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<br />84 -003094
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<br />l '.. i' ( 1;.0"1 Cl)\ ~ .....\...' 1 '" Borrower ,\nd Lender c:o\'cnanl and agree a... folio.......
<br />Pa~'m(>nt of Principal and Interest; J'Tcpa)'menl and Late Char~es. Borrower ",hall rromrll~ r.1~ \, tll'f1 dUl'
<br />,he rot, th! 1':1: If :lnd Inlac..,1 on I he debt t\'ld('fh ed h~ I he Note and an~ rreraYfTl(>nl :md late charge... du~ ufH.kr I h.: "' "~.
<br />, Fund\ (or Taxes and Insurance. SuhJect 10 appilcahle law or 1(\ <I \10 nllen \\ 31\ er h) Lender. Bornm ':r -...h.dl r'i.l~
<br />1," I t':1(kr ,Ir !he da~ monthly ra)m~nls are due under tne N('lte. un1111he SOle 1\ pa:d ~n full. a '>urn ("Fund....., ':qU.llll'
<br />"ne-!\.\.elf!h.d la) \C'arl) !3't' and a\5~\rnel1t\ whIch may aflam pnonty l,)\..er Ihl.. Security In\Trumcf\1 (hI ~C'.irl)
<br />ka\chnld r<l)men!\ ,')r ground rent"i on lhe Properly. if any. (c) yearly hazard In,urance premlum,_ ,wd idl ~carl~
<br />m0r!~a~e In,ur3nce rrt:mlum~, If an! Th~e Item.. are called "e<;crow lIem.. .. l.ender may e'\tlmale the Fund.. due 1m the
<br />hdr..l" \)f (urr('nl data and reasonable ~lImatc... "ffuture ~crow Item..
<br />The Fund... ,hall be held In an mo;titutJon the deposits or account" of which are ln4:tured or guaranteed h~ 3 federal or
<br />\fale 3genc~- (In;.-!udmg Lender If Lender 1<; ,;uch an InstHUtlOn) Lender shall apply the Fund~ to pay the C'\crO\\ liCIT\'.
<br />lender ma) nn! ~~harg~ for h0Jdmg and arr!~.!ng Ihe Funds. analYl_Ing the account or \.erifYlOg: the e,ero" III'm, tm!es(,
<br />I cnder ray... BorrnWCi lntere<;r on the Fund" and applicable law permits Lender to make ...uch a charge, Borrower and
<br />I c:'ndc:'r nla~ J~ree In wrlllng that Inlere..! <;hall be paid on the Funds Unless an agreement IS made or applicable la"
<br />fequlre'" lDlt'rt'..I In bt, paid. l.ender \hall ont nt" reqUIred 10 ray Borrower any mlerest or earnings. on the Fund~ Lender
<br />..hall gJ\e!Co BorrntAer. "-lthoUI charge, an annual accountmg of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />rurp,:,>...e ({'r .... hlCh each de-ol! TO the Fund, wa'~ made The Funds are pledged as additional ",ccurlt)' for rhe s.um'> secured b~
<br />thl"- "C'I...llnl;. In,Irument
<br />If the ;Jmnunl of lhe Fund\ held by Lender, IOgelher"wlth the future monlhly payments of Funds payable- prior to
<br />I he Jut' date, (If I he t'i)crow Items. shall e:treed the amounl requlre-d (0 pay t he escrow items ",,'hen due. the excess shall be.
<br />.11 Bt'\rr0.....er'<.. Ilpllon. either promptly rer~lId tel Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly paymenrs of Funds_ If the
<br />amounl ()f Ih(; Fund... held by Lender 1<; nOI suffiCIent to pay the escrow Items when due. Borrower shall pay to lender any
<br />;tmnunl nece<\\Jr~ !o make- up Ihe defiClenq In one or more payments. as required by lender.
<br />Lpon pa' ment ,n full of all ,urn' ,ecured by thIS Secumy In>lcument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br />3m Fund, held b, Lender If under paragraph Iq the Property 15 sold or acqulled by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later
<br />than Imrne-dlii!ti~ pnor to the \ale of Ihe Property or liS. acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time, of
<br />JrrhCJllnn a.. a credl! agaHl~t Ih~ s.ums \fcured by thl~ Secunty Instrument
<br />3. -\pplication of Payments, Unles, apphcable law proVIdes otherWISe, all payments received by Lender under
<br />raragrarh~ 1 and:': \hail be applied first, to lale charges due under tht Note: second. to prepayment charges due under the
<br />',~l(,,_ f hlHl, II) .imounts payable under paragraph 2. fourth. to Interest due; and lasl, to principal due.
