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<br />I <br /> <br />cA.....,...e 002446 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />applicable-law requir('~ <,uch m{ere<;! IP Me paId. i endt'f "naB nOl be reqUlfed iu PdY BOffO>loef an" i;;iere'i: or e3rnings en the Fund". L("nder shall <br />give [() Borrower, without .:harge. an annual acepun1!ng of the Funds \howing (redit.. dnd debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />Jebillo the r:und~ .....a\ made The Funds are pledged as addItional <,('t'urilY for {he \urn\ secured hy (his Deed of Trust. <br />If (he amount of the- hlO(j<, hl."ld by 1 end("f, logether \\dlh {he future installments 01 Funds payable prior!O the due dates of taxes, <br />a5_<;essmenls, insurance premiums and ground rents, '}hall exceed the amount required to pay saW taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and <br />ground renls as they fall dut". <,uch e~cess shall he, at B(lrrower's 0ptlon, eIther promptly rera1d to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly <br />tIlsra1lments of funds. J f the amount of {he Fund~ held hy Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and <br />ground rents as they fall due, f.!.t)rrt..)wer "hall pa\' ro Lender any amount neceS'iarVIO make up the deficiency ",ithin 30 days from the date notice <br />!'i maiJed hy Le-nder to Borrower requeqing pa'\'llen! thereof <br />Upon paymem In full of all 'iecured b~. this Deed of Trusl, Lender <;hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender, If <br />under paragraph I g hert;:-()f tl1(' Pro~n!. 1~ "old or lhe Propertv l~ otherwi~e acqUired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later than immediately <br />prior to !he ;"ale \If the Property Of \,<. a!.:qui>;lllon hv I ender, an'll Fund.. held hy Lender allhe time of application as a credit against the sums <br />,ecured 1:1..... thlS Deed of Tru\! <br />}, 4ppUcadoD of Pllym~nts. l.nles.. apphcahle I;jW rr(l\.!de<; o!her\1\'1~e, all payments received hy Lender under the Note and paragraphs I <br />and 2 herrof "hall he applied ~\' lender flr"-! III payment df amount" It' Lender hy Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest <br />payable on th(' ~Ole. lhen to the rmnClpal 01 It"!::, ~olf". and then (0 interest and prinCipal on an\' Future Advances. <br />4 Chllrtct'S: Liens. ...hall pay all ta~e<;. .:l.~<;.e<;sment'i and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to the Property which <br />ma~" allaln a rOOflf\' (WeT thl"- Deed of TrmL and leasehold ra~menL!, or ground rents. If any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />llf. If nOl paId in \u\.-h manner. b... Hnfrower makIng payment. when due. Jlrec{l~ to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />I ender aU lloth.~e~ \If amount.. due undt"r thiS paragraph, and In the ('vent Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly <br />lurms.h 10 (endcr re";:~lpu; e"ldt"~,,'ln~ ~u.(h pavmenh. Borrower shaH promptly discharge any lien which has Pr10rity over this Deed of Trust; <br />prOVIded. lhat li.orro'''''er \hall ;1{), he requlfcd Iu dIscharge an). o;uch lien ~o long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obhgallon ~ecured t>v \uch hen III a manner accepTable iO l.ender. Of shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien <br />In, legal rroceedin~ '*hKh operate In rr~"ent the enforcement 01 the hen or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />S. Huard ID!JuraOf.."e. Horrower shall k.eep the Impro'''l.''mems