<br />I
<br />
<br />84 - 002919
<br />
<br />To HAVE AND To HOLD Ow san1e unto tht" ~I(H-tgagpe. as hen-in pl'o\'id{.d. l\fortgagor represpnts to,
<br />and cownants with, Uw Mortgagf'e, that the Mortgagor has good !'Ightto ,,,II and convey said premises;
<br />that the,y are free from ('nCUmhraIH'L', pxe(lpt .as !w!"elnotht;>rwi.sl' l'l'cited; that the Mortga.gor ,viII warrant
<br />and d"f"nd the same again"t the law ful clam1S of all pNsons whomsoevpr, Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, \'ither in law or in ('quity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the ~MortR'agor ill and to the- abo\'e-destribf~d premises.
<br />Pr.ovlDED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to
<br />wit:
<br />
<br />.:\Tnrtgag-or agrees to pay to the Mot"t}fag'l~e, or {,,,del', the aforesHid principal sum \vith interest from date
<br />at th" rate of PH RTE':~; dnd ,)('i ll':) I"'r ('entunl 3. ouo~+,) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid,
<br />The ~ajd principal and intpl'pst s.hall hf' payahle at the of lice of Tower Financial, Inc.
<br />in L i ncaIn \ebraska or at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing- delive'I"ed Of' madf.:'d to thp ~lort1{aRor, in monthly iustallnlents Ot)NE HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT and 16/-100
<br />Dollars ($ l')S.lo ),l"ommencingon the first day of July ,19 84, and continuing on
<br />the first day of each month 1 ht'reafte-r until s.aid note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />payment of prineipalllnri ink..".t ,hall L"' dll<' and payable on the first day of June 1999 ; all
<br />according to the termg of a Cf'rtam prnmissot'Y nOL(' of eVl~n date h('l'ewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />
<br />TJw Mortga~or fu rtlh'l' af,{n'-t's:
<br />1. lie \\,j11 pay tht' Il1debtfJdn-t's,:i. ~lS itt'f't'inbe.foH' pt'ovided, Pl'ivilege is reserved to prepay at any.
<br />time. without prt:mium or fl'~-'. !tw' I'lltin' ind('btl'dnt.~gs or any part thereof not Ie.ss than the amount of one
<br />lllstallment, or one hundred doilars 1$100,00), whichever is less, Prepayment in full sball be credited on
<br />the date reeeIVed, Partlal prepayment, c)ther than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next followlllg installment due daLe or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier,
<br />
<br />;t, Together with, and III additiun to, be monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the t<:'nns of the not'e ~p~:un>d ht'rt'!Jy, .M(lri.~<.i.g(Jr will pay t.o Mort1{agf"(.l>, as trustee, (under the t.erms of this'
<br />trust as hereinafter st<lted) on the tirst day of each month until said note is fully paid:
<br />(a.) :\ sum t'tJW-i.! t!} \ilt, g--l't\lInd t"I'nts, If <-UI~', next due. plus the premiums that will next become due,
<br />and paYii.bli' !In polhlt's IIf tn"1' and llttwr hazan-i ill,'SunlTI(e covering the mortgaged property,
<br />plus taxl'S and :1':l.St'~Slllt'ntR Ht'xt lIlh' '!II th(. mOJ'tg-ag-(-\d property (all as estimated by the Mort..
<br />ga!,:"l', alld ,,' "I", h lh" ~I"rl!,:a;:"r" II"Uli..dJ I.,ss all sums already paid therefor divided by
<br />tht' llurnbd" III !11onth:-; tt) dap.""l' ll(.fnrt' olll..' !n()!lth prior to the (late when such ground .rents,
<br />prerniun18. tax..'s and HSSt.'s,'unpnts will bt'conlt' dpJmquent, sueh gums to be held by Mortgagee
<br />In tru~t t~) pay -"al~i Kl'Oll!ld !'l'llis, pn'mlt1m~, U;t,xe~ and special assessments.
<br />{bl Th,' aggn'!,:at.. .,f ltl<' "",,,ul1t$l'apbk pur""ant to subparagraph (IL) and those payable on the
<br />notp ;\(>cun'd ht'l't'hy, ....hal! bt, paId ill a ~:ng-h.-. pa.\"mf'llt PReh mo-nth, to be applied to the follow...
<br />iug jtPTnS 111 t!w ordpf st.a.t~'d:
<br />1 !) Krounrl n>nt:>., tax!.""" as.:.ws:O;lllt'llts, fin> and olher hazard insurance premiums;
<br />Ill) lfltiJre:-,( pH 01;.' Holt' ;-..t'I,.'UI'..d lid'!'hy, and
<br />i. ill) ,ltllorlll..atwn pI' th.' UrJllnpai ut' said note.
<br />An~' detl.cdlCY :!! th(. am.otJlit of any ~w:h aggTPKat.e In(lllthly payment shaH. unless made good
<br />by tht' :\lnrt}.ta,Kor pn',1' to t hi' duo,> dHh> 'If lhe w.'xt $.ueh payment, t'onstitutc an event of default
<br />under th is HlUnga~t'< At ~Inrtl!agt:{"s 1.'ption. .\lol"tgag-or wlB pay a "late charge" not exceed...
