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<br />84 - 0031 U6
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<br />L -.,;IFORM CovP";A 'T~ Borrower and lender covenant and agree as follows
<br />l. Paymenl of Printipal and InlerHI; Prepayment Ind Lale ChlrllH, Borrower shall promptly pa~ "hen due
<br />,he pnnClpal or and IOt""'1 on the debt eYldenced by the NOle and any prepayment and lale charges due under the 'Ole
<br />2, Funds for Tun Ind Insurante. Subjectlo applicable law or 10 a wn!ten walY" by lender. Borrower ,hall pa~
<br />to Lender 00 the day monthly payments are due under the No.e, unlil the NOle is paid in full. a s.um ("fund'i") equal 10
<br />(Hle-tw-dfth of (a) yearly ta~~ and a~sessm~nts which may attain pnority over this S<<urity Insfrument: {b) je.3rl~
<br />leao;t'hoJd payment') Of ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard Insurance premiums: and td) 1earl)
<br />mortgage In'l,urance premiums, If any These Items are called "escrow items." Lender may estimal-t- the Funds due on the
<br />tlll'l' of current data and reaMlnable estimates offuture escro..... items
<br />The Funds shall be held In an mSlltullon the deposlls or accounts of whIch are Insured or g,uaranteed b; a ftderal OJ'
<br />..Ial(' agC'nc~ lmduding L~nder If Lender 1<; 'luch an tns-tltullon), ~nder shall apply the Fund!io to pay the escrow Hems,
<br />Lender maY not charge for holding and applym8 Ihe Funds. analyzing the account or verifying lhe escrow Hems, unless
<br />L<nder pa" lWrrower mtere<>1 on the Funds and applicable law permitS lender to make such a charge. Borrower and
<br />Lender maY agree 10 ....ntmg that mter",t shall be paId on the Funds Unlrss an agreement is made or applicable law
<br />r<qull<s ,"lerest '" be paId. Lender shall not be requIred 10 pay Borrower any mteresl or earnings on Ihe Funds. lender
<br />,hall g:l\.'( to BorrO\lo'er, WIthout charge. an annual ac.counung of the Funds shOWing credjts and debits to the funds and the
<br />pU'l'O" for whIch each deb" tn Ihe Funds ...os made The Funds are pledged as addillOnal ,"",urily for Ihesums li<:curedby
<br />lhl\ Security Insrfumenl
<br />Ir lhe .mounl of lhe Funds held b~ Lender. IOgelher"Wlth the future monthly payments of Funds payable pnor to
<br />th(' due uate\ l.l( 11'\e c~row i!('m\, s,hall C'J;c<<d I he' amount re_qu1red to pay the escrow Items "..hen due. the exces'i shall be.
<br />al f:k'-rrowr.(" option, ('lther promptly fr.-paid hi Borrower or credIted fo Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. If the
<br />amount of ~h(" Funde. held b-y Lcndt-r IS no~ \uffi-ct-ent h1 Pili)' th~ ~row Items when due. Borrower shall pay to' Lender an,.,
<br />.'imowH nect""\".iH) I":' make up the denc,ency In ooe Of more payment~ a~ reqUltM by Lendcr-.
<br />r pon paymenl In fuH of aU l!Ums SecUf(:O by thn. Secunty Ins,rrument. Lender shall promptl)" refund to Bonower
<br />:.n' Funds held tn Lender If under paragraph Iq rh< ProperlY IS sold or acqUIred by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later
<br />IOJn Immr-oi-3tdy p-nor td Ihe- \ilk 0-( the Property or HS a-cqU1S1tlon by Lender. any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br />app!ic3lwn a\ a crean agams-t lhe l;,um~ o:,.ecured by thiS See-unf)' Instrument
<br />J. ",pplieation of Payment.'- I.: nl""" .pphc,,-ole la"~ prov.d", othen,",se, all payments recelyed by lender under
<br />para@:rllph-\ j and 2 \haH tJ.e ap-phed' firsl, to l..nf' tharg~ due under tht' Note: ~ecol1d, to prepayment charges. due under the
<br />"Ole' t had. j;J ~molint3 payable under paragraph 1.. fourth. to 1nte-r~t due:; and last. to pnncipal due
<br />"'. Char-ar'-; Uens. Bo-rto\H\'t ..haB pay all t;:Uei. a~~mcmi, chargo.. finer:. and imposUlOns altributable to the
<br />Propc'n)> \4nlL."n ma~ <ittam pnorlty over thi'\ Si:t;unty Instrument. and t~a\t'ho-td paym~!1!! or grour-.d rtnt!;-. .if any.
