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<br />I" <br /> <br />84~'002946 <br /> <br />I" <br /> <br />UHIPORM CoVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />.1, ""- of Prl_.... IUHI latenol. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal or and interest on the <br />IOdebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />%. ..... fer T_ -~, Subjttt to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower .hlll pay <br />to Lender Of~ ihe day moothiy instaiiments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herem "Funds") equal to one-twelfth uf the yearly taxes and asseSsments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground reots on the Property, if any, plus one~tweJfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of asaessmentil and bill, and reasonable estimates thereof, <br />The Funds s.haU be held in an lfii,jtutlon the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fede-r~l, or <br />Slate agency (including Lender if under is such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds to pay .aid. taxes. assessments, <br />msurance premiums a,od ground rents. Lender may' not charge for ,so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account <br />()f verifying and compiling said H.\Se$Iments and bills. un1es..~ Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and, applicable Jaw <br />permhs Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing- at the time. of- execution- of this <br />Deed of Trust that intere5t on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower. and unJe.'iS such agreement is made or -applfcableJaw <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender s.haU not 00 required tv pay Borrower any jntcTCSt or eaminfS On the Fu,nds''-- LeD~er <br />shaH give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to-the Funds: and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds WlL. made. Th. Funds are pledged as additional seourily for !helum. secwed <br />by thIS Deed of Trust, <br />If the amount or the Funds held br Lender, together with the rutur< monthly installments or Funds payable prior to <br />fhe due dates of taxes, ~uessments, insurance premiums and Bround rents, 1'nall exc~ the amount req~red to- pay said"taxes. <br />asseumenl$, insurance premiums and ground rents QS they faU Joe. ll.uch excess shall be. at BorrOWU"s ,option.' either: <br />promptly repaId to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthlv in:s-taJlmcnts of Funds. If the amount of -tbe- Funds <br />held b)' Lender shall not be ,uffiC-fC~nt to pay taxes, asseumenfs. insurance premiums and ground tents- as they- fa-ii-d,*,. <br />8orrowe.r li.hall pay to lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notiu -is- mailed <br />by Lender to Borro_r requestlDg pa)meot thereot. <br />Upon payment in full of aU sums secured by thts Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptJy refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 '",..of lh. Proportr " Sl>ld or ,he Property i. otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />'Shall apply. no later than immediately pnor fo the lO-ale i,)( the Property Of its- acquisition by Lender. any Funds held- -by <br />Lender at the time of applation as a credit ag3lnst the sums s<<ured by this Deed of Trust, <br />J. A.~ of p...~..... LJnlc:x.'!i apphcab-te law provides otherwise, aU paymenf5 received by Lender under the: <br />Note aDd paragraph:! 1 and 2 ber-eo-f !halt be applied by l.ender firsl HJ payment of amounts payule to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to intef'e-'n payable on the Note. then to the prindpaJ of the Note. and then to interat and <br />pnncrpli on any Future Advances. <br />4. Charan; I.ka. Borrower <;hil:~j pav aU ta\c.... .}~eumenh <:nd ..