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<br />.pplicable I.w requires such interest <0 be pald, lend... shall not be required <0 pay Borrower any interest or earninss on the Funds, Lender sball
<br />give 10 Borrow..., without charge, an annual.ccounting of the Funds showing credits .nd debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br />debit to Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addilional,ecurity for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount or tbe Funds beld by lend.... tngether with the future monthly wt.llments or Funds payable prior to the due daleS of taxes.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay saW taxes, assessments, insurance])remiums-and
<br />ground rents as they fall due, such excess ,ball be, at Borrower', option, eith... promptly repaid to Borrow... or credited to Borrow... on oIoritbly
<br />il1$taIlmenlS of Funds. Ir the amount or the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes. asstssmeIllS, insurance premiums'aDd
<br />ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to lend<!r any amount necessary 10 make up thedeficiency within 30 days from tbe'dlUenotiCe
<br />i\ mailed by Len<ier to Bor(()weF ftiiuoiifig payrrlent iheriX)f.
<br />Upon paJllM11t in lull or.lI ,urns secured hy thi, Deed of Trust, len<Ier ,hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds beld by lender,If
<br />under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or tbe ProperlY is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later tbanin!medialeJy
<br />prior to the sale of the Property or iu acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of application as a credit.againsrthe,Sum.
<br />socured by (his Deed of Trusl.
<br />), Applbtloa 0' Pay_all. Unles, .pplicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the NOlearid parRJl'8Phsl
<br />and 2 hereof sh.lI be applied by Lender fir." in payment or amounts payahle '0 Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof.thentl> inletllSl
<br />payable on the Note. then to the principal of the Note, and [hen 10 imtrest and principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4, Cblrges; IJeno, Borrower ,haJl pay aJl'.x...., ......men" and olher charges, fines and impositions attrlbutableto the Property which
<br />may attain a priorif)' O\lef thiS l'lero of Tru$t, and leasehold payments: or ground rents.. if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2-llCreof
<br />or, if not paid in mch manner,. tlY Borrower making payment. when due. directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shaH promptly'furnish'tu
<br />Lender all notices of amounts due under lhis paragraph, and in the e\-'ent Borrower shall make payment diredly"Borrowel"sball :Pr~ptly
<br />furnish to Lender ra.ript'l t~dencing such pa)-meJ1ts. Borrower !iha1~ promptly discharge any lien which has' priority Qver-this-DcCd'of-.Trust;
<br />provided. lhat Borrower :shall not be: required to dIscharge any sU(:h lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writinJ io the payn)eDt ot::~e
<br />1)}}Hgat;rm 5COJ.!'-t'd by liu<,h lien In a manner ijJ;:"'(4~p[.able to Lender, or shaH io good faith contcst such lien by, or-defend enfo.reemcitt of sUch' lien
<br />in. legal proceeding.~ which operale to prevent the enforcement of th~ lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />5. Huard hliUl"lUJC.f. Borrower s.ha.H keep the improvements now e.ljsting or hereafter erected on the Propeity insured ag8inst loss-byfir~
<br />hal.aTd~ indudc:d wilhin the term "e~rc-nded .coverage", and -su(.h other haz.ards&'il Lender may require and in such amounts-and for such'periods
<br />as LendC'f may require; provided. rhal Lender :<>hall not require that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to ,pay'
<br />the sum\ 'iCCured by rhL'l Deed of Trust
<br />The in:mtam:e canj('f pro~lding (ht: ins-uraf'. t.all be e:hosen by Botrow-er subject to approval by -Lender; providcd~ that ISUch,---JlpproV~
<br />shaH not be unrcasonabty wlthhdd. A.1I premiums on JnSUTani,.~ pOlicies shaH be paid in the manner provided under paragiaph2 hereof or~ ifnoi
<br />paid In such manner, by Burrower makin{l payment. when due~ directl)' to lhe msurance~.
<br />All Ht\Urau....l: pohcic~ and falewa_l~ ,heJc:of ~ha.lj be <,< lonn a;,:ccptable tn Lender and Jinali ilh.:-Iudc a standard mortgage clause in favor-of.
