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<br />84 --4)02925 <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />Any amounts di<;bursed hy Lender pursuant !(l this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shaH become additional <br />indebredness of Borrower ~ecured by ,hi~ Mortgage t :nles~ Borrower ,md Lender agree to other terms of payment. such <br />am(lunts shall he payable upon notice from I ,cnder to Born"\wl'f requc'i.ting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />Jatc of disbursement at the rate payabte from time to lime (in outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />intere..t at such rate would he contrarv In applicable la\\. ;n which eVent t;uch amounts shaH bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under appltcahlc law, NC\thing i.~nntained In thi" paragraph i I;hall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder <br />8, JRSPfl'rion. Lcnder may make or (,J.lI~e !(l h~ made- reasonahle enfric~ upon and inspection~ Clf the Property, provided <br />that Lcnder ...hall give Borrower notIce prior to an\' \llch !I1<:;peclf<m "pecifving rl'as0nable calise therefor related to Lender's <br />1nterest in the Property <br />9. Colltkmnadon. The procc(~d<; pf an\' a\.\ ilrd Of dalm fOf damages. direct or consequential. in connection witb, any <br />condemnation or ("\thcr taklllg of the Prnpertv_ nr part thereof. l)f for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and ..hall ~e raid to Lender <br />In lh~ ('Veilt \-,f il inial takiii!! I.r ihe Propui.... the pf,...-:ee-d~ ..!Ian he applied to lhc :;ums ~ccured by this Mortgage. <br />with the c~n.':o;,s. if ..ny. p;lld u\ Borrower rn the ('vent "f a partial taking: of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />ClthcTwi~c agrce in writ 109. there "hall r-.e applied !c the "urn", .,ecllred tw thi, Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />dS i<; equal h' that rWf"(,ni<)fl Whh:h the ,lnlOWll ,)f tne- "um<; 'icC'!lrcd hv thi.. Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />u.king near, t~1 the faIr market vall!;;' pI tlte Pmperr\' Immedlareiy pnnr f(l the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />raid tn Borrower. <br />ff rhe ProJ'Cnv i.. anandoned ,",v B0fwwcr. ,lr d. ,1f!e-r nnticc ~\' I endcr to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />:>0 ;iward nr <'(.'ttle ;l ..:1;1l1l1 frlf RNrnwer f:liJ... !n re\pond te. lender wi,hin .10 days after the dale such notice is <br />n1<llled. I cnder l'i allthoril(~d tn ('(lil~ct and apph' the rr0Ceedc,_ ;-H I ender's <,plion. cllher to restoration or repair of the <br />Propern ilf If' the 'Hml.. "'c~.:urt"d t>-y !hi" \'f0r1inlge <br />l :nh~'(;" I_entia ~iOd B(lrrov.:er "'\lh';:n~ !"e agn:-~' tn v, r1fin!!. <lll.... <;.uch application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />Ilf ~)<i.frOne :he due da.ft; pI the nw!tlhh insl;lHrnenh rdaTcd hl in raraf:raph..; I and:! hereof or change the amount of <br />-qu:h IIHlallmeng <br />10. Bormwef' !'lOI Rrlcased, !."len'H,n ,-,r lh\.