<br />lIlg f\..Hlr pd' I.."l'ntum ( t' ) Ill' any 1 n.s.tall llh'Ht wrH'1l paid more than fifteen (15) days after the
<br />due dut\.., tl1t'n-td 1l) \'O\'I'!' t ht' ,'xlra ~'\":pt:!lSl' w\'olv(;'d in handHngdelinQuent payments. but such
<br />HIatt' i..'har~t''' :,-hall !wt t.l(' pa..\"ahh' out ot' [fit.' proeeeds of any s.ah~ nutde to satisfy the indebted..
<br />tH?SS Sl't.'Ul't'd h\'fPhy, unlt.:&." sllch pl'!)('t'l'ds al'l~ sutlil'ient to discharge the entire indebtedncssand
<br />all pro~~r nl..~tl' and ('xpvnsps sp(:un'd the'n'by,
<br />
<br />3, If the tot~1 of thl' payments madc by the Mortgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br />exceed t.he amount of paYlnents ('\l.:LuaHy ruac..ic uy the Mui'tgagt.'t.~, it$ tru.stee. for ground r~l1ts~ t.c:....xcs and
<br />assessments "1' insurance premiums, as the ease may be, such excess shall be credited by the Mortgagee
<br />on subsequent payments to be made by the Mortgagor for such items or, at Mortgagee's option, ILS trustee,
<br />shall be refunded to Mortgagor, If. however, such monthly payments shall not be sufficient to pay such
<br />items when the same shall become due and payable. then the Mortgagor shall IU'y to the Mortgagee, as
<br />trustt'"', any smount necessary to make up the ,letiriency within thirty 1:10) days after written notice from
<br />the Mortgagee stating the amount of the delit'iency, which notice may be given by mail. If at any tirol'
<br />the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortg'agee. in accordance wlth the pJ'O\"SlOIlS of the note securl'd
<br />hereby. full payment of the entire illdebte<llless repn's,'nted thert'by, tl", Mortgal(Ce, as trustee, shall,
<br />in computing the amount of such indebtedness, cred,t to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance
<br />accumulated under the provisions of ta.) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be It dl.fault under 'lilY
<br />of the provisious of this mortgage resulting in a public sale of th" prCmiSl)S l'oVl'red hereby, or if the
<br />Mortgag,-e ll<'Quires the property otherwise after ,lefllull, t.hl' Murtgagl,e, as t"USll"'., shall apply. at the
<br />time of the commencement of such proc"'iOdingg, or at the time the propcrty is oth"rwise aequil'l'd, thl'
<br />amount then remaining to credit the Mortgagor ullder (a) of paragraph 2 precloJing. as a credit on the
<br />interest a.."rued and unpaid and thl' balance to the I>rincipal then remaining unpaid on said note.
<br />
<br />~l. The- 1i~~n uf thi.s in.stt"UnHmt shaH remaIn In fuil fC.H'l'!~ and dft">(~t during nn)' rnstpont:.'rl1f.~nt OJ" exten-
<br />sion of the time of p8.,rmt,'-nt nf tilt> lndt.~btt'dm"s..'.; or any part thN't'of secured ht'l'l;'>b~',
<br />
<br />h. He \\"lH pa)' all gnHlIH! p'nts., tJ:tXt.:$. ;!l'!St~~.t\nwnls. \\'nl.t'r rate:;, and oth(>r g-oYt'rnmentnl nl' tm.l!\irl~
<br />1)&1 ('harg~. flnt'l', Of unpo.~ltlon~. h:\'led upon I'aid pI'eml,"~~.8 Hnd that he wlll pay all t.axes l('\'led llj)tHl this
<br />tnortg&~. ur tht1 dflbt 5t~':.utt'fi then~bj', tOJ{t,thel' \\'tth Hny other t.;.\.xt'~.K or aSSt'SSmdIL5 \'dll('h rnay tw lt~vit.'d
<br />under th~ laws-of Nvl)rask.n. nKam.!ol.t tht' !klortgag-t~:. or th1!' l~>t('ll.i h()ld~:"r of s.aid pnHnpai !wh'. nil arnHlflt td
<br />t.hi$ lndubl(,~lIW.u,. ~'x.t't.~pt \\ ht'li p.a.rmcut fOf ltH ~~lj.{:b Item, hn:.-; tnt'r....toforl(:' hPl'H madt' undt'l' i (l) of para-
<br />grap.h :; .....ei'Wr. and ht~ Will promptly ddt\'f'r 1ft.' otfkm,! r!'''c('lpttl. t!H.'!'~fnr to th~t MortgUKPf', In d~'fl;\ult
<br />thf'rt~:,f th<.. .Mo.rtl{fij{t'f<! may pay' thf> 1"\4,ufW
<br />