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<br />a4~ 002619
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<br />UNIFI)RM ('OVI-NANTS UOffllWt.'r ;llI(j I coder Lt1\'cnanl and agll'l' ~l' I~lllow~'
<br />I. Paymrnt of Principal and Inll'res.. BO/TO\H'f "hall promptly pay when dill: the pnm:ipill of and inlCrC.,1 ,lit the
<br />IIldchlcdnl"'s cVltlcm.:cd by Ihl' Nolt." prep:lymcnt ,tllll 1.1k dl,lr~cs <I'" pn1\'ldcd III Ihe Norc, .1I1d Ihe prim:1p,tl of and intcrC"i1
<br />Of! <!r'!" F!!lt!r'~ Ad".HH:!..""'. "'t.''...'t!!t'd ~\ !h,,, ! )..'l'd \11 ! [\1,,!
<br />2. ..._ for Ta.,. .nd Insurant-e. Subjcd to applicahle law or 10 a \Hitten waiver by Lender. 8orrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender ,m the lhy Illomhly in"lalln1l'fll" 01 Pllm:tpal ;1I1J IIlll...rc'>t ;ut:' jldYilPlc lHH.h..r lht.' NOIc. until the Nole is paid in full.
<br />a stirn (herem "Funds", cqu;.11 10 onc-lwl'It'lh of the yearly til\es ;lIld .l'isc.....mcnls which m,IY JlIain priority over this
<br />Deed ofTllISI, ami ground rents 01l Ihc Pn~rerty, II .lOr. plu" PIlI.:-1v.. clflh tlf yearly prcnllum installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus onc~lwelfth of yearly pn:nllUIl1 II1\iuJlmcll" h\r nwng<Jgc in...ur~lla:c, If .lOy. ;111 as rC~Isomlbly C~[imaled initially and from
<br />lime tll time by Lender on Ihe ha..is of a..,,,essmcnh and hili.. and rca'illoablc cstim.lles Ihereof.
<br />The J'imd5i sh.ill be hdd in ..111 Iiliiil\ltitltl ihc dcpl',~jh (if .1l.;~mii1h of v,'hich ;:lre imurcu cr gllaranteed oy a Federn! or
<br />slale ageOlY {induding Lender if I.\:ndcr j., '.llch an in"tllull\."lnl- I.cndcr ...hall ilpply !he Funds lO pay said la\o:s. a5"e~~mC"ts_
<br />in~m.lOcc prcmium, and ground rcnh. I cnda mi.l}' nnl I.:h.trge for \0 holdlllg and applying the Funds. analyzjng said account
<br />or verifying nnd compiling ";lld asse"ismcnls alld hills. Ollie..... Il,."ndcr pays Borrower inleresf on the funds ;:uu' applicahle Jaw
<br />permits I \~nder 10 make sllL'h a Ch.lfgl' BOHo\tcr and l.ender may agree ill wriling at Ihe lime of execUltQn of this
<br />Dec4J of Trusl Ihat inferest llll Ihe Fund... ..h,,1I he paid 10 Borrower, and links" ,;;uch agreement is made or applicable, law
<br />require~ stIch mterest 10 b>~ pi.lid. I.ender ,>h~llIlltll ~ rCljUlred lopay Horrower au}' IIllcresl or earninJJs on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give 10 Borrower, WlthoUI charge, .In ilOnll~1 OlCl.:Ollntmg 01 the FuOl]., ..howlng acdils and debits 10 the ,Funds -and I-be:
<br />PUrpole (or which each debll 10 rhe Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the: sums secured
<br />by this Ill'cd of Trust. .
<br />If Ihl' amounl of rhe hmds held 0\' Lcnder. Ingeth..:r \"'llh thc 11IIlIre monthly installments of Funds payable pl';Or-'lo
<br />Ihe due dates of laxe\, a<;;sl',>smcnl..., IHsuranl;C premiums :lllJ ground renls. ,hall cXl:ccd the amount req,.ircd 10 pay said-taxes.
