<br />I"
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<br />84 - 002312
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.coder covenant and agree as tollows:
<br />
<br />1. p.,.... of Pri.... .. Inlernt. BOfwwer shall promptly pay wh.cn due the pnncipal of and interest on the
<br />llIdehlcdness eVIdenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges a'.\ provided m the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Furure Advances secured by this Deed of r rtl~1.
<br />1, F_ for T_ _ lnooior.<e, Subject 10 applicable law or 10 a wrillen waIver by Lender, Borrower sholl pay
<br />;,11 coder on toe da~- monthly insraUments of prmcipal and inlere.."il arc payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in lull.
<br />it slim /hercm "Funds") equal 1\1 one-twelfth (If the yearly taxes and .1S!ieSsmenls which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Proper1Y. If any. plus one~(welfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plu." one. twelfth of yearly premium Installments for mortgage msuran.;e, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by lender on the basis of aS5e5Sments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof,
<br />roo Funds shall be held In an IO.stitution the deposits or accounts of which are Insured or guaral-:.eed by a Federal or
<br />",tate agency (JOcJuding Lender If Lender i'S suc_h an institution I. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />Insurance premiums and ground rent,;_ Lender mal' not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower intenmt on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permns I.ender to make such a charge. Borrower and lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />De-cd of Trust thai Inlerest on fhe Funds shall be paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requites such interest to be paid, Lender shalJ n01 be reqUired (0 pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />~hall give to BOfTou'er. Without charge, an annual accounrmg of rhe Funds ~howmg credits and debit... to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debll 10 the Funds W:I~ made. The Funds are pledged a.'\; adcfjtionaJ security for the IUJDIIeCUI'ed
<br />tw thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />!f the amount ."'If the Funds held b;' I.cnder. togcrhcr with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />Ihe due datcs OJ iaxes. as~ess:ments. Insurance premiums and ground rents. shaii exceed the amount rarulTed (0 pay said taxes"
<br />d3-lCSSmcnts, Insurance premIUms anti ground rl.'nh a.. Ihc\' fall due. ~uch excess shall be. al Borrower's option. either
<br />promptly repaId It) Borrower or cr~dlted I.. Ht)rrower on monthly installments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds
<br />held hy I C'lldcr ..hall not be $.\fffkl.;nt 1\. pay t<:t\e... d~<ocs.:..menls, In'>urance premiums and ground rent.<ll: as they fall due.
<br />Borrower ~hall pay fO Lender any amounl necessary tn make up the df'ticiencv Within 30 days from the date notk.-e is mailed
<br />hy Lender to Borrower requestmg payment thereof.
<br />Upon pavmenl in {"lIl)1 all 'SU~'l" 'oCctlr~d r'l\ IhlS Dee\j of Tru~t. lender shaJI promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held bv Lender. If under paragraph IS: hereot the Properl': 1<; ~old or the Property Is.otherWISC acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />..hall oilppjy. no later than Immediately pnor 1,1 the ."ale 01 the Pro-perty or Wi acquIsItion by lender. any Funds held by
<br />lender at the time of applicallon a~ a credIt agamst the ~lun" ,;cI,;ured by thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />3. AppIkadon of P_yw.enrs. l'nless <tpplH ahle Lw. rrov,de~ O!hCrwISC. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />'ole and paragr~ph~ I and 2 hereof shall he applied by lender f1f'jt In payment of amounts payable to J~cnder by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hCfeoi. lhen to mlcrest payahlc on lht" ~ilte, lhen III lhe pnnclpal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />pnnclpaJ on an\' Futuf"(: Advances
<br />4. ('''8IIft: 1."_' Borrower ..hali P.l\' all ta\c..., ,.i',se~!>menl.. ,md l,l!her charges, fines and Impositions attributable to
<br />the Prope"y WhlCh ma\' aHam a pnonn- OVe'f fhls Deed of Trust. and leasehold paymeob or- ground Rl'no. jf any. in the
<br />manner proVIded under para;traph :2 hereof or Ii Ihlt palll 111 ~uch manner, by Borrower mak.mg payment. when due. direcdy
<br />llllhe payee !hereot 801rf1wer ..haJi plornplly jll/nl"h III 1 t"ndcr all nL)\lCe\ ot amoul.rs due under thi! paraaraph. and in the
<br />t.'vem Borrower shall make pa.ymenl d.r<<ll\, Rorwlkcr ~hall promptlY furnIsh III Lender receipts eVldenclOg such payments.