~ (;IHe fnr pavment (lr Olnditkation (If amortization of the sums secure-d <br />hv fhl... ~-'{'rtJ;'- granted t-\ I endi:r 1,\ ;lny <;U(TC,,"'lf in intt'~e"t d Rf'fr...,wcr "haU not operate to rdease. in nnv manner.. <br />rhe- hi~dil\ ;" < the ';fi!lI!\.\er .:nd Bi'\rrm\..'r.~ \;h..>.:t.'.."I.i<; Ifl interext I.coder sh~Jl not he required to ~ommence <br />proceedin!!" 'I!I:lm"t ;;;ncn ...qCl..'<:"."~.r .,r rdm.e r<1 t"\tend nOle L_-'f p;:nmt>nt ('f -0thcf"vise modify amortization of the s.ums <br />"c..:urcd tw rhi... \fnf1i'!-i'i,2:C b'l- '-'::.1';<'" (,i ,:l!i ..fern_i,;,l f!1Hdt.' I." 1fll' '<flr:liia! Born,wcf {fnd Burrowers SHC-C-CS$ors in interest. <br />t 1. For~ce h~. I.~ndf'r 'nt a "\'lliv-t"r. '\11\ !(.'rht~;j! am__c P\' , t:"ndt.'r In t'\;erclsing any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />'!hef'.n'-~ ,dLlf,h.'--d !'-y ..prh,:;;~k ' ~,-.ll ".,' h." ....,..... 'r ,'f pn:-;.:lt;de ~h~ ~~Xt~;cise r~f ;m\, such right or reme.!!y, <br />The j1rth..:l!rcJ1H."nl i~i In"itlrIHh.t.' "f !hc l~.I\m("nl .,f L:\t,".. ."1 .'fher j'C'Pi Il, ...-har~e" hv f_ender ,,-hall not be a waiver of Lender's. <br />r1~ht 1(\ :i..-...d....r:I!C 11-;...' maWiH\ ,., !hi' 'f"khl,~dn('~.~ '-'-'~-\lf\'d bv th:'-. \fnfl~a!!C <br />12. Re~dies ('umulativt". ~H n~m.{'1.h{'... r'r<'\:d1:d ;" lhl~ \-1Ilf1C<l~C ;In: dlsrinct and 1.:\Jmulative to any other right or <br />It:nH'dy ,!Oder rh~"i Ml'rl!J~\~t' llf ;-dft\r,-led h h\~ i "'--lll'l\ tild r,l;I\ h". \'\t"h.T"cd l'~)nC\HTentl\'. independently or successively, <br />13, !\m-("('"son and -\~lIj~n<) Bou"d~ Jhlnt ;Iod "~\('r;d I iability; ('8ption~. ToC' ,".-wenant-s and agreements here," <br />dm!~I!lt':J ..h_alll~in-J. ..!nd !~C rq;~hh hcn' \tu1l 'Wll: !-, !~C" rl"~r<:I.'j!"C ~uu.:e~~(lf'" and ~.ssjgns IJf I coder and Borrower. <br />\oblt"t.1 tn !h" rnwi"iflo'- ,'l rMfa~raph 1 ~ h<:n:o! .\Ii ~-dV{'n:l!1t<;; .lIltl ~l~rt'cmenb of Borrower s.haH he joint and several. <br />Thl.' \:aptlnn..; .lllt! he-admg-<, ,~t tht." r'IJ.\gfr~rh" '~\i'i \tpn~;t~\' ,In:' f,'1 "..-"nvefllcm'C pnl)' and ~lfe not to he used to <br />:nICTf-'!!>:t (\f \,kfine- ihl.' prO\I"-!0n'\ heret)1 <br />14. 'iottct'. r:x~eD! f;.'lY any n,lll(-i: r('qtnrl..~d lmdcr .q1p-lii.'-'lr>k bv. 1,\ ht- ~\YC'11 III ~nolhcr mannef, (a) "ny notice to <br />H(lrru,,\.cr pf()\'\(k"'l! h\; tl1 rfW< Mf'r!~a~'t.'! h... ~!Vt'n h\ llliO!tllj..' 'dh.:h q\)tJt;.'c t-y ...-cflltied mail dddre~'\t.-"<i to Borrower at <br />the Pr"p..:rty .\ddrc..... '_\f ,j~ ",\~.:h \'lht.", ;I...tdil.',.... .j\ Ht>!:-,'V,l'! en;.\ dC"I~n;ltC' hv fin.tic,\-, 10 lender Wl provided herein. and <br />ih) ..0\- fwtKC- in f (,!Kk.r .,h:;-jfl r", ~:'-..n b\ ,l,,!