<br />assessmen1s, insurance prcmlun" am.! gWlInd renh ." Ihcy f.dl Juc. \lll,;':h C.\,,"Css shall he. al 8orrower~s option, eilher
<br />promptly repaid 10 8orrower ur crcdilcd hl Borrower on monthly /I1slallmcnt'i or Funds. Ir the ;,.mount of .he Furid~
<br />held by L..:nder shall nOI he sutlicicnl III pay 1<J'~"i. ;\S'iC'isnh:nls. in...uram::c premiums and ground rents as they fall- due.
<br />Borrower ,hall P:IY hl Lender any amount nl.~'l'ssary 10 make up the ddh.'lency within 30 ,bys irom lhe date notil'c is mailed
<br />by lender to Borrower requeslmg payment Ihereof
<br />upon payment in Iliii lif ail SlJjn~ ,\C\,.UfCO b) thl~ lA-cd ul Tf~i..L I ~-nJ';r 3h.1l: prmnpny refund t-o Bormwer ~my Ft.:nds
<br />held by Ll nder. If under paragraph I S hereof the Properl\' " "lid or fhe Properly IS olhcTWI"e acquired by lender. lcrn;Jer.
<br />s.hall appl\'. no l.lIer than immediately prior Itl lhe ""Ie nl Ihe Pmpcrty or its .Kquisilion by Lender. ;,my Funds held ,by
<br />Lender al the rime of applicalion ;\,>;j a~dit agaln!>t thi: sum... ,>ccufcd hy thiS Deed of Trust.
<br />3.. A..,uc.don 01 '.ymen's. Unlco;,,;; ilppllclhlc I.m provIllc.. olhl.'rwIse. all paymenl~ mccivcJ by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hercof shall he .applled hy Il:ndcr fir~1 In paymcllt of amoullIs payable 10 Lender hy Borrower
<br />under par.tgr.ph 2 hcr~of, then to II1lerc<,;, payable on the Noh:. lhen III lhe prinCipal of the NOle, and Ihen to inleres.- and
<br />principal on any Future Advances
<br />4. CIlaataH; Iliens. Borrower ..,hall pa\' all t.J\.C"_ ;'1"SC..SIl1Cllh ,Hlll lllhL'r ,--'hargcs. finc.s and unposilions allributablc 10
<br />the PrOpetly which may attain a pnorllY over lhls Deed of Trusl, and leasehold payments or ground renlS, if any. in the'
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if nOl paid III SUl,,;h manner. hy Borrower making payment. when due. directly
<br />to the payee Ihereof. Borrower ...hall promptly fllflli",h III I cmlcr .dllH.llu.:c, of amouOls due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make paymenl directly. HOrnl\lrl'l ..h;jll prompll)-' IHrlllsh In Lcnder recelpls evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower ~hall promplly dl3Charl-:c ~11l\' 11t.'n ,\ hil:h h.I'" prtorlt\ 1.l\'l:1 IIlI... Del'd 01 I rtl'\l; proVIded. that Horrower shan not -he
<br />reqUITed t.> discharge any HII.:h li.,:n ...,1 Idng ..!'> BOlfowcr ...h~tll ~\gtl'l: III \'II;IIl~ III Ihc p:'lymcnt or the obligation secured by
<br />such hen In a manner at.:ccptabh: (11 I cnder. l.r ..hall III good Lulh ('unlt."1 ..udl IH~n hy, or defenu cnforccmcn1 of slIch lien In.
<br />legaif.nxl.."eding~ whll.:h o!)cra(c 1(1 prCVCtll lilc l'llhlft.:l'llll:lit pI Ihl: hCIl or !nrfcmue 01- the ProperlY ur any rart thereof.
