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<br />I" <br /> <br />84 -002913 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcnder covenant and agree as follows: <br />-1. PaYRleDt of Priedpal .... lateral. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />Indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />On any Future Advances secured bv this Deed of Trust. <br />2. Po" for Tua .... l.unlK'e. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />[0 Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Nore. until the Note -js paid in full. <br />a sum therein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may auain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearty premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and biJ1s and reasonable estimates thereof, <br />The Funds shall be held in an Institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />srale agency (incJuding Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lcnder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments. <br />Insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said'account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender h1 make such a charge. Borrower and Lcnder may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Deed of Trust that mterest on Ihe Funds shall be paid [0 Borrower. and unles'i such agreement is made or applicable law <br />iequires such intt:rest to be paid. Lender shall not be requi~ed to pay Borrower any interest or earnin,s on t.ite Fund:. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds Showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each dehit to the Fund~ was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust. <br />ft 'he amount of the Funds held by Lender. togerher with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />tbe due dales of taxes, assessment!>, Ills.urance premiums and ground rents, shall e~ceed the amOunt required. 10 pay said'taxes, <br />assessments. msurance premIUms and gn-'und rents as Ihey fall due. such c:-.cess shaH be, at Borrower's option._ ei!her <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited 10 BDrrower on monthly Installments of Funds. If the amount of the - Funds <br />held hy Lender ...hall not be suffiCient 10 pay laxes. ass.essments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they faU- -d~~ <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the dale notice is_-mailed <br />by Lender to Borrowt:r requesting payment thereot. <br />Upon payment in (ull of all sums se-cured oy thiS Deed of TnJst, Lender shaH promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph! R hereof the Propen)' is sold nr the Pro:perty is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />"hall apply. no later than Immediately pnor to the sale t.f [he Propeny or Us acqui~Htjon by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of application as a credlt against the sums ~cured hy this Deed of Trust. <br />J. Applndun of Payments. Unless appli("able la\o\ proVIdes ntherwlse, all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 here-ot' ~haJl he apphed hy Lender fir~t In payment of amoun(s payable to lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to mterest payable on the Note. th~n to the p-nnclpal of the Nmc, and then- to interest and <br />prmclpal on .any Future Advances. <br />4. Cbal'les; Liens. Borrower ..haB pa\ .ill 1... \e.... .J,>&C:\i>mel\l" ,tOll (I(her charges. tines and Impositions auribulable to <br />the Propeny which may aU.:nn a pnoflty over Thlfj, Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof 11(. If not paid III su.::h manner. hy Borrower making payment. when due. directly <br />10 the payee thereof. Borrower "hall ;Jromptly furOls-h 10 Lender all nOIlCc'\ of ..mOlloB due under this paragraph, and in the <br />t,;vent Borrower shaJl make payment ...cetl\'. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipt. evidencing such payments. <br />Horrower !J;hail prurnptJy dl~har~:e am: lien \.-\hu.:h ha~ pnorlt\" (\V{'r thIS Deed o( Trust: provided, thai Borrower shall not be <br />requIred to dis.t:harge any \u-ch lien ,,0 IOf1~ Il' Borrower ..hall agree In '....riting to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />~ll(:h hen," a manner acceptable Ii' [ cndcL Ll[" "hallln good 1,)1[0 conlest ~t1ch hen hy. or defend enforcement of such lien in. <br />kgal J'Ir'lxeedm~ WhiCh ~}perate lG prc-vent the cnlon;cmem ..)f ihe lien (If forfeiture of the Property or any pari thereof-. <br />~. Hazard 1Il1OI'1III<<. Uorrower shall keep the Improvements now ex.lstlng or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />,1~iimS-T loss by fire. hazards included wtthm !he lerm .'"f1dcd (overage", and such other hazards as Lender may require <br /><ind In such amounts a~d fDr such penods ~:\ I ender may reqUire: pWYlded. that Lender shall not r<:9uirc that the amount of <br />"lIch coverage exceed Ihat amount 01 cover3~C n.."Qu;rcd (0 par I:l-t.e sums sc(;ured by lhis Deed of 1 rust. <br />Ibc msurdncc carner pro-\'Hhng the Imurancc ,,-hail hc ,-'nosen lw B-urrower subject to approval by Lender; provided. <br />!hat such approval shall not he unreasonably wlthhdd, Atl premIUms on Insurance policies shaU he paid in the manner <br />provlded under paragraph 2 hereof or. It not paid In such manner, hy Borrower makjng payment. when due. directly to the <br />I nsurance carner. <br />All msurancc poltt-'les a.nd retU.'Wa1s thereof :!.hall he H1 form ..Ko.:ptabJc II.) Lender and shall include a standard mortgage <br />...laus.e If) favor of O1nd in form acceptahie Ii."! Lender l.endt:1" "hnll have {he nght to hold the policies and renewals thereof. <br />,tnd Borrower ..hail prllmptly furnts.h to Lender all renewal notle!'') and all re(.'etpts of paid premIUms. In the event of loss. <br />Borrower shall give prompt notICe to the !O!!.urance l.::>Jrncr ~lh.j Lender. Lender may make proof of loss If not made promptly <br />bv Borrower <br />Unless Lender 3nd Borr-uv.--er ..ltherwl$(' agree In wntlog. to'furaOce proceed$ shall be applied to restoralion or repair of <br />!he Propeny damaged, pn)\<',ded such reSlnrath.m {"If repair is t:\.:'onoffilcally feasible <lnd lhe security of this. Deed of Trusl is <br />not thereby Impaired If su~h reshJralton or rcpiur IS not c~ononlH;ally feasible or If the security of this Deed of TrUtl would <br />be lmpany.:d. !he Insuram;c proceeds \haU be applied 10 the SHIll\ 'ieCuIed bJo: this, Deed of Trust, with lhe excess. if any. paid <br />:0 Borrower. If the Property l'i abanuoned by Borrower. or If Borro"er fall... 10 respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />dale notice is m.uied by l.ender to Borrower thai Ihe 1t1.:mrant::c ~arner offers lO settle a daJm (or insurance benefits. Lender <br />I' authonzed to \,;uiled and apply the insurance pnx'eeds "t Lcnde(s option either to r-estOf"dtlon or repair of the Property <br />\If to the sums sel:.:ured by thiS Deed of Tmst <br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherlO\-.'5e agree In wrlung. ~~ny such apphcauon (If proceeds to principal shall not e.