~th'd ",Pl 'dl!fD P;>.cp\ r-=quc-s-tIX!. to !",mder'" addr~s !Orated herein or to <br />...ucn <'the! ;lddn:...~ .i\ 1 emieI Hla\ ;.h.:~"HZnah! r.\ n,'IH.-\? I,' l-inrrt'",>'a a.. rru\'lt_h:d herein An\' n{ltkl~ p-rtwided for in this <br />M,\ng;:sgl.: -s,h:.\l! t--.e d(-emf.'-u h~ h,iH !'1.."t:'B ~j\Y'1 1.,\ R('l rOWl;f d 1 >cIHkr \0\, hen ~lve-n in the manner designated herein. <br />t5. t:nifomt \-tort2aJer: (;o\"crnihe; I.a"= ~H'-rabilih", [!oj.... !.Hl'n III mr'rl~;tgt.' ..:nmbines uniform cuvenants fOf national <br />'t"\c .md !H1l1- unif':lrm ;':d\'eni1f\h -" Ilh hmHcd \ .jfJ;,li..-'!;<.. t<\ 1'1f1,-,1l... W'" h' ':\H1.'il!tutc a ulllform w-curity instrume:nl covering <br />r-c:tl rr\lpcfl\ Thl\. ~'ft)fl~agt;' ..h,tH Ix' '::,\H'fllcJ h\ !!,t: L:\\. ,,{ the ilHhthdWH :n which the Property i" located. In the <br />I.~Vcnl In:H :lO" r-n~V!~I\-'n \" ~ \;t"~t: -pi ~tw, 'Inlt~.::i~f." ,'l the "'.;,;!,: ,'n!1".-h \\ IIh ;~rrjjcable law. such conflict ;;hall not affect <br />{.lhc-f pl'l'\j~ion.. t1f ,hi'~ \1('ffg.a~e l'f 11;-,:- -"':,I!I' ,..hl...h ~;ln he !'.\V<"11 ~:tkc{ Y.:lltH.tlt the l.:ontli"ling- provision, and to this <br />t"no the ptl.'\ l"'t..Jn.. \'1 lhe '!nnz.._~-t' dnJ ith." '(~h. "ft' ,k\:I.H,,~d I,' h-e "-CverahJe <br />16, B(;fTUW~t'~ t-op,._ Bt:.~fr~~\"~r ~i,,~n h,. !;I!!'!l"ht:>d .J ~,'ntl'nned [('r" t'! the Nf\1e ;HId pf Ini... MOrlgagc at the time <br />,'I e,e";l1tipr'l \'f .-liter n"'l.:l..lrdaHOn hert'1-lj <br />17. Transfer uf the Propa1y; A~su.nption. l~:ill l'f am !',Hl (lr !n~. Profl':lty ('f <10 Interest therein i~ sold or transferred <br />by BOff,'\'\\,-f \\ lth~~ut i ender',!> pt Hlf \l, n!h:n ,dn,,\, \'XdHdlH~ \.'11 Iht-" ... n~.-ttif'n ..'t ;1 hen or encumbran<.'c s-u!x.,rdinate to <br />tnl' M\,rt~a:,~t: 'bi 1he ~f"C"aIHll1 "t .1 p1l.fl,h.I'IC "...'n...... ',\."(UJrl\ :n~:.'f\.''it fm I\\"\u~hnlti appha"(.'l:k, td 3 trall.ltfer hy devise, <br />de'oCent l'f hv \'lX'Llltl)n <'l\;;''> ur',JH the death ,II , :.',11\ l,'n;~nll'r i,j! !he glitnl 1.,1 <.in).' Icasc-h()ld interest of three ycars or less <br />,rvt .._, ,Ill I'pil""l) t', ,'n!\.h,J~"'-. I tlld~f "i.n ,Ii: <.:1, "PlH'11 ,k....i.Ht: ,Ii; lil~ ....uffl., :-'~'I.\<reJ :-,~. thi; :"-.fortgage h) h.;;: <br />lmme...hah.'I\ dut" .ino rayahk- I ;:ndt'f "h;}ll h3..t' ",1''-C\.1 "'!I;:tl ppl'nn 1~' ill.:(t:ler;tt-c pf. prior Itl the ";lle Of transfer. Lender <br />.wJ the P-':f;,-,.(H1 W \l.-h~)m Iht: Pfl)pel;~ J', h' rot' "",,!J l"!n:d n.'iJ...n .tgreemCI1f !II ~nllllg lhut the (fedit Clf sm.::h person <br />1'> !ut~",f;j<:h~\ h' 1 cnder :tnd t~,ll !h-c lna'n:'-l r.-n ;,hk ",1 dw '_,m,', ...~t:,!r~'d ,",v ,hl\ _\11111gagc ..,hall he ~jl ~_m-..::h rate <I" I.l~nder <br />~haU rC4Ues.1 If 1 eader ha~ "'-';11\C0 the "THIlll 1,\ ,i..'~ckr,l\t' rfllvnlcd HI Ih~.. p-aral,!mph 17 llnd if B-orrnwer'i ~uccessor in <br />;rHe-reM hJ.