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<br />r <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />84- <br /> <br />002583 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows. <br />I. P.,~nt of Principal and In'e-rnt. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and intere<;t on the <br />mdebtednes... evidenced hy the Note. prepayment and late charges 35 provided in the Note:. and rhe principal of Jnd interesl <br />on any Future Advances secured by Ihis Deed of Trll<';! .. <br />2. .... for TUN .... 11II'BI"8M~. Subject to appJicahle law or to iJ wriue" waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly insiallments of principal and inlerest are payable lInder the Notc. until the Note is paid In fuii. <br />a slim (herein "Funds") equal to Ont~~-twelfth of the yearly ta\cs and assessments which may attain priority over thl" <br />Deed of Trust. and ground ren!.."i on the Property, if any. plus one-lwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus (me-twelfth of yearly premium in~tallments (or mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by lender on the haJi! of as.sessmenls and hills and reasonable estimatcs thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held In an Institution the depo..-its or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed hy a Federal or <br />staie agency (induding lender if Lender is ~HJch an instltulion;. l.ender shan applY the Fund'!i to pay said ta-.cs, as<tes~mcnls. <br />Insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, lInless Lender pays Borrower interest on (he Funds and appltcable la'IA. <br />pcrmit'S. Lender 10 make ~uch a charge. Borrower and I cnder may agree in writing at Ihe time of excculton of thj~ <br />Deed of Trust fhat interest on the Fttnd~ shall he paid 10 Borrower. and unless slIch agreement is made or applicable law <br />requi~ such interest to be paid. Lender shall not be reqUired to pay Borrower any IOtrreSl or earnings on the Fund~, Lender <br />!o.hall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounllng of the Funds showmg credits and debits to the Funds und the <br />pufJ'05e for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />hy thiS Ottd of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender, logether with the future monthly in:-;tallments of Funds payahle prior f{l <br />lhe due dates of taxes, as.seuments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said la_xes. <br />assessments, insurance premIUms and ground rents 3S they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Fund.. <br />held by Lender shall not be suffiCIent 10 pay taxes, as\cO:;'iments, insurance premiums and ground rents as: they fall due. <br />Borrower ~hall pay to lender any a.mount ne.cessary 10 make up the deficiency within 30 days from the dare notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requestmg payment thereof. <br />Upon payment In tuU of aU sums secured by thIS Deed of Trus.l. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower an)' FlInd~ <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph IS hereof (he Property IS sold or the Property is otherwlsc acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall -apply, no later than immediately pnor to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, ~ny FllOds held by <br />Lender at [he lime of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />J. Apttlkadon of raywNJdL Unleu applicable law provides otherwise, aU payments received by lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs. I and 2 hereof shall be applied by tcnder first in payment of amounts payable to lender hy Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to intcrcs,t payable on rhe Nore. Ihen to the illtncipal of the Notc. and chen to intere!;r and <br />principal on 1!!1Y Futu!"t AdvAntt!. <br />4. Chmas; La... Borrower shaH pay all ta:\c~. aucssmcnts and other charges. fines .and lmpD5itions 3uributable -ro <br />the Propeny which may attain a priority oyer thl.! Dttd or Trust. and leasehold payments or Around rents.. if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not p~id in such manner. by Borrower making payment. when due.. directly <br />to the payee thereof. Bor~-er shall promptly furnRh to Lender all nOllces of amount.... due under this paraaraph. and in th.e <br />event Borrower shan make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to lender receiptl evidencing such payment$'. <br />8orrower 1ha.1I promptly discharJc any lien which has pnority over thl~ Deed of Trust: pro,"idcd. that Bor.fCl,,:cr shall not he <br />reqUired to dt5Charge any such hen so long a~ Borrower shaU agree In writing to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />..uch Itcn In it manner acceptable (0 lender. or ~hall In good (.lith contest 'tlch lien by, or defend enforcement of such I-ien tn. <br />legat proceedings which operate h.l pn:vcnt the enforcemenl of the hen or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />~, H...... I...,...~, Born'lW(:r '\-hail keep the Improvements now e.\lstlng or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />against Iou by fire. hazards induded '4-lthm the term "extended coverage". and such other hazards as Lender may rcqulrc <br />and 10 such amounts and (nr such penod\ a~ Lender ma)' require; provnled. that Lender shall not require that the amount or <br />\uc:h (overage eAf.:eW dUll amount of co\!eragc rcqwred to pay the sums SC1;ured toy thIS- Deed of TnJ$L <br />The iniurance carrier prc.wldinl the insurance ~h.U be c-h~n by Borrower s,ubject 10 approval by tender: pm\llde4J. <br />.hot such .pproval &h.n not be unreuonabiy w.thbeld An premiums on insurance policies ,h.n be paid in them..._ <br />provided under paraanpb 2 hereof or, If not paid in such manner. by Borrower makinl payment. when due. dire.ctly to lhe <br />insul'alJCe carrier. <br />All l,nsur&nC:e pohdes ~d reMwah. thereoi" shall be In form al'ceptable to Lender and s.hall indude a standard ,mottaale <br />dilUK in favor of and in form acceptable to Lender- Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renew-ats Ihereof. <br />and Bo-rrl:l-'*cr s.~U promptly r~rnish ~o Lender all renew.i notices iHid all recetpts of paid premiums. . In the -event of los$.. <br />Borro\ilou shan give prompt nUhee to lhe: Insurance carner and lender. Lender may make proof or loss- If not m..de_ prQmptl)' <br />by Borrow",. <br />UnJe15 lender and 8orrower otherwl-Se agree to wnhlll. msurance proceeds shaH be applicd to restorallon or repa., of <br />(he Propc:f1y dam.ged. provloed sm::h restO-ralloo or repair 1'\ economu:ally feas1h1e aod Ihe- se-CUr1t}l of this Deed of Trust ,i~ <br />not thereby ImpiufCd. If s~h restoration Of rep.-If i'\ m"\t economfc'ally feaSible or if the security of this Deed of Trust, would <br />be Impaired. lhe UlSurancc prOCeNs. shaH be appllw 10 the s-~ms secured by Ihis Deed of TCUSI+ w~th the CXCC:$~, if any~ pail) <br />to Borr-o'Yoer. If the: Property is- abandoned by BOrh)Wer, or ~{ Borrower (ail.s- to respond to Lender withm 30 days (rorn-_l.he <br />dale no-tKc i~ mailed by l.ender to Borr-o~t:r that the mSUCilOCC- .;:arncr offers. to seule a claim rot insurance benefits, tender <br />l'i iluthOflUd 10 c,)llect llod apply the insurance pfoceeds at Lender's option either to rcstoratton or repa_ir o-f the Prope_rt)' <br />or to the sums secured bv thiS [)eed of Trust. <br />Unleu lender and Borrower olhcNrI~ agree In ""'flung. any 'Such apptit:alion of proceeds- to prin(:ipal shaU not extend <br />or pO.Slpooe the Jue date of the monthly Installments referred 10 in paragraph~ I and 2 hereof or chanae, the amount of <br />such tnitallment:i. If under pJuagraph I S befool tne Properly b OIcquned by Lender. all nglll. litle and interest or 8orrowt.:-r <br />m and to any IO~UIanCe pohCII~,-S and In and 10 the prtloCceds thereof resultmg from damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />or aC:'t~~-sHlon ~hall pass to Lender to the cx.tent of the sums :iel.:uled by this. Deed of Trust immedialci-y prior to such sale or <br />acquIMlIon. <br />6. "'-en....... _ M_le_e of """"..y; l.._hoIds; Co........lniu_; PI...." Unit 0........