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<br />r <br /> <br />84- 002321 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />9. ("ondl"n.natmn. I.he prn...ccd.., llf am .I\~ard pr dalOl hlr dllma~c... dm:~1 or (onscQuenltal. In I.:ilnncclion \\it~ an~ <br />,:nndemnaflon or other taking of the Properly, ('If part thereof. tlr for conveyance In heu of condemnation. ;'lre here-hy asst,Md <br />and shall he paid In Lender. <br />In Ihl" evenf of a lotal takmg of the Properl)'. the procecd"i ..hall he appli-cd 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl. <br />with t~c tll:ce~~. If ao'y.. paid to Borrower, In Ihe event or ;j part,al laking 01 lhe Properly. unless Borrower and Lender <br />olhcl'Yo'lSC alree In wrltlng~ there .shaH he a pphed to the ~ums ~ecured hy this Deed of Trust !i.uch proportion of the ~ <br />.IS f~ equal to that pr~portlOn whu:h the amount of Ihe sums "iccured by lhis Deed of Trust immediately prior to the--date of <br />Laking bears 10 the fatt market value of the Property Immediately prior to the dale of takinl, with the balanCe! of 1he'pr0ceed5 <br />paid to Borro,,'er. <br />If the Pro~"y " ahandoned hy 8oTTower, or if, alter notice bv Lender to Borrower .h.t lhe cotldemnor olfetlIcfO....... <br />an award or s-cflle a clam, for damages. Borrower lath If 1 respond'to tender within 30 d-ays after the dale $uCh-"JIdl.-"'J' <br />mailed. Lendt.'r is. 3uthorl1cd to collect and apply the proceeds. al Lender's Option, either to restoration or n=pait:ofTthe- <br />Property or 10 the \um.. \ecurcd hy this Deed of Trust , <br />Un!C'S:\ I ender and Borrower orhe~';se agree in wr1tln~. any such apphcarton of proceeds ,to principal shalt nor.-........' <br />or postpone {he due dMC of lhe monthly mSI~lllmenl!i referred 10 ,n paragraphs 1 and 2 her-cof or chanp the -lmCiUftt,;"of <br />,>u('h Installments <br />10. Borrow" Not RdrMed. E\:fcn'-"lon (If lhe lime for paymenl or moc.hfic3lion of amonizati0f1 of the !lliums: $Cc:f:.-.d <br />h~ IhlS Deed of Trm! granted hy Lender U'I ;inv ...ucccssor In Intere\( 01 Borrower shall not operate to retease.\ iJt-any'ma~' <br />The hah-Jlrt\' of the nnglOal BOrr(IWer ~nd Borrower's \ucccss.ors 10 Interest. Lender shan nol be rcq_uired,to ~m~,~' <br />rroceedtngs ,jgalOst such \ucc<<sor (\r rcfm.e to c\tend time tor paymc.nt ('r OlMfWfse modi')' amo1tiu.tion -Of (~-~'lIdtS <br />...ecured h~c thiS Ix-ed of Trusr hy re-awn fit an~ demand made ~y lhe ongmal 8orrowe,r and Borrower's succ:esson. 