~Iher ~hargn. fines and impositions attributablc-to <br />lhe Property which may rfuain a pnonty. over !fUll Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents:, jf any, in the <br />manner provIded uff<icT paragraph 2 hC1'eof \-.r, Ii nor paid in such manne-r. hy Borrower makins: payment. when due. directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower..hi j,_.rompdy funltm to I.ender alll1ouce~ of amounts due u~det this paralraph. and in tbe <br />event 8orro-wer shall make paymenl dutt'tly, Borrower shall pr-omptJy furOlM1 10 Lenikr rece-tptl evidencing such payments. <br />Bo-rmwer ~aU promptly dm:hartle any licn wha:h hu pnOr1IY over thl" Deed of 'Tmst; provlCied. that Borrower shall not be <br />req-UlrC'd to dt\Chuge iHlY ~uch hen ~.o tong a~ Horrower ...ha1l agree In Writing tQ the payment of the obligation secured by <br />\uch hen In ~ manner al.:cep(able tn I ,coder, or ~haH H1 !lot."1tl liu-t" COOl(,",$1 such !ten hy. l.'tr defend enforcement of such lien in. <br />legatl proceedtuf.-' which opente to pre-venf the cntorcemenl of the lien or forfeiture (.)f the Property or any pan thereof. <br />S. Haz..1t I_....-c. 80rruwer 'Ji.h:ail keep the ImprovclUe-ot! now c:\lsllng or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />against ton by tin:, hazards included wtthin the teml "e:\t-ende-d {. 'overnge". and ~uch other h3z.ards as tender -m*.y requite: <br />and to $,llCh amounts and (or auen pen ods a~ Lentk:r may reqUlle: provnied. that Lender shaH not requ1re that the amount ot <br />'Ulch CO,,-ctage e:t1..-eed fhat ilm-ounl uf cQverage reqUIred 1;:) pay the -\um$. secured by tblS Deed of Ttt.ttt. <br />The in'Jurancc cuner p-n.wtdtnJ:: the Ill!iuunce 'l'.hJllI ~ cho~n by Borrower subjec.-t to- approval by lender: proy-ide-d. <br />that such approval &luaU not he unreasonably All prenuums on iMUrance policies shall be paid in the_ manner <br />pwvided under praraarapb 2 hereof n-r, ! f flt)t paul 1t1 ~uch manner. b)' Borrower making payment. when due.. directly to the <br />iruurance carrier. <br />All msuraru:c poh(;t~ <tnd rt'rncwab there.oi he 1ft torm acceptable h) Lender and lftaU inelude a standtud mort...c <br />dau1lC in favor ot and in tom} 4C~e~ab-te h) l.ender l en~:icT ...hail have the Jlgld to hold iOO poheie!. ami renewaa thereof. <br />and Borrower shaU pl'(''mpdy furntsh It) Lender ~U fe-flewal ntl1tCe~ and ;aU fec:~fpta ('If pi:ud premIUms, .In the: event of lOP-I <br />Borrower shaH lPve prompt notl-C-C' I(l ~he InWUll-\:c; 'artier :uno Lender_ L~::-iwer may mn€: proof of Jon 1-[ not made- promptly <br />by Borrowct <br />Unles.':i Lender and Born..)Wer uthcrwl:t<" _gftX' m v.-ntlflg. Uf\urllfit.:C pn-x:-eed,$ shall be applied to lCM:oration or repair of <br />lhc Propeny damaged. .r-nJvltkd "tA"h ~loraHon or rep-aH ,'\ t't".;.t)lUHlucaUy ka~ble ;.md the securit)' -of thi! Deed oJ Trult is <br />nO( thereby uup.iured_ It su~h fe:lf(}ratton or rcpan r~ nui e':~)flo-nHcaH~ fcaMbte or 'If the ~unty of fhh Deed of Trust would <br />bee uupaned, lbe Insurance prO\.'-<<<iI shaH be- applied 10 the sUm~ secured hy this {leed of Trust. with (he t'.I'--CC'S."i. If any. paid <br />10 Borrower. if the Pf\~rty l'i <tb.mklhcd ~y Borrower', M It Borrower (.,ils to respond to t.ender within 30 days from the <br />dale n<.~lu..."'e i" milited h", Lettdcr to Boc-rower that (he Hnurance Carner offers to $Ctde H claim for Insurance bend Ii, L4tnder <br />t~ authoflz.ed to (:ou~i and apply the mi.UlUnce pl'UCeaiS at l.ender'5 (lPtion elrher h) resto-rallon Of repair of the ProJ>>eny <br />or t-o the sums ~ured by du-s Deed of T ru"t. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherW1lie _.fee In wnitO,. '--Hiy such iipphcatlon ot proc--eeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postP,\fie the due dAle of the tll\.lnthly lMtaHnxuts re-ieuetl to 10 paragraphs I and 2. hereof or the amount of <br />~uc:h instaihncmts, if under .paragraph I K bereof the Property 1'\ a'quued by Lender, aU nght. title and intcce5:1 of Borrower <br />In and to any insurance pO-hc:u:~ and m ~nd to the p-fiXceds thcr~nt r~uJtmg from damaae to the Properly pnor to the .sale <br />~)r .::cquisu:c;r; ~~aH ~ .'