; second, to prepayment charges due under Ihe <br />'it)re. ; hlfd. hl 3n10unts payable l<ndt:r paragraph 1; !i)urth. to lnter~t due; and tut, 10 principal duc. <br />4-- Charges: Liens. 8orrowe-r shall pay all taxe.'i. as~menls. chargcs. fines and impositions_attributable to the <br />Properr} \\ihlch may aHaln p-nonry D,,'er thiS Secunty InsrrumenL a.nd ll!~hotd payme-nts or ground rent-so if any. <br />ik1'rfDWer \hall pa~ thcr.e nbhgatlons In [he_ manner pro~"l-dcd in paragraph 2, er tf not paid in rhat mannef, Borrower shall <br />r~" them.:.\n nme' dm:cl!y to tht: rers.on ow' -' payment. Borrower shaH promptiy furnis.h to Lender- aU notlc~ or amoul')lS <br />'r, be raId under ,hI> rar4graph If BOffO"'" 'lIkes ,hese payments dlreetl)-. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender <br />recclplS n-td~ncmg. ~hc p-aymenrYt. <br />tk'l1'fowtL! ~haH rrompliy di~PJlrgt any hen wtHch ha~ pnO(HY over ttu~ $ecunty InMrument unles.~ Borrower; (a) <br />;'j;grc~ in I,!,ntlng ~o ~he paymenl (>.( !hr.. ....uhgatiOu \<<"urc-d by lh~ hen In a menner acceptable to Lender: (b-) contestS In good <br />f.<t1th 1'ht Il~n by, ;,1; dd~ndJi ag.auu,1 enforcement of the hen In. i~g-ili pn:x:ceding:s whICh in the Ltndt"r~s opinJon f}pe-rate [0 <br />fne-\.t"lH 1111: ('f}{\)f~r.!'m:nt u( the hen (:>f forfCl!Utc of any part o-f the Propeny; Of (el 5CCurr:s from the hoJder of the hen an <br />1~H.('ment ~h..Ja-c:t)jY !O L-c,t!d,<:t ~\Jtx'rtlmiiltmg the IINl to- thi", S<<.:urHY InMrument. If lA~nder delermlnes (hat any part of <br />;hc P!\~P""ny l?'o ~ub}o.;{ to J. hen whJch In>>y a!(am pnon~y (we,. ll'n~ S<xunty Jru"tfumeoL. Lender may gl\'e Borrower a <br />n1.:JH;..'C' ~he hen Ht'1Howc-r ~hali 1i--alJ:-fy the hen -or take one or more -of thC_<lc!too... ~t f/)t'1h aoove wHhm 10 d,!ys <br />,,-f fht';<:1' Wit (\f HotH:t <br />. 5. iilufd Insur-anu'. f~.Jrr:('-~t;'-i ' kC1:p i.h-t ifJ1Ph)\-C:fHc-nIS n.n..' (,'l).lili.~ or hereafter ef('ct~d 011 the Property <br />~n_wtC't.i :.1~aVlM k,\.--.. {;y !ift". hal.artl~ tnt.:luJro \hlllH1lhc t(';rm "c\t(:ndt"d \:.~Q...eragc-" .and lny other halan.l~ for ,,-\ hl,dl Lender <br />;(qwre.. m"l-UOlf1{"t'_ ThI'" H1~unn~C" l,hali t,< m~Hfi!a!n(':d nj the JHlIfYOOt, ~nd ft.)