'in--.,i~t:;., <br />11. Fm..htolJm~~ hy !.er:drr :"itl~:l "'ail-ft. /'il,\ h"Ocatance by Lender In C\erclSln8 any ril''ll or remedy ht!'reu~rrllt <br />othe-rwlU ;,lfTordcd tw appllcahle Jaw.. ~haH not he a W;lIVC'f of i)r preclude the exercise of all!' sudr riJllt: 0... ~'. <br />rhe procurcrncnl 01 ln~urance- or rhe payment of lal~ ('If (!thef hens or charges h;.' tender ..haU no. be a waiver'of U.....',S <br />fight lO aCi.:derale th-c IIl,Hunty p( the mdehfcdness )o,('Cured h, thiS Deed of TttJS-r <br />11, RrmMw.. ('lIlIIul.'i-~f'. .'\11 fcmcdlC" iHO\ I1Jcd 111 Ihl" D.::cd ()f TnlM fire distlO..:-t and cumulative h') any 0(1Jer, rlfbt:- <br />n-r remedy under thiS Deed of Trus.t or afforded h\ L.lw ('>r eqUilY. .1.nd n~y he e:terctSed concurrently,,.'..or. <br />~ucceutvel\:. <br />13, Su<<-.n.nd "...... Bound; Joinl .nd Sev....1 I.iabilit~; C.ptions. The coven.nts and _.__ntS .b~n' <br />contall1~d shall t-Hnd. and the rights hereunder ,hall mure h'\ the res.pecu"~e SUCCC:!:.5ors ilnd ass.gns of le.nder and' R()troW",.... <br />iub,ect h""t 1M provIs.lons of paragraph 1'7 herct'\l Ail cn'w'en.lna osnd agreement\ of Borrower shalJ be joint and-'wv...-J, <br />rhe captIOns .and headings of the parilgraphj, of till'" Deed ,)t Tru\1 ~tre for convcmence only and are not lo be, used>:to <br />Interpret or define the PWHSIOns hereof <br />14. 'otkr, F\CC'pt (nr an~' notKe n..'qu:rcd under apP'l\:;.tble i.1... to be given In another manner. (a.) any natii:C-,to <br />BOHffiI,'er PHWldcd for In thIS need of Trust s.haH he it1\-'('n hy rn~J1llng such notice hy certified mail addrnsed 10- Borrower-at- <br />the Prn-pen.... Addrc..u M a! ,;uch other .lddrcs'i. :.;.. HmrolA-'er rna" JCJ.lgnalt:' h" "'orice to Lender 3~ provided herein.-- and <br />! h I Ilny nottct: !o I cnder ~haH t1< g~',en ~, cefllf1ed m.ll!, return receipt re-queMed. 10 l.ender"s addTeu slated herein' or ,to <br />""uch osher addreu a\ Lender n13:\' destgmuc h" nnlICe l(l BOrrn\4l"f ,1\ prnvfdcd heTC-lO An)' notice provided for in this <br />f>eed flf Trust ')haH fie d-e~01(,t..! ll~ h"..-c ~cn gl'l,c-l1 :n RjlHI'~C.'f N 1 {'nder when given 10 the mann.:., de1J,.Dlllcd. herei-n. <br />1-5, 1 :niform Ilud of 1-0"1: (;on,n;... I 3". ~("('ra"it~. I h" I,lfm pj uC'c-J '1'1 !f1t,>1 combines un dorm for <br />n.Jtlonal ust .Iud nun.unllorm ~(l\c:nam~ ""-\Ih iIPl!lt'd '-.H'~lHln\ h\ i!JI,\JII,.'11i.m 1\1 constllu:'" 3 uniform ~c<urit,.. Instrument <br />(ovtrJfl~ real pwpt:r!\, Ihf\ [)t.'