~ t"\C\:utcJ it \tt(!tlen ,4~~u-mpllOn ;l).!.rt;"t:'m-eol .u.::..:erlCd in '''f\~jng lw I_endef, l.cndcr ..hall rdeas<:: Borrower from all <br />\,bhgahoo,\ under rhl," Mongage and the S0-te <br />if 1 ender 1."\ef(I'..I."" "-Hl.:h ''Pi.Ii~n !I' ~;\: I <:~"ji..'r ~>,,jl\ InJJl RIHf{.v,cr nofl(t' ,It iKl..:di.'fi.ltlnn tn accordance With <br />r<aragraph 14 here,,: '\Hch "("11-1':': "haB PH\V,Jt' ,l r~.'''rH~{11,1 1"-" It''i'l Ihan 1n J",,~ ~r,'m Ine dUfC Iht, nOlice i<; mailed \vnh,n <br />'''OH..-h 8(ltnl'l&'cr fna)- pa\' Ih(" ",_un.. ...le",'I<iH:d du--t" li B"r-a''.H'( !.iJi~ ',' pin ....w..h "'UfT\S pfll.'\f !n tht.'" t.:"pintlu'n "f ~u\:h pt"f"'t!. <br />I en\kr may '''I!hnUI i'Hnhcr O(\l!(\.' \-'f I.knHWd H~\;h'",~r n>l~L ,\f~, i~'rrH.',jlt.., p,<-'rmltlc...i 1--0-, I'dfill:Zlaph 1:-; h(~IC0f <br /> <br />~OS.L~SlH)Jl;M C-nvf~."~r~ Borrower .mJ 1 end\.'f hlnh-t'r ,-"\('ll'lnl ,lOd ~q':fCl.:..h r.'lli,'w, <br />1 L A.("c:.r1Ition~ RflOe.1tib. l" provided in pvu~uph 17 hf'ft'ur. upon BOf..-O"er', brrach of an)' ,:ov~nant or <br />ftl.fteMet'd of BonOW-f!f in this \tnr12acc-. indudlD<< th~ nHt"mmts tu pa~ ,\hen tiut: .In\ ~'UI~ ~(:und by tbis MorillAl~. <br />l,~ prior 10 KI.rat:iuG -YutH mllil notKC' 10 8ono,",'r"r a.. JH'o\ided tn p.fauraph 1'* hertor !lP<<'if)'iftJ:,; (I) Ih~ hreM"h: <br />fl).... ad... rettuirt'd 10 "-"Uft such brlt*~h; (3. v date. nol it'", than )-0 day!>. frool th.. date the notic('- i"! m.ilt'd 10 8offt),,"~r. <br />by ..Iaktt .1Irit -hre...."'_ m8S1 be- Oif'\'G: and (4) that r..ilHIf' lu (un' ",ul'h bf....dl un or ~hu'e fhl' dalll: sI)<<'ifk>d in 'he nuti<< <br />"-'*Y ~ in M"tflen;tJ.,.. of tbf' ~UOl1Jl "'"t:"u~d b~ thk .\'lurfa_e. fun.'1..lo~urt' by .udkiul prm.'effii'll ~nd wit'- of th~ Pro~tfl, <br />'rlllt tHMn ..,. fan,hl inform Bwn)_e, uf tm- rijthf W l\'il~latr aflt"f Oin-~ktnlliutt !tnd Ihto fi"bf 10 1ls,'\('11 in lilt' ft)red{~u~ <br />proc~ tM fiOtt~-f-d~!e-M!' l;:~f a ~ht'_r!! ~H: !!-!~) HlMT dt'!t!'lrie ~~f !l~u":-,*rr fO l!("'t:t'-lcnJio-n and fQre('~ut"t:'. If th~ h~Mt\'b <br />bt... fit"" 00 or 1Mf0h 'M: d.. ~~.('iftett in tnt' tmtkt', I ~nd...r ., Lcnde,''S opUo-n UUI) twt:'lar.. ~n Hf fh~ SUlm. .sc~""-"d b)' <br />fhII. ~......... to M i-ftIlhMdialfl)' due- lInd .,.'llII.... ~,tib(l-Ut furth(!-f dfRumd and mR) filft'dnw bJ' judidld p-nl"'~ltttlina, I ,-clld~f <br />...... .....W 'u n;l"'('I eft '!iU('h "'lK~ftUnc aU f',pt"~ of rUf~l<~"ft'-. indud...... but fKlt limitt'u 1-0. t'o~1~ ,.f d04.'ul11t'fI~ar) <br />.._. .......... .1MI1ffko r......... <br />.t. .....,.wttt'. JUl.." to 1ldMtate-. .....t.{"'-ldHJ~fHjH!it ! t:rn}er'~ .1'_'.d'!;',;!tH!B e'l the' '1<;1'1'" ""'-":Oll'd b, ihh \'I~)r1~,'igt' <br />l~n'Q'-W'-cr i8aJl h\'t1>'c the 11,1\-1: fn h-4~,t ltH~ pri....n.'1,hnlt.. N,~iH. fH ! ,cndct l\" ndnh.t,. I~W, 't';fl{;'~~t: ,i\,,~ un!mli-ciJ ,11 ~lP\ IqH.: <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />Ou l,.! iJ#~:' <br />