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<br />r <br />I <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />84- <br /> <br />003195 <br /> <br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, <br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain Ihe insurance in eff'ectunlil. such time as the requirement for the <br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable laW, <br />8, Inspection, Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, Lender <br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or pnor 10 an inspection specifying rcasonablecause for the inspecti<:ln, <br />9. ConL...-mr~t!on. The rr0Cm~ 0f any award or d31m -for- damages. direct or cOilsequentialo in .canneetiornVith <br />any condemnalion or olher taking of any pan of Ihe Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, afe hercily <br />a.<Slgned and shall be paId 10 Lender. <br />In the event ofa total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied 10 the Slims secured by this sectlrity <br />Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking oflhe Property. <br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agr"" in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shallbe reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the lotal amount at' the sums secured immediately <br />before the takmg, diVIded by (b) the faIr market \'alue of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower, <br />/[ Ihe Propeny 1\ ahandoned by Borrower, or If. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br />make an award on-eule a dalm for damages, Bormwer fails [0 respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is <br />gIVen, Lender" authom.ed to colle<:t and apply the proceeds, at its option, either to resloration or repair of lhe Properiy,or <br />to the sums secured b-v t.his $ecurit\' Instrument, whether or not t'hen due. <br />U 01",. Lcndt~ and Borrow~r mherwlse .gree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not ext"!ld or <br />postpone Ihe due dale of the monthly raymer,.. referred to In paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount .ofsuch payments; <br />10, Borrower ~ol Released: Forbearance By Lender NOI a Waiyer. Extension of the time for 'payment or <br />modificatmn of amortization of the sums so:ured by thj$ Security Instrument granted- by Lender to .a.,I1Y_ SU~ ,m, <br />int.erest of Borrower ~han not operate to rt:1ease the liability of the original Borrower or-Borrower's sUcceSsors'in:~tete$t; <br />Lender .hall not be r<:<:;ulred to commence proc'eedings against any SUcce5S0r in inlerest or refuse to extend time fot <br />payment or olherwtse modIfy amoruzauon of Ihe sums ,ecured by this Secunty Instrument by rcasonofany demand made <br />by t he original Borrower or Borrower\ suec"",sors in in teres\. Any f,Jrbe3rance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br />_~haH not be 3 WaiY~l of or preciude !he c.