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<br />L
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<br />,p.. " R6. C () It.; Ld
<br />84- 002799
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<br />84-
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<br />002583
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. r.,lIIftIt of Prind,., and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interc"it on the
<br />indebtedne.u evidenced by the Note. p.repayment and late charges as provided in the Note. ~nd the principal of and inrerest
<br />On any Fu!Urc Advance."i secured by thiS lACd of Trust
<br />2. ..... for TUM .... IIISIII1IIIt"r. Subject to applicahle Jawor to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on (he day monthly installments of principal and inlerest arc payahlc under fhe Note. until the Note i~ paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may altain priority over thi..
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on the Properly, if any, plus one-twelflh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-tweUth of yearly premium installmenls fqr mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bins and reasonable es.limales thereof,
<br />The Funds shall be held in an inslitutior. the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranlecd by a Federal or
<br />slate agency (including lender if Lender is such an institution)_ Lender s.hall apply the Funds 10 pay said taxes. as~essmcnts,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and :o.pplying the Funds. analyzing said accounl
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unlc'\s l.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable la'll-
<br />permits Lender to make such a chargc_ Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of ex.ecution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on Ihe Funds shall be paId I,? Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such intercs, to he paid, Lender shan not be requtn~d 10 pay Borrower any ml.erest or earnings on the Fund~. Lender
<br />shall give 10 Borrower. wilhout charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing crcdit!'i and debits 10 the Funds ,lOd the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made The Funds a~ pledged as additional security for 'he sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of [he Funds held by Lender. logether with the future monlhly in~tanments or Fund, pay~hte prtor Itl
<br />the duc date~ of tax.~. assessments, in~lUrance premium... and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said lax-cs,
<br />assessmcnts. insurance premiums and ground rents as Ihey fall due. such excess shall be, at Borrower's option. either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly jnstallment~ of Funds, If the amount of tne Fund~
<br />held by Lender ..hall nol he suffiCIent to pay t:J:ltC<;;, as~c.....menIS, insurance premiums and ground rents as they rail due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lcndc:r any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 day" (rom the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesling payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in rull of all sums secured by thiS Deed of Trus,l. l cnder s.hall promptl~ refund 10 Borrower any Fund..
<br />held by Lt;ndeT- If under paragraph 18 hereof rhe Property IS \,ojd Dr Ihe Properly IS ot~e_rwl~( acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />shall apply, no latcr rhan immediately prIor to (he ,>ale 01 the ProperlY or tIS acqui'l.1I10n by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />1.ender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secl:Ire-d hy this Deed of Trusl.
<br />J~ AP..it.doll of Payments. Unless applicable law provtdc'i otherwise. all payments received bv lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied h} l.ender first In payment of amounts payable to Lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to intereSI payable on the Note, !hen to the pnnclpal of the Nott, and then 1Q imerest 3nd
<br />pnncipal on any Future Advances ".
<br />4. Charees: Lie... Borrower shall pay aU t;n.es, as.seS--Jment..; and other chuges., fines .and Im~ltions .Hlrihutnb-Je t(l
<br />the Property which may artain a prioruy ov~r ItU! Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents, jf any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if not paid in such manner, by Borrower mak.in, payment. when due:. dift.ctty
<br />[0 the payee thereof. Borrower :shall promptly furnish 10 Lender all nOIlCes of amounts due under f~is paraaraph. and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make pa)ment directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish 10 Lcnder Tccelptl cVldcllcrng Stich payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptl)' dischar~e any tien which has pnorny over rhrs [~cd of Trust; prO\/Ided. that Borrowc:r ,hall nOt tle
<br />reqUIred to discharge any such hen so long a~ Borrower ~haU agree III wrltmg to the payment o.f Ihe obhgatwn !.ccured by
<br />....uc-h hen fO a manner acceptable to Lender. or shall In good LJlth COOlest "tlch hen by, or defend enforcement of $-trch lU.l'n 'n
<br />legal proceedings which operate' 10 prevent the enforcemenl ()f Ihe hen or forte-lture of _fhe Property Of any part thereof.
<br />5. HazanlIDSunaC'f.'. Borrower ..hail keep the ImprovC'menl~ now C\l"'tmg or herellher erected on fhe- Property imured
<br />against loss by fire. hazards Included wlfhm tt'lr: lcrm "c\tendcd nlVera~C"'. ~nd \uch Mht."r haunh as tender may rcqU1r~
<br />..nd 10 such amounts and for ~uch periods a.s I cnd-er may reqUIre. j~H'o'",dc-d. lhal Lender "hall nol; requtrc that the: amO\J~1 of
<br />!uch coverage e_'lceed Ih.u amount of <.:overagc req-mrcd In poly Ihe sum,. ~curc-d by fh~ Deed 01 Trust
<br />The insurance carrier provHiing the in~\lr-anc(' "hall he lh<:KCn hy Horrowcr 1uhiect It) app:rov.al hy {codt.'f: ph)v.deJ.