<br />,Hld Hi fOfm aC;';CVl<ihk hJ Lender, Lcnd-t! "hail halt!:' the right 10 hold l~ POli\.ies lind renewals thereof, and Borrower shall-promptly furnish to
<br />Lender ail reu~al n\,{)ces and all f!::~'Ce-lp("i {If patd ~m:tniurns-_ ill ,he e1rcnt of 10$5-. Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier-and
<br />Lel'Kkr, Lc1J.Jcr 013)" milk~' pt(K-.f of l()<,-s if nof made pr--m:np.tf). by Borr..iwef,
<br />Un,i~ Lender and &tro-we.- o-d1erw~ agree to *riting. HuurKnCC pf~ mail be applied to re;t~ation or repair of the_ Property
<br />d4Ullagcd, pwvidcd such r~ti){a.UI.Jtl 1)( fl::pQlt \;\ <xonQ-mil;&!ly f~hl(' and the- .'t<<:uriIY of this Deed of Trust is nOl thereby impa.ired. If such
<br />f~WliH.lOii. Or repair ij tlt....>i: -n-_(}n(J-alkjji-~ fea5-lole Of If the ~urjty of Ibis Deed of Trust wou1d be impaired, the- insurance proceeds-shall be
<br />aprh-ed to the sun.." '\.('Cured by tht:i- l.)<<.d of Tru~l, with the exl..-'e$s, jf any, paid to Borrower _ If the Properly -is abandoned by-, Borroweri or if
<br />BtxwwCf fa.ib l(J f~pt';mJ fO Lcndct wiltun 30 day,; from the.- ,hue notl-~-..c 1$ m.\Ulo.1 by lender lo 8Qrrower (hat th~ insurance carrier offers to
<br />!'ettte a claim for UlSura.nce iX'ncfits. Lcrkiet l~ authorj:tai 10 ";t)H~1 and apply' the iOJliUIB1.lCe proceeds at Lender's option-either to_restoration or
<br />f~palJ (If tht.- Property or to -lhe 1\JOb 'S<<-Uf~ by tNi t)ecd of Trust.
<br />U~ Ltnde~ iiod BorWVle"1' (l{hcrWU~ alf" in wriun&, any -iu.,.'h appbc8ljo-n of prtx:eeds to principal -shall,DOt-extend or postpone the due
<br />t.1ltlC of the ItKlfithiy il\s\aUm~nL'i [tJennJ to- 10 pa.ra&la.phs I -and 2 her~)f Of change the amount of such installments. If under paragraph 18
<br />hereof lhe' Propcn)' is: 4Cquifed by I ~~, all righl. titk: itnd ifHetM of Borrower in and 10 any imurance policies and in and to the- proCeeds
<br />thereof r(':Swtmj from dam.age {Q the Propeny' prior lO the ~ Of acquiSitiOn shall pew, to ~ to the extent of the sums secured by this-Deed
<br />of Trust ittUnedia.ldy prior lO such we Of itCQUiiittOfj,
<br />6, "","""",tIoco IIMl Mil........... 0' Propcn,; 1_; Condomlal_; P1Iaae4 Vall Dnolop_lll. Borrowet..haJl keep the
<br />Ptup<fty in good repair iilld shall nO{ commu wute l..'l( permi[ jmpairmtnt or deterioration or the Property and shal1 comply with the provisions
<br />of any le~ if thiS [lec:d \,"-1' TrU'Sl is on Ii ktiebok!. If !hi$ Deed of Trust i! on:it unit in a cundominium or a planned unit development, Borrower
<br />l>hall pC1:form all ()f ,8orfOwer'$ o-tHlgAtioO$ und<< the declaration or co-ven.anu; l.Teating or gov<<ning the condomiriium or planned unit
<br />de,,'dopmcnt. {he hy-law,; and rquialjOIU- of the condominium or planned unit development. and constituau documents.' If a condominium or
<br />pl.Inned unit. deve.opmc-nt rider is e,ucul<<i by Bonow't'r and recorded together with Ibis Deed of Trust, the COVenants and agreements of such
<br />ridtt shall be incOfpoTatw ~nto and shalJ amend and supplement the l:OV't'nant$ and agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the rider were a part
<br />her-eof.
<br />.,. Prot-ectioa of lA1lder'-!o Scatri1). I f Borrower hut! to perform the covenants- and agreements contained in this Deed of Trust. or if any
<br />a-ct.1on Of pH~-eediD$ <~ \:l)ffiIJICIKea whtch ma{t~riaHy afft:\..'1.s- Lender'$ interest in the Property, jncludina, but not limited to, eminenl domain.