\en:n.e of any or remedy. <br />11. SlICeeos<>rs ""d A..iil!l' Bound: Joint and Se.era! [lability; Co-signers.. The cov<nnols and agreements of <br />Ihls Secumy Instrument shall b!Od ~nd benent [he successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions <br />of paragraph 1'7 Born;>"'"" co\ena<'h ,,"d agreemenls shall be joint and several. Any Borrower whoca-signs this Securily <br />Instrument ~ut d~ not execute i.hL :~f)[~: {a.1 lS c..-'O,slgmng this Security Instrument only to mongage~ grant-and convey <br />that Borr.cower''!o tOle-fest Tn the Property \..lnder the tenllS of thi5. Secu-nty In!iirumcnt: (b) is nul personally obligated to pay <br />rhe- ~ums ~cured hy d:H:'.- ~unty lr.'!.lfuTtletlt; and {c} agrees- that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. <br />modify. Df make an:, a~(~Ommod.atlons- With resard 10 the terms of thi~ Security Instrument or the Note without <br />that B.orrower'~ con),Cot <br />12. 1..","" Chaflles, If .he 10"" =ured by "liS Security Instrument is subject to a law whichseu maximum loan <br />charg~. and that ia\tt.' 1.:\ rlnaliy Inle'rpre1ed ~{} that lht interest Qr other kliln charges collected or to be collected -in <br />"onne""on with the loan excC<:d lh. permllted hmits. then: fa) any ,uch loan charge ,hall bere<luced by lhe lUlIount <br />nec~s.3r)~ ~D nxhJ'e.:~e -c~~rgt. K: thr: ..pc~IH("cl h~il~ ~nd (~), ~ny sums already ,coUected from Borrower wh~h. exceeded <br />pcrmllrco ltmHs \l.'1.ll DC ,e{unac:u ~n (JUI rnwcr. Lcuut:f :Tii;)' (i:iv..J.~ to make th:s, rdund by reducmg the: pnnc!pa1 ow~ <br />under the Note or by makmg a direct plt)"mcnt to &rrowcc Ira refund reduc:C!i princip~.d. the reduction will betTeated as_a. <br />p.artlal pn:pu.y.ment wuhout an) pr-tj:myment chllr~e under the N-OIe <br />13, 1-egi&lation Affecting Lend..', Rillbl&, If <naelmem 0r "'piralion of applicable laws has the effect of <br />rmdenng 1U1)' pr(.!\'i,\ll'fl t,f {he NO!e-!.lf {hiS- ~urifY IH~tf'umtnt unenforceable accDrding 10 its lerms, Lender. at its oprion. <br />may reqUire Homa1uitc payment In fHi! {If ail ~urns M:X:ured by this. Secur!J)' Ins'tfurnent and may invoke any-remedies- <br />permJlted bv paragraph 19. If Lender e.erc.""" thts op.ion, Lender shall .ake [he steps speciJied in the second paragraph of <br />,~r~S,f~r~h i 7 <br />14. ~oti<<t.. Any nOtice to Borrower provided f(iT m this. Sec-Uftty Im4rume.nt shaH be given by delivering it or by <br />ltUIiling 11 b~ tirst cllI.. maii unk>, apphcable law requIre; use of anvther method. The notice shall be directed 10 the <br />Property Add,,,,,, ,>r an, other llddr"" !lottO",'er designlltes by n()llCe to Lender, Any notice to Lender shall be given by <br />firs.t das.., maJllo Lender':; address stated herem or any other addrcss- Lender designates- by notiCe to Borrower, Any notice <br />pro":lded for m thiS ~~lln[y Instrument shaH be deemw to have been g}veri to BQrTower or Lender when given !is provided <br />11\ lhl> parllgrtiph, <br />15, Gu..rning La..; s.,'entbility, n", Security Insllum.1lt shall be go'erned by iederal law and the law of the <br />JUf\s.;;Ucu.on in whidl the: Proptrty b located, In toe -event ~hat any provlslon or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the <br />N(~te conih<:(s WHh aprhca~k ~a..