<br />rktrn.1....{'r ,h-all ra~ 1h-nc tl-b-hg.au(~m.1n the rna..i1Cf prn\lded U't para[traph 2. ur If not paid In that manntT, Borro\\oer snaU
<br />,'3'0' them on llm(" d,r('('1h.. 1(:; !he pcr:\On owC'd r~aYm('nt Borro-w~r 1hail prompt I)' fum15h to Lendc:r ail notices of amounts
<br />tH:: p:u-d \..!nd~! tnl'\ ..aia~aph If Borrn....e-r r ,J;;r\ thC\ot: ra)rfn-erus dtro.:fiy. R-orroU'rr ~haU promptly furnlsh t-o Lende:r
<br />;ti.'CtfH\ t....ldcn(tn~ rh~ paymcnt~
<br />!-iurr;)~C'r -dull p;:)mptlv d::lcharfi',e: J,;l~ !l-t"n ...htt;:-h ha\ pnon1y DH!f Ihn, So:UC1IY In:suummt unless Bouowc:r: (a)
<br />"gr('e, HI ~n!lnl \(, Ih-e paymenl nl the- obh~atJon \<<ured by lh(" Iltn In !J manna acceptable to Lender: (b-) conlot" m g<X>d
<br />(i;Hh ~ht: ;;\::n P). ~'f (kCJrtfU!\ Ilgl1-tn~i ('"nforccm'Cnt oj the hen in. kpi p-rocttdmg:t whtch In the LC'ndC't's OpU-UOfl operate to
<br />rrc\'~{ the ('fikl.f;;;-crnc-nt ~,( I h~ h~ {')-( klrf-C1HHC o{ an)' part of the Property: or (e) securd from the bolder of tht he.n an
<br />,J.gfr-t'm~-rH ~aH).(a\:tf>:r)t u LCTH.kr !l.-ubordmaong the he:n to fhn Secunt)' Initrumcrlt_ Ii Le:.ndc dctC11Tlmes that any Pdn o-f
<br />the Pn>-pen\ 1\ ~utn<x:( to a h~n whKh m3:)' aHam pnnnl)' 01(-Cf thl'!. Secunt)" Insuu.mcnt. Lender may glY.c Borrower 3,
<br />flOU(t" IJCtHtt}In'~ {h-t< hm B~_)rrf)'M!:C"r \h3i1 YH~h the II!"" or t;ske on-It t1f mote {If the l)CUOO~ set f~'n:h aoo\ftt wuhm to -da)s
<br />,}t'ln{' gn;n-J; nl 1!nh~:~
<br />5. UaU-f4 Iluwan.ct'. Borri.~-Yr~1 ...haB ~rrv ~he !ffiJlfO"et'nenn nn\1o (Xl\Wi1l-of hereaft~'f C"rCt;:lro on the Properti-
<br />',\,",ured ~ll.ilm'~ h\.. b)-' tire-. haufd_~ ifK'IUd-et.i Yognm the Itfffl "-t'"~tended co-veug-eH and an~' other h"lJU'd~ for ""hKh Lender
<br />rC1.1IJH('~ ,ft\-uf;;Uh:C fhl"1. Hauriln~e ,ha.B h<: m_iiHHamea 10 the' afH('lun-t" j.fld fot' {he- per<<xI~ that, Lender rcqU1r(~ The
<br />,n-..uf,uht:' ,:,rn:r:t pro->>l-d;n~ lhC" m\-ufiln-r.:i;"" ~hJlII t'>r," (h(1\.t"n hy l:krrnwe.r ""ubje". 10 Lc:ndC'r'~ appro"\"al whtt:,_h \h:!H h(lI b<
<br />....,il ,-c4_....".fHtbl) ,.. H hhch1