<br />. Hazard '_na<<. Borrower ..hall ~ccp Ihe Iffij.lfl.lVcmt."nh no\!" C\l..!mg or hereafter crcclcd on Ihe Propert)' insured
<br />a.ainst 10:-.5- by fire. h~lzan.ls .Ih.:ludcd Wlthlll Ih,' h:nn "C\h:ndcd UlVl'r;l~c". ;Illd ..w.:h other hazards a~ Lender may ,require
<br />and an sUlh amounls and for :<tUl:h pctlod~ a" I endcr may IC4UI1C. phlVI,-kd, Jil.l1 LClldcr :o.hull nol rCl{Uifc lhatlhe amount 01
<br />such cove-rage cJl.ccc:d thai amount 01 C\)vcragl.: rc~Utrl..'tl In p.l\' the ~lInh .,\,:t.:tlfcd b}' thiS Decd 01 Tnls!.
<br />The fnsurance carrier provu.ling lhe in,uranu: ,hall be l.:ho,cll hv Uorrn\l.'cr SHbjccl I{l approvill by Lender: prOVided.
<br />that such approval shall nOI be unreast)nably wllhheld. All prcnuum~ on insurance IlOlicics shall be paid in the manner
<br />provided undcr paraarapb 2 hereof or, II flol paid in ~uch manner, 0\' Horrower ma~dng payment when due, directly to the
<br />insurance carrier.
<br />All i11surlnce pohdes rand n.'ne\\-ab fhercvl shall hI.: lt1 lortn a...,,:l.:plaok It! I cnder and ..hall mdude a sli.ludard morlgage
<br />clause in favor ot and in form dc~cpfai:llc 10 Lender lender ,>hall l1,t\C the fl).!.ht 10 hold the pulicies and renewals thereof.
<br />lillN Borf\lwer shall promplly hlfOl~h III I cnder .II! Il'nc~.l.i 11\11l(:~... .,lIlt.! ,Ill rc":-clpb llf p;lld premium", In the C\lCIlI of loss,
<br />Borrowcr shall give prompt nullCc hI Ihl.: IIlSIIt;,lIi1.,:I.: \. ,1.rl I\:I ,\lid I CIU.lCI I t.'fhlcr m"y male pl'uof of loJot'\ II' not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />UnJeulendel and BOIhlwer I.llhclWISC aglcl,' III \\ rltlllg. ilhll!.llh.-"': pll.h.I.:Clh ..,h..1I he ..pplted h'l resloralion or repair of
<br />lhe Property damaged. pro...i.Jcd ;",u\.:h rC"h)r,llhlll t!f It.,;p.ur I'" .....olll..lml..TllI~ It.'',\''lbk ,Iod the ~4.:urity of Ihl\ Deed of Trust i.\
<br />nOllhercl1y impaired. if su\.'h reilol allOll ~ll fl.' pall " nul l'l.:~lIlt'llIh...IIh- h.:iI....tblc I.H II the "~l:urllY uf thl" Deed of Trust would
<br />be impa.r~d. Ihe Ifi!:oUfaIKl' pr~K.c..:J... "h"H he applil'd hi lill: )Hllh "<t.',- ulnl hy !Ill''' Dcco 01 Tru,,1. wllh the C\t.'C\'\, If any. paid
<br />to 8orro\\er. If lhe Properly" ..h;lI11lnlU.:d b} ll\.ln~I"loL'I, ,If II IhllHl'oId..:! 1.111.. hI Il':-'pOlH.J tn I cmJcr withlll .10 day' fCUOllhc
<br />date notke l'i maHcd hy Lender In BorrulAcr Ih.tl Ihl~ Ilbllr.IllI.\.' ..',jlller \llkl" 1,1 scull:: ~1\.1,llrn for to:!-.ur\lUI,,;I; benehts. Lender
<br />IS aUlhoriLed to COHccl and ;'Ippl~ Ihe !fl,,\UI.Jlll,:C IHill"I,'cJ.., ,II I ,-'nJt,'! .. ~Iplltln ""llher 10 rc,>lorallon or repair 01 Ihe Properly
<br />or 10 the -iUOls 5C,uccd hy lhl~ Deeu lIt I ru..t
<br />Unless Lender and BOI'rower lllhenH"'~ <lglCC III \\ flilll~. .lm "'ll.. It .lppIH.:illhlll \.1 phKCClh 10 prulclpil' s.hall nol c.\tt:ruJ
<br />or postpone the due t..tatc ~)t Ihe monthl) ll1~(.1HmCilh rdcllt.'ll III HI p.~f.lgli.ipth I ~llld :! hercol or chnngc the "mount 01
<br />such installmenb. It under par.Jgraph 11\ ht'Ii.:\llltu.: Pl'tlpUI\ l~ ,h4uI1,'J h., I \.'lldcl. .dlllght, title and Intcrcsl of Borrower
<br />in and to any insurance poh~!e~ .llld III .tlll! lp lht: i'hh.'\.'\.'U'" Ihclcdl rc,,"hUlg InJlI\ thllnagc to lhe PW(>\:llY I)((or to the ~alc
<br />or a"'iUiSHion liIhall pa~ III I cnocr 10 the ..'\.':111 \II Ihl: "HIllS ~c..utl:d '" Ihl" f)et.:d Ill' I'rU:!-.1 IlHlHCdl<llcly pril1r 10 !\.uch !lo,llc 01
<br />acqllililion.