! the period'lo that Lender- r~q\:llr,,"~_ Th'l' <br />:nWfanC( ..:".-rn~r f\t"':""HilUl the- m'UfMn.;(' \ha.1! be ,-hf~r: by HOtf~I'Wef ),ubJt"C~ to Lender's appro\'ai whIch ..h.J.H fhJ( be <br />unt("'-":JHab-h- .....lthhdd <br />AU ;f<~i.l!iHH.:e .P...)jh,,~C" and rt'Dt':'wllh, \hail r\(: <h.__.:qHahk to- Lender ~tl-d 5haH mdude a 'itandMJ mortg.age:: d3-u~e: <br />Lt:fHJer ~hAH h.,...t the nghl10 hol4J rhe ro(J.!I\;H"," dl1d reu(w~ls If Lcnder requues., 8ont\wt::f ~hall pramplly gp,.'c to Lender <br />:Ill f(-(_CiPh of r-atd ptemium~ .and re:ne-*-al r"h)t;(~ In ihe n~ni {,( It",,,,. B.nrf(')wc:''- ...haH ~t\"e pr(lmpt nonce- 10 tl1~ !!hH!UrH::c <br />'--,~~rna ",nd Lent'h:l Ltf)t.h-r nUt) make pn:KJf or kt~!1 ~f no! !'lHldc; prompiJy by- Borrow(r <br />Ullh,:,,,~ L-t:'fhjtf and 8on01Wcr olh~rv.'I~ ~gr<< lH wnung., m~urant'e pr(x:ee~s shaH be applied to re:s,((;ratlo-n Uf n:palf" <br />~}f th<: P:ror-en, d~n'j;;j,~ed. 1f !h~ .t'.Sl{)r.atk""l/l >:"i fe-pair L~ t,.:o-notHlC-aily iea-sibl-e and Lt:ud-et's 5;~un(.y i~ Itot idscn<d If rhe- <br />r~toratl(~n eif rep"ur 11. Hi}1 el.~(.)fHmucaily fas~oie ("( Lcn-d!.':t'.s tee-tiot)" would be i~sened, the insurance procced~ _shaH he <br />~,pphoC'\i Ii) the ~um\ '!i-c'(,btetl b~ Ini'!:- S<<-'Ur1[l lrl';.trumcnt, whelhe-r or f1m then due, wuh any rXces~ paid to Borrower, If <br />&-r.r,:.\,\,("! ;.lbal1Jt\n~ dl.C' Pf()~-..ert)... nf d\.X'S thH ;tns, wnhw 30 days. a nouce from Lender that the i!lS\.U;UK_c ;,;arner ha~ <br />dfeuJ tt, -,.dlk J \.'bun. lhtfl L('ftdtf rm~)- (()J\ec'l ihe insuranCe procuds, Lc,nde-f may U\e lhe pt<X'.eeds to rer-au or ft.~l0re <br />ih< Pr':"j':o(:rt:" ~:,r j':fd:':' ~\J.m., '\..t:.\:ored b)' thiS x-,,:u!"'IIY In~tru-ment-, whcdl-er af not then due. Th( JO-day ~(f-f~j wiit beg!/'! <br />~ n-cn tht n>J{l":( l':t, il:'-.('H <br />l.~nits, LtnJet .and i:k~n(l~er 0th(rw~~ a~ree If1 wrHm.g, ,El)- application ofpr<X'eed!j; 10 prinCipal ;;;haH not t"\l.,;nt.! nf <br />r"i:)~tp..)H~ the: -du(" d.Jtc- \.""if t!lt': pa) rncnl~ rdtf'reo t~) m paragraphs j and 2 or change the amO-UnI of th(~ p-:'tj ml'n\:- If <br />und'::f PM.l81aph l"j: Ihc Pr'Upcrt~- I~ .h.:qUIfc,~'-d by Lc-!lder. R()nO'~er's nghl to an)' ln~urancc' _pOhCI~ and pn:'A'('e..h l."e"lulnng <br />fn~lfl) -d4m~g,C' w thf' Properly pO Of hJ the .ih:;quHili~on shall pas-!i t-o Lender to- [he e,':,\tent of the sum!!