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<br />I <br /> <br />L" .....If()R '-1 C(y.-r."'i A. 'iTS Borrower and Lender co\'enant and agree as follows: <br />l. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly ra~ "hcn duf..'" <br />! he pnnclrallAand Interest on the debt eVidenced by [he Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the ~ntc <br />2. Funds (or Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or 10 a wnrten waiver by lender. Borro\\cr \hall pa! <br />!O Lt:'nder ,.)11 rhe day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the NOte is. paid in full. a sum ("Fund~") equal to <br />;.)fl/?-Iwelfrh i1f (a) yearly tau's and assessments whIch may attain pnority o"'cr this Security Instrument: (bl ~earl~ <br />!ea..eho-ld payments Of ground rents. on th( Property, If any; (c) yearly hazard Insurance premiums.; and (d) ~r:arly <br />mortgage m\uran-ce prem1ums. If any, These Ilern~ are called "escrow items_" lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />ha,!~ of ('urrenl data and reasonable estimates offulure escrow Items. <br />The Fund<shall b< held m an mSlItullon the deposlls or accounts olwhtch are m,sured orguaranleed by a federal or <br />...tate agenq 1'lnduding Lendtr If Lender is such an mstumion). Lender s-hall apply the- Funds to pay I-he escrow- item.s. <br />Lender m3~ not charge for holdmg and ap-ptYlOg the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrOw items-~ unies's <br />Lender pay>;, Borrower mtere-'t on [he Fund,; and apphc-ablf' law permits Lender to make s-u-ch a charge, Horro\\.:er and <br />L(~ndt"r rna\- agree In wntmg that IOtere-St !)hall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or 3-ppHcnbfe-Ja-"' <br />[equH{"', !nTne--\! 10 be paid, Lr:ndt"( ~h31l not he rcqmred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, Lender <br />...hall ~J'..f: T,) Bnrrown ....'lfh(lIJ! charg~., an annual <iC>;G1.il1Hi1g ufihe Funds 5howmg credits and debits to the F_unds-a!\d,thc <br />rUfjXl.....e- !(lr "' h\~'h ea,n de-hit to the Fund.;; wa... made The Fund5' are pledged as additional security {or-the sums s~cu"(ed by <br />thiS '\("cunn In~trument <br />II It;, amount 01 the Funds held by Lender. IOgeth<r'wllh the luture monthly paymentsofFulld.,payahlepriorlo <br />~h{' due (},ile-<; ,l !h~ t'\Ci"nW He-m;;, ~hall e~ceed th~ amount req.nied to pay the escro\\' items when due, the-excess shaU..'be. <br />.11 Bmro\L-~r'<.. t'lptlon. t'"lthu promptly repaId to Borrower or crooned to Borrower on monthly pa)'nt-e-nts of Fund$.. lftht: <br />;tmnunl t~f lh~ Fuads h~ld by und~r IS. not suffictent