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<br />:- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />84- 002489 <br /> <br />UNJFOJllM COVENA.NTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and a.gree as Follows: <br />1. ..,...... of Prind,.. .1141 In.erat. Borrower shaH promptly pay when due the prmcipal of and intcre~t nn the <br />mdebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and Ihe principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advance.l\ secured by thi~ Deed of Tru4>' <br />2. .... for To. .... l..irawce. Subject to applicahle taw or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments ot pnO(.'lpal and -inferest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds"') equal to onc~twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may allain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hal.ard insurance. <br />~Ius one-twelfth of yearty premium installments for mongagc insurance. if any. all 3S reasonably esrimated initially and from <br />ttme to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The FU1'1".15 shan be held i~ an institution the de~its or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal Of <br />...late agency (including Lender If lender is: such an in!itttufion). Lender shall appJy the Funds to pay said taxes. asses':;mcnts. <br />Insurance premiums and ground rent~_ Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said aceoum <br />or verifying and compihng said assessments and bilfs. unle~s lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and aPl?licable la~ <br />permit!t l.ender 10 make such a charge. Borro-wer and Lender may agree in writing at (he time of CX.ccution of thl~ <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the- Funds ~haU be paid to Borrower, and unles-~ slIch agreement is made or applicable- taw <br />r('quire~ such interest to be paid. lender shall not be re-qUt~d fO pay Borrower any forereSt Or earnin~ on the Fundl'ii'> Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge:, an annual accountIng of the Funds showmg credits and dehlts to the Funds Jnu the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by thIS Deed or Trust. <br />If 1M amount of lhe Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payah-Je prior t-o <br />the duc date!; of ta'l.~. asses.smc:nt~. Insurance rremiums and ground rents. shalf exceed the amount required to pay- said. taxe~. <br />assessments. insurance premiums. and ground rents as they fall due. such ex.cess shall be. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds_ If the amount of the FtI"d~ <br />held hy Lender "hall not ~ sufficient 10 pay lalO:Cs. asseS-YTlenls-. insurance premiums and ground rents- as- they fall-due: <br />Borrower shan pay to. Lender any amount necessary to maL:e up the deficiency wfthin 30 days (rom the date notice- is Mlalled <br />by lender to Borrower request;DI payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of alt sums secured by thiS Deed of Trust Lender shall promplly refund to Borrower an)' Fund~ <br />held by Lemke Jf under paragraph 18 hereof rhe Property,.. soJd or the Pr~pe:rty IS otherwise acquired by Lender.' Lender <br />shall apply, n~ later than immed.ately pr.lOr ro the sale of the ProperlY or .ItS 3cquisHi-on by Lender. any Fund., held by <br />t coder al the Hme of applicatwn as 3. credn agaj~sl the sums secured by thts Deed of Trust. <br />3. Applitadon of ra,....... Unless app-hcabfc 1:3"- provIdes otherwtse. all payments received by Lcnd{'-r under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof s.hall be applted by Lender first In payment of amounls. pOIyablc 10 Lender by Borro-w~r <br />under paragraph 2 he-reof. then to Interat payable on (he Note. then to the pnnclpal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />pnnclpal on any Future Advances_ <br />4. elll.rps; Lie_ Borrower s:hatl pay all t:t\e~. <i\s-c'S&mc-OIs and other charge-so fines and impositions attributable W <br />the Propeny ....hich may attain I prtoruy over thl~ Deed of Trust. and leasehold payment. or ground rents. if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 heuof or. if no! paid in such manner. by Borrower making payment, when due. directly <br />10 the- payee thereof" Borro..'cr 'ihall promptly furnl~h to Lender .all nOtices of amounts due under this para.raph. and 'jn the <br />even. Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower !'ihall promptly fu.rOlsh to Lender rettlpl1 evidencing slIch p..yments'. <br />Borrower shall promprly diSChatle any lien wtu<<:h ha!. pnorny over thiS l)ccd of Tntst: prOVided. that Borrower sh::all not -he <br />reqwred to di~harge any such lien so long a\ 8orrowc-f shaU agree In writing to thr- payment of the obligation 5ccur:ed by <br />weh hen to iI msnncr acceptable to Lender. or shall In Soc.-xxi huth contest such lit:" by. Of defend enforcement-of SliGh hen -in, <br />legal in. 5 which operalC: to prevent the enforcement of the hen or forfeiture of the Property or any pa.n- lhereof-. <br />S~ R..... Ift5W~, Borrower \haU keep the Improvements now e\lstmg or hereafter erected on [he Properl)' insured <br />a,giunst Iou by fire. haurds Included withm [he lerm '.c:\tended coveragc". and !;ouch other hazards as Lender may require <br />and to such amount!. and (oc such penoos 3" Lender may requIre; prQvuied, that lender shall not require f-hat the amount ('If <br />such coverage exceed that amount of CtWtf4gc reqUIred It) pay the sums !CclIrcd by rt'll5- Deed of Tru1t. <br />The insur-aru;:c -earnC"r provrdin, the 101uranc-c shall be chmc-_n by HOfro\llr'Cr subject to appn.will by Lender: pnwideu. <br />lhat ~ueh .ppro~a) shalt not be. unre.uonabl)' wlthh-dd_ All premiums on imiurance po'i~ieJ shalt be paid in the -manner <br />prOVided under paraarapb 2 hereor Of. If not paid In ~uch manner. hy Borrower makin, payment. when .due. directly to lhe- <br />Imuf'U!Ce carrier. <br />AU insurance pohcie$ and renewals lhcre-of l\nall be 10 torm ac<;:cptable 10 Lender and shall include: a ltandard mongage: <br />..:lause tn f-avor of and in form ac,"ep-Iable to Lender Lender \hall have lhe nght to hold the policies and renewals. thereof. <br />;.ind Borrower shall promplly furnish to Lcmkr aU renewal notices and aU rcceip-u of paul premiums.. In the event. of JO'l~~ <br />Borrower sh.n gIVe prompt notice to the lfnlUranCe C.H'r1ef and Lender. l.ender may make proof of loss. jf nOl made promptly <br />by 8ono..-e_f, <br />Unless. tender and BOffow-er {-,therWl8C .gree In INfllm&., Insurance: proceeds \hall be apphed to restoration or repair t---,f <br />!he Property damaged. provided such rt-SWf2hOn Of fe-pal( t~ ccom')mJ(;aU~' feasible and the 5e-eurtly of thiS DeeJ -()( Trust i~ <br />not lhereby Impaired. If such rea.torallo-n ()f repair t\ nol C:l:onomically fca-slbh: or If the s.<<urity of this Deed of Tnl$.f WQuld <br />be Hllp-aued. the lO~urao4,:(: proceeds shaH be appheti 10 the sum\- $~\Jred hy thIS- Deed of Trust. with the- e_"t(e~'-, If aOYA pa,l! <br />(0 Borrowcr, If the ProperlY ,\ abandonc:J by 80rft.1wcr. Of if Borrower fa-ll.\ to respond to Lender wirhln 30 day~ from the <br />date nOh('e is rna.ilt-LI by Lender ro Borrower that Ihe In~U1ilnce canna offers to settle a claim (or inSUrlln(;C ncnefits. Lender <br />'" authonu-d to '-"1.JUec-t and apply the jnsutitrn.'c prt.Ket'!d"io at Lender's option eHher to restoration or repair of the Property <br />or to the tums sei:ured by t015 Deed of Trust. , <br />Unless Lender and Bot,rower olhefWI)C agree In Wfll.tog. any ~u\;h apph-cauof\ 01 proceed$ to principal shaH not c.\tend <br />nr pL~1"1ue the due dale- of the monthly tn\t..llmenh reJerre-d tel H\ paragraphlt. I and 2: hereof or change the amount 01 <br />'!ouch InsuJlmcolS, If under paragraph 11'\ hercHI lhe Properly I:} <l\:ljulred b) Lendec. all right. hlle and inlerC)! of 8orrower <br />In antJ to.any in$uraoc-c- pohCles and In and to the proceed! Ihereof rbullmg from damage to the ,Propertr pnor 10 lhe s..,tc <br />(lr a("~u~sltlon ~haU pas.