now eXIsting or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, <br />hazard~ Included wlthm the term "\::,1{tended ..:o...erage". and such other hazards as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such periods <br />as l.ender may requlff:; prOVIded, thai l.ender "haH not requlfl:' that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay <br />the mms secured h' thi~ Deed ot Tru~t <br />rhe l!1suranc~ carner pto\l\.img the H1surancc \haH be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender: provided. that such approval <br />\haJi nut p.c unreasonabl,; WIthheld. All premiums on Insurance poliCIes shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if not <br />raid In sU4;h manner. by Borrower mal<.Jnll pa'(ment. '" hen due. directly to the Insurance carrier. <br />1\.11 ImuraHi.:e pOliCH."" and rt"newah lh~rei.'! shall be In tonn a(cept.ablc to Lender and shall include a standard mortlaae clause in favor of <br />"wd In lImn a...:_ceptabk In [cndt'"f I enJer ~hall have the flfl,hl to hold the p-ojje.:ie!Jo and renewals thereof, and Borrower shail promptly furnish to <br />t t'llder <111 renew,tl f:.l)lk.C';, and ;di ~l"'1,,:elpl\ ,)j palJ pfentlUOl\ !n the event of loss, Horrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and <br />Ll'tH.l("r _ 1 elide! may mail.c paNl ~ll Jn~... II no: made promptly by Borrower. <br />UnJes~ Lender and Borrower otherWIse agree In WI"ltin3, tnsurtmce pnx.-ecds shall be applied to restoration or repUr of the Propeity <br />dam~w, proVided such fe\wratlOn ot rcpau I~ econonUcaUy feasible and the security of this Deed of TIlI$t is not thereby im.,.,.. If IUdi <br />restorallon or repair IS not el...--onomlCally fe-a~ble or If the l:IecurilY of this Deed of TrU5t would be impaired. the insurance proceedI.ball:be <br />appheJ to the "iu_m~ ~t""..::ured by ~tu:\ l.>eed of Tn.l~l, wah the cx~, if any, paid to Borrower, If tbe Property is.bandoDed by Bonowu. or if <br />Borrower lads to fe<\pOOO to Lender ~lthin 30 day:) from the date nou(c is mailed by Lmder to Borrower that: the inlUfaDf;e, <br />settle a daim tor msuranct' benefns, Lender IS authoftzed to coUect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to rescoratiOo'Or <br />rt'fl3U of the Property or to the Su.rIb. secured by thIS Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherwu.e agree in wntina, any such application of proceeds to principlllhall_not ex.tead-or ~,tbe_ <br />date of the ffi()I\lhiy IOsla.iimefl(~ referred to III para&raphs 1 and 2 hereof or chanae the amount of such inataIImeDtI. If under'............"t. <br />hereof the Propt'rt~. is al.."'Quired by Lender, aU ngJll, ritle and interest of Borrower in and to any insurance policies-and in .....,10; the'~-, <br />thereof re.'iulting from damage to the Property prior to the sale or &.;quisition shall piss to Lender to theex.tent of the-sums- SOCIP''tIiit.POid-, <br />of Trust immediately poor to ~u('h ~al~ Of acquisition. <br />6, PRMnaIlOll.1Id _......... 01 P_y; ~; Co_IIl_; ......... V'" o..'''r ~B\IITolIia'IW:....."'jIle <br />Properly m good repau and shall not commit waste or permil impairment or deterioration of the Property 1UId,-sUU_ CCJINlI,'" ...~_.;.- <br />of any leMC 11' (hi!\. Deed (If Tru~t t..S on lll~uehold. If dllS Deed of Trust is un a unit in a condominium or.. ~ unit ~~..~'-' <br />shall perform all of Ilorro"er's obhionolls under the declaration or covenants crcatina or 10vcm1111 the \XlJldoIIIillllll!lor........,_ <br />dnetopffiem, the b)'~laws and reg.ulatl('lfis of the condominium or planned unit deYelOpmcnl~ and constituent 4ocumaats. If .,<<MMID....