<br />r
<br />
<br />C",IFORM C')VENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />J, Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and l.ate Charges, Borrower shall promptly pay ,,'hen due
<br />Ihe pnnclpal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the :-;ot<.
<br />2, Funds (or Taus and "Isuranee, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on Ihe day monthly payments are due under the Note. until the NOle is paid in full, asum ("funds:') equal 10
<br />,me-Iwelfth of: (a) yearly la.es and assessments which may allain prionty over this Security Inslrument;. (hJ)'early
<br />Iea!lehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (<::) yearly hazard insurance premiums; ami(dlye.rly
<br />mungage IOWl.nce premiums, If any. These Items are called "escrow items," Lender may <stlrnate the Funds <l.\ie on the
<br />bas,is of current data and re3S0nable~llm3t~ offutu-re escrow items.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an mstitu!ion the deposits or accounts of which are insuted or guaranteed by ate'dep'1'1r.
<br />'tate agency llOdudmg Lender If Lender IS such an ,"sdlUlion). Lender shall apply the Funds 10 paYThe,esccro\\::il~!t!S"
<br />Lender may no. charge for holdmg and applymg the Funds, analyzing the account or v"rifying the escrow'item",.\1illl!ss
<br />Lender pay, Bow,wer mlerest on the Fund, and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge':n(}rr?"'~:ilol\d
<br />L<nder may agree '" "ntmg that tnterest ,hall be paId on Ihe Funds. Unless an agreement i, made o'Tappllcahklaw
<br />r<qUlres mler"" to be paid, Lender shall nOl be reqUJred 10 pay Borrower any interest"r eatnings on tReFunds,\ L".n'der\
<br />;hall glV< w Borrower. "UhOUI charg<:, an annual acwuntlng of the Fundsshowingcred.itsand\debltsIOt.heFllrtdsartd'(he.
<br />yU~4~e f0~' ~ h~,;:-~. ~.ch ctC{lolt to [he Funds. was made. fhe Funds. are. pledged as additional security for f-he-sum'S-~cut-(d~hy
<br />IhlS Secufft\ insfru,menl
<br />If ,he amount of the Funds held by tender, IOgether'Wuh the future monthly paYtmntsofFurnlSpayahle..pnorto.
<br />! he due dates of the ~-row Item~. shaH exceed Ihe amount required to pay the escrow Items -"-'-nen. due.; lh~ e:tces.s.,-sbaU 'be~
<br />3t BbHO'A'Cr', opnon. C'Hh(-t rr~-mptly rep;iud fa 8crro\\"-er or cieditcd tv Borrower on moufbjypaymttU_~'Qf Funds.: ITth~
<br />,,,,<<un. nr Ih< Funds held by Lender" not ,ut!iclent to pay the =row items when due. &rrowershall pay toLenderall'Y
<br />amounl nC'ce'\\~HY to- makt' up the de'ncl-enc>^ In one or mort payments as required-b~ Lender.
<br />Ci"'n raymenl ,n full of all sums =ured by th" Secunty Instrument, Lender shallproml'tly refund to Borrow~r:'
<br />,ny Fund, hcid by Lender I f under paragraph ! 'ltbe Property is sold or acquired by Lender. Lender $hall.llpply,nolatcr,'
<br />.ha" ,mmcd,a.c!\ rnM to .he sale of the I'ropeny or 1Ii acquisillon by Lender. any Funds held by Lender.tlhe Ilm.6f
<br />;lppin:.:HlC\n a~ ;l ffcdn .agam~'t the $.um\ secured by thIS Secunt")' Instrument.
<br />J. Application of Paym""t$, Unle.s applIcable law provides otherwise, .11 payments reedvedby Lender under
<br />paf>~raph, I and 1 ,haU be .pp!ted: fiNI. 10 tale charges due under tbe Not<; ,,,,,,,nd, to prepaym.ntcharges due under the
<br />'Oft: !hud. to amOi.H1h payabl-e under paragraph 2, founh. to mtcrcs.t due~ .1lld rut, 10 prlnc-l~ due.
<br />4. Chafi<<; Ue"., Borrower ,hall pay all tues, ,,,,,,,,,"melllS, charges, "nos .nd impositions allnbutableto lhe
<br />Pro.pcrt) wtn(.'h may .!ltU-m pnon~y O\''CT thIS Sc:cunty lnsuum-ent. and lease-hold pa)me-ntS Of ground- r-e-nt~i: if ~Jiny.
<br />Bnrrrl.~(f ~h-aH 1>>)" th~C' obhgaHons in the m~~nn(:r prOVided 1-11 paragraph 2, or if nOI paid in that manne'f, Borro\\'er-shaU
<br />ra~ them (to lime d.l:f'ccdy to the pet"${)' n-\>! ro paymmt. &rr-ower shaH promptly furnls-h Ie} under aU notices. of amounts
<br />\" b< paId und", Ih" paragraph If Borrower makes In..." paymw" dlfectly, Borrm...er shall promptll' furnIsh to Lender
<br />ft'Ct'tpt' ('vtdt'ncmg the paymmt\
<br />norrO"4er ,;,haH rromptly dtKharge any hen w!uch ha~ pnont)' over thIS Secunty Instrument unleu Borrower (a.)