('d cd lru....f ~h.1' h\.,.' ~"\~"nl..'J h rhe i.l.... t1-1lne lllo.,dl\:hon w whli:h the Propcr'~' is localed. <br />In the event IhiJ' an,- PWV1'\H.lfl ,'f \.;~H.I:\e ,11 rrH~ f kt'~J I': 'ru\t ,1[ lhc 1"-<'111.: ..llotlli::1::> With applu;:ablr law. such conftlct shall <br />not affect ,,{her rrt1\-1'!Ul\0\ ('I lhl\ Deed pf 1 '1I..1 e,r 1h(" .....1tt. \Oohi;..:h Lln r-,,' ~i\t.'n dfect Without Ihe conflicting prov....oo. <br />:tod tnlhl\ cnd Ihe Pf('lV!'loiPn) .,: the iked \'t 'ro'l.l .pl,i iht:' ....Ole ,1ft: dcd:HClj I,' he !Ieverahle <br />16, Ilorro_ef~' COP)' lk>fIU'WCI ~n.1H f'\-' IIHfll..h-cd ill.nntl'lfHlt?d v"P\ l,r ,hI.' Note and of this Dec-u of Trust- at the. time- <br />\'1 e~ecutlon or .dler rc\:ord-auQn hertot <br />I'. ThMfer of rtlt- 'ropt"~; "'D"m"""lt, l! ;lil ,q .In\ P,tll ,,( the l)r(1-r':I!~ llf.aO Interest Iheh~ln IS, wid or tr.osferrcd <br />hy Borrower Without LCf}der'~ prH.'\r """!ten \-\:10-,,"'1\1 c\duJm~ ;.i i lhc (,(..ItH1-0 ('\1 ;\ Ill:n or cru;umhrancc subordinate_ to <br />th,) l~ of Trust, (toq rhe crea!lon ;:1{.1 pun;::hd'C ;'1;:1-nn ",,,';,;ut:l) 1HIe rc'\t tor hi'U~-ch(\-ld apphaoccs. tel a Inns-fe" by dftbe-, <br />dCKentorh)'ope1'ahonoflaVlo-uj.~l..ln~h('&afh(\t~III'mltCfjanl(H i.'.,- .,1 r ..' , -'_.1.-.., _, __ _111- <br />. , r 1 J L 111.~ndt'r fH.i\ ...t I lI."ndcr ~ "piam, Jedarc .111 the sums. itccurW h~ thi\ [ked of Tn.nt to be <br />muneduttel)' due and pa}.:tblt_ Le-nd-er ..h"J!i tU'q: .....u..nJ ~lh,h npt"-lll h' ..l<......c-!erale If. prior to the '5-ille or transfer. lender <br /> <br />~n~a:~a~~:~n!~~,\ ::;; ~~~ ~~:;t~~ :~!~~~ ;~l~'l~:t: l:,~,tl~~:r;~~~nr)c:~.~:~~~:t~:~(lf~ll\JOo;;:r:r .~~~itt~~~~~1 ~t ~':~ :~~~ <br />Lender $.hall 'c~un~ HI ('n.Jer h~\ .....;u..eJ tht: '~rt>....'n hI .h...:f..'icr'll-C pn.\\,ded ,n Ihl~ pMagraph 17. and if ROH().*er's succcuor <br />In rnlCt"Cst has e\.e~uled a ""Hn~n .I!1-uJmpl!On "'tfeclllelH .h.__o..t:rte-J If, \\fd!ng. fn 1 \:'llt.j(>r, I.ender \hall rei~ase Borrower- from <br />all ohhgaJu.-H\~ ~m-dcr Itmi OC1:J. i"! 1 fU~1 .lnJ the 'ute <br />If Lender ('\.er1.-rs,e'll !\u.:h (\pt"'O II' ,j....t'i,,:r... 1 I.' I l.'n..!er ~h,td '1\,jd'lAcl tlullCIt: ,,( ai.:..:cltratu"H' In accordance with <br />paragraph 14 hCH"t)f Su~h IkH!\.:-e ",h.tll pt(I\IJ:..: .1 pt'lllOlj "I Ihl! k...." lh.ti1 111 JJ,~~ tl('Ifl} the dale rhe nohce i~ mailed within <br />wht...h BOH(I"-;er lllolY pa~ lht- \Um') dC'l.:I.ired 11 1i-,1rrn\-lo-Cr L,d.. II' p..J\ )l)l..h '\um,~ pfl-or to the c..p~ratlon of such period. <br />lroder rna~, ~tlh(}Ul tunhrr n(kllCe \.,r \.kmanJ ,w H\HrU~Cf ,'1\""'1: dfi\ f~nlei..h:, pt'rmltleJ h) paragraph 18 here:ol, <br />~of\o.l """1..oaM CO\l""l"l"'oi~ lloHo.".,cr JnJ l (ode' further ..p'tnMil .lfh.i agr~.e ,H, lotiov.