~ sud! i.'onfiit:.l shaH Bot ~trCCt other pro,,'isions of this Security InMrument Of the Note <br />which ;;:411, be tP,-'c;n etf't'::.'t without the confhcling provision, To- thiS end the provisiol1'; of this Securuy Instrument and the <br />SOH: are dCi,~lafed to be ;:,-'C'..crttble, <br />16~ Borro-*er's COP), f:k1rr()Wcr ,~haH ht- glveli ()ne conf0nn<<i cupy Df the SOle and of this ~unty Instrument. <br />17. Tran.sfer of tbt Prt.fI)e'r'ty vr a ~ficial Jnterest in Borrower. If all or any part of tbe Property or any <br />HUeJ.cst m -H t~ 5-t..1k! Of m;m~h:TTcti ~Of if a bendlclal :ntcrr:st HI Borrower i-.. sold or lt1oifU.fc:rrcd and Borrower i~ not a nalufl:il <br />pefM.m) wit}u)ut Lelldcf:- pnor Vo'nttcn (ons.ent. Lender rna)'_, at us. t..ption, require immediate payment In full of all s.ums <br />~~'U!e'j, b)-' t!H~ ~~~it:y b~!rUnH.':~'~t. H-0wt'''''~r. !h!~ c'p-H€.m shaii ~HY! be L'~~n:i~ by Lender if e.\ercL'>e is prohJbned by <br />fcdefh_' law 3,) of the date ..'if thih. Se\.~:unl"Y ln~lrumenL <br />If Le:oder e.\erC'l),o thl!!1 optIOn. i..endef -shaH g}\i( Borrowe-f noUce of "ixde.rauon. The nOll\.'-c ft.haU prOVide a penod <br />Df nnf l~'li---th.n 30-days. rrx;m~ the da,te the nOh'< ls,dehvered or m.aHcti ""uhin wJuch Borrower musl pay all sum~ s-e(.;ured by <br />th.~- ~_u-(i,)- InStfUrll-enL U Borrt),we,r fail.s to r.ay these ~um!l pnu{ to the expiration of thl~ pen()d, Lender may Invoke any <br />n:n~1:e> pe-rnutted by lru~ s.e~un{'y Im.uument wlthoU{ further JWIH..-e or demand Qn BOr-t(fWcf. <br />18. BorroWer'tf Rip-t, to, Reinstate. tf Borro\\'1:'l' rneet.\ l.~cnain -conditions. horn)wer s.hall h;t~;( the nght to ha~'(: <br />enh.n_-':t.;ll~n{ !,f thi-x ~,~nty I1)!'.tf\Ull-etll dj~onlmucrl at any tlnH: pnor t(~ {he carher uf: {al 5 day'! (or :\tH:h ,,'~lher r~rl(id a~ <br />;a,pp-iii:$bk' la;\\- ma) :;.pCl;if,; for ftm~tal('njcfitJ l"tf')f(: ~,*ie of the Prnp<:rty r-ur~l.HUll to any power l~f ~le (:lH\t<5.!Ucd }O thlS <br />~unt-:r {:nSHUfU.(:f1t: ~'j.f (bi'")' of ajudfme.lH cnfon.:lt1~ Ihi} Secunly Im"UUrll.I:"JlL Thc~ '::OfH,htHJl1;,. arc thar B..,)ffOWCL <br />(., Ptlr). 1..t!.J\dc:r aU ~vm;o., \.\--,hkch the:1, ~''(}\.dd be_ dUf under thi... ~~urHv InstnJmc-n1 aJ1d the 'SOle had Il(' ,K,\~ckrathlfl <br />-l"~..::-';;\J,'1cd; ~N nn~ any ddaull of an} {Jt.h~-l i;o~'(,rHH'lb f\f agr<<,mt:Ht-\~' p.a.y\ aH t'.,\}1{:!'1"~~ 1H;.;urrro m enti:H'-c-H\i:, tft" <br />5<<.'--u.n~) In_~lf4mt:'nI.1 mdw-dwj;" bur not hn-Hte;J tn, r~a~):n_iibit a1tf}f'oc:y< <:-l_ud fJ) t-aJ..e~ ."U\.'}) ~I~'l.l~m ~i:" i..r:ndt'; may <br /> <br />,~::~:;; ~;,~~~~:_~,t the &~~;~_: ~:~f~r: ;i1_:~~t ~:~ t~:,.;~ ~r;!~~il;:sf~,:~,;tle:~~~~~ ,:~~~er:';)~ u:i ~~::~~ l~~H;~:! _P ~(J:~~ t ~(~~ :::1t;:~~::~~:~~;~.;: <br /> <br />~Jf-t:.:'~'.('.r, tht_'!r,s.e\.;Ht-;~y Itj"HIHlH::'fH,~nJ the :;::;.-i::.4lM4-itnn" ~"',lJrt,j ~ha!! r-r..J'Hit1fi 1";.1,11\' e-irC.:-tt\i;;;\," W.' .,,-,:cdt'T.~Hi;in h'l,j <br />-,<~_ B'rr~j, tJf:;'<""!i-''\.-'::f. '!hl', ;:,,~hJ ~~J r1':4I1s~a1,~ \hi:"~; eH)1 ~!,~ I.:;';"'f:'. -~1-;~, ~tf:r -"t~'\..; i \ <br /> <br />