to pay the escrow ltems when due, Borrower shan pay-io-l-endetany <br />,imounl ne-cC",,-'';U'" 10 mak:e up the dt'nCICnCY \11 one or mort paymenl~a.s requited by Lender, <br />Lrori pa~rnCnI In full of all sums. s.ecured by thIS. S<<:unt)' Ins.trument. Lender shaH promptly refund to'_BorrQwer <br />"" Fund, held h Lender If under paragraph 19 the Property IS sold or aC'lulfed hy Lender, Lender ~hallappIy. noj,.t'eT~ <br />1 nan Imrn~.:.h3t('h priOr h"'l Iht:' \31~ of the Property ('If Its acqUlSH10n by Lender. any Funds held by- Lender at. the timv"of <br />.irph":'~1 ,~'n .'l'- a uedn agaInSI the xums. \ccurC'd by thIS $ec-unty Instrument. <br />), .\Pl'lintion or Payments.. t:nl= apphcable law proVide:, otherw"",, all payments r<<eived by Lenderutlder: <br />:-,;~r-3f:rarh\ 1 Jl'Hi : ~haH ~ :tpphed first. to hue charg~ due under the Not(!:~ ~econd, to prepayment- eh:a'rges d-ue_und~t.the, <br />"";"It' Intra ti:! :Jm01,.mt\ pa)l1bic under raragraph 2, fnunh. to mtct~t due; and to prinC1pal due-, <br />4 CharRes: U-c-nJ, ilorn."1wef ~haU P3} aU tiU,C1., a\"~\ment\. charges. tines and anpos-itlons attributable '10 tbe <br />!'r-:'t'!;"f!;' ',{,hJ"n m:t~ 3lla!O pnont) ( ihlS S-e-(:untj Instrument, and leaschold payments or ground rents~ _if any, <br />Hnrr,"~l'.'~;;;il r.J~ ;h~ ubhg.aoons. In ,he m:;s,nner pl'o\-lded H1 paragraph 2. or ;fnot paid In that manner. BoH-oWN'-shaU <br />~J'" lhe:n~ c,n !lint u!it"'-cti\ In the ~r\on l~'ec: payment Harrower shaH promptt~ fumlsh t0 Lender aU nOlkc!i of amou,nls <br />" , 1,< r<lJd un-OC! lh1:~ paragraph If Borr.;-, mak~ Ih~ paynH~nt~ dlrrctly. Borro-we-r shaH promptly furnish t-o Lender <br />'-(."\.'1;"1;'1\ t~\Hjen;':'ln~ the pa.mefH\ <br />H~jr:r,~"(,f \haH rfomp{l~ dl~haq~(': an\. !J('n wh~-ch hll~ pTW-rH} over thJ\ Secunty Instrument unless Bor-ro""'er:. (3) <br />J!\[<-n;r, .... nl1nF \.1 lhc PC3) mef1-~ ,,( the oblt-gatKm M"Cu-rro by the hcn In a manner acceptable to I...endr-r; (b) cont~ts in good- <br />':lJ!h ~ r-H,' '~('n h <'r de1'r-n-(h d.~m'l e'l1fo-r(cmen~ t,f the hen m. !c,gal pn:_:li\:ccdmgs ....hlch tn tot- Lender's opinion opcratt-to <br />rr~" ('Tit 1 h~ t"nfurcemem (If th~ ht"TI or fnrl-r1ture uf a.ny part of the Property; or (t) s-ccurn (rom the holder or the- h'etl-~an <br />..Ji-,t't'm'fnl ~..,tl\factf'lry to tender '\ubordmatlt\i- ihe lien (D thu SttU-f'l1)' !n~{tum-c,nt. If Lender dc:tt'_rm-anes tbat, any part o-f <br />~!;t" Prr-;"('r-n. ""ub~n:t to 1l ho:-n'h m.i)' ,Hta-~n pnnnty ()v'Cr thiS mUf1t)' Ins-lru-m-cnl, Lender ma)i Stve- B.o.rrower-a <br />""!;~.t" .J-tnt,h ~!1j.: .ht h-en HO-ffo'4er \n.:tli \.:Hl'.t.. the itcn or t.l~C one Of mOTe {'If the -3\.,':llons M"t fort,h abo"-t wtthin lOdays <br /> <br />84 - 002994 <br /> <br /> <br />.,r !