-') <br />.1. ,.\ccrlrratio.. Rt"'~dW1i.. faupC .." prtnick~ in 17 hf'reuf. Up08 Borrower'. br....b of any CO"..... 01' <br />.......w.. of Boff'G.u in It.." Ilftd of Trlbl, indudinc ,... ('o'C'nanll tn p.a~ ",'hew due an) iU18. M(Urtd b.); .hit 0teII <br />o' T hKI, IA"" prior to k~,.&t-........" ,1t.1I mail "olin I" louo", U M prO' idecl in ,.IeI'.'" 14 hereol ipecily",; (1) .... <br />, (2t 1M act_ rrffuin-d 10 CU" ,u~h b,ciJ('h; U. a dalf', not In" Ihlin 30 d.)', f,ont 'M ..... che notkt is ...... Ie <br />......."er. h) "..k.... "lK"h hrrach m.m: k ..-qr.-d. and ..a\ Ih.' faUu,.. 10 (Uf" \-uch hrtlkh on or INIon- thl date lpec..... <br />i. the nolkc- ma.) ~wh in 8<u:l",ral"" of thr :\ulm W"~Uft'd h) Ihb Ilf',.d of TrulIJol and "ale of .he Pro,.n,... The noIke <br />.... '.nlle. info. 1ft IIono"",,,,, or tM riCh. 10 ...,.tR.'alr ahr, lKct~ralion and the dlltl to br.... a court lK"ioR to ...... <br />tIM: 1IOt\>ot."~"''C of . dr...... 0' an\ otber dl'frMC" of lorro"",C'f to .enl",.....n and ul... If .hl' b"ach i5 not cand <br />OA or lwfor-e 1M datt' 'iflC'dfi-rd in .hlt "nolKI', I..-ncl,.r al I,nd.,,'.. np"w.m m.~ dt'd~:;'T .U lif tht !lUtftil ~t.:un:d it) thii Deed <br />oi Tnm 10 lW '1ltlnC'djMrll d.w and ,.)abIe ",ilhoul furthco, dC'mand and moil) in,ok.: rhr p<<nH" of ,.Ie .nd an,) other re.....'" <br />~.....~ b) appIikabll' lay.,. "rneln diall be tnlidrd 10 c. ,,111'.... aU ffawnabtr Hl\l~ and n,twuwt incurred in pllnul.. the <br />rtAltf4ift pnn-idH in rhis par.."'" 18. ilKludinc~ but nQI limtlrd tu, r-t'tiOnable .nome)'. (fti, <br />II tM po.e, of uk it iJuokecl. Tl'Ihlte shall rt'<,ord . noliu of dt'faull in €'ach coun', in tllfhic-h the Propr-rt,) or 50IRr <br />..... dtertof ..... hK.l..d..el !!;1aaI1 ...aiI c:opiH of !!ouch DOtiC<<' tn 1M mlUllMl' prf'\4:riMd b, applic.bIe I.. 10 .... '0 the <br />oU.r ....notb pnw:rillled b) applkatak I.", ,<\fIl" Ihf' lapM of ",uch lilRt: a.. nUl) be- n-qui,td b) .pplic.~ 1.-.. Tnnliee ,ball <br />aiYe pIIIIrIk notice of HIe to 'M pt"AOIl!I .nd in llw mallN'r p,.."uitwd b\ applkaWr ta., Tnmee. ~i'houl cWMa114 on <br />a.n..t,....... _II '1M Prope'" al public .",....a 1(1 thl' htCh~1 bidd... al Ihf' limr and pJac~ and u-"r rhe lu,," dftit;_flI <br />iB ._ _n of Ntk ia OM o-r 1I't01't punts and in "Iu.