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<br />r <br /> <br />~4-- 002467 <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />to Lender's intere-st in the Property. <br />9. Condemn.don. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or other taking of the PropenYl or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are <br />hereby assigned and shall be paid to lender, subject to the terms of any mortgage. deed or trust or other security <br />agreement with a lien which has priority over this Mortgage. <br />10, Not Relnsed; Forb.arane. By Lender Not a Waivtr, Extension of the time for payment or <br />modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor ininter~stof <br />Borrower and all other parties who are or thereafter become secondarily liable shall not operate to release;jn'arw <br />manner, the liability of rhe original Borrower and Borrower's succes.ors in interest. Lender shilll not be niquli;lidcio~ <br />commence proceedings against such success-or or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modi-fy-art.-onJ~tifi-n~of. <br />the sums secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successQrHn <br />interest. Any forbearance by lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable <br />law. shalf not be a waiver of Of predude the exercise of any s!.!ch right or remedy, <br />II, Su~~e"-.ors and Assigns Bound; ,Ioinl and Severa' Liability: Co-signers, The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shall bind, and the fights hereunder shall inure 10. the respective successors an<1-assigns of"'Len~j-et'and'. <br />Borrower. subject 10 {he provisions: of paragraph 16 hereof, AU covenants and agreements of Bor-rower shall be joint~aRd <br />several. Any Borrower who co-s.igns thh; Mortgage. but does not execute {he Note, (a) is co-signiflg this M'ortgage-onty-to <br />mortgage. grant and convey Ihat Borrower's interest in the Property 10 Lender under the terms'of this _Mortgage, {b}'is <br />not personally iiable on [he Note or under this Mortgage, and (e) agrees thal Lender and any other Borrower hereuncier <br />may agree to extend. modify. forbear, or make any other accommodations with regard to the terms of this,_~1'ortg:a.g~,gf <br />Ihe Note without that Borrower':,> COl1!'>ent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Mortgage-'as_ 19;',;that <br />Borrower's interest tn the ProperlY. <br />12. Notice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given 1n another manner~ (al-any notice-to <br />Borrower provided for tn this Mortgage ..hall be given hy delivering il or by mailing such notice by certified :m_ail. <br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate -by notice to Lender <br />as provided herein, and (hi any nOlice ro Lender shall be given by certified mail 10 Lender's address staled herein_or-'to <br />sUI:.'h other address as Lender may designate- by notice to Borrower 3S provided herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage shaH be deemed 10 have been illven 10 Borrower ur Lender \>d1en given in the manner designated herein. <br />13, GOV<lninll La..; SeverabililY, The Slate and local laws of the jurisdiction in which the Property is localed shali <br />apply except where ;uch iaw',; conflkt wilh Federal law; in which C1se. Federal law applies. In the event that any <br />pruvision or dause of thi~ \1ongage or lhe Note .:ontlicts with applicable law, such ..:onflict shaH not:a-ffeet othe-r <br />provisions of rhi~ Mortgage or ihe Nute whkh \,.'all be given efft'Cl without the \.'ullflkung provision. and to_this: end the <br />provisions of this M{)rtga~t. ,md Ih~ Nutt' :HC' declared 10 be \cvcrablc. i\S lIsed herein. "eosls", H-expense$H and <br />"auorm..y'i:' fce~" ml"iude ali "um~ l~) iht' c\lt:nl nUl pfI.\hibhed by apphcable hl,w or limited herein. <br />14, Bonow~f's CVji-). B'tJrfoWt'i' :o.haU be fUi lll~h~--d a ({~nformC'j l:Opy uf the Note and of Ihi-5 Mortgage. ifrequesled:,- <br />at the time of execution t)f after lc(~}rdali-On hereoL <br />IS-. R.habili1atioo loan A~re~rnent. HOHowcr "ihait fulfill aU of Ilorrower\, obligations under any home <br />rehabilila-!iuu. impH}\-emenl, repair (If oilier ji,)~H1 agreemenl which Borrower cnic-r.s i111t) with Lender. Lender. at <br />Lender's opllon. may r~tJlHre Born)wer tu t,''-t.'l;Ule and deliver to Lender. in+a form acce-ptah1e to Lender; an assignment <br />tJf any righh. \,.'laull-s nr ddcnse:o. v,ludl BOfhWd.:r may have "gainsl parlies who supply labor. materials Of services in <br />\.:(lunt.'