<br />Borwwer shall prompt!\. dlschargt" am !ten ....hKh h;l~ pnOrll\! l,lVer thl'> Deed ot Trusl: prOVided. that Borrower shall not be
<br />reqUired to dl'kharg:c allV \lKh ht'n ...,' 1.\n~.1' ~llfri'wcf ,hall d!:fCC- III \\fJtmg tn the paymenl of the obligation secured by
<br />'olu:h hen In a man~r aLr..:Crlatlle II' I ender, U! ,halll!l Komi fallh (:onlcsl stlCh lien hy. or defend enforcement of 5uch lien in.
<br />!t:'!tal pr\)....eedlO'~ \\ hlCh operate I,' prevent !he cnlnrccmenl 1'1 the lu:n l,lr fl\rtcilurc of the rroperty or any part thereof.
<br />5. H....... ..........-e. Horw~cr ,hall k.cep the 'mpr(wemCnl~ nn..... C'I'tlO~ or hereaher erecled on rhe Property insured
<br />'-'PUrlS! !nss b~- hre, tl,1z..ards Int.-llJded \\lthm the term .'~''-!ended '-llvcrage' , and ~uch olher hazards as tl!oder may require
<br />imd In :-.uch amounts and fOt slIch periOds ;1\ l L"nd~r ma~ reqUIre: provu.led, thai Lender shall not requite that the .mount of
<br />>l.m:h c.olieragc t='\ceed that 1mount 01 (ll"t."fagc rC'quln~d In pa'l-' Ihe ,lim~ \C\.'urcd by thiS Deed of Tmst.
<br />rhe Insurance c,uner provldmg the Hl:'l.\lranr..:c ..hall ~. ;:hO"iCfl bv Borrower SUbJCCI to approval by Lender: provided.
<br />thai such approval shan not be unreasonably wuhheld -\11 prenllum!l on IOsurance policies shall be paid in the m___
<br />Pfovlded under paralRpb 2. h~reot or. It nol p;.ud In such manne-r. hv Borrower makin. paymenl. when due. directly to the
<br />Insurance c.arner.
<br />"-II tns.urarn:e poiu':lcs and n:n::wah 'hereOf ~hall be HI !('Im Ii\.:-.:cpt..ble h) 1 cnder and ~all include a st.andard mortpge
<br />"lausc In favor ot and to fonn a~cepl~hk fll Lenc.kr I .:ndcr ~halJ have the: nght 10 hold (he policies and renewals thereof.
<br />.:ind Borrower shall pn,m1pliy turnlsh 10 1 enJer JIJ renewal notu.:~ and all r.::("elpts o( paid premiums. In the event of 1055.
