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<br />84~-j 002523
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<br />UNJFOaM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. hy_ of I'riIIdpIIf .... ......rest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and inleresl on Ihe
<br />mdebtedness evidenced by Ihe NOIe, prepaymenl and lale charges as provided in the Note, and Ihe principal of and inl~
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />1. F.... for T_'" 1_. Subjecl ~o applieable law or 10 a wnnen W8JVer byLender,~o,"':~,'~!o!i~'
<br />to Lender on Ihe day monlhly installments or principal and interest are payable under Ihe Note, tlritirtlie'Note.isj>~ia'J,"~'I;
<br />a sum (herein "Funds~') equal to one-twf!'-Ifth of the yearly taxes and assessmenls which may attain":-pr-,ori_9':,.oyer:_-tN'
<br />Deed of Tn..", and ground rent. on lhe Properly, if any, plus one'twelflhor yearly pteJl\illminst",lmelllS rorliazar!l;iJt~~~<.
<br />plus olle-Iwelfth or yearly premium installment. for mortllatle in.urance~ if any,aUasreaaon~y~limaledi~iliallY"i~ft~, '.
<br />lime 10 lime by .Lender on Ihe basis of asse,.menlS and brll. and reasonlblee.limateslhe,"f; . '.' ... .. . . ..... ..''',.".';.
<br />TM Fund!. shaH be held in ap institution the depmlts. or accounts- of-which 'ater insuted;<or'::'Ulranteed'-bt"
<br />Slale agency (including Lender ir Lender is such an institution), Lender shall applylhe.F\lllllslOpa
<br />IOst'raneepremiums ami ground rents. Lender may no! charge fot so holding andapplyin~'lhey:u
<br />or verifying and compiling said ......ments and bills, unles. Lender pay. Borrowerintl!t6t.on'I....'F...I\<ka
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree io' writin,:"I.U- -t~~-<-:tnne_~~f:\~_-
<br />Deed of Trustlhat interest on the Funds mall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agrilemeiltisllllil!l:o
<br />requires such inlerest 10 be paid, l.ender shall nol be requITed to pay Borrower any jnle""lorearnln,,~'onl .'. . ",'
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an, annual accounting of the Funds showing c~illland'delj!l\'lot.h~\FtJIlds"~~lI~""
<br />purpooe for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Fundo are pledged as additionill 'leCIIrily fo.....'.-j..cili..\:
<br />by Iho Deed of Trusl, .. .... ." '.' .... . .... ......
<br />If the amounl of Ihe Funds held by l.ender, togelher with the fUlure monthly installmenlS ofFuildsl'ayabt~Pt19t"Il!'
<br />the due dates of taxes. assessment5. msuranee premiufm and ground rents, shan ex.c:eed thC-:-amount ~~_-^ttt':Jia:Y;!i8~,1jj~t '
<br />anessmcnts. insurance prem.i:um!t and ground rCllts as they faU due. su<:h ex-et"SS sha.1l be:. ~t Botrowe .
<br />promptly repa$.d t'O Bcrro~r or aedit.ed to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If tbe:
<br />held by Lender ~han not be sufficient to pay ta.'(es, as.sessment5. insurance premiums and ground:.-
<br />Borrower shall pay to l.ender any amount n",.".sary to make up the deficiency within 10 day. frolll the dale
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment the"",f, ..,:,..:
<br />Upon paymenlln full of all sums ,,,,,..red by th.. Deed of Trust. Lender .hall promptly refund 10 Borrower:any:Fuiicl.