<br />>\tl In,>UUll.., !'1>I;,<iKl<'\ Mld r(,'fl~..~b ..hail b;: i$;.;...~t"Via.!)k W Lender It-n.tl ~haH ;odude a standard murtgage- -dau~
<br />Lender '\.h.;ail tunc- Ihe nghl l() hoid the r..,)h(;-~ ~nd re-nc'W..i~ if I. ctn1ef requir~. Borrower ~hllH promOlly ~:1\:-C Ii) Lender
<br />~p !i!"~-{":r-H '-'{ Pl!t'-J r~f~!m~!1~~ .:nti fcf'~'~"\!!.-.!.l n',>~H.~ ~n :h,-" t';;-("fH ."If !cn.~ B-....,nowcr shaH gt'lr( prompt nmtcc h_; the IO\urUfiCt:
<br />~:3rn('t ano l-tnd-a LnHkf tH;!,)' fnalr..<: ~\ft,lo:)i' (.f k;.s.~ d fHJt (H.aUC pHuupdj' by (k.'trftl..et
<br />Lnk~.. L('Hder J:nd &llt)*cr (Hher"f~ ..vel! Ut wnttng., !n\u.ratl-c<- p-rocer:ds \haU be- appbed to restoratton \...r repair
<br />of Ihe Prnpt't't~ damaged, ~f th-e ft'Siorilho-t'i ur (t'p.lilJf t~ fi'onomtcaHy feUtbi~ and L.-ender's s.a:unt)' 1$- tlOI lessened If the
<br />~ot1;i-t'a!->",~f1 ~:r frt'p-:If;J; l~ not e-"':1.1-n-\Jmt,.;:liy ka~f-hl( ~)f Le-ntJ-c(~ ~~urHY 'Would tJe les.-t>>(JKd,. the uls-urancc proc<<d\ shall be
<br />.lppif~ h, tN;- \.u_llh \~uteJ b~ ihls. Se.;:.Vr1lj ll'U,HUmenl, \\.-heth~f or ft(..\t tht'_n due. ';1.'lth any t'xcos. paid to Borrower If
<br />tloffi.)~e: >ibal'h.h\tl'J. lht' pf()pert~, \"H d<t.1O nDt ~:Hl'!o-wt.r "Htun JO dA)~ a nOh,e from Lendcr thallhe lIlS\,1ranCe carner ha~
<br />nt1er!!'J!>;l -.eHk..;; ..l<iJ:ffi_ Inert L~ndCT rn.4) n~~t th~ m50UI.afli^-e pr\.xeed~. Lender may use lhe- p-f"O(_ecd~ to repaIr or r~tore
<br />1!1-(' I~n"po('n~ or h' ra~ "L:fll_", ~ured h)" !rn~ ~nHl{Y I ns.t f\lmt'fH , ,*nclher or nut Ih~n due The J.O.day r.>e-nod ",-tll be-gm
<br />v. rlf'H Ih, n~)lH.'e i" gl\rt'n
<br />1. niC"~ Lendef and fk)rrH~<-( .-..uneJllilol--'K a.8,rec Hl .. nHng. <in) .lpp.K~HH)n O(pfLx:rtdl to pnfl(:lpal \hali O-(i{ ('\te-nd Of
<br />f'\~~row: (he J.ut' d,.HC vi the ffk.nl-thly paym,="Ht'\ referred to In paragrapta 1 and 2 or ..:ha-ng,e the amount of the pa~menl~ II
<br />~lfiJ<:t pi5fd:~f~ph 14 !hc Pri(J~,f1, 1\ aCQuHe\! 0) 1.(11(\.(-r. BorrQ,*.e:r'~ nsht to an) mSulafu;:e pOhe-lo, and p"n.lt:ec{h re.,ujlm~