-.,. <br />p1anlled urur deve!opruenr flder is ..""ured by Ilorrower and ,<corded 'Ollethe, with Ibi. Deed or Trust. the __lIutl~CIl'_ <br />rider .hall be lllCorporated llllO and shall amend and supplemenl rhe covenanl. and ....cemcnts of this Deed of Trull IS if the.rk* __ a.pllIt <br />hereof <br />1. Prolectiou of l...84er's S<<urity. l f Borrower fails to perform tl1e covenants and qreemcnt.s contained in this Deed of Trust, or. if"" <br />act\On or prl.X'ecdmg l!. -.:-ommen..;N which materially affects Lender's imerest in the Property. inciudina. but nOllimited to. emil_l....~ <br />lIu,ol....enC), .:ooe enh,'ucement, or arrangements or proceedings involvUl.8 a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Lender's option. upOIl QOIice <br />to BoHO'W~f. ma)' make SlKh appearances, disburse such sums and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender'. intCRllt ioclucliQl,.. but <br />not limited to, disbursement \)1 reasonable auorney's, fees and entry upon the Property to make repairs. If Lender reqvired l'IlOI' <br />as a ~ondillon of makmg the loan <;.e.=urtd by this Deed of Trust. Borrower shall pay the premiums required co maintain iuch iDsurucc <br />unal !iuch Hme a.~ the requlftment fL~r ~lJ(h 111Surancc termmllle3 In accordance WIth Borrower's and Lenderts written .......... or -.ppIk:abIe <br />law _ Borro"'-er ~hali pa'Y {he amount of all mortgq:c ms.urance premiums in the manner provided under parqrapb 2 hereof. <br />..J\ny amounts dubuf5ed by lender pursuant to th1.S paragraph 7, with intCft$t thercon~ shall become additiOMl indebtedDOll of ~ <br />~ur-ed by rhis Deed of Inu!. Unless Borrower and Lender aarfC:: to other lerms of payment, such amounts "ball be payable upOn not&c.. froim <br />i,end:,.! lv ret.{ue~t1r.g paymcfU \~lerroft and shall bear inter~t from the date of disbunemcnt at the rate payable from lime to. time on <br />('tlnsl.aJ):dll~ pnncipal und-C"f the Note unless paytllf:nt of mterest at such ratc would be conuary to applJcable law I in which evClat such ~l& <br />~baU be&tl tnlt1c:\t at t~ h!ih~t ratt pe-tHuslllble under applicable law. Nothing contained in this parqraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any <br />np.l:'pj,(' Of tak.e W) a..:tio-n hrrt"lln-dcr <br />I, '~_tkJ:a. I .~nda may make or taU'ie 10 be umdt rCil.'i.oua-blc entries upon and inspections of tbe Property. pro",ided lhat Lender shall <br />line Borrown fH..)(~"-C' pr:{)f In an)' suc_h m-ll-p<<li(,.1tl s..peqfyins reMonabie C8USf: therefor related to Lendcr'~ intotfeil in the Property, <br />t;. (Ofld,emaau". rhe pr\:k.'oxd! \11 an} jl\l>ur.J Of chum lor damage., dirC'C"t Of' (ot1sequentiaJ. ill connection with IlUY condemnation or <br />:-..ttK! I1I!1.l:fl:,I of tht' PIOp('l'l), Pf pan Ihcr<<J!, or inf i.Om.C)il.nt.:-t= In lieu of co-ndcmMtu:m. au hereby i$~i.1\ed and shall 00 pakl to Lendtr. <br />It~ tht e-"!(:'llj 01 '" tOt-ill t<ikUlI /)11ht" PHil-'l"ny, the jHocccd-'i '1h.ilH be apphed 10 tbt ~unu !i<<ur<<! by this [)(-oj of frUSI, with tbe c.Ii;,,-ess, if any, <br />P..'UJ H' fktttnwf.; In the e-_'1:'Jlt (If is N.n:UlJ takm. of the PlOlXf"ty. l..HltG~ BOfHi-Wt't and L('odef -;Jthe-r...-a,{' &@-fC;!ln Willms. thert ~ha.JI he applied <br />;d If" hirlH \",,'-l<\--~'; h'i :h.~ t,,"-,d ,.,1 1 fli"t_ ~u",h ptntiorth.m of Ihc(' ru,-x~h 8\ n eq~ h> that prOi-:w.HlIon *tHd, lh~ amount 1)1" {he l,UfUJ'o secured <br /> <br />