<br />6. Preler~.don ad MaA.l...oanu' of P'uptorl,; Ll'il'K'hutd-"o; ( ouduminium~; .'bullled Vnil Uewlllopnumb. Borrllwcf
<br />..hall k.eer Ihe Pn,lpcrty III !,:t.kld JCfl.1l1 .IIlJ '>h.dl 0,\1 ,,'nilllll "'_I...l, ,'I p~-:lil!l 11lIjl.IIlI\I~'1l1 \.. ,ktl.'lhll.lli"ll pI fhe Prllpcrl~
<br />and ahaJl ~Qmply With the pfl1VI~IOn~ ,If ;1fl,' lc:.l.\c If Ih" flc\.'J "I Ill!'.l ,~ ,'If "k;lwhoIJ 11 ttu, DC\,'J of Trll...1 I'> (In ;1 unit HI ;1
<br />coRdolninium or a planned UEUI Jcvclopmcnl. Borfll",cr :.h'-lll pt.'d,lllll .ill \II lJorH)WCr'.. phhgallOth under the ded:.uation
<br />oc covenants creating or gO'iCfIllllg the \.(lUd,lmII\IUIll l~I pl--illllCd lllHI dt:\:c1oplllcnt. the h-'i-law.., ,inJ ICg.~llilll(ln~ l,f fhe
<br />coodolninium or plaonet..! unit dc'\cll'pmcnl, ,Iud ,-dllll.lIll1Clll d"-~t,jll~'nl... II a '.:~IHt.hlfililllllln. ~]{ planol'\.J llfllt dl:\clopmCnl
<br />rider is Cl.ccuted b)' BorroltJl"Cf .md rt'\.-~)lJl'J lllgclhcr "-llh Ihl... nt.'t.:J ,01 1111\1. th1.' ..-U\'t:ll.lflb .lno ilgrcClftcnh 01 '\.uch ndel
<br />shall be incorporaled lOt(,) and shall ~lOlCnd ;Hl~1 suppkmeul the '--""ctl,lnh .Jod .lgrc"':lllcnh 01 Ihls Decd pI fru,>1 ..I'\. If the llder
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />7. ~Q of 1_.f'IHkj"s ~('uril)" II H~\n,)"~l !;Ilh 1.1 fl~'! i''lln lilt' l'I-l\t;lIanh .md ..glt.'cm~nh ,'lllltrH!WU In thl"
<br />~ of Trust, or if any aeHon llf prvcc,-"olng I'> ';OI\1IllCl\u:J ',l,hl\.h II!.Jlcll.IJI) ,tlfcd.. ll'nJ(.'f\ lnlClc,;t III ih,~ Prupert)-',
<br />Inc1uclioa. but nO! hmued to. emUlCHI d"lmalo, In:.\)l~c-m.:), l'Oi.iI.: t.'ntolt.t.:tllt.:II{. \lr .lft.lllgl.::iHellh Ilf pn1l.ccolng... Involvlllg a
<br />bankrupt or decedeol, then Lender at l cnder's up-lion. U~l{m flull....: 1\1 Ihlfhlwcr, !Hay m..l..c '-Ui.:h appc.II.11h_e.... Jj:!-.httr~~ ~u('h
<br />suma and tae such aClion as f) nC1.:t.~\~ar} h) Pfotel..t Lcnd~'r'... IIlh:H<...I. 1I1,hu,hn~. hUI 0111 Itnuh:d hl. dl...h~H'tcmelll ,11