<br />;tg.tl:C') In "-nHng to tht- p-a)'m~nt of !h-c obhl3unn s.ecur<<t by the hen In a manOtT acceptable to Lende-r: (b) 'conte!;lS m -good
<br />LHth th~ !!~n by, (.f dcJcnds a,>>mM c-nforc-em-enl or tht: hen m. iegal prCJC(cchngs wtuch m the lender's optnion operate to
<br />p,re...e-nl the t"ff{r)r,\:('rtlffit of the 114:1'1 or foneltuu 0-( An)' part of the Property: Of (C) secures from tht- holder t'i:f t~he-Jl~u-an,
<br />.1i-rt'cmr:m ~aH_sf-31:h:H'Y to lcnd<< \uoord.tn-3tmg lhc lkn tQ t-hi\ ,$<<:urjty Jn1-trum-ent, If Lender determ-ines-that:any pan of
<br />:he Prnpen\ ,,, \ub-JC'Ct to >l ht':f'i whu.::.h m;l)' aUam pnonty oYer thts Secunty hl'itrum-cnt. L.ender may giv( llor-nJw-t-f a
<br />fH_!-f](,C 'dcrtu()i'mg ~ht' hen l:k'1.HOWe \haH u1P"fy the ht'n !)f ta-.k.c ol'te; VI' mure o[tn4: acttn-ns- ~et fnrth abov(' ~.ithln it) day;,
<br />;~f !he !tHwgofnt.Hh'"C
<br />5. Haurd In.,u:ra-n<<. OOn-O"'~f ~hAH keep- :nc- unp-<<wcm-ctH\ nuw ('-t51m.3 or hereafter -erected o-n fh.~ P-roJ-l(rt)
<br />ifi.'!.,uroo ag:am"'llos~ b~ nre. ha..lMds lnd~d~ 'ol.--HhH! !he term "extenck-'-J -cv;'1jrag~" and aftY othef h&-l1ifu!!. [(li whi:dl Len-dei
<br />n:quHC'\ ,n'Ufi1na Tta'\ !:o,$.Uf2f{L"-e 5:naH be m~UnlamC'-d m rhe atnOunt:s, and fot lht- penQds that Lender reQwrei. The
<br />In\Ur~n'':-'t ..::tff1-<f pro\'l-dmg the Hl\-U!3-tlc-e '\h~\B ~ d\OiA:tl by florrowe.r '\ub~t 10 Lcndcr'~ approval wh1-th '\haH not he
<br />~lfln~a~maM~ wu.hhdd
<br />.-\U ;n~Uf;iUj:i:"(" p':~hnMo i!M r-encwah ~haH ~ ticcc-pHi-bic to Lc-nuct oliOU ~ha.u If\dude it nan'la-rd mortgage -dauf\c.
<br />tCft-def ,>-naB ha'i'( the niht to how th~ poh'-~fi and rrn<,wai~ If L~nd-e-f requiro. B<..rrowCf -sna:U -pr-ompdy gl-\'e to Lend:t":t
<br />aU r(,(t-rph -n( p'.ud p-renltunu ilnd renC'wai Mt)th:('\ (n th( ~"t'-fH of}-OM-.. nono-~'er ~haB jp"'>c prompt J'H)4ice to the Il1surao(('-
<br />carner and Lenu't'l Lender may makf: -Pf{li!;,.,( of lnM.. tf not made prompd)' by &rrow-e.r
<br />Uni~~ Lcndl:l and Borrower otht'N'lS<' a:gr<<!n ~nun,. mSUf~nee pnx:ttd$ !!:haU be apphed to rC'S-tomtt-o-n or fepatf
<br />.Ii the Property dam.sed, If the res.ora1l,," '" tq"lf" ecOtlomlcall~ fe.ulble and Lender's securilY " nOl les,'.ened If lhe
<br />r('"fOtiHh'm ,-',f tepaH h (ll.-'1 ('(t:!oomiCalJ)' feaSible <)f Lend~t'~, iI:~urUj' "'-Q:u~d be lessened. lht" io~uran~e proce<<1!! ~haH be
<br />.J.pphcd t-o th~ \um"! ~t'\:ured hy th_s St-cVrlt)- In\-trurnent. wh-elher t)f not lben due. 'i~.-'lth aQ,Y excess paK1 to ~}rr-o"-er_ If
<br />B(l-ff(r~Cf .tb~rH.1{)ft'\O the f~ropcrt), Dr dt'!eS not :.\n').....'~f \uthU\ 1..') dars 3 n-O(it~(: from Ltnder tha1 the- insuranCe ~arncr ha!i
<br />i.,fT~reii f{' 'Icule J ,.-1<<11'0. then Lender ma) (:(}H~\ tilt Uls-uun-et p-n)(,'ccd'S Lender may us-(' the proceeds tc rep-an or r':~hlre