<br />l~Venc)<,- >:(.K3e- tllfOfCemem. or anangmleou. or proc-ecdjngs Involving it bankrupi or decedent, t.hen lender ar Lender's option. upon notice
<br />to Borrov.'<<, may -I't\lkt: ~lJCh appeaJ"ilni'es., dlsbur.sc il.l:Ch iUffib and take such action as' is neces.sa.ry 1O pro~'t Lt'ndc-r's interest, inciuding. but
<br />oot litniLcd W'. dlsbur-smlcnt <-rf reuurlab1e auOfr'JC'Y'S, tees and entry upon t.he Propt'HY to m.ak~ repairs, It' Lender required mortgage insurance
<br />a... i ;;onditioo of making the lnal1 iCCUt'ed by thh. Deed of 'rfU1'.t~ Borrower shall pay the pr-emiumj required to maintain such insurance in (!f[ect
<br />until ,JbCh ljm~ it$. tM ft:'QUi/~nt f~" ~u.ch mS-Ufan~ termuuu-C\ in a(.(ordancc: ,<,ilh BorrowC{'s and Lender's written agreement Of applicable
<br />4lw, BUffown w1! poi)' lhc amQunt of a:.il mOftpS,(iruwan..."'Cprenuums in th~ manna provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />An)" amount_) d,nbur_W'd by Lendc:r -pursuant -to lruS paragraph 7, with imer~! therron, ~haU b<<ome additional indebtednt'S$ of Borro-wer
<br />_.....td by flU. Deed of Tnal. Unku Bor.owu and lend... agree '0 o.her .erm' of payment, .ueh amounu .halll>e payable upon norice rrom
<br />l-~~ w Dur,lt}l\i~( lequc!>tins pa}?nem thetrof, ill1J mail bear l.filC"Telt from the dale of disbursement a1 the rale payabJ~ from lime to t.ime on
<br />f:Nt.~ principal uOOv the! N'ott tin~ payment of lntn-e$t at 50ch mtt" would ~ c(ttl[rary to applicabk law, in which evenl 'iu,;,h amounts
<br />~~.#J.i -b=:- ~~= ~ ~r.(; h1.t-lU~ -nUt: pa-milS~bK ti'iid...--r apvlicabk ~,",,', N~~th.ing I,,'.:;;mtliined in thi:> paragraph 7 mun requite Lank. W incur .ny
<br />~ tlf t.Ak-e Vt)' ~,l~ bQ":-under ,_
<br />l, ~. L~ tM). ~(t (J1 '(.Uk (0 Pc- ma~ r'f"&km.abk: mtrftS Uf'iOt\ and in$j)<<"tio-ns of tht Propttt)'. prm-tdcd that L<nder $hall
<br />"'0''(' ijofTO'Witf' n-:~4'-t prJ;W to any :\tlCf\ i~ti()n ,j~l-tyilll.reuurulbk Qlua.e tr-.<r'dor rdat~ tv Lender's. int<<!"tt$( io the' Propel I)' ,
<br />9, <-~~. T~ ,pn__l\;<<d~ ~)f ~l~) 3wud Of dalJl1 (Of Jamili~~ dUt\.-1 Of ':-Ofi!J<<iuemial, in C(1m~ti<m with AU\' -l:onileml'l3UOn 01:
<br />c-lt_ ~ (~tl..M fSl~t1., {~~f tMfKd', frl 1'\14' "'~(J(f<;r~:v~-C in lieu of nmdmln4.tron. ,.rt hett'by ;1t;~~ aoo ~haJj ht' pejd to l_t'ndcl
<br />l~tMn~ 4.)'('.. t("",.il-~.a.kin& ~}fv~ P1t~pcn)'. th(<-ptoc~lt.hAU ~-Ilppi].cd tf' ltw-- ~Hm,~ ~~ured t)'\' lht~ fAo:t-d 'i.,).f fnr!i't, ~ilh {he-(:x\:~.\r., if an).
<br />flllJd l{L1kwH~-, l.~_'tJ\t,t'\"-mt 'nt.is PlIftW t.bn,: ,)f I,he PnJPet"trl ti_11laa; 80ttO-'--ff a..n4 LeJ:+dc tH~~iM:: ils:r~ ID wn:tUlJ;, lh('_.e ..-haH ht- aprhe0
<br />~--<:~;-t..r, \~l- ~:LiIf-'\:"!d 11_" th~'\_ D_4 uf'"Y q~~~ ~#:-~I P!'t,~~)ttjOft ..:t.f fm-: 'pHk~~ if,,", ;;>J ('rjM: !i~ ~hAI pWr~;:frt!n.r, ~hH.-h ;hr .ilm{J\i:n~ ~;; \rt" -'-llm~
<br /> ,~(',;:;U!C{J:
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