-h n,dl'f ~.. In,,..,,,. m..~ dfOt",miM, TruuC'c ma) pull>tp,uAc ..le 01 ell <br />Uf _, ...~C'i oi ....."~ b): puWk anaouacrllWnl at the lime and p'au; of an) pfU Ioull)' w:-heduled "ale. Lt.., or <br />lAlOdtt.. ........ _ pwc,"- lho .1 an) ...... <br />U.... __1pI 01 pay_.. of tho prlc. 1lW. Tr...... ...... ...Ih., '0 'ho pun:h...1 1'".....'. d.... ,,,\,uyina Ih. '.....rI) <br />..... no....1tW i.. ,.. T......'. d........... plint. ..ltIe.... of lhe tMh of ..... .1"'_." nt* 1_., T_ <br />..... ...... t..C..... of the .... in I" follow'" onl!" (.110 .11 ft....n.1IIe ...... anti "pc_ of the ..... il....di... ....1 <br />............... _.. fOft of IlOI _0'_ 1/2 ot l~, nf I" 11_.... po..., '._n..... "'one)'. f........._ of <br />.. e."": (Ill) 10 aII.._ "'UM hy II... Deed of T,...., ...d 1</..... u..... if .n). to 'he pcrtiOll 01 pcnons "'''1, .nlltW <br />1-" <br />.9.. ""0"-<<-1"8 It., 10 kda........ 'ii.J!"'llh~t..nJH1t: I (fli,j('r ~ .-l.\..dC;,1lh'll lIt Ih( ....~illl'" ,,"'ultnl t>) lh" O\.'t.'d fll 'Crw..t <br />Iktt'Tt..J,*'Cf \-hall ~...( Ihc l'lJ-ht ~('I h.t;vc .H'l) ptpu:-cdms" h",t!tun h" l cnJcr (., 1.',\J;'r..t: lh"" [)(oed ~l! '~H'( .h.....'I1lJllnllcd >1t <br />..ny Haw pOOf to lb( Colfh-cr tu O"':lU( \,/111 !ht;; ftfln Ja~ r....'t1.lflt lh..:: ".;.k .,llne Pro-pel1\ fHI{).u.t111 lillh~' p.'\lo,,"r 1'1 ....alc "unl.Hncd <br />If' (h~, tA....'d t1i 'f fu.;\.! or lu' eOlf) oi a ludgm(:'1l1 ~nf..'ro..ln~ Ihl<, Decd t'( T flt'!>l ,r j .11 BO'ff(,"\'r r<t\.., I ('fl,h;'r .J:! \!Im... "hI\. h ",l!i!\.J <br />he then iJUC Hn4ef thl!\ r)e-eJ IIf ltll1.l. Ih", NHIC M1d not>:... "-C;.;'IH)g Futurt '\d\;~,...\,..~ ,/ ..I". hctu n,' .h~,'kr,,!!d\ '~""lJ!rnj <br />lbl B,tth.l'4'C~ ;.lln:-\ ..ll bfo,;.;,..:hc~ "i <lit) .1!hl;l ..h>:nAr!!', pI .j~fc-....'m~tjh ,! U.,)rr,\",~r .."r;l,unnJ 01. :h,~ Ih'~...J ,d T 'd~t <br />t(. 8urri,-.\"t pa)\;,t!l tl.:_c.;t\on..hh: C:'~fl!l.J,;.. lfH,dIH;:...! h\ Il:H..h,:f .1lld l~:h'~'~ H: \,:,',f,'Jl'lIg 111(' ~"\\.."Mll, ,irj lC'n:nH'I\', <br />aUftL~'\iL1:r ,nnLnl'l(",J If' dll~ 1~~\1 ,.f rf\f\t ..nJ ,n ~~n!'lf""nil; I t.1'.kt '- ,j~-.d I ';n,!I:~'.. ,,-r't,~'~jK~ ." rl'.,\..,~"".! r'-lf"\1':r~i'h:" <br />~rCQf. In....h,\f'~~i: hu~ ;;'-'1 i,n~,Ii:J "1 r<'.!\~,ni1hk "H\"rn-.;~ '!>.'~' ."h.l l.j. B--"!I"'~~! I,.~.. ".,-. I ,ndlr "',,'1' ''-.l.....' '.J"":'. <br />fe'if~H:r.:!" .-n\\lh: rh;H lh.. ~H:n pt 11".. f)<t.~tl 01 J1",,! I ,'nJ;:! "'''''',! '1-1..' Pr.-.f.....[!\ ..J 11"1' "';';l:-",.'n iu' <br /> <br /> <br />r <br />