<br />held by l.ender. If under paragraph I S hereof .he Propeny IS sold or the Property IS otherwi", acquired by Lender,L~ildet
<br />shall apply. n~ later than immediately pnor to the sale of the Properl)' or Ill\: acquililion by Lender. any- Funds -hdd bY:
<br />Lender at the tirr~ of appbcatj:on ...~ a c;cdit ~iai~~ the s:um5 ~ured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. AJIIIIicadoIl of...".......... Unless. apphcable bw prOVides L"lf.hcrwl'Se. an payments rcce.i\'cd br lender, under -tbe
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol shall be applied by Lender first In paymenl 01 amO\ffils payable to ender by Boi:rower
<br />tJnde~ paragraph 2 hereof, then to interes.t payable on the Note. then to the principal of the Note. and then to in,terat i.nd_o
<br />pnnclpaJ on any Future Advances
<br />4. C~ 1.Je-.. Borrower s.hall pay all (axe~. a~ent.. and other charges. fines and impositions atlribUlablt _to
<br />the Property whkh may attain a pnomy over IhfS Deed of Trusl. and leasehold payments or ground rents. iI any. --iD-~the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid rn !Ulch manner. by Borrower making paymenl. when due.,--directly
<br />to the payee thereof Borrower !>.ha11 promptly furnish to tender aU noHces of amounts due under this paragraph~ and in ,the
<br />event Borrower 5halJ make payment directl\', Borrower shaH promptly furms;, to Lender receipu evidencing such payments;
<br />Borrower sh-a.U promptly dl'Khar~e any !ten ""hKh has pnority o'l,l~r thl~ ~d of Trust: proVided. that 80{.ro":cr shaJ1 nOl be
<br />requm:d to dl"\Charge any f.uch hen '>l\ long "-" ilunowe:r shall agree Hl wnting to the payment of the obllgatllln secured by
<br />'i-uch hen In a mann(:f l1cc-eptablc to lender, or shall Hl gO<K.J faIth Ct.ltHcsr 'HICh hen by. or defend enforcement of such tien in,
<br />Ie-gal proc~lf)gs. whu;h operate hl pn:'Yent the t:nfort.::C-ffient c.r Ihe hen (~r forfeIture of the i'roperty or any paT! thereof.
<br />~, H....-cIl~. Borrower 'i-h~H keep lhc Hnrro...ement~ now cu'\tmg or her~after erected on the Property insured
<br />J.g:unst loa by fire, hu.arm mdudcd Wlthm the t~rm "extendeu \:lweragc", and s.uch other hazards as Lender may require
<br />and In such amounb and for .;uch penods ~." Lender may r~qtl,fe; pn.waie-d, that Lender shaH not ~quire that the amount of
<br />such c-overa.g:e exceed that iUJ}()UDt of coverage rc-qwred !o pay the i!,Ufl1S ~ccuTed t>y thl's Deed at 'frmil.
<br />The tnsunmce carrier pf\.n'Hhng tht:: IO'Huan~e 'fhaH he ,'hoscn hy Borrower lublcct to approval by Lender: provlde9,
<br />that such a.pproval du\1l not be unr~nably' W t-(hheid ,-'\ll prem_1-Ufm on msurance po-lidc-5 shaU he paid in the maooer
<br />pro\'ided undef pa.r..,rapb 2: hereof or, If nO{ p.tlti III ~och HUtnucr. hy 8oftower making payment, when due. direetJy to the
<br />IntUraoce cuner.
<br />AU IOsuralK"e poltctt'$ and f'ei"Kwul", thereof ~han ~ HI k"tfrYl ih,:cephible t-o l.ender and shall mdude a standard montage
<br />d-il:~__u!e in favor of and in iOfm a.;~ept<th!e 10 I end~t lr:nder '!.-haH h;n'-i: the oght 10 hold the (X)lici~ and renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrowe-r "lhaU pl'ompdy fUHU:')h io L("fi'dc-r ;tll fCfl1,wiil IH.J{fC~'-' and .lll re~etpts of ()<uu preJlHUfllS-, In the event Qf Joss.