-1 uihk. i... ihc c"i~hi ...{ if-n; lJoufJu, ~urni bJ ttu~ Deetllll 'f rUM Hl\medtale}y prior 10 such sate or <br />acqUISition. <br />6. ~_ _ ~ 01 Propert,; Le_: Co......mlal_ PIaIl.... UIIil De............ Borrower <br />...haU keep fhe Pmpert}' In gO(.1o;.1 rep>>i:r ;jllO ..hail rh..~ .:ommli V>U1Jtt' (tf permIt impaiffll<:"l\t or det.eri\}ratu:m of the Property <br />.and shall c.omply wilh the p-n.lViSk){U. {if :my JeaM: if thts r1eed of Trll~t IS on it leasehold. If this Deed of Trust 18 on a unit in a <br />condominium ~)r it _ pltnned unu Gcvelopment. Borrower ihaU pedorm aU 01 Borwwe-fs obligations under the declaration <br />0.( co~-cnants aea.tmg -or govemmg the condominium, Of planned HIH! de~elopment. the by.laws and regulations of the <br />..'ondomiaium Qr planned unit deve-iopmenl, and COniHtuenl document\.. If" (:ond(,miniurn or planned Untt development <br />nder tS e.u<;uted by Borrower and r<<ordeti logether 'WIlh ltw, Deed {If rrUl'lI, file cOVenants and agreements of such rider <br />shall be mcorponu-ed into and shall amend and suppkmem the (nvenanh i.wJ agreements of thiS Deed ot TruM as If the rider <br />were a part hereof. <br />7. ~ of 1.<<'1NIe.,.', s.c-.lity. If Borrower fads to peff~"fm fhe ~:oVenants .1Ou agn,-emellls contamed in lhis <br />Deed of Trust. or If any action or prOC<<'dlllg IS i.x.mrnc-nced whu:.h mah:rH~Uy atrect5 Lendcr'~ inter~t in the P-ropeny, <br />!.ocludib&. hut not h.oulCd t-o. emioe-tlt QOfnalll. JflWl-vcnq~, code enh..ln.::-emerH. or arnmgemenb or prllceedmp, mvolving l.I <br />blnk_rup( or dcc:eden.t~ then l.ender at Lender's OptIOU. up..)1l oohCt' to Borrower, flU) make SIKh appeitranl.;e'Ji, dijhur\e ~Udl <br />'$Will and take s.uch 3.cti{m M li- necessaf)' to protect Lcnder.s ltltCre~.i. mdudlfig, r>-ut no.t limited to, d':sbur~ctr":llt t.f <br />reuoubte attOffttOy'" fees and -entry upt,ln the Pn:.tperty 10 make repairs If Lender r~qUlred mortgage ItlS\Hauc(.': ;h a <br />c.ond:itkm ,?f ma<<in-l ~ i~ ~re4 b)! tha I~ o-f +J:TU%t. 8ow.lwer shall pa~ the pr(:miUffi$ ft."ituued to maUH.1lfO :-.tlch <br />flUlUance In effect untd loch ttme: as the requlrenMml for sucb iOsuuncc ICffllH1ah:'!i t!1 ac~ordlltnce with 8oITo-+,\'er's .md <br />Leod<<", written ~l Ot a~icabJc Jaw Borrower !>hall pay the amount of .,11 mortgage insurance premIUms ltl the <br />"""'- provided under 2 hereof. <br />__AD)' anwKlotJ disbuned by Len~r _pu;rsW.l~1 10 Ihi.!o ~}aragUipb 7, WIth ,ntCft\$t {hereon, ..hall t>ei..'lH\\e- addltt'onal <br />(~pf Bon-ower ltC'ured h,.- thtS Deed of Trust l.;nlC$S 8orrQ\\.er and Leuder agrn to other Ienn~ ~lr paym.ent, :,:u~h <br />~b- Ulan be payable: upon m~M:e (rom L<<-t1der to 8orrower re-q~Hnl paYfllenl lhereof. and shail hear ~n(erest frolll Ihe' <br />date ot ~t .t the- rate pay4-blc frofU time- 1-0 tlm~ on ou~nandfn8 r-nn\;,pll'! under the Note \-!nles.., payment 01 interest <br />at iUCh nllO 'ifo\QullJ be ;,:-i:mtnu)' to a.pplkablc !.a~. in whl\:h i;'Vent 'HJl,.:n a.mOllot'!', ..l111tl hear Interc'i' i,lf the hlghe~t I'IUe <br />perm_ble under _pptk41b-fe law, Nothing ,'ont.uncd 111 tht~ [tdra.gtaph -; \h...H n"'4.l.IHC l.end-e-r {n Incur an" (".\~nllC ftf takt' <br />any""t)QCI......., <br />... ~ Lc'nder may m.,ke or l':_tUJ:W to he, m.Jtde rea.!km~hlc!'lo upon ~nd m\pc~;:tr,-m1l t,l the P.ropcl1\, p-~-'i'~.HjC'd <br />thAt l~-.-....u ttVe. B(tu'(..lWti, 11~)hcc prwr to aft)' l-u.dJ ;.US.PCCUtlO :&-ptK'iJptl' t'caMmahle {'au~c !he-~~.for /'<:tafl"\1 (I' I t'mkl-~ <br />,,,t_ .. tIM PrO..... . <br /> <br />n.. <br /> <br />j t\"\(\.4.11-"" <br />