<br />~. Char~e5: Liens. Borrower shall pa}' all taxes, as~sments. charges. fines and impositions attributable to the
<br />Pf(\ren~ v. hl..:h ma~ :l(!JIn pnonty o..-e-r thiS Secunty Instrument, and leasehold paymenls or ground rents~ if an}'_~
<br />H\,rrnu't'r ...hall ra} these obligationS-In the manner pro'dded In paragraph 2. or Ifnot pald in that mannt:r. Borrower shall
<br />["1.1\ 1 h("n1 <In l!me- d!rr-ctJ) to the f"'Cfson (\wed p3)ment. Borrower shall promplly furnish to Lender all notices of amount-s
<br />'Il f'l;' l'.)jJ \inlier ~hl~ paragraph If Borr0y,.er makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to lender
<br />-ett"q~l"- t"'l.IUer;(lng the payments
<br />!hl~r,-mt"f ...hall rromptly dly,:hargc any hen whICh has pnonty o...er thi!!. Secunty Instrument unless Borro\\'cr: (a)
<br />-Ipt"n lf1 '" n!lnF. In Ihe paJmcnt e:f the obligation secured by the hen In a manner acceptablr to Lender: (b) contests in good
<br />(;111 h 1 he i(Cn [l). \ If defend.. agaln'!,t enforce-men! of I he' hen HI. legal proceedings .....hjch In the lender's opinion-ope-rale 10
<br />prt'\e:nt the cnforccm~nt ~Jf the hen or forfeJturc of any part of the Propcny; or (c) secures from the hotd-er;oflheAi-en-~n
<br />.lpCemCfll ~all\factory 10 Lend("1' '!iubordmalmg the lien to thIS Secunty lmtrument. If Lc:nder determines ~hat an)' -part'of
<br />the Prtlpert) I" ...ubJe-cI 10 a hen which may attain pnor;ty over thts Security Instrument. Lender may give _Borrower_-s
<br />nntl...'!:, Idt'"nt!f} iflg the lien Borrower shall satl\fy the hen or take one or more of lhe actlons !l,ct forth-above \\dthin 10 da:)~)
<br />,f the gt\ Lng of IH)II....C
<br />5. ttlllJllrd ln~ur.nce" Borrower ~halJ keep the Improvements now eXlsling or hereaft.er ereeted on (he PfOPC:flY
<br />ilIWf<."J .tg.,Hfh! !,y..... h) fire, hal~'U(h mdudcd "'!thIn the lerm "euended coverage" and an)' other ha~ards for ,,"'hi-e-h Lender
<br />ft"qulfe'" lfl'Uran(t" ThiS !n~Uranc(' \-hall be rnamtalned In Ih( amounts and for the: periods that lender re-qutre'\, The
<br />In..\Jr.Hh.t' ~.HrI('f pftJ\ldlng lhe HlSlJfl\tl(e ,hall he "':hO-s.en b)' Bo-rrower ~\UbJei."t to Lender's approval which ~haH nol be
<br />'lnr('a"dri.tt>l~ v.lthheld
<br />.\11 :n'l-Ul..tn...'t' p...)jl(le-~ .ind feflt'\o\-ab !l.hall be acc:eptablc 10 Lend(';f and s.haH mclude a -standard mortgage clause,
<br />Lcn..kf "h~tl! hrl~ e the flghl Ii) hold the rx)II~Ie-s lind renewal!J If Lender requlre~, Borrower shaH promptly give to lender
<br />-Ill re";C1rh {If paid rre-ffilUITh and ft'new.ai nl,HJt:e~ In the eH.--nt OlIos.", Borrol,\?er shall glVC prompt notice to (-he i,nsuraoce
<br />....drfier 3nJ Lender l.t"oJer ma.. make Dfoof of kt\.!Io lfnot mad~ nromn!lv h\' Oorrnwer
<br />Lnk'-.s Lender and Bor;o\lOt"r oiher\l.-I!-lC agree 10 Wr11mg: losu;a;~~~;~~s shaH be applied to restorallon:or rep.ir
<br />\)f the Prl,)pert~ Jarnaged, if tht" restoration or repa.lf l!t economically feas.iblc and Lender's -secUritY-lS not lessen~d, Jf.th_c
<br />rC\o.tliralltin \'r repair !, not e~l)nomlc.all)' feastble or Lender's so;unlY would be lessened~ the insurance proc<<ds shan be
<br />Jpphed !(. !nt" ...unh ~e~ured hJ thiS Seetlnty In!l,!fument, wh~ther or not then due, with apy excess pa.d to 6<>rrowcr,.If
<br />BOrh""t'r ~lbanJ,)n... the Propertj'. or d(')oeS not an~\to"er \\nthm 30 da)''S a nOllC(- from lender that the insuran~e carrier- has
<br />"[f.'H'd Iv "'~llk a ...laJn1. then Lender ma) ...'O-Ue-cl the Jn~uran-c-e proceeds, Lender may use the proceeds-Io re-pair or re~lorc
<br />lhe- Prnrert~ \,r !t) r.1j \um, ..~cured bJ thts Ser.:unty Instrument, whether or not then due. The JQ..day perjod ~'iH begin
<br />"hen lhe nuih.:t." i"'gl\en
<br />l' nlt-....', l.t'tidcr dlld Borro....er \.)[her"'l~ ilgree 1Il "riling. an): apphcatlOn of pn.)Ceeds to prinCIpal shall not e),tend or
<br />p..f...q.....'llt. the: Jut" JJ:!C t}fthe Ol\Jnlhly pa)mcnt"'- reft"rn..'-d to 10 paragraphs 1 and 2 orchangt theamo-unt of the payment~, If
<br />uniJer par .iif<iph \..:; the Propen) I'i- a(quHed Pi Lender, B-orro\4er's nghl 10 any Insurance poliCIes- and proceeds re~uttlng
<br />fr"fll Ii.un.lft: It) the Prtlrcn~ pnuf [0 the ~...-qul\ltl'.)n ~hall paSo) 10 lender to the e'lent of the \um5.- sl':'cur~d by thlioi Seeunt!
