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<br />I <br /> <br />84 ~02915 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVEN..\NTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />_1. P.Ylllent of Principal aDd In'ere5t. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the pnncipal of and interest on the <br />Indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Futllre Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />2. ..... for T_ .... 1_, Subject to applicable law or to a written wdiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one~twelflh of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed o-f Tru."t. and ground rents on the Property, if an)'. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for h~zard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated imtially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of a.sse.~menl<; and hills and reasonable estimates; thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments. <br />Insurance premiums and ground reog_ Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said-account <br />or verifying and compiling Said assessments and bills. unl~ Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender 10 make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution !J,f this <br />Deed of Truit that interest on the Funds shaH ~ paid to Borrower, and unla.. such agreement is made or apPliCable. Jaw <br />requires such interest to ~ paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamin" on ,the- FUnds. ,I..endet'- <br />~hall give to Borrower. Without charge. an annuaJ accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to- tbe Funds and the <br />purpose ror which each debit to the Funds was made The Funds are pledged as additional security for the.unu secuncl <br />by thIS Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Pund~ held by Lender. logether with the future monthly installments of Funds. payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes. a.~eS5ments. Insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed th~ amount required-to pay said-_~~. <br />assessments. 105urance premiums and ground rents a-ii. they fall due. s.uch excess shall be, at Borrower's optiO!'. e~tbCr <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If tbe amount 'of the' FundS <br />held bv l.-ender shaH not Ix: suffiCient 10 pav taxes., assessments. insura':lce premiums and ground rents as they _fall,-due.. <br />Borrower shall pay [0 Lender any amount. ocCcssarv to make up the defiCiency within 30 days from thc_date-noticeJs mai~C9 <br />by Lender to Borrower reqUC:Sbng payment thereof, <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured hy thiS Deed of Trus.t. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any- Ftirid~ <br />held hy Le-nder. It under paragraph 18 hereof the Property 1<, sold or the Property IS otherWise acquired by Lender. Lender <br />shaH apply. no later than immediately pnor to the ",ale of the ProperlY or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit againsl the s.ums secured hy this Deed of Trust. <br />3. AppIicadon of PayaenlS. Unies-s Olpphcahfe law provide., otherwIse. aU payments received by Lender under she <br />Note and paragraphs t and 2 here~f s.haH he applied hy 1 ,cnder first In payment of amounts. payable to Lender ~y Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. lhen to mtt!res:t payable on the Note. then [0 the principal of the Nore. and then- to mterest and, <br />pfln~lp-al on any Future Advance:;. <br />4. Cbal"les: lJe... Borrnwcr s.hall pOl" all IJ\C'_ ,)'iSc......mcnt... and Nher charges. fines and Impositions- attributable to <br />lhe Property which may attam a pn0f11y over thiS Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 "er..