<br />Borrower shall gIve prompl notlr..:e !~, (he lflSurtUl<.:e 1,.<HflCI .mtl l conder.. I coder may make proof of loss If nOI made promptly
<br />hv Borrower
<br />ljnle~ I_t'nder and BL"lrn'twer llthcrWI.!iC ag:lce It! ~n(lng, Insu,-:IOI.:-t:' proceeds "hall be apphed to resloralion or repaIr of
<br />:hc Property damaged. pn,)\'lded 'i,uo.:h r~sIOra!I~H1 01 rl:'r~1Ir I" eu~normcalJ)' feaSible and the security of this Dee'll of Trust is
<br />nol therdn ImpaHed If '>lh..'h resloratlon Of fCp~ur I.. filll Cl.-",)}lofnll.:all)' kiSS,ble or Ii the security of this Deed of Trusl would
<br />he Impalrec.i. the msura-me pwceed~ :.haU be Ilppltt"~l h) the sum.. se\:ured by thiS Deed of TmSl. wllh the excess. If any. paid
<br />It) HQrro\ltt'er. If !he Pf\'Ip<rt~ ,<.. abandoned hy Bl)rT\Jwel. ,)f If Bmrll",er f;HI~ io n:spond 10 lender withm 30 days from the
<br />dale nofK'C to. mallel..! by 1 ender tll Borrower fhat lhe Il1suranr..:c t:arner l,)tlcr~ hJ seule it clalRt for IIlS\lrlJk;c bene6ls. Lender
<br />!.. aut:honzed Itl I..'\)!ia:t and appJy the Insurance prl.X'ecd.. itl l.emJer"s option cllher 10 re..uorallOn or repair of the Propcny
<br />llr 10 the sums. sc\:ured tw IhIS Deed of lmst
<br />t Toleu l eoder and BOffi'twer otherwlSC' agree- In "" filIng. .;1nv ~uch applu,:allon 01 proceeds to principal shall nOI extend
<br />,II postpone the due dale of the fnOlllhh IOMallmenh rderrc:J It' 1/1 paragraphs I :tIld 2 hereof or chllnae the: amounl of
<br />'lou.,;h Ulslalhnenf~ If under paragraph 1,1\ hereof the PfOpert\ 1\ dl.:l.fUlred h) Lender, all fight title and interest of Borrower
<br />'n and lO aD)' IO!iUrallt.."C j:k.dU.:lo. and In .:ind hi the pn..~I."ed, thereof ft'~UlllOg horn damage lo the Property prior 10 lhe sale
<br />1,lr 1I";\lullilUOn "hall pas!> h) LemJcr 10 Ihe ('~'ent l'! the sumloo ~I.,~ured by thl~ o..."ed of Trust Immedialely prior to such sale Or
<br />4cqUtSIIlOn
<br />6. "-"_ _ ~_. 01 ".......,; 1.._........: {o......lIIillito_ P1.._ ll. 0........... Borrower
<br />~h,JlIll.I,."Cp Ih\.' Pmpcrn lt1 gu01.! rt'pall .1IU.J "hall n,;1 ..\Imnlll v.alolt: 1'1 pt..'rlHrl Ifnpalflllenl or detenl1ration of lhe ProperlY
<br />,lod shail I;omply v..-lth lhe pr()VISI{:\.n~ ~)I an\' lease d (hi!!. Deed of I rU"i1 I'> 011 ;! leasehold_ It Ihis Deed of Trust IS on a unit in a
<br />,'...mdomtnmln or a. planned unit developmenL Borro\o\cr shall pc-dorm ;111 01 Borrower's obhpllOR~ under the declarallon
<br />'f CO\l'f'f'".-!!!nl"!t ('rt',,'mg "f gt:wernlO~ the ..',)lldomlfllum l'r planned unll d.e"eJopment. the ~)'-laws and rcgui-atlon~ (11 the
<br />..ondomimum or planned unit de't'clopmenl, and co-nsHluent dl)(Ument\, It a ..:ondomlOium or piannet.i umt dcvdopmcni