\lend <br />\.lr postpone: the due dale \.t the monthly mstaJlmenl.s retCHed !o If} paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />..;.uch in!ilaHrnems_ If under paragraph I ~ here< the Property I' J.cqUlred by Lender. ull nght. lule and intereSot of Borrower <br />In nod to a.ny lIl'sursnce polu:ies and m ~nd 10 !he prt\<.::ced~ !hereof resultmg trom damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />I.'I" a~ulsilion ~haii ~ to Lender to the ("Alent 01 the MHn~ ~u:ured by ihis Deed ..)i Trust immediateiy prior to 'Such sale or <br />acqwsitioD. <br />6. PrescM'...... aad MlIiIdton.att of Prope-rty; Lcawbokls; CODchuniniunas; Planoed Unit .oevelopme..s. Borrower <br />...hall t-.eep lhe Pn:--ren,. m good rt..'paH "nu '\hall mH ...nmnlll \\'a~It.. ,II pt'fm!! llllpdilfm:-nl pr lh:tcf!oration of the Property <br />,!OJ snail cofuply with the pw....tstons ot any If thiS Deed p( "rmt l~ P!1 l.l leasehold. rt this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a <br />"':OodOlnlOH1Ul ,-If a planned Ufllt development, llorrowt"f .'lohall pedorm .ill 01 Borrowcr'~ ob!JgalJons under the declarnuon <br />nT (O"'enants ,.:reatmg or g.\.lvcrnmg the ...onJomllllurn "r rlaoned Uflll development. (he h.y~law-s and reguiatlon~ \\f the <br />~'ondominlurn or planned Imlt developmenl. ,wd ...onstllucnl dlX"umcn.... If ~\ .:ondorninium or planned unit dcvdopm-cnl <br />!~der !.. c.\eo.:uted h)' Born.Jwer dnd ret:onJed ~o~cther \"flh !hl'''' ['>t.~'lJ nt ! rlL",1. lht: ,:ovcnants ;.md 3grt.~rncnl~ (If _"uch rider <br />"hall he Hl\:Orporaled Into and ~haij i.nnenJ ilnv 'ouppl-emelll Ine ...,'\C"n~tnl\ .wLl ;q~rcclnenl~ (If thiS Oet'J nl rru.\1 ,1\ If :he odcl <br />Wer"c a pan hereof <br />7. Prutrdio.. of l.eHe-r's Security. II BOfWWCf ialh it) perform I!l(: ..:o\'cnants ;tnO .Jgrecmenl\ u1U1Rloed lfl !hi.... <br />Deed ()j TfU$1, ur ~( 3.n)' actlon or proce~dfHg l~, ....-.,-,mmen.ced which mUicHaliy ;IHec(s Lender\;. llltert!':lt m Ihe Property. <br />lncludm&. but not JmHted 10, -cmmCfH uoltlam, Hl~Oi\'cnl.:~. Lud~ cnlofu;"mem, (>r Mrang.cmenb or proccedmg\ In\ltllvlHg .'1 <br />h-ankrupt or decedent, ihen Lemler al Lender-,. upt!Ofl, upon llulH.::!.'" 10 R()rro\\'cr, ma)' ma)...~ "'l1~h ;lppeaf'an\:t..~'\. ..I1~1:l!lr..(; ~lKh <br />~um~ and t.'ik.e ~ut:h ~CHon a~ J~ necessary 10 prote..."l Lender.... ,mere",- 'ndudlflW. hUI nol IIm:tct.! h}. dlshur....cln(.1l1 ,,1 <br />~,$()_n_ilble ,dlOrncy.", f~ and entr)' upon lhe Propcn~ hl nl<t~e rcram. It 1 n.'4ulrcu fl10l"tg3Jre ,n-\Ur;:Ph:e .1\ .1 <br />';OndttUJH of makmg the loan ~e'l.::ur-ed t'oy thI) Deed ",f [ru).f, Bonnwcl \h.d! rM\ lht" prefnllum. rcqum.'d 10 nl~llnt..H\ -qh.:h <br />in~un'm:e m ellecl unttl ~uch !tnle as the requlreflli..ol lor \lKh II)Mlf,IIKC !t:'llilI0d!e, in .1.:C(lrdulh:e Wllh Hnfr,tWer.~ .lfld <br />Lcnder'~ wotien agreement or ap-pH~'11h~e la\\- !klrf("Jwcr "hall pa, lhe ,un\)unt ('j .ill nll'rtgllge Hl'H1rUIKe pn.'mlUnJ~ nl the <br />ntanne-f pW-'+'I-dcd under paragupn 2 hereof <br />Any amoonts l.htoor:sed h.. I coder l"JUHU.HII ;,' Ihl~ jMlagraph ., wllh 'ntt~rt.~1 tncn:on, \hnJl ht'cmtl<' ,h.ldJlll1!lal <br />~~nes.'l of Bor-rnwe-r ';i:ocured ~y thiS Dt:~j dl r ru..! ! 'nll'" fk'Htl'kCr .Ifl-l.! I emter ;q,:n~ ti' olnn h'lm... 1'1 raVllwnl. 'lH_-h <br />>1mtlunh mati be ~}.ahie ufx;m ll-oHi.:,C ir(lm Len-del 1'_) Burrower re~..uc-."!H1~ p:aymC'!l1 !herCllL ,\lld ~h~lii heM mlcrcst lH'f!1 Ilw <br />dale Hf dillbufW,fI)fJ;ot ..t !be nUe p~yable in.'lTI tim(: hi time PH H1JfSlandmg p-rllli::lp.<li Il!Hkr thl:' ''';Olt'" unJC~<i payme-nl I'l mten"j <br />at ~,H;h fate would ~ ;,:nntrary fl,) applh:~ble i",'Io\- 'n .,.,hh,n e\"cnl 'It\h ~ln1t'Ulli' '!-"lli ~'<.'",H rnlerl..,l .~l In(' hl.L!h~'st 1.1ft' <br />ptfmtalbk: lHlde-f 3PlHI'-a~}k Iii"' 'JoJ-It"HHji:. \_~'n~iun-t"J ';l rh!... p,H3j(.aph > ,i'!'~:: (,'''FilH' Il~rhJt't r" :nl.:llf ,-.n.., t"\PCfi:'iC .11 takt' <br />an Y lKlrou heT;;u.inde.t. <br />8, ~ I ~n.der :114\)" O'Uti..c Ilf \ .4\JM;." In he Il"'lA,cio; It'3,"rf'l.$-hk- "In.:,- .,JP-'fl "lid d'''i'k'\ !Inn" ,q I'q~pl;,'f1\ <br />,h.n L(>fl_ l~l gf"C ~)HiI\t,:,"f Hnfn;t pn~H hI -J,l'l~ o,lKh 'in.t~d~"n ~pe\,I!'1i1ns. ri.'4""Il~hlt' ,_.Hl'i{' ,hf'n't". 'I~L-Ill'\.i '" ,'lnlt-!' <br />fHe!GI H1 the: PTuoen" <br />