<br />that such appro\ial sban nol be unre.uonably Withheld AU prtmiums on IOsuran(.~c: pohcies 3h-...U he paid in the manner
<br />provided under ~raanpb 2 ~(eof or, If not paid m su<.;h manner, hy Borr~'fWc( mai:tnl: paymt'ot, when due, directly_ 1<.1 the-
<br />insurao~ carrier.
<br />All Insurance pohctu and ~newaJs thereof shall be In form -'It;\;cptab-k:: 10 l,cm.iCf and shaU mdudc a 1l.and...rd OlO"e.&t-
<br />clause in favor of and in form acceptable ttl I.coder I_cndel sh::.U have the nght 10 nolo the JlQltctes and rene..ab thereof.
<br />and Bon-ower shall pn,)mptly furnish w Lender all renewal notice.. and aU rcc(-lpl\ of pauJ premtum\. In lhe event i,lf Jo\.'!i.
<br />Borrower shall gtve prompt notice to the ,nwraOCC carner <1nJ 1 c:ndcr Lender may ma\.e proof of 1<)iS If not made promp.'Y
<br />by Borrower
<br />Unless Lender and Borro-wer Nherwlst: agree Ifl ... nhng. IOwrjOCt; phx-eedlii ~haH be appltC'd to fe..t-orafl(lJ\ or rep"ilr ~'~(
<br />lhe Propert)' damaged. pr(,v.:,ded ,uch rCslOra{lOO or repdlr ,.. cl.:"onomlcaHy teJ~Ih-k .md the ~llnty of fhf~ fkt'd {'if .lrHSI 1-<'
<br />not thereby Impaired If 'lKh teJ.loratlon ..if repalf 1\ nOt eContl-fnKiiHy !c.l:';Jble ;,'If Ii the \CCill"lty of lhl'\ Deed of I cw.t w.puld
<br />be Impalred. (he Insurance proceeds shaU be apphe'" 10 the a,um!. seciJ:n:-d hy Ihl',; De-cd ('lof Trur... '-'llh th~ c'\cc...., Ii anl', pau;
<br />10 H-Orrower, It the Propert)" is ab-andoneJ by Rouvwcl. .'r if Horrn",,-er huh l;,l rCliptUld to Lender wuhm )0 day.. from Ihe
<br />date notice lS maited by Lender to 8oHo,""cr lhal the Insurance ~.rHer ('111ero,. hJ wulte a d31fll (Of m"uraocc benefit..., Lendef
<br />IS authorjzed to collect and apply the Insurance pHx:e-eds <II Le-ndcr', oplion it,ther to fc~toralWn or repalf of (he Propcny
<br />or 10 Ihe sums secured bv thiS Deed of Trust
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise -*itee 10 writing. .:tn} '\-u(h .apr~hcallon of proceeds to prtni;Ipa,1 ~h.lH O{l{ t::\ttnd
<br />Of postpone the due date of the mOnlhl)' IOSlallm-enh referred to In paragraphs I ...nd 1 he-revt Of 1.'hange the amount (1f
<br />50uch ins.tallmenls., If under paragraph is hel'coj the P'ropeft)' r\ ,h;qulff:d h) l.ender,;,sH nght. 1111e and mtele-lot of Borrower
<br />in and to any insuran<.;:c policies. and In and to lhe pn.xC'cus IhcH:of rC'!ouhmg from damage to the Propc-H) prwr to the ~J.k
<br />or acquIsition shall pass tl) Lender {O the olcnl l.t the sums- M:clJ[cd 0)' ttU!:io Dec:J ot Tru'i( Immcdial(~l) prltJf to ,,-w.:h S-Jit- ~H
<br />acquisillon.
<br />&. Prese.nation aDd MalaltnalKl: or Pro~rl)'; l.~uehokb; <':ondominiuRbi- Pqnned lJ"i. OevtlupmC'nt.ft-. BOtI.l....Cf
<br />\h..tll keep lhe Pro~lerty In g(l(Jd n:p.alf dud ..hall fllll UHlU1IJt V.J-~IC ,If p..'rmll HnpJrtn1l'111 or dCh"fh.~f<<hnn \11 !he Propert)
<br />.lnd shall comply 'I"lth (he proVI'SWOS of an) lea.s.e: If thiS need of Trust .\ on a lea...ehold If thtl! [)ceJ of Trust 1\ l\tl .a \1011 In ;1
<br />condominium or a planned unit development, Borrower shaH pedorOl .all of Borrower's obligatIon\. undtr the lh.',I.l;~f;Hitm
<br />nr cOli.'enanls creating or governmg the ;,:ondomlOium or planned unit de\eiopmcnl. ~he h-)"-Ia\lrrs ~mJ rcgui.:HlOl\>' .'! the
<br />condominium or planned uml dc..'cJopmenL and coo1!lluenl do~;umcnt~ If a lond-Offitnlllm Of planned HOlt d("\1:l~)pmenl
<br />rirler is executed by Borrower and recorded logc:ther wl!h lhl~ need of 1 rlJ~t. the >:o"-enanh ..nd agrecmeOl\ ...1 ~u(h f Idef
<br />shall be incorf'\.Jrate-d into and shall amend In-d supplemem lhe \:o\t:n~H1h M1J ~\grcements of Ihl.'.> Ot-ed cd' Trml ./" ,f th~ lid!:!