<br />Bor-rower $n.U gfve p-rontpt not~c In the 1l1AUraHoI.--e .....Hfl("1 :iod L~ntlcf Lender may make: p.roof of loss II not rnude promptly
<br />b)- BOHQ'it'Cr
<br />Unless tender ~n.j BOlro'tlo'ef nth~f",'W ag.j~t': III ....0(108., Ins.ur;Hh.:C rro~ee.ili shaH be applied to rc,IOHttion or repair of
<br />lhe Property damaged. pro,..Jed ~u~h re'iklr<t{!l.-'U ..H rCfM1I n (:i.-ijt)~'nli~ally tC(hibie and Ihe s.c-i:urny of IhIs Deed of Trust I~
<br />om thereby imJhU(ed If 'Sud1 l"t'_~tvIMu)n ~Jr fcp.aH I~ \w.{ t:'i...\Jfh'fnh..ally kU:\loJe Oi If ,he !!'c(;llnty of rhi\ Deed of TrwH WQuld
<br />he .mpaueJ, the m,.u.an("c ph.~'et.~). !>l1ail be applied ft' th-e iI~lm", 1\-e\.'un:d hy lhJ" Deed (1f Tmm, with the ~X4,:CS\, if any, paid
<br />h) 8orrtJ'o\oc_c U t~_ Prt,lpc-rly 1\ dOano.hH\t:J P\- n"th:t-\.Hf _ \)( It HOrIll~Cr Luis to respond to Lender wit!lln 30 days (rom the
<br />dale nOh\:c I_S mailed. by Lender 10 fklUO'ACr Ihat the j"~Ufani.:e ~arne( ollch to !teule ~t chum fOf IOMllance benefits, Lender
<br />1'\ autllonl.c..:i hJ ..."l~He""t al.\d ,,:pply Ih< m~H-alh.;(; iH(","_~e--d" ~! I ~nder"1lt ~'pn()n either lu fe"loraHon or repair of Ihe Itropcn:~
<br />(If [0 tnt sum') 'S<:cured b\' Ihti Deed of '1 rust
<br />UnJeu Lend~{ and Bom)wer otherWise tlgrec H1 wlilleg. an~ ;)u~h apphcauon 01 prOt:ceds. to pnncip..-'11 shall not c.~Hmd
<br />nr P":IM{XlIW the OUt dale \)( the n\\nuht} uls.tallrncub rde-..rred h) In p.uagraphs I and. 2 hereol ()f I.:hangc the artk.'H.lOl of
<br />~uch instaUmenl~, If under para.graph 1;;" h('{~, ,t the Propcn) J~ .I(\.{uU'td h~ lender. ;,tll nght. litte ,and mter~~l vf Borrow\:r
<br />In and to an~ Il:hUlao\.':-c potu.:~c~ and in Ml\.i h~ the pnx:-ccd~ Ihcrc\ll n::~ultmg !rom ui.unage r~) the Property prhJf 10 the s.att:
<br />llr acq~uSHl()n sbaH p-4s.~ to Lcn-dct h. the c \tem ~\i the :.u:m. ~fXUft:d b~ Ihl'- Deed of TruM lfllmedialeiy pri,vf W :,tKh sale or
<br />acquu.ition,
<br />6. Pracnadoa aad ~leiaknaoCf: of Prupett); Leawhoicb; {'onduminhlln~; PlalUted l'nit Denjopmenl5" BOI'ro\\(:1
<br />",h...H le~p f~ Prupcnj In g......,d rep.ili ~nJ ..h.:in r>;.'l ~dlllll.l "',hl~ ,It l"lm.1 Hnpalfnlt'nt \'1 .J\...rcnL~rallon ~lf rht' Properl}
<br />.1nJ s.b..H i.:onlpiy ~ith the pro\.~jl..fI.,') of any Je;;t~ Ii th;:,~ D<<d ,'i lrw,,! 1\ ,-'n J. leasehold It thUt Deed of Trust i~ on ,1 HIli! III ..
<br />~I.mdonumum or i.t planned UUl{ de-\etoptne.m. R-nr",v.Cf .sh-a-ll f"l;::C:fI.HlU ,tll (II BOffO\l\cr's obhgalK1n'i under [he declJ.talh.Hl
<br />0: covcnanb creating \)r gi..H.'crnmg i.he <.'duJrtillulium \,'r pi.MUl~>J: un!l tle..dopnlCnl. th~ t1y.la\l;~ and regul;}{I(lO:'\. pf lh\.'
<br />.:ondominium or planned un!! dc\dopment, and ~i.m::)lliui:n! do..,'umenb I:' a ~imd-\)mmium \"lr plaruH'd t.lnll Jcvd"pmcf\(
<br />nJer 'S ex(~utcd hy Bonowel and r-e~mdc.J Together \l, lth lhi!. fkcJ PI I nJ':'!, the i.:n"'eniJ.nl~ and agrcl'II1Ctlb l'! s.uch mkl
<br />",hall he m~U!oonucd mID ;.md ..hall amenJ and ,>uDokmelll ,he ..."''.CfhHlh .Jlh.J .j~rI:Cl'llcnlS of thl1\. Dt..'e-u ()! Tru....t ,t~ d' the fldcl
<br />.,.e n:: a pact hC-reo! . ,
<br />1. Protn-tiea of l~odfl-'i ~urit)', II 8uzw\\,c:r lads. io pcrhHm the ...u.cnalH~ ;Hhl :IJil,!CCnH:f1h ,-,.'nt..tincJ In .hl...
