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<br />I <br /> <br />S4........ 003149 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />.1. Payment of Prln<lpal and Interest. Borrower .hall promptly pay when due the principal or and interest "n the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges .. .providw in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />2. FaRds for TOM and I~e< Subject to applicable law or to -3 written waiv-er by Lmder, Borrower --i~lr pay <br />10 Lender on tbe day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the -Note, -until the Note is -paid in,' fun.. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly -taxe.s and assessments which may attaln -priority _"ave_f tbis <br />Deed or Trust. and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth or yearly premium in.tallmenaror hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth or yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, ir any, all as reasonably esttmatedioitiaUyand.from <br />time to time by Lender on the basi" of tl~m.ents and bills and reasonable estimates:-thcreof. <br />The Funds-shan be held in an iastitution the deposits or accounts of which are insured' or guaranteed by- a ,Federat or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shalt apply the Funds to ,pay s_aid-,taxest_ '.l~J!1~ts~ <br />insurance premiums and ground n!nts. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying- the Funds. analyzing said, aceount <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills. unla't Lender pays Borrower- interest on theI'Punds'- and applicable law <br />permit!!: Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may writins_-,at.,tbe time of ex.eeution>of,:this <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds ,hall be paid to Borrower, and unless .uch agreement i. made orap~licable la~ <br />requj~ such interest to he paid, Lender shaH not be required to pay Borrower- any interest 01' ~rnin~s on the Funds_.-' Lender;' <br />~haH give 10 Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing 'credits and debJts to-the:.Punds:and:lhe <br />purpose ror which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional secority forth.. ,ull1ll..ecured <br />hy this Deed of Trnst. <br />I r the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installmeots of. Fundspayahle prior to <br />the due dale-!; of taxes:. a5Sessments. insurance premiums and groond rents, $haU exceed the amount'required to'pay;sa_id,t-axes~' <br />assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents a.'i they fall due', such e~cess, shall be, at Borrow_er's- oriQOi ,either, <br />promptly repaid to Borrower Of credited w Borrower on monthly JostaJlments of. Funds. If' t.he _amount 0_ :-the - Funds <br />held by Lender shaH not be $ldficient to pay ta.'tes; assessments. insurance premiums and ground :rent,s as _the)" 'f,il'- 'd~' <br />Borrower shaU pay tn lender any amount neccs....ary 10 make up the deficiency within 30 days -from- the dale, notice is ,maite-d <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all $um1) secured by th,,,, Deed of Trust, Lender .'ihatl promptly refund to Borrower any Fun~ <br />held by l...cnctec If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property /": sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender,' f;.ende;r <br />shaH apply, no later chao immedtately pnor to the- sale of the Property or its a.:-quisition by Lender. any Funds, held- by <br />Lender at the time of afpliCation ..s a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3~ Applkation 0 hyments. Unlei.! applicable law pr(,...ide$ olherwiae. all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraph' t and 2 her~of s.haH be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lende.r,"-by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest payable on lhe Note. lhen 10 the pnncipal of the Note. and tben to interest and <br />prmcipal on any Future Advances, <br />4. ChAfleS5 Liens. Ror:rower ~ha,1I pay all t<lxes, asse~~cnl<; an~ ~)the~ c~~rges~ fin~ nnd im~itio~s_ ~~tribula~le__t() <br />the PropertY Wh1Ch mey .aU.a:n 1\ pnonty (;V;:, thi5 Deed nt J fuiL allU least:nOlO paymems or grouno rents. 