-of Of. if not pajd in such manner, by Bottowu milking pa;-t'nC:'it. when due. directly <br />to the paytt thereof. Borrower -sha.lI IIHJ-mptJy (mTHsh to I.ender all notices of amounts due under this paraRraph~ and in the <br />even1 Borrower shall make payment (i!rectly. shall promptly furmsh 10 Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shaH promptly dl\Charge an,!, h~n WhICh has pnonty (WeT rhl\ Deed of Trust: prOVided. that Borrower shall not be <br />reqUIred to di\Charge am' su.;" hen "I) long .t.. Borrower ..hall ap::r<< In writin~ to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />"rch lien ;n a manner a'~eptable !(~ lender. ,)r <;h-<tl! H} gt~1 LUlh contest ".uch hen by. or defend enforcement of such lien in. <br />legal pnxcedjngs which operatt t'i.l prevent the cntor-.:emem of lhc hen or forfeiture of the Property or any parI thereof. <br />5. HaunllllIUna<<. Borrower :o.hall leer the Impro\'crnent!S now ex.I'ihng or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />~Lgatn~t Iou by fire, hazards included wlthm the term ae:\tended Clwerage". and such other hazards as. Lender may require <br />and In such a.mount!!: and for ~uch pene.d:\ it.. l.ender may reqUIre: pr<lVldcd. that Lender shan not require that the amount of <br />,uch coverage exceed lhal amount (~f coverage IcqUlfed fl.) pay the secured by this Deed of Tm,t. <br />lbc insurance' ;,:arner pn''''lding thl" tn~uraru;e ~haJl he :.:ht)'Se.n by Borrower subject to approval by l.ender; provided. <br />that such approval shaH no-t he unreasonably wfthhdd_ All premium'! on insurance policies shall be paid in the muner <br />ptOvided tJIHkr paragraph 2. he-reot or. If not paul In $uch manner. oy Borrower makin, payment, when due. directly to the <br />1D5~ <br />l\1i lnsurano: poh~.les and r~n-ewais ih~(eot t.haJl h~ H) form ni.--...:-.:-ptable to Lender nnd shaH include a standard mQ-ngage <br />(busc in fa-vor of and in fonn ac.:e-ptabl-e to Lender Lender ",hat! have the nght to hold the policies and renewals thereof, <br />~md Borrower shall promptly furnish III Lender aU renewal notice:.. and ilU receIpts of paid premiums. .In the evc-nt of loss. <br />Borrower shall gPo'c prompt OO(H:C to !he Insurance \:~Irner lInd l.ender. L~nder may make proof of tOIS if not made promptly <br />bv 8orro"~r <br />. UnIClL\ Lender and Borft'lwer \,therwl~ .agree In ""rlliO&. m....urance prt:x:eeds shaH be applied to restoration or repair of <br />the Propert). damaged. pmv1t!ed su<h re.:storatli.:m ,)f rcp,ur 1\ economIcally feasible and the security of this Deed of Trust is <br />not thercb)' Impaned_ If <;uch fC${OI'atlon or rep-luf tS not ecolH.lOlIcally feaSIble or 1f the security or this Deed of Trust would <br />be Impaired. the Insurance pHKecds <o;haU be applied h) the ~um-<;, !i-ecurerl by thJ$ Deed of Trust. with the exce5.."'- jf any, paid <br />to Borruwer. If the Property;., abandoned bv Borrowcr, or if Horrower Luis. to respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />date noW."e i\ mailed by 1 coder !O Bc,)rro" Ihal {hot Iftsurance "':iirncr otler!> l(} settle a chum for insurance benefits. Lender <br />1'0 authonz.C'd to l'oHn-t and apply the msuranc( pi n,,;~d., ~[ Lender's option (',Ither to restoratIOn or repair of the Property <br />nr 10 the sum... $eCUf~ by thiS Deed of TruSl <br />Unl~ i.enck:t and lk'fTOWeT iltherwlst agif'-C If) Wfltltlg. ..HI} such application of proceeds to principal !'hall not extend <br />Of po\tpone the due date of the mnnlhly Hl~talJmenh rei erred to In paragraphs I and 2 ttere<:>f or change: the amount of <br />~u('h InstaHments, if under paragntph 11' hereol the ProperlY I'> aC4uueo hy Lender. ..It fight, title and intcrcs.t of Borrower <br />10 and to any Hlsunmce pllho.:lC"> dnd iil ^~nJ :n the p-rt~'t'ed~ lhen.'of fe!