-..., Borrower <br />~h.lll k.c-ep the Pmpertj In gOlld repair ;J:nd 'l.ha-ll ,1l()1 ~onHnll "<\5(C (lr pnml( imp-airment Of oClcrioralion of the Propen)' <br /> shall com pi} "'Ith the pn.1VISIOnS of any If thiS f)eed l)( Tru!lt 1\ on a leasehold. If thi$ Deed of Truslls on a unil in a <br />condomlOlum Of a pla.nned UOII development, Borro"*'c:r shall pecorm all of 8orrower$ obligations undcr the declaratIOn <br />llr CO\lenants c~.tmg or ~wernlOg the fo.'OndomlnJUm or planned unli dc".e!opmenl. the by~laws. ~n-d regulation.. of the <br />'.:ondorninium or planned unH development, and coo!lltuent documents.. If a t.:ondorninium or planned unit development <br />nder .s, u.c<.:uted by BorrowN and recorded together w:lh thiS Deed of T rust, the cOVenanl! and agreements of s.uch rider <br />"halt be mcorpouued mto and shall amend and supplement the covenant.. MId <igrecmenb- of this Deed 01 Trm.t a~ If Ihe rider <br />were a pan hcrwf <br />7. .....e-efto.; of l~nd".r's S<<urity. II B-orro\Ncr fall>!. hJ perform the covenants anti agreemeots. contained in thi,- <br />Deed of Trus.t. Of If any ac-tl\.ln 01 proceeding I~ c(lmmC'n~ed \Il.hl("h materlall)- affe-ct~ Lender's Inlcr~t in 1he ProplH'lY. <br />HKiudJng. oui. not lI11UlcU tu, (,I1\1nenl Jomalo. ;n~~)j\oen,,), o,,:odc (niofL:emenl, or arr>lngement~ or pfocecJJfig~\'mg a <br />hankruPt or decedent. ,hen Lender at lender's l"tptlon. upon nohce 10 Borrower. may make such .appearancC".!>. dl\hup..c.:: such <br />\ums and ta..e such a-cUQO a~ 1;'0 ne-ce:uar} to prole,":l l...endcr.s Internt, IOcludtng, hut not hmited to, cJf'j,huf~cmcnt N <br />re-awn,able -luorney'l fees ..nd entry: upon the. Property t{'l malr;c: rc-piiirs If lender requm:.d mortgage JI1~Uf"!1-CC :1\ a <br />cOndll100 of Mallng the loan 5eCured by thiS Deed of Tru~l. Borrower ~haU pay the: plemiums reqUired tu m.amtaln 'Iouch <br />Inwr~ncc an effect un'lI suc-h time as t~ requlfcment for such lm.urance termU\:ates 10 accordance wllh anJ <br />t .ender'i wnuen agrwmctU m ippiic-aNe lalilo' Borro\Wer .!.haU POI) the amoullt of all mortgage msuran(;c prenlllml\ H' the <br />rHinrlef prOVI\kd under paragraph .2 hereof <br />Any amount\- disbursed b~ Lender punu~nt to thl." paragfolph 7 'iA'dh InlCH~Sl thereDn. !\naU hc-;,,:ome ,IJt.!ltlOn.d <br />'~~iclJt~nn! of BoffDWr[ ~(:u!eJ by th:!! ~rl of -r!"!.!~! tt!1!e~ Borrower and! cnder Jgree 1-0 ethN tf'm~-.;. of p.~) :nCnt. "~J.:h <br />IiH'Ili,\Ufl,h l\.h:aU be p;1)fabh: upon fl(lHce from LenUcf to Borrower r~qucsllflg payment thr-reof, and $.hall hear IOtt.'"rl~..t :rllfn rhr <br />date: of d~r:a.emcnt ill the rate payable from time h_' time Qnoun.tanding under the ~ote \mic-s~ pa)''ft1C-nl nf 1f1lt.~tt:"q <br />at such nlitlt wwld be (onlrary to ilpplu:,:able lav,., m whu.:h event '\.l.1-\7h amount," :s,hall bear H\tn~l at Iht rll~h(..l ralt,' <br />pcJmi~ble under .,ppticaNe la'\li,-, ~ott\lnl ,,(.nlalfled in Itli~ p.Hagrapn 7 "h<t,H requHc Lender hI ;H;,;\u an~ e_<pen!iC (If lah <br />IU1V actton h-ttteun,det. <br />, S. ,.~~ l.l:nd~t tn,-)- malt' \.H" l-..IUi-C W be made fc.",..>niJhle cnlrl'/!';. up.on .Jth.l '1h-pc..I!0H\ ~)1 Ih(" Plllt~r:~ _ Pfl'~hkd <br />Ihat Lender ~~lll~"'c 8-N'l'~)wC'r t)uh..-t pn(H to .:in)- \u~h w~pefo,;tJj'n ~~..i!}'mg 1.,10"-(" Ih;::rct",r r("\.11...d h' 11.'lhkr , <br />,merea.! lfj the- Ptonert>v <br /> <br />