1[- any, to me <br />manner provided under paragrapn 2 hereof or. if not paid JJl uu.:.h manner, by Borrower making payment. when due. _directly <br />to the payee thereot, Borrower soaH promptly lllrni-.h to Lender all nOHcc5of amounts due u!1-der-this paragraph~_and in the <br />event Borrower &-hall make payment directly. B-tJrr-ower s.haH promptly (urnl!ilh w tender receIpts evidencing such payments. <br />Born..1Wcr- s-hatl promptlX discharge any hen' wh, ' ;llli pnority Over thi~ Deed of Trust; provided, that Borro~er- shall not be <br />reqlllced to discharge any '\;uch Hen ~..) i,?ng as ~)rrower "hail agree In writing tv the payment of the obligation secured ~y <br />such hen in.a manner acccpc,able II) l.ender. or s.haH In Rood faith COOlest $uch tien by.or defend enforcement of- such lien ,", <br />legal pnx-"ttding\ which operate ro prevent lhc- enforcement of the lien or .(orfciture of th.e Property u-r any _part t!tereof. <br />S. Hazard IAWrauce~ Burrower \hall \::cep [he Improvements now eXlsung or hereafter erected on the Property Insured <br />agains-t loss. hy tire. hazanb; included Within the term '"extended coverage", and ,!">ut:h other hazanh as Lender may require <br />and In ~uch amounts and (or 'such penods a~ Lender may reqUire; prOVided. Ihat Lender shaH not require (hat (he amount of <br />,uch coverage e\ceed that amount (.if (overage reqmr-ed w pay the sums ~ecllfed by thfs Deed of Tnf$t. <br />The lnwrancc carrier phivuJinll the in~ur-.::U1c(' shaH be chn.;en hy Borrower subj-e(( to approval by Lender; providetl. <br />,hat such approval shalt n?t t>e unreaso~:f1ahIY wHhheld. All premiurm 00 iU.,ur,H'l(;C polk-ics shall he paid in' the - manner <br />provided unoer paragraph :2 ~reof or. If not p:~ud 111 such flHHUl(f". by Borrower making payment. when due.. directly to the <br />1llSurance carrier. <br />All tn~ura"~e rohde-s and rcnewah therc_ot :;haH be ft) tonn acceptable {O Lender and -shall include a standard mortgage <br />clau'J.C' in favor of and in form acce-pulnle 10 Lcr\:dd_ I_coder \haH h;ave the ught 1.0 hold the polider.: and renewals thereof, <br />and Bor-rower lS.hall promptly fmnish to L-ender ;:111 f>:nc~'ai notK.c~ :ind ~Jl ret..-e~plS l)( paid premiums. In the event of loss. <br />8orro~'cr ~haJl gl'ie prompt notICe \-0 the Hl~Uranl.:C (;J!f1tf ;tnd Len-dee Lender may make proof of loss jf not made promptly <br />bv Borrower. <br />. Unless Lender and Rorn'"!wer nthe-[wI~ ~grte.: m wnw,>>, lll'lourancC' proceeds !thali be applied to n.~t()-ration or repair of <br />the Property damaged. pfiJvided 5.uch resloratl{;.n or rep.Hr j" e~o-nonHcaily feasible Oind the security of this Decd (If Trult is <br />not thereby impaifed. I( 'Such r<<toration or n:pilH ''0 not CV:m(IITlL;>,lIy fe.aslble .:\r Ii the ~CUr1ty of this Deed of Trust wlluld <br />he impaIred, the miUr;}UCc proceeds s.haH Oe applied 10 lhe ;,\Uflh ]oe..:med by thiS Deed of Trust, with the e:l!;cess. if any, paid <br />10 Borrower. If the Propert)' 1:1- abanikmc-d by ROrfuwer. or ii J{orni\\-C't faib to re-lipond t(l Lender within 30 day'iO from the <br />date noU~e js maiied hy Lender to Borrower that the tns.urance l.:aroC.r otfers to settle a claml for insuram:e benefits. Lender <br />r'i authorized to \.'oll~t and apply the insurance prol.:ttds .n Lender',; pptlon either to restoratJon or repair of the Propeny <br />or to the sum~ .secured bY thiS Deed of Trus.t. <br />Unless. Lender and Bor:rower otherwt~-e agree, In wnHng. afJ~' 'ilH.:h .lppllcalion (,Jt proceeds to prinCipal shaH nol extend <br />or IXlSlpone the: due date ot tbe monthly im;.{aliment.~ referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change [he amounl of <br />such installments. 1f under ,parAgraph 18. her-e:of the P'rope:rt)' ;,\ a..:qulfed by Lender, all rtg~t. _title and intere$l of Borrower <br />In and to ao}' Insurance po.Jll.?tO and III J.lid to the proc-eeds thereof resultmg from damage to the Property prior to (he sale <br />or acquis.ition ~haH pas.~ to Lender 10 the e"teo( d lh~ sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to such sale Or <br />acquisition. <br />6.. Praervadon aad MakKeu-nce of Property; l-easeholds; Condominiums.; Plannea llnit Dev-elopmenUi. Borrower <br />..hall keep the f)r~)perty H1 gt.."'-.u repa.r and shall nm COnUll1{ Wil!otc 1.'-1 penna impairment Of dcteriorarion of the Property <br />:sod -shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust 1:\ on l:i leasehQld. If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a <br />condominium or a planned unit development. Borrower shall redorm J.H of Borrower's obligation.1- under the declaration <br />(lr covenants -creating or go'ierning the condominium or planned unit development. the b)'~laws iJnd regulations (If the <br />condominium or planned Unit de\leiopmcni, and consmlJeru dl.XUmC-nls, If u ~ondominium or planned unit development <br />rider is ex.ecuted by Borrower and recorded loge-ther with this Deed {1f Tru~t. the co....enanrs and a~reemenl-S of '\-uch rider <br />shall be incorporated inro and !hall amend and s.upplem~n1 the covenant:-. aoJ agreements of this Deed of Tru~1 as if the rider <br />were .a par! ~~L <br />7. Protedioa of l,~ader"$ S<<urily. If Borrower fails to perform the l.:Ove-naUfS and agreemenl~ c<.mhllncd in {his <br />Deed of 'rmst~ or if any action or proceeding is ;;ommenced which mal.erially affects Lender's interest in the Properly, <br />including.. but not limited 10, eminent domain, insolvenc)', code: enforcement, or arr-.angements or pn,l(;,eeJing:\ Jllvolvlfig a <br />bankrupt Qf decedent. then Le~er at Lendef'~ opllon, UfKHl nohce. to Bon-ower, ",lay make :such J.J?pearallt:e\. djshul~c ~ui.ll <br />lkt.UJl$ and ta_ke $UCh ;:sellQn <!:i. IS flC<;essa,')' tu prote('{ Lender\ mterc~,l. Indudmg, 11m no.t lmuted h). dlsbunsemcnt M <br />reasonable aUorney's fea;: and entry upon the Prl1perty In motk.e rep.Hf~ If Lender requlft..a mortgage 1nSllfaIH;C ;l._~ ;1 <br />~omt-itio:"_ Q{ makin, the loan, i4Cured by this f>eed of Trust. Borrower .~hall pay the preOliul1lS requirt'.d h,1- tnainl3in ,,--,Ktl <br />1&'Utance ill effect untH such time u the requirement tor $uch insuranct: termlluile'i In accordance WIth Bo(wwe,r\ and <br />l.onder. 's written agrc-cmCnt Qr applicabk- law" Borrower shaH pay the nmouol of all murtgnge iI1suraoce premiums in. the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 l\creof. <br />Anl iUDOUnts di5buncd by Lender punuant~ lO lhis paragraph 7. wllh tnlerest ihtl'l;~on. :<.hall he..:ome addltiOnkll <br />j-f1dcb:tedncq of Bortower secured by this Deed oI 1 rU3{. UnJe!o,\ Borrower and I ,endc:r ~gree to other fcrtll), of rayment, :\.uch <br />ank.lWlts shail t1e -payable upotl not-i(.'e from L.endet to Bon-ower req~I~1ig payment the:reQf, <lnd ~ha!l hear inte~t from lht" <br />date ~ ~ at tbe r.te payable tn:n:n" time h~ liine un ouatanding principal u{\iier ,Ill.e Nt:'l'~ unln:\ paym~n! '-'"If !n!t'f~~~ <br />&l_$UC.h !_k would be~_ ~<lf1ltary to ,appil,(:able Jaw. in wht;,;-h f.'enl ~lJch ..m(hmls ~hal1 hear mlt'fit\! ;t! dIe }'H8~.$j l~ll~ <br />peJ~ under apphc-ahl-C', law, Nothing 1..~()f'11alt\C:-d m I_hl-!j pat agntph 7 shaH te\fuin: Le:ntie'r iQ wcur any ex.pense ~Jr tak(" <br />"'Y ""'''''' lie!'""",*" <br />... l~ lAnder n~y make. nr ~::aI.l$C to be- made f('_a~umibk enlrte:-.;,; upon ;lnd iO'5-.-p:cx:Ui...'IhS of the }l-r-ope-ny. pn,vluc\1 <br />lbal t.~ ~ ,J)v-e &rr.;:~ViCf I}otke pt'w.. to ,all)' li\K:'h 1f1$pcct.wn specifying f(:i\SO-Hiahle t.;au'\<c !-he-rd'Yf feLi.led h) 1 ~;lh.h~(" <br />..;te_ Il, tile ProPllrtv, <br />