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />7~ Prottdion of Lelldt'C's :steuril) , If Borrower fads 10 pcrllHm the \.u\enanl!i .HlJ ..glcc:flH.::n{\ ~,ontJ.,f1ld !I";!'.
<br />Deed of Trust, or if any actltm or proceedUlg IS i.'l)mmen~ed ..,.hli:h matt:(Hlll) .'iffe-n~ 1 coder\, ;olefe~l ,n lht,' Propcn)
<br />including. bul not \imued tv. emlnem domain. in~l,)hcnq, c(.xh.. enforo;cmen:, N drr~ngemenb ('I' pro..:cedinK" ~,.."i\ .ng .\
<br />bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at l.ender's opt".)O, upon notll:C 10 Borwwcr. rnJ) make \-Ui;..h .lpt.-"J(.a"jn<,.t'~ \i,~h"I!,t' '_(h_l,
<br />sums and tak.e such action as IS necessary 10 prOl.:Cl l..enJ~r\ mlerc~l. lHl.'!UJHiR_ hUI Ol'1 lmiltl:'d I.' '!,\h;; .1
<br />rcasonabtc <lUorney'.s, fees and entry upon the Property \;) ntake rcpalr~ If l.endcr rC\.iulIc--d morlg.t~f: ,'h\I,..ild: ,j,
<br />condition of making the loan $t;;ured OJ' ltm Deed of Tru~!. BorrO\\l.'f .,hall P.l~ lhe: prCfTllUm:,:> requHt'd h1 ",,,.:1!,! . ,fo
<br />IOsuranc-e in etfc;;t until s.uch time as lhe reqUlrc:mcnl for 'luch iOSUr;Hll.:l' lcrmlnalt"'> tn i.lC'Md;lIK-t.~ w'lh H,'fr,'....(! ,
<br />Lender"s writtcn agreement or applicable la'W Borrower 'Shall POl} the dm(l~H1! pi dl mortgage tf\~lll;'En..i..' 1\ft'!'\.!l'~\'
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br />An)' amounh disbursed h~ Lender pursuant 10 thl~ pacagl..irh .., \4ilh lri!efl.~'\.t lhen"'lI \h.1Ji "\'",'m,' Jdd'
<br />mdebtedness of Borrower secure!.! hy this. need of Tnt;;! Unle~\ B-orr(iwt'! dod ! cndCl" Jgrct' h"'\ ,\Ih('f' ~t~Il'\ .,1 p-.;I~ "\(''1'
<br />amounts~han be payahle \Jpon fH.'\tk.t from lrndcr h) (lorw....l,.r n::quC\llng P"j!lH,'fll ~hc;t",'f. "nd \r,...!i h..';p !fH(:r~-" the
<br />date of disbuf$C:ment at the rate payabh: ftom time to time 0" o-ut\landing rrHKlpJ! uNkr lh(' ~n!I'..' :,"kj.\ ra!n~{'r\l '1H'(
<br />ilt luch rate would be contrary to applinlblc law. in WhRh t"vent ~lh.~h aml"lunl" "'ull lx'~r ,'\11.',(''.1 ;.1 ltw '~!;
<br />permiuible under applicable law Nothing (on lamed in Ihl" p,lr;.lgraph '"'! \f'ul1 reqwII: I (Th.ter t,l -tlUH )f'j, npen-H' t;~I.(
<br />any action hereunder
<br />S. IR5pectloft. l.end<:'t may malt" (\r ~11\l...t' It' he made Il,;-,,,,,,,,,tt>k l,"'1lrtC'- j'p."f"! .!n,\ q;'.!'~'~~i",'t ,d ih~ P \'p, "-,
<br />that Lender ihall give Borrower nolle!' pn\lt 1(1 iW)' ..u;;:h m"IX"l;'!I(\'\ tpc:i.,dytflg te''-'\I'ruh!,,, ,.'~I\r. !!;I'tf!~'" "~I""~
<br />mterelt in the Prope-n\'
<br />