~,(" l?!"tn~,,-,~ ~:n!l":t <br /> <br />~ ;hurd In;< UQftu-.u 't"',ai~ ~(CP the lmpro'wc-mems fH::'l'W ('.us_hOJ, or hereafter (;f~ttd on (h.e- Pr-ope:rt)' <br />n'~j;l.'l.,l ,l~~,o"t ,,'..... h\ 11fC h..l.i_axd} It\ch,t;ti-ed "I~ tun Ih!!: lerrn "("tcnded COVCf11-g.C'", ;lnd an)' tnher huard~ for"" hich Lender <br />'{"'F::~!:'" i'1"\,H.H\_.r' n"..,. ~n'\'.,H','Hl-d~' ..h:.ij ~ m.,HnLjHjCt.! HI !h(' ;J.muunU ; fOf the J-'<':-nod-s. ths_! Lender re-qtur-~_'io. The <br />_.__ ._' ~:::-r :"'-."h1H~f. !h-e """;UfoHH_e ",-t'~l)i \"\(' ..:nD"\('O b., Uorro",er \UbJlXt to Len-dcf"s, appro...'al whic-h ~haH not be <br /> <br />"l\rc,'l....'.1,j.:--n ""':;~f~t'iI~ <br /> <br />'\; n..l;Ut~L.:( ;....';;-(!C', dnJ re:n!:'\lltiih, \hal! toe ih:-,-c-p-!abk t{) LeHdcr and ,halt meiudc:- 3 \tandard mQngag.e- dau)-e. <br />t ,:nJ-l;'~ "h~\;; ~{t't the nghllo hAd Hit pdh:lC"> and r-t"ne'Aah. 11 Lc-nder reqVlrn. fk)fH' ..haH ptomptly -gt\--e to Lender <br />.1\\ !~{'1p\l., ,-~f f>-JtJ pfemHJ-fn, .l!1d rcn~~a.l notKC'\ in the ("V('fit (.~llos.\" llorro,,"(f ,haU gn'c prumpl no-Bee to the tn~urafi\~~ <br />.H no viJ t ~nd:;r i.end~; m., mai..e- p!t.~"1r .:1' lu...." If not m,;l-dc prDmptiy b:v Horruwcf <br />L ;;1--<:,,\,,- l. tnJ{:;- .Hi-d B~.)-nt}"'" e: ot her \It-!~ ~~rct: In ,",,'nung. 1n\Unln-CC proc(:~s shaH tw: apphed- to res((lfaUon Of repatr <br />'f rht' Pr,,'j"Cn~ J:;sm.a.s-ed, ~f the H~~h)nH,-tn l1r repAir 1\ C'conomlCaJly feaSible and l..ender\ securit)' is not les!)eneil If the <br />~e'\.t,)LHi~~f1 ,'f ~tp~lt 1\ n,,-'l t"t.'\lly fC;.t.u~k i.)1' !.<ndef's ~(t;\,lnt) w-ould be l('$~ned. th( msuran-c,:(: proceeds !t.hall be <br />.Jpp!t(".,J ~,\ ih-t' ';HH<.. ~i"'1;ured h\ !rH\ S<<urH~ !r\\trumt-fH. ""hether Of nOl then due-, wlth any ('\cc:ss patd to BPfrOWt"I If <br />ik'>r\l"'C! ,.$t",-.Hi~Lir;... :he Pwpcrh, ,-1f J{)CS not .)n~~'cr ~Hi'Hfl 30 da)~ a nO~l(-C from Lender.that tht Insurance carn~r ha, <br />"rft~c~t ~;" ~.-:.\tk"'\ ~ ;,Jun, :ht"H r1'\,*) ,--nll:e-.;.:t :h< lUS-U!an..:c plu,:c-<<h Lendcr mil)' tJ!!.(' tne pnx:eeds to repair nr rel.,IOre <br />'h:' ft"p<n\ -r '.' r<'!~ ",in1'" 'C'L'i.HcJ h li'H'~ ~~urH~ in'S.Ifum('ol, ~helhc( or nm then due rhe .\O--da~ renod ,",'Ill he~ln <br />'.\ t:\:',' ":t r: >l I'. t:' ,\ t:f~ (:f; <br />~ Nt;"" l.tnv-t'f ;Hhl H'('!'f'lY'\I!,(r \.~l hen" 1'>1;; .J.