> ~e,ured h lh!\- Se-..:urn. <br />In..u-uftJ:(:"1r1 HTHHeUl-atd)-' pnor 10 Ihe a;,,;qu.l5rHWI1. <br />6,. Pf~na(i4n and \fainte-naD-ct" of Pruperty; l....e.a.s.eholds. fkH'r-O~(r shall :-,0{ dntroy, J.JTn;.ige Uf ~ub'lanl taU) <br />d~..r.!tf ih" P-n}p(;n~, ,ltlD'4' ;hc P-r-opcrty H) {klCnor~te f)f commit I,\a~lc. If thiS Security Instrument b Oil a ka~hdd_ <br />~)~.f~:l,t;,a ~~n.H c,_=-mpl-), "'~~h the PfO\I."'K1H~ qflhe lea.~. ~nd If RQfn.I\li.-er 3";-QUlfe<. k1t rHie to the Propcn,... the Je~h<hold and <br />'1:'< ~\~l~ ..};a... f~;;n rn-C",~.; UniCl!\. Lender iigrC-CS to th~ In '\.\-nllHg <br />"'! f,lrut<<;W-A f}( UndH'S Right$ in tbe Property, :\'o..tP~r- InstJranct'. If BQHi...1~Cr fad~ ((, lht: <br />,;U\tl~Ant;i anJ a-srt:'t!lJ(rH_~-;,:(;nt.:il1\<<i HI thiS Sc,:unt)' In\irumcnt. or there IS;} Ie-gal proc~cdHlg thai ma~ ;.tfft,,(.( <br />Ler;der'~ n~ht" n~ lhC' P'f-openy h.uch ;1$ a pn..X-f('\JUlit, H1 b-aHkruptcy. probate. for \.:ondcmna1\on or h'- tt'lfuru." IJ\A,.., ('f <br />~<:'4l,l~H;;.)tt\l. tn(H Lender ma:. _d()anJ pa) fOf \\h.\t~1.-'Cf I," ntte~!\.J.f) to prOle>;.'! !he "'a!u~ ..,[the Pror)<n~ Jnd Le-nd.n -.., n~!j{, <br />'~n _ft..c, Pr'oj.)(':U, L~mjer'" ~,,'p~-m!\, ~i"): !ndUi}t.~a}'ltlg 4H} ~Uln." $c~, by;). lIen Whl..;h has rrh_H1t~ \,)\cr :hl"1- ~C..\.Hll:- <br />Jf\'\-trvmt"nL ;ippc~IHtJ in ..:'diH1, p..Y-l:Hg T-talM..:m.abie i1H\irnc)i\ ft-e!l. .HH.1 cO:1cnnil: \>n ~h~ r'r\)r>tn" h.J malr..-t' fep~-,-q-'<, '\ilhnu~h <br />L('tl~t:r mA) u.k~ ~!N-m \1,ndCl Illl$ p..-iti,raph -:. Lender JClI<<. nOl ha...e tu .j'(iW. 'Y . , <br />c\.fr~ ~n'~:IiJUU i.hsbuf\td. by Lc-nJet unot:-f ~tH'!l; paragraph 7 ~h;iH ~-\.1-m~ addition-a.) debl (,f B,~rr\,"a '!o,:-\.,.,iJfc-;..j h~. !ht-" <br />~,~u:H:" l~-\H-,~'.f~'m ljtdci,lJ Ek:}f.l\)'4't_t .mJ Le-Hdtr agree hh)l_her lerna j,)!" p4!)f!'l-c'nt, theM- Amoum", 'ShaB b<M If!h'(~''l t,,'-m <br />l~ d-,ii_~~ '<-~{ iih:tU.i"Kmt.iH ).\{ the ~..")t(' r~Ic ;~rtJ 'li:haH he pa)_~lbi('" v,.uh ;ttiert'''!_, t'f"")rl ti.t:'lIH:''(' j'f'pm 1,.:ndO:f ;,' Ik>~~'('",rf <br />ft,~-tit."'-,rw*" f"ii ~ ~r~!f11--J <br /> <br /> <br />