(;[lt.Ht With impf'(j-"~HiefH~ mad~ to thi.' Property. <br />16. ')'rMflS'It"f of the Properly, if BOf[l~wef ':'tells I)f iran).feH all or any par! {)f the Property or an iiHerest, there-in, <br />exduding (a) [he t;reaiiun ul ~-1. hen ul t:lh:umbr:anl.:c ~UbLifditlaie {.o this., (b) a Iransfcr by de-vist:. descent, or by <br />\J-p-craiion of la'" upon tlit." dC' \.ii a JOIIl! :<.~flant. (I.:) the grunt of any leasehold interest l)f lhree y~ars or less 1l0l <br />containing an ol>lion to purchas.e, (d) the neali-on of a pun;:hase money St't.:Uflly lIHcreSl fur hou~chold appliances. (c) a <br />trafl~.!cr!O a n:tatl\'c rc~ultmg trum {he dc~tlh 1..\1' a Borrow~r, (0 a !ran:'<t.fer when~ lhe ~pOU~1.: ur children of the Borrower <br />become an o\ldlcr of tht." prupcrty. (g) 01 transfer resulling from a decree of di~olution of marriage, legal separation <br />agrt.~me-Ul. tJT IroIU an prvp-eny seitlcment agree-mem, by which the .:"puusc of the- B,)f(ower becomes an _owner <br />nf the propeuy.. th) a HanMer lOtI.) dH mh~l VIVi..h trusl III which the Borrower is and remains u beneficiary and which does <br />n('1t relale 10 a nans-fef of ngtu~ 01 O(l.,'Upuw.:y H1 the property. or (i) any tuher lransf(,.'f or disposition described in <br />r~8uhuion~ rresl".:f1be~ trv lilt; Fedelal Hom~ Loan Bank Board, BOHower ~haH ,'aus-e- 10 be '\ubmiHed information <br />required b) Lender h.l e-\'~iua[(: the ltau~ferte as if a new loan were being made to the tr~n"fen.-"C_ Borrower will t:ontiuu~ <br />h) be obhgated under the Note and Ihis Mortgage: unle-s..., Lender rdca~ef!l BOrn)wt:1 in wriliug. <br />If Lendef du<,~ n,J! aglee tu ..ud) jak Pi 1r.;Hl~fcf. I ("Hler Hld)- Jcdafl' <:t{l of Ihe :\Ul'O& sc~ured by Illis Mortgage 10 be <br />immedlalely due and pa)',-tbf-e. It' Lender \.'.\Cf\.'l"-CS "u~h \.plhHl II} ..h.:~ch::ralt:. I C'llder ..hall mail Borrower 1l00i(e of <br />a\."ceteration in acc-ordan....e wnh p-aragraph 12 hercoof. Su~h Hurke shall provide a p{'riou of nOl less- than .10 dilYS from the <br />dalt fhe no-tke is mailed O! delhiered vdthin \\ hich Eklrl'(l\\'er may pay the 'iums. Jedarcd dlh.~, H Borr\}wcr fails to pay <br />such sums prior to the t-xpit'al:ion oj' 'dJ-ch peflod. Lender may_ wllhom further lltliice 01 dem~U\J IHl Borro\\-l'l, im"nKt' <br />any remedies pernllllcd by parag,aph 17 hereof. <br />NON..UNJfORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender further ,,',wcnant illlU agree a!l foflo\\'s: <br />11. ,"cc:~leraUon: Rt'mNie-s+ E.u'ept as pro,'idttd in paralraph 16 hereof, or a~ olher"',se n;,quirt~ by la,,'. upon <br />Burnu,,'e,'s breach of any co-lcnanl or agrecm~nl of Borrower in this MorlgalKe~ indudinR lilt ..'o\"tmanb to pa)' ~he-" due <br />uy Stuns- secured ,by this Moftl-axe. L~ndrr prior -to acceleration shan Jthe noHct tn 8tlrrower a~ prC'seribed by lipplkab~ <br />fa.. spej:ifyiq: (I) IlIe breal'h, 121 tho action required 10 cure such breacb; (3) a dale, than to da,.. from Ih. dal.. <br />tM nOlla- it. maW tv 8o_lTUft-t'r. b)' wbitib su-ch bnNlc,h mUM be ('ured.: and (4) thai failun~ .0 ~un: ~tlch breath tm or <br />....'..r. Ih.. date .pedr~ in lhe notice ma) .....ult in ael'eleration of Ih. sum. secured by Ihis Morlllall', foredo.ure h) <br />jli~ ptlkeediaa. and ..k or the Property. Tbe noli~e shall furtber inform Borro..... of Ihe rillhl 10 ltinSlate aUer <br />~~'.., UHt ,.tIt ril-ht Co ~ri in lite furl'c1o~urt. pfg.ce,'din~ Ih-t' nunc\.isJen-ct' of a d,'filUh ur an) olht'f deh'ult-t' tif <br />~I'O.Wttt.. a<<de....tlon and fo...doSllre, If the b...ach is nol cured on or before the dale spe<ified hi lhe nOlke. [,ender, <br />., Lf.w's oplioa, may ~all uf lite sum. ,,'eured It} IIlis Murl.allt to he imn..,diat<>ly due aod payabl.. "Uboul <br />mOlt' v.oad aad lDay rn,.,.,lon tltis Morta_II' by jodiclal proce.dinll. I.t'ndtrsball be elllillw to roll<<'1 in sud. <br />P~" all t'JlPen$t' or rured...or.... i/IChtdinll. but no' lhnil.d lu, allom.p' let's, and ('o'ls "~I <br />....,......ry nldm.:.. """'lraelo and litk repurts. <br />.'... IoftO-W'fI"'S ..'ll t4 R'tl"$(a,t,. Nutwu.hsu.uuJini- Lender 's- a~cc-l-eratj-o'n of the \-um~ "l..'\. uh'd h,' I hiS i\-1ongagt.' out <br />to BorfOWa~"i bf!:'a,~h. 6Qn'tlwcl' lihaJ:l huvt Ihe h} have an)' pnJCmhngll he~Hn t1V ll,'ndCf -l-n ulhn...T Inl" ~'1oflg.'tg" <br />dr.",.otuin:uc-d -\U .ii-O) tun" !'H,H' h) flliry 0: ~\ }ud,innent enfi..lf'(;mg this, MOH~agf ,f !~l) BUPP\\':I Pi\~'\ t t'!hit'! all "wn~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />L <br />