<br />I""
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<br />84,-092978
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<br />applicable law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall
<br />give to Borrower. without charge, an annuaJ accounting of the Funds showing credits dnd debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br />debjt to the Funds was made. The funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. lOjether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance prCft\jums and ground rents, shall exc-eed tht- amount required to pay said taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and
<br />ground rents as they faU due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly
<br />installments of Funds, Ir the amount of the Funds held by Lmder ,hall not be sufficient to pay taxes, ......ments. insurance premiums and
<br />ground rents as they faU due. Borr-o\\-er shaU pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice
<br />is mailed by Lender 10 BO;'Tower requesting payment thereof
<br />Upon payment 10 full of all ,um.s secured by ,bi, Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender, If
<br />under paragraph i8 hereof the Property IS sold or the Property is otherwise a~quired by Lender. Lender shall apply, no later than immediately
<br />prior to the sIDe of the Property or Its acqUIsitIon by Lender. any Funds hdd by Lender at the time of application as a credit .pinst tbe-sums
<br />seeurM by this Deed of Trus[,
<br />3. AppDation of Paymftlu. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all pa~'lTIeDts received by Lender under the Note and paraarapbs 1
<br />and 2 hereof 'ihaU be applied by Lender first In payment of amounLS payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest
<br />pavable on the' Note. then to [he principal of the Note. and then to interest and principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. Cbaflell; lJeftS. Borrower 'iha.ll pay aU taxes. asses.''tments and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to the Property which
<br />may attam a priomy over this Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. in the manner provided:under paraarapb 2-bereaf
<br />or, if not paid In ~uch manner, by Borrower malnn,g payment. when due. directly to the- payee thereof. Borro.wer shaD promptly furnish to
<br />Lender all notice; of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly
<br />furmsh to Lender recriprs e'vl<1encmg such payments. Borrower shaH promptty discharge any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust;
<br />provided, that Borrower shall not be requlred to d!:Khargc any such lien 50 long as Borrower shall agree in writina to the- payment of the
<br />obhgiUion securro ~y -<;uch hen m a manner acceptable to Lender. or ..hall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such_lieD
<br />In. legal proceedings whkh operate to prevffit the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any pan thereof.
<br />S. H.uard IlJ5Itrana:. Borrower sh.all keep the Improvements now eXistmg or hereafter erected on the Property insured qainst loss by fire.
<br />hazards included wtthin the term "extended co'\.'erage" , and such other hazards as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such periods
<br />as Lender may require: prOVided. thai L~nder lihall not reqUIre that ,he amount of such coverage exceed [hat amount of coverqe required to pay
<br />the sums '>tX:urcd by tills Deed ot T ru~t
<br />The lnsutanc.e carner pro-vldm~ the lnsuran-ct:: shall 1 " <",osen by Bo-rrower subject to appro....al by Lender; provided. that such approval
<br />"hall nm be unrea.\onably wltl:theld, All prenUUIm on Insurance poh~tC'S shall be pard in the manner p_rovided under paragrapb 2 hereof or. if not
<br />paid l!l such manner. by 8orrower makifiJ{ payment. when due:. dIrectly to the Insurance carner,
<br />:\11 Jf}suranq pohnC'5 and rt'n(:Wals. thereof 'ihall be m form a.~ccptabie to Lffider and shall indude a standard mortPle claU5C in favor of
<br />dO-d In form ac.:--eptablc t'll 1 e-oot'r i cnder '\;hati h.a\'t' the nght to hold the potH:_U:S and rene-wals thereof, and Borrower shall prompdy fnmish to
<br />Lender aU rencwal nom:-e~ and all fCt.:<::lpt\ 01 patd prcmlUms_ In the C"t:OC of loss. Borrower shaU gIve prompt notice to the insurance carrier-and
<br />Lender, i.-coder may make phXJt oJ los~ If not made promptly by Borr-nw-('f.