<br />ff~"m uilma-S_t" h~ the rr~~pert) p.or to the ~u'~H-on i--haH r"hl>> to Lender to th" (',-,cm of th~ !)!.um. 'l-C-CU!OO b~ {rH~ s'eo.:\JfH)
<br />1 fi"!ol r urn-t:m tmmcdHl\('i) pOfH ~t) {n~ a<:quiM-llfJO
<br />6. Pr-n.tna..on and \tainuftanu' of Propert).lAa.whohb~ HQlf;:__Iv.-c:r )haU m.)t de1ltro). damage \,H ~lJty..f-ilnl!~lli:
<br />d"'~ng(" ;n.t:' f'H\pen;.-, iinn,,", the- Prvpen)' to -deten(l-rah: or (ommll ....aMC' If tIllS- ~cunty In~Hrum~nl 1'1. un d k;!..ch;:1t...1,
<br />fk.\rr{~",(r j"hAH {(}rnp~y "~lh the pHH IS-WO; c~f the 1a.."\C. an-d If IkrHo....er acquire\ fee- title to the Propeny. lh-e ka,dwid <inJ
<br />iff lHk \hllH fH)-l meri'! unio\- Lender a8f~ to the merger In ~nllng
<br />~. f'roled.on of 1....4<<', RI"'~, .n the Property; ;\lorlpet In.unn~e, If BorlO",e, f~.h 'e' ['<rlNfl1 'he
<br />,,:.\)\-(rtanH and a.gre:firfc:nh 'imlaUlcO-lO ttH\ S<<-utll, In).!!timt-nt, Of thc-re t\ a icgal pro,:eedmg that Ol-ll)' ~l(;fHtl;.'.mll~ i,-tf~"f
<br />L('n~r<\ r\f:ht,- ~n the r-ruJXr1Y (\Udi as a p-f-OC~1n' H"l ban-kru-p-t~)-. rH>Mtc, f/,,'f ('ondc-mnah{}fi Of I(l cnfor~e l.,-l\i\'!o- uf
<br />fel~jltlt~!t1!J,J, !"R.r-n Lif'OOt:f ma) &1- ilnd pay fN 'A-'hatc'-'C'f lS nec~s.ar~ to PfQ\<<;t iht \-atut vi. th~ Propo:rt~ J,f1d LcnJn .. f If.hh
<br />m tht rtti~l'l~ L-t'i\~('" il(Huni\; mal mdudt paYlnc. any li.um"i ~ecu.red b, a h-en \\0 hKh ha). pn(tn{~ \lVCi Il1\'.. \("d,\nfl.
<br />In'\~f'um:e:1l,t. appca-..nng ui {.:,)urC r-,ml ,t(-a-.~.}-n.abk a1tornc)'4j;' f~ :.and eni<:nl\f. on the P'fopen} In !t1ak.f T<:f'4H' A.j!h~'tlt:~-~
<br />Lena.-tR m~} U\-lu:!' a;cn.Of~ under tht~ p.araira:p-h ". Lcnd'Cf d-f,)Cs, uvt tu1\C' to d-u '!o\)
<br />,\~\) i-frw.xUHt. dllotm.t'\il-O by Lt'J'h1-e.:r undc-r thn pu"gl'i1ph i ~halt ~~Hn-( ,hldliton-al debt (.1' Borto~e\ "c\.u((-d h, j hl'
<br />~\lf".H) in~tfutn("nt \1n~ BOffUWCf And lr't'Hif:1' ape<' 10 Olht--t 'trm~ ('If paymcn~, J.nC'"t.t ll-mo~jnt\ ...h"jj N-iit In!{>!t~.;,l !,~"r"
<br />!~ 41SJ~ 1__)-1 !j+-~~n;("mC:ftt at :h: Sote toH{' q;.nJ \c-haH tI!f fra,->ibk. ,""Hh mli"f(""'o.l, i-lJ:>.i.."fl r~'_HK~ (r\:.[tt l.fnJ~'J ~kfl,Y...<:,~
<br />t-.tqut\hnl pa)' fJ:~-ef~1
<br />