~ to Lender to the c.\(ent t.11 [he sums s.eclued b) lhl~ tk--ed 01 TrUM ImmedIately prior to such lJale or <br />acqulStUQO. <br />'--__..~__~~~.and ~f~.enuce or. P~d,. lA"aMhoIdi; CondominiufhSj Pt.ft,," Unil Oen:loplMftts. Borrower <br />.....u ""-\.'\-p 1m,: I-l'-"pelt} 111 g;."t_>u n:pdlr .Inti ..nOltl nUl >;Pf11nllt ~J;MC llf l''I.:UHII Ilnp.utll1l'UI or ~ktcrl('rallllr\ of Ihe Prof>l:ny <br />.lOll shaH C0111pl)' Wtfh the pro\'!!Ilons. oj .10) ~,a~c If tOl"5 Deed (If Trulll I:, on a lea:'Jehold_ It' thl~ Deed of TrusI IS. on a untl In ;l <br />.:i....ooomlntUm or it planned Uflll de~-e-lnpm-ent. Borro\l;-er shaH petiOfm :.Ill oi 80rro"".e(s obligatlOn\ under the dedaratlon <br />l~f ((w-enants creal 109 vr governmg the clmtkJOunturn or planned unit development. lhe by.faw~ ,tnJ re-gulntlon.. of the <br />..'oodommium or planned unit dc'Veiopment. and ,onsWuent documenh If a condomtoium Of planned unit de\ieh\p-m~nl <br />nder IS exe-cuh:d hy Borrower aad f'Korded I(l-gether .."qlh thrs Deed of trust. Ihe covenant.!! .and -agreemenh l,r ..uch nder <br />\haU he u\COTporaled tnlo and shaH anu'oo anti supplement (he co"cnanh :Jnu ,;Igrcemenls of lh~$, Deed (11 Tru..t .1" tf the nJI,:r <br />Wefe a part hereof <br />7. Procedioa of I_~'s SK-:brity, If Borrower buts to perform the co....enant\ and agreemenh (nnlaln~d in ttw. <br />Deed C).( Tr\,QL o-r It ~ny oct:m1 ~-g procccdmi .~ '.;~;n-Hnef'-:.;~-d ~h:..;.h f!i...iCflulh- .llTee:::. LcH-Jef'~ liHea:::.t in the Pidpcn; <br />iociudmg. blu not hmued 10, e-rmncm dOm3tn, lnwlvenq, cod!'! enforcement, l~r arrdngenlC"nt" Of pflK:cellmg\ 1000oh'lng ,; <br />bankrupt o-r d<<cdenl. then Lender .H lender'~ o-puon~ upon notu:c to Borrower, may make )uch appcaranc'es. dl\hur..c \11.. h <br />\Ums, and take s-uch ilcllon .s I!. necessary to pfQtet;1 Lenders lOter'C\t. mdudmg,. hut not hmllcd to. dj'\hur~t,,~mt.'fH PI <br />r~ble aUurncys' tea and entry upon 1M: Pr-ope-Hr 10 mak~ n:palr~ If Lender re1.\uued mortgage In"U'iHl~l' .~" .1 <br />condttlO-u 01 matm, the kl-an s.c-curC1i h)' thti l)eed of 1 ruM. aorro~er 'ShitH pay the pre0l1un>> rcqutred In rn.Hol.Jlt\ \11<.!' <br />ut1t1f'aft(,."C In ttl<<t up..1 such lime as the re'1U1remenl fot !i.uch m'\Han~e lenmnale\ In ac,ordance Wllh Borro\'n~t-, "Ifh_) <br />Lt'oder's wriue-n .Ifcc~n-t Qf applicable lalo\-" Borrower ~hail pa.~ the amount 01 all mt10rtgaBe In<.uraocc pfl..lt1HHn~ J!"' ttlt <br />O:'H.tmCt pr-U"'INc4 under para' 2 hereof <br />Any amountl disbur$.t-d b-:t L~ndtr pursUit"t w lhl~ patOlg,a:ph '7 'A!lh ftlfel'-~sl 'here-on, ..hail ~~'l'flW eHhlili"!l.1 <br />tndcbtcd~ -of BoUQ"'-Cf' ~UTed h)" Ihu t>eeu (.)-f ] rU!l>1 t ;nle.\~ 8orrowef a!ld 1 enaCT agree h' ,,"her Ie-Hm, (II p-'t\ m("!11_ ql~ I; <br />.a11k1Uf\lli :lIhit!i -be pay.bie: upon nO(K:t' IH~m tet\dc_r t(~ Borrower r('~fuft'illOg pa~t1len~ !h~fC{"'t. .and ~h.;rH hear lute'C'i.1 !!,IJ'1l lh~: <br />d.t~ (}f dnbu-ttel'M1U ~t the fate pay.blt! h-l,)R't IIIDe to t,me \)0 otthtandtng pnni.."qJ,,-1 ufldtr ~he 1'\;\l'le llnle~\ po1;-mc;-nl ,)! !(l!t'n"',! <br />;/11 ~.h<<:' wouW oc CuntHil.ry to iII_Pid1t:_bk law. I" 'il.-nldl t~ff11 \'\1\"0 arn,,'}unh \hall beM fnlere'l ,If lh~ l"..iw'-t f..lf. <br />ptfMQlllbtc u-nde-t "pph-(':~hl-t la~' Nothml. \."_unt./lH)('d In Itw;. r,lIagllllph "! ~han !equHe t -tndt'f In ,n....ur M\~ ("1iNmt" \'f ult.t <br />Vi)' 4J<tmq bilf'fn,mdcf <br />.. l..,..ntea. 1 ~f.--1' m.~' mAlt.,(: ~H ;,.~uw h) be tna-de r~it~ln,.hk !~ntnc... \fp"-"f\ M~~j :,n,,~nlt~,.. o! th~ Pll\~~n\ i~""idc' <br />fnlif tt'm.k-J \h.Ji ,t..--e_ f:l~th__"t!;Ilt-f't nJ,'lch~e PlgH h) M'J)' ~\K-h H\~pe..-;h>:,m ~re--nfYHtll re-ll-'i-\'Hl-,thk ~~H,"(' dKrdt>j '~Ld~~d t;' 1 ; 'hk~ . <br />'t1t(';f'ftJ jft f"f'OtJert\' <br /> <br />