>uhmg from damage In the Property prIOr to the salt' <br />m acquisition ~h.aH pas-s to Lender to lhe Olcnt pt the ~unu secured ~y thiS Deed of Trust Immediately prior to .such sale or <br />ac.qUtMholl. <br />6. PnsenatioB and !\billteUIKr of Property; l.A'~; Condominiums; Planned Unit l)eve~"", Bormwer <br />,h'111 kee-p !ht:' Prnpc.'fa 111 j;txxi ft'palr ,l1H..l ..h~,n thll ,-,~l1l1'nll \\-.l.!oll~ ,\r l"'Cfflll! Irnpil!fll1l'IH or dctc-noratU\fl of the Property <br />tml shaH cornpty With lhe pW\-'lsU1n\ pt ,1fl; lease If thiS Deed l'Of Trust 1\ on a leasehold If this Deed of Trust is on a unit 10 a <br />,:ondomm!Ul'!l Of a planned uml develop-m~n!. Horf\.)wer "htill pedorm ;tll ot Borrower's obhgatlons under the declaration <br />,'f t.'Qv-enanh crearmg Of gl..wernmg the \.:\mdomlnJum lor planned HOI! development. the (-Iy~laws ;uld regulations of lhc <br />.:ondom.mum or planned untt development. .ired consfltuent dt.x:umenh If a ".ond(lrninium or planned UOlt dc\'elllpment <br />rider 1\ executed hy 8orrower and rb:orded lll~ethel ....Ilh Ih,., Deed of I rus!. the n\yenanl.s and agreemenb (If ~uch rider <br />\h.H be In';(I-rpuralcJ lnhi d.nJ "hall..mcnd ;ti1d --.:.:ppkmcnI th(' c.'Vt'nil111" dnd ,lgret'menls of !hls Deed 01 Trus,t as If the nder <br />were 4 part hereof <br />7. Proaedion of lA'DIkr's Seeurity, !f Borrower faJb Iu perform the ,.-o\-'cnants and agreement'. l..ont3H1cd i-n lhl" <br />Deed of Trust. Of If any ac-hon or proceedmg 1\ -.:ummenced which rn;ltenaUy atfect5 Lender's HHerest III the Properly, <br />lndudtni~ but not hnuted 10. emtnent domaln, 11)3.01v('nCj, ..:...."lde enton.::emenl, or arrangements or proceedings ,1lvol"IUg ,~ <br />bank-nJpt or decedent. tben Lender lit Lender-.., optl()n. upon l'KlllCe hl Borrower, may make such appcaram.'e\. di:.-..hurst' ~lIt.:h <br />..urns and lake sm:h ,action as I' nCl.:('j,sarv t,', prole'"t i .en.der', 'l\lCTC~t. In..:ludlllg, but not hmiled 10. \1l,hurwmclH i}j <br />rcu.ollabte aUorney\- fen and entry upon the Propef1Y hi 111;'l~C reputr'"S If I cnder rt.~ullcd mnngage In'iiuran...'c- ;1'. ,I <br />condJ:hf.m of maLlOg the- loan &ecured h) thiii. Deed or rm~!. lk'lrll\\\ol.'l !.h,alJ pa\' the prclllluu1S re~ulr('(i h~ matllli:ill'l "\l~h <br />lMuranee in t':'tf-ecl until SlK"" time tiS the reql.Ufe'me-ol for 1Such IftSlIf.iO';(: termmnW.. !n ai.'I.::(1rdan'::t' Wllh Ror-n'1lwer'" ,lnJ <br />Lt:.odeT'", wottcn igrt."eJDCDt or llppiic.1thle Ii\w Borrower "hall pa\ Ihe amount ,\1 all mortgage 111SUraI\CC pr'Cfllltnw. Ifl lh(" <br />mannet proVided under plirqntpn :2 hereof <br />Any ,,-MOUnts disbuned hy lender pur-nmnt to thl~ paragraph 7. .;\,!th :nlere-st !herc..n, "h:}Jl lX'u~mc ,.dOIl\OliiJ; <br />,ndcbtedtM:':l$ nr Jio.rrow-cr secured hy ltib ~i ,.{ 'f T\t'.{ t \n1n;, B(~rrn~er <lOG 1 endt:r ,~g,!-ee h\ ,)th;~f term"i pi r-a'im~n!. "Ht.:h <br />.tmounu; thaU be payable upon flOlt4':e fWflI I endcr 10 8nfft)Wer req~tlllg payment lhert"(~f. ,md ..h.lltJ N.--:tr IntefC'!i-1 l,nm th(' <br />date 'Of dllburwment l'4t the r>1tc payable from time tl' lime on ,'uto;tandmg p!"ln~ Ipal under the ~ofe Iltllcl>!oo paYOle-nt of inl(:rt.~~t <br />.:it liiKh nut' WQUld ~ tonintry w ~p-p-hcabk 11\" !fI whl\:h ~~Venl "ndl amount'\. ..hAn ~a.1 1llt~r-e'l .11 the hlfilht.~,t fatl: <br />pormJAible undtr app1k.3t>>e 100w_ ~ottlln~ ~~(~nt~tned HI thn paragraph -. '.h;~l1 !t'~tUl~e t :"'OO("f !<:l llk'ur .or1\''o$e ~\r lski,' <br />iliAY ~~uon ~'. <br />I. l~ Lemklf m-il'} male- or 1., <lltM:' tn k- HH\Ut:- H~a.."yuh+(' .:nlrte.. \'~'n dnd (n'i;pC~I',)n.. {Ii ;11(' l)f\l~rt\ pl,'\!dt~\i <br />tniJ:t l.-#'-~.n.n IJV~ aut'row.:,: 1)<~KC pn-(lf h1- iOUY ..Ud1 1f\'t-pC'U!Pfl \pe...-dpnfl r.....a,:O{'ln..r.!c- ",<1\1"\" !hn('h'[ ,d,ilt.,'<! 11' I ~.ndn "- <br />>:nt-e.fOt Ut the Ptotleft\' <br />