<br />reaIOnable attorney's fees and entry lJ!XJfl the Propt.'r1Y 1-1.1 lllJ~t: rcp,lI(\ 11 l.l:lhkl 1l'~1lI1l'd 1110llgilgC lIl~~H.jI1\:C a.. ~I
<br />coDdition of matins the 10.3fi :ote\.~ured by thiS ~J (.f flU!'.I, H'-Hw\-'tl.I ~h.tll p..J.~ the prcllllum.. rC411Irt,~d to 1ll.tllllall1 ..Ui:h
<br />,~ in effect until such lime as Ihe tcqUlfcmenl hH )Il\.'h 1!l'tUl.llh.l' l..;fllHn,ill'" III .1\,u1rd.lth.t: with BtlffU\lt'cr\. ;n\J
<br />Leodcr'. Wollen agreement or ilpph;';.lhlc ia~ Bi.lrrowc! ...h.lll P;H lhe ,1lIh'Ulll II/ .111 llhlflg.1{:c m,>ur.Hli.:C rlCllllum.. 111 lhl'
<br />manner provided under paragraph ~ hereof
<br />Any amount, disbursed h~' I elldN f'IUrSUillH III thl.!t l'itl,ll:Lll'h '( \\ 1111 llltC'It.~! InciI:PII ..hall !'l.'ufllH:' .llhltIHHI,l!
<br />todebtedneu of BorrowC:f se-,,~uft'd h) IhltS IkcJ t}f "f n~..1 I 'nk,:>. BOr!I'\\.-l'f illll! I cllJcr .lglCl" lil Illher It'rrn... \11 P,t) !llcnl_ \II...-h
<br />.mol,"t. 5ha1l he payable upon notlLc from Il~fld;:f III HtHhl\HI f":qUl.....l;Jli: p;n'THCIl! Ihl'Il','L .llld '\.h.dl b~,lf mh.'rC\1 lfilm lh..
<br />...ordh.bunement at the rafe p-a)'~bk' !rom tnn" to Ilnh" I'll l'lIhLllldrn~ jHllh.lr.allJlll,kl till' ,"'oJl,'lil1\t'" pa)mtnl I'f inlcn....l
<br />.t -.ach.,.lt would be_ l'on1r;J,ry In applKabk law In \\hl..h CHIli ..,,\11 ;1t1Wunh ,,!I,in iX-.H 'nlt.lt....1 ,II ihc hlght~,t rail'
<br />pennia,t>>e u.ndef appll.c3ble law NtJ'thma ,-Ullld.!fH:d III nth p.H.q.:I.1l'tl ~ ~h.l;i ,,-',pIPI,. I ,'J\,-h-l !;, ,antr .HI\ n.pen!ll' M fake
<br />OIly aclion he<<,under.
<br />.. ....<1.... f ('ndtil Il'i-iiy n\.),~ ,.1 ~ ,1ll'>l' l_'l hi. tni'IJ~' r<:;:l", ll1"hh 'r~, '11< ". J: 'j"_, '" '(I. ,'f : t" PI "Pt'!!\ !,i,,,
<br />{Ml Lenderthall,fvt !kl!t'I')v.-er n;..tl1.-t' pI 1'_'1 h' ;Hl~ -,th.h Hi"~?l..,.l;,!;1 ~rl\.',-d\I'}~ Il"},""l.!l'k .,1l1'-( ~hcd,'1 id,l:..:d h' ,.n.kl
<br />Uti..... III ,tv Proot"'
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