<br />[)ecd of Trust. Of if an}" aClion or pr(K:ee-dmg 1\ ...-(-mHnenl,.:('"O 'Ahich nlJ.lcJlally affc<:h I.ender':,> I!l!~rc'>t II) the PropeJlj.
<br />mdudmg. but not tuniled to. cnunem domall'l, HlJ;,ohenq. :.:-ooc entof\:cmcnt. or arrangemenh Of pn:.h.:cedlOg:. lllh,h 109 ;1
<br />hankrupt 0.1 decedeut, then Lender at Lender'). optiun, upon not.cc III Borr,)wcr, may make !-.u\.:h .tppe~Hi.ln(c'\. ,-bhUl~C \ulh
<br />~ums and lake such actlon as !io n<<.e~af} !o prote-ct Lend-t::r"'S soter-e...', ioclu-dmg, hut not llmaed h" ,i~\h~H"\cm\~nt ,~l
<br />rCUOflabk a.Uorney'$ fea aad enlrY upon ihc Prope-rt} to fH:1),C tqxur.. If I.,end". fe-quHed mortgage in~U:.llh.-C :1' :1
<br />cOhd-i-tiOfi of m-akins, tilt INn SoCl.urcJ by tht~ Deed of Tnbit. Borruv.n ~h..ll! pa)" the premium:. f'C1.1uirtd W mJ.l/ll.llI\ \(1\,h
<br />mlUnncc in effect untli s\lCn time a.s the requlremeni for _\t.II.:h lf1\UliHh.C kfn}lmtlc~ In ~l.\:...,-\rdat'H,'e with B~Hnl\\oer\ ,lnd
<br />Lc.adcr's writ.ten Air<<meru or appitc-!J;oie law iSorro...c~ ~h.aH ~! !hi.~ ,11 lll)lml oj- .ail moli~p,l.p; In)-Uldlll,_C pl("IlHU1l1~ III ih~
<br />mAnner provided under pa'''lr.ph 2 hereof
<br />Aoy a:mountJ dis-bunc:d by Lender pun.uant h. thiS parag;raph 7 '.'11th ~nlt'n~st Ihcr-ei..l!1.. ,h~",!l fl!..'\-,'>:th.. .Hhj/iHln.l!
<br />mdebtedncu'O'r Bocr~'e:r Soe:curW h't, thit Deed of Tn1'!o( l~nl~ UOftDWCr .:I.ll-d 1 enocf a.gree tLl other H'fm\..A pa)mcn!, "l,lKh
<br />AA"K"J\Ul;ti stt.U be p'yabk upon ooft~.C fwm 1 c-w.kr Ii) Borww'~r reqUtHlIlg p;Jymcn! InCrC('lf. $ond :.-hal! beat mtCtC'\-t !r<H't) !hc
<br />d&t-c Qf dhbul'1temcnt IU. the ntle payable from time to time l\n \,.luhtanulng prm>:!pal under tt\c ~()I(' ~mk$~ paym("iH of ioh~fC\t
<br />at JU<;h t'ltt: w(W;thl bt comra,>' 10 "Wh-':Able ta~, in wh!.::h event <<.u(h aJl1oto,mh lih~!ll he.It ffltc-r-e-~f 3{ ihe hlghe\l rate
<br />permilsibie- under applt\"ablC' la'll" Nt..th-in& .:;ont.l\u~i tn lhi$ p<tfaaraph "1 ..h"d! r\.~ui/t Lender to lfh:m am npcn~e or take
<br />...y ..;tioo heround<it, .
<br />.~ ~', Le'WX-f may mili.kt; '),l',..auK> t'O t'< m~~ N:--i;MlH-ilblc i:1'~H~e-.. ltp..'ln -and !n'p<'l..tl;,)n~ ,)j ,10-'-: Pni'p\,.It\, jN<.,,\<j{'".,J
<br />thl-t l.c~"U 'N~ Bot!1;)'WI:t noh.-;'(' rrtor to #;rt)" :!>lIt:-h ~!'l"'pe1..~t!C.n s.f)C'(:lfymg fC3:5-tmat'olc (lH1Jl.(' Ih...rdl'1.1 rt"l~lteJ h' I ~'f'1-d("! \
<br />,n,,,r"" In lbe Pr<'>tlern
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<br />QLl.,__
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<br />002523
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