<br />I n\\t \Jnn:nl IrTwlcl.i1atel) pnor to {he acquI<;illon
<br />fl. PresenatlOn and .\taintenance of Pro-pert): Leasehohis. Borro~(r ...hall not d5lrOj, damagt' or ;"ub...tannail)
<br />,_h,1l:~c Ihc Pf\'p;;.'n~> .:ilk)'.\, the Proper!) [0 Jeterlorate or ;.:ornmlt \oIloaslc If !hl\ Ser.:urH) ln~trurnenl l\ t~n J k.l'ldH.'IIJ.
<br />fh,r f\1\~ rr ...hdli I.. (Imp;) ".lo lth the' pnJ\ 1~I;.H1'i, "I' ihe lea:'loe, and If Borrm.loer t-Icqulfe~ fl.'( Illle It) the PrOp-(1). the 1t';p.c:hnIJ dnJ
<br />tcc !t~it." ,b.,ill n~Jl merge unie",,!lo Lender agree~ 1(.1 (he merger lfl \\f1I1ng
<br />i. Protectjon of under's Rights in the Propert); 'tortgage Insurance. If Born.l,,'er fads to perfc.rm Ihe
<br />L-,..l\enJn!\ :md agrct:menh contamed 10 dllS Sel.:uf1t) In50trumenl. or there 1\ a legal proceeding thaI ma) I\lgtllf1'CJfHl! a.ff('(;t
<br />1.enJe-(\ rlgh!;.. trl the Property (!\ouch a:-. a proceedmg In hankruplf.:). probat~. for condemnaHDn nr to cnf\"r..;c !.1"'''' \)r
<br />rt:~uJalIOmJ, {hen t roo('! ma~ do and pa)- for \\hate\.cf IS- ne-ce.\ar) 10 prote....t the \aluf: oftht' Propcrt~ J.nd l.ender', fl~hh
<br />HI \he P';.;r:<n~ L~ndef" a..-ll(\ni. ma) ll'H.:IllJc paymg an)- "'um~ "ot~~ured by a hen \\tnd\ has prwrw. \Hcr Iht' '~'\.Ufll\
<br />Itntrurn~..nl, .\ppear:nf HI ('.Jur!. pa;dng rea\tl!1.1ble attorH<')< fee~ anD cnlcrlng L'n the Proper!) hI rnJ....e ft'PJ.lI'" \ltlh1ug:h
<br />t \'IHlt"r 11\0:.1) 1"..( J;(\HHl under llm, puragraph ", Lender d()C\ not ha\.C t\) dtl \\i
<br />'\:1:' <iP"'u;~-;" -..1;'!;-l.if","Ctl b~ LCli-JC-f under Ini"- paiagrap-h 1...hall bt:..:ume .J~:Jltllmal deht ,If Borr\\lo\cr "'~'~(jr~'d h ItH'>
<br />\e-"tdlh 1t)\uUn--'u:nl t.'nl~,'~ Bi,)nO\~cf and I ('f\\jer ~lgre(' tu olht:t l~rm.. \-,r ra~lIlcnl. the-s< amPlHlh :;.h..ill ~.Jr u:tcl"--.1 1r'</11
<br />thl;; ";,j\t',.,f ,lJ\\hLl.....-rnl.'!1! ,\I lne -"";tHt' f.itlt ..l!lJ ...hall ~ r,d).J~k. \.\.dh l:){CIt"'! 1.J~~_\n !h\!h.:C" !r,'H\ I ~'I1>.k, n,H~ v.i..
<br />
<br />C""iUt"'>l1flf_ I'.].' It\t'fi[
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