~n:-(' 111 ~ nilng. ;HIi' .q"'ph~ahon (tf p.'l..x:-C'ed~ to pnn~lpa.J shail B(H l"1.ten-d or <br />;-.. ,...: P;\~,t' 'h-t' J:';1; ,tue ,;f; he in~,,;n!hh p.).)rn('n~' r('t"etrt"d lU i.n par agnph:) 1 and 2. nr (hange tht JffiOunl of the pil'" !ncn!.. If <br />;..;nc...ic ;".H .'i~r .irt, : ~ ; he- Pl'~.lpcn) ~\ .;a-:qu!l'N l"1~ L<Hd-~r, B1.)nn';t,t::r., nght w iln~ lnl'lur.anc(' p<()llC!e\ anct P-f(x:('('th rc,ullln~ <br />l:\'n, ,:;,H1"I..i~t' \;' ih" P1..:'~n) fHhX tf' ihe .h:4Ul"olUiHl "hail ra~') to Lender :,'; ihe t,:o.kni of tht 'l-um\ !!ot;'\;UftO tn Inl... S(~(lin!.. <br />\"..:' umeH~ ;tnmedl;:ltd~ pnor \0 the a~-qul\til~n\ . <br />tl. Prut'natlOn and ".int~n.anc\' of Prupert); Lt'a.",bQlds. B(\HOllrt:'t' ..h.dl f\\.JI de"lft.)}, ~t.arnag(" \1f ...Ub....l'-ll~t ldli~ <br />,fl,jn~-c- l't;:: Pr('f>efi\ .,tLi.(}-.. lh" P-rof<tly t,l ~~ct(-n~~r~te;l. '-.l)ftlmH ""4\1(' If Inl"lo S-e(unt~ In..,trl.llllt'tH 1'0 "n.\ k,l".~h,dd <br />t~~'rrf.1\.lr,n ,hJii ;;l'mri~ '>4Hh Int" r!tV'I),ivtl'\ ,)f lh< !ea~. "rld;( &.'>rr\''-\IIIC'r .i...:quu-t"'o f~(' lllk 1,\ the Prorcn~, lh(" k.\...d~pki ,~nJ <br />~t',~ \llk ~t',,.\~i fh.! ;n-er~( unIC\!. L<1wer agr('(:"!. h.' the m<.'rgc( In I,l;llllng. <br />- P-n.rtrt"tion ut L~ndt'r'\ Ridns in tht' Properly; \tOf'tPl!tt lo'!-urance. If BorrtH,...e! f.Hh 10.) \'cfl;'rm 1hc <br />,.,-''>ctJar;t\ anJ .If.:!('t'-nl<:Hh -.:nnrameQ to th,~ S('-j,..~,n!) In'Hfum-enL i..'f then~ l'l.a kp,i pHK~e-dlf1j; thai mil\ ,..\~nd1~<.t!)U\ .,ife-,,-; <br /> " l~ttH" ,to :h(' P'Opt'fl) l_\u..:h a;.. .l }HtX,'eedtng In biinkn.lfllt,:}. pH'b.;lf(, fOf (1,)fldernn31l,.)t\ ,>r {(l en111f\"{' i.l\\'" <br />'{f,\Jj,~lh>'\~~ lh~n Len-d-er mil, do ",no Pol) tt"f \4h;,;\tt\--~{ \~ O<<-r-''3f) to prote,,'! !hc \aJue \'l{tn(' Properl\ .:.nd I t'PJt't', rl::hl~ <br />'h: j':r,;r..;:rl\. ~ ~n,Jer \ ,)<Ch\-~n\ mOl) 1fh.:lud~ fM,m, 4n~ ..tim.. '\-t"'1..urC"\J b} (I ]''<'11 ""h!l..h hJI, j\P<.'rlh ,",(I th1' ....':~\.rH\, <br />k",",f,~>~1;{'nj, "lPP<'~IHli.11 ';i','\H~. ra)m~ re'.;),.i)!\40-!( ~llufhe~' 1'("(':'0 .;.tf'n1 {'rHCf\n~ l'fl. lne' Proper!\' ~\.' fl1JI,.C r,r.l\f-" .\llh, u~.~ <br />! (",,~tti ~n4\ ,;;....{ ,h.!!~;-rl undtr 1!u'\ pMJ-gi'aph -. l cnd('-f dcor('\ 11l)t h,;l\e L; l,k'\ ""I' <br />.... ~,;. ,~j";,),~-h~~ <,.h..t~'\}l ~('\.1 fJ) i. t'n-;j('f ;,tfH.,k'r ! h.,> f".jf ).,.,r <"ph'" ...h.ill t'("\.I'>fl'\( , lkt:\-I ,,1 H"'f 1\'''..... ! ,...~ ,,, '" <br />)<:>. l'Hi!..w--;-,n,~ t Htll!:'l,-", B-t.'rlft'I\IH::r ,inu l..-r",JN d~n~€ HI ._,'lra': lnm... ~>i f"'~i~nH:~ii \r-"...~( ~H1.hii..H1\" ...liiji) N'.I' C"; I; <br />'!-"~ ,f :j;'.e....a-{f;)1:tll J' lh(' ',-HC (-.'leii' MnJ d'"tl: he ;l:.HJhk" ~l~j; 'l\{("q>1 ,;:"-,:: 1 ,-' .j," <br />""'"",-f'''<ll'li r">HI,-l-'tf,. <br />