<br />Unless Lcrn:kr and Bo-rnJwCf lc"ltnt'fWUe agrtt m wduni. ifUurMCe proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />dama.ged. pro\'uied such restmaBOU Of repau 1$ C(:onomicall)' feasIble and [he security of this Deed of Trust is not Lhcreby itnpaired-. If ~
<br />resloratlon or repa:u t~ not C'%.'QoomK:8il)' fco.blble- or jf t.he security of this Deed or Tru.st. would be impaired. the insurance p~ shall be
<br />appiii:d t-o tiK sums .~~ured by Hill Deed or Trust, ......ttb the cxca." It any, paid to Borrower, If the Property i. abandoned by Bortower. or if
<br />Borrower fw.b tu respond to Lender wuh1n 30 day) from the dare- nouct ,;. mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offen- to
<br />iCtUe a claUD fOr msuram.-e benef1ts-. Lend~!" u. aulbori.1.ed t-o t.'OU<<f and apply the ir15urance proceeds a.t Lender's option either lO- restoratioll-or
<br />repau uf the PrOPelt)' Of to the' sum, secured by thiS Deed of Tj\l~C
<br />Unless Lender <md Bo-rrow-er othetwi!e aaret' In """uina. any s\lCh apphcauon of proceeds to principal &hall nol extend or postpone'the due
<br />date of (he- monthly tnsta.llmcnu rderred to In Pti&&laptu, I and 2 herrof or ch&nlf: the amount of sucb installments-. If under paraarapb 18
<br />hereof the Propert)" lS ik.-qulf(~d by Lender. aU right, title- and tnterat of Borrower in and to any insurance policies and in and to me proceeds
<br />thereof ....ullinll r rom danlaie ,,' .be Property pno, '0 the sale 0' ....-qui'illon shall pass to Lende, to the extelll of the SUlDl secured. by this Deed
<br />of Troi11~tely prior to SL~b ~ o!.)f =(~u!~!ti-oo
<br />6. PftMrft_ _ __ of "-ty; ~; Co.........; P1_ U1lit Door.......... Borr_ shall keep the
<br />Property in good repat. and shall not commit was'e or permit mipairmem or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with the PJ'Ovilions
<br />of any I.... if this l)ee<j of Trust" on a leasehold, If this Deed or TrustlS on a unit in a condominium or, a planned unit development, Bortower
<br />tba1l perform aU of Uonower's l)obptlotU under (h~ decla,ration Of co\'enants creating or lovernilll the condominium or p1aaned unit
<br />de>e1opmeot, tho by-I.... and regulau"", of tbe condominium or pl&nned unit development. and constituent documents, If a CODdominiIllll or
<br />planned unit devel<>pmeDt nder " e.ocu.ed by Borrower and re<.'Orded 'OIether with this Deed of Trust. the covenants and _ts of such
<br />rider shall be incorporated mto and shall amend and supplement the c'OVeooolS and agr<emeDts or this De.:d of Trus~ as if the rider were a part
<br />hereor
<br />7, P__ of ~'. -I)', If Borrow., ralli to perrorm 'he covenants and agreement' contained in this De.:d ofT",,!. or if any
<br />action or proceediI\j IS ;;ommenced whtch m.l.\clu111)' a.ffects Lender's mterest in lhe Property, includi,na. but not limited to, eminent domain~
<br />uuoh.enq. code enfor-ccment. or arranaemenu OJ prOCftdin&,s involving a bankrupt or decedent. then Lender at Lender's option, upon nouce
<br />to BocrO"A'tr. may make- !)uch .appearances, disburse- such sums and take such actIOn A$ is necessary to protect LenGer's, interest. includina. but
<br />not limited lU. dis.bufkment of reasonable aHorney's fees and entry upon the Property to make repairs. If Lender required mort_c insurance
<br />lt5. condition of ma.k:iDl the loan secured by th.is Deed of Trust. Borrow-er shall pay tbe pnmti.ums required to maintain such insurance- in effect
<br />until such umc tl$ the requlr-ement to-r $uch lOSura.n,,'e t('nnmau~s m accordance with BOl'Tow-cr'$ and Lender's wrinen qrccment or applicable
<br />taw. 8ortQWC'f ibaU pay the amount of all moItPlc IhSurance premiums in the manner provided under paraaraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Ltl'Jdcr pursuant to this paraaraph "7. with interest thereon. shall become additional indebtedness of Borrowft
<br />""'....red by this Deed 01' Trun, l!nlelS Borro_ and Lender oar<< to other tenns or payment, such amounts shall be payable upon notice from
<br />l-e:n4er t-fi Borrow't'€ requ~tint payment thereof. and shall bear interest frmn the dau: of di$bw-sement iU the rate payable from time to time on
<br />outuandina ~pal und.et t~ Note unks.s payment of intCf6l.at such rate would be -contrary to applicable law, in ...hicb evem web- amounu
<br />shaU bear .merftl at the hiabest tate petnUSSlble under applicable 10.., NOlhina c."ntained in this paragraph 7 shail require Lender to incul any
<br />tOl\'lO<lH or tall.e on, IIdion hereunder.
<br />t. I........., l.ender may make or oa.... to be made "'....'''''ble .ntri.. upon and ins"""'i,,,,. or tbe Property, provided that Lender shall
<br />pvt Dotro.wu 00I:i<< poot' to uy such IMPf(:tjon 5ped-.fyin& reuooabl-e caUK (h~fefor rclatt:d to Lendet's intetetlt in tbe Property,
<br />9. t~. Th<< pr~s of any Dwant Of ':'Uutn (or dan-lqtiS, direct or ~~;(Jntequenua1. In .:onnectioft W1th an)' condemnatIOn Of
<br />othtr tW'ftJ of the- PfUpelt)'_. m- p*Jt H't.eT-t't:)f. Of for ,oOV'C)'atWC Ul Uw of ct:m<kmnauoll. are hereby U\lIned .and $haU b<: p.&id to L('u-der
<br />1n thtt f"V<:D' .0.' .. total ti:k.iAl 0-' tM Property. th<<: prlX"ndi ~ bf:; appbed to (he -nuns ~'Ured by this. lX:ed \Jf Trun, with the (",lI;O:-S~, ,( any,
<br />ptUd: tu Bonower. lfllfte. tvelU t."tf a panhti t&ki1'1l of ~he Ptt:>perty. iJfUm tu>>!OW(\'t and Lender Odl:<eTWl!W alret In ....T~tHl-8. thn~ ~ha11 tie- ilpptJcxi
<br />to;M ~'UtfU ,)rt-ul"<<f by tro-.\ l~ vf TruJl 'trt<;'fl pt~}-Vonl~Yn vI' the pt~e<<h b u: eq4-a~ to tnlu p,oportion whl~h lOr ltm~l"~Ii.t1 d the ~um~ ~u--r--ni
<br />