<br />,ht PfOP(:'tt~ ,:'1 h~ p.a}' \;Jnh ~lJre-d b~ thi~ $(:c.unt)' IO'lotrumt'nt. whelh~r or not Ihen due The' JO~d3Y peni''ld \o\.tH begIn
<br />\\0 hen {he n(HI,'(' h gp,en
<br />Ln!t'\~ L('n-d-el .and. &"I,rr-o...(:r otnt.rwls,e agf<< Ul \\ ntmg, an)' apphcaHon (if proceed! to pnnttpal ~haU nOI C'~!entl-t)l'
<br />pll"lo-1-fl':~ne lh~ ;,lueda!e- \..~-f the m~;mtnl)' r.a)mcnh r-eferred to 10: pilragraph~ 1 and 2 or dlange the:- arnu-unt Ofih(' pa)-m~nh If
<br />ur.der pcarag.raph l1f the Propc.ft:i IS, ac-quued by L<nd(r~ Borro'loAo'cr's nght to an)' msuntnce- poh-C1CS and p-H_:x--eed:" rC'luhmg
<br />~Nn Uiltn~ge In the f-'rQp<:rt) pnor 10 the- .acq\iUHlOfi '\hati pa~s (0 Lender to {he C:\fenl of the ~um\ ~~ufed b~ tln... S-e-':Uftl ~
<br />in"'-lfumt"n1 H'tlm(tha-tely pnor to the a:cq\.u.~Hjon
<br />6, Pr~"ahon and :\1ai.nteMDC't 01 Property; Lc~!t-otds. Borrow'cf ,hajj no! destro)-, damage-~)f ')Ub"I~HHi;IH>
<br />dl~n"e fh.: Pt(lpcny. aHo,," rh-c Property 10 dettnorate Of ('ommH waste If th.!l Se-C'urHY Im.trumem ,.. PO a ka...dH11d.
<br />Borrt'l,.er ~haH ...'f\-!1lply wnh the provawnSi of the lu~~. and tf Bo-no-'cf a('q~.nr~ fee tlrk to.-) the Property. !he k.l\dh)-ki ,IFIll
<br />kt ~~lic 'i,haJl tl'Q-t mc.rg-c unle.", l-end~r agr~ h) fh~ merger m wntmg
<br />'1. Pt'ot<<.don (if l..ender's Riabts. In tbe Pro,pertYf ::-.-tortPI-C In-sur-ance-. if HornJw(f f~:;:lh. to perf\')Hll {ht:
<br />>:'O\'(''!~.itnh;Utd- a.y<<-nl(,nlS ~untaUled- to Ihn. Se_cunt) In~tr-umenl. Of thete 1\ a It'g.-a.! prtKrt-thng lhat m3.J "lgJllh..~-<l-IHI:- ;li!'c\:t
<br />(.-tn-det) niAu. H1 the- Propcfl). (~-u-ch .a~ a procC('dml to bankruptcy. prob.att:. (or o;:-ondtmnalwn or tel (f\(Oft'C' l.h\.... Of
<br />f-<'i~i:iinti'-JH\~. th'!ft L<:ootr ma.}'-dt}an-d pa)' for ~:'h3te-\'-cr is ne\:~~f)' t(1- prOlei:t th~ ..alue vI the Proren) ~nd LCfh.it'" ... rt~hh
<br />~n in;:: P'f~:>-f)1:n} Lc:nde-r"\ JCHi~r:l'\ rna)' mdul.1e patms. ao} fl.u.m:\ ~(~ufed b-)- a hen V.hH'h ha,'!o pn...~n!!- "~t'r Ihl' S('\,'l.;1l1\
<br />Ifi5U'-urntrU, ap.p<>anng H' ~'t,.~~Ul. ~~ll\g rc-a~)'fHlbf( aHOf1"\lty". (e~ .\no r:nlCTlf1f on the .)f(}pcn~ 1t1 makt:' ;rp'Aif'!>. ,\ifrw\J;:h
<br />l~'tl:dtf nta) til)-k( a:t'uoo under \ft>>--parag.fap-h:. l"tn-der d()('S riot ha\c to dO!.i-J
<br />An~ d-mtl~Ult!io dfib.yr~..d by uudel uno(t tb:l$ pan_graph 7 \lUtU be('(\-mt: addlth,mai debt l'!! Uor!O\\t::f ...t~....UfJ;:.,J h :hl"
<br />~:utn) jn-,~U-U:tni1!fH Ufi-l~s- Bo-rn.1\Jio'(f and L(1:,d<<-agr.c:.e to Qth-c-r term" (~f f'a~m('-nl, tnt'\t a.mOUfi~::'~ ..hj,/j ~'\.it ,nl\'r\,-"j f;-,'.tH
<br />the- dJ1~C .,)f dt.'\butlt:'nwm ilt tht NOIt': nUe and \-hall he pa)-abi<:. w'Hfl P;.t(,fML U(,,",-H\ rH~Hl;.'-{' fr'YH I t'odc! ~1' H"H"\.\("
<br />~-~Q~,~tmf;, fl,t)~nt
<br />
<br />84 ___~ 002966
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