<br />i uJcr ,.. e~ecu(ed r..v 8t'l-ffO'WCf antj rn:\H-deJ togelher \10 lIh fhl' Deed 01 1 rUM, the covenants and a~rcernenh 01 slIch nder
<br />..hail he IOcorpor:ueU 1n!0 .llhJ :!ohall amend an-J :.upplemt"o! !he I.:t" cnanl.. and agrecmenls 01 I!'US lk-etl 01 rrU'i1 .I~ If the nder
<br />were a pan ~reof
<br />7. ~ of I~r'. Meum,. II Bon\lW~r /"HI.. t\1 ~"lertorm Ihe I.:uven<tnb and agret'menl\ ..-t)ftlalOt.."d In thh
<br />lleed of Trusc or if any actlon \)r proceeding I... ":,.lrnmen~ed WhKh fnlucnallv atfel'h 1 cnder S Interesl In !he Property,
<br />ndudlnJ. hut not hmned t.o, emUlCtH domaw. Inwlvenq. :.;ode enlorcernent. ur arf"angemenb f'f procee(hn~ illvolvlOg a
<br />hankru-pr 0,. decedent, then Lender it! lende(~ vpllon, ufXm flOtlf..'e 10 Borrower. ma) mak.e sUl.:h appearant:~, tllshtlr..e sllr..:h
<br />sums and take ~u(;h action .ti 1':> rie\:OS.llf)' 1(' protc\.-l Ll'ndcr~ rnferest, lfh.:ludll1g. but n(l( limHed !P. dl~burscmem tll
<br />realOaabk auorney.. rec5 arKI etHn upon the Prupcfl) I\' Iltd-i.C ft.:r...lll;<, l: Lcad;.;r :--c4ulred ~~1{~rlgagc !"<:,Hn'h;~' _!> '!
<br />..-:-ondllron of makmg th~ Io-an ~U.fC't1 by tht-s Deed of Trmu. Horrowcl .,hall pa) the- pn~mIUI'rl-S rC4Ulred hi malnlalfl \IK'h
<br />lfiWrafk:C' m eff<<t unttl such tinte as lhe reqU1TC~nl h)r ">llCh InliunlOl:C IcrIlllnalc:\ III .h:1,.:lHl1ance wl'h tJr\Tfl)wer's an,1
<br />I coders wnUcn agreement or appbcahle iaw Borrower l'hall p3" Ih{> amount ,q aJi mur1,a~ In'H1ran\::C prenllllm<, In lhl'
<br />manner provlded under paratn-vh 2 hereof
<br />Any amou:nt.$ 4hsbuned hv 1 coder plJf~ua.nt h' lhni paragraph .~ \0\ llh Hiler-est lhen.'-on ..hall hC":ilme !lJc.hllP1HII
<br />Il\debtednesa of Borrower !I<<'ured by (hiS need 01 r ru...l \' nles~ Borrower and I ('ndl~r .!gree ll' lllhcr Icon.. 0/ p;:n-menl, ","uef)
<br />amounb- ~.U he paYllbte upon nf'ltl-ce trwn I endcr In R;lrTPWef' r-e'fUC'illflg pa\'m~tll Ihereof. ;md '!oh:tll ht.';1' mlen::..t If\'11I Itw
<br />date o-l4itbunetnent at the rate payable f'rom umc 11' lime (It!,)Uhlandlng: pfln~lpal under Iht. '(11(' lIole'iS pavmenl 01 mtcrc-,;!
<br />al IUCh ute 'lA't:ttdd he- l.flfllnl) I" appln:ablt' 1,,\\ In ~l1h-/l f:",cnt 'll~h amo-tll1h ..I-];jll rwar !nlC01.:"l ill the hi)lhC'ot raft:
<br />permtatbie unckr ."pbe.ble hAW ~OlhlOg ltlntdllu.",J HI till". paragraph " ~h:an 1"('4tll{e ll.'fldcf {,J i!l-cur ;lH\ c'pel\~ ~lr take
<br />any action her........,
<br />.. ............ I e-nder nl.)' m."c: 'fl -l;'U.l-'C II. hl.~ madt- n.....stJnahio: t"'\lne~ lj~"H <lfll.! In"-pcLlH'tfI'li pI ihiJ Pt\~Tt\-. r~nH'h.k"d
<br />'h31 len4rr tbaU JfYe BOf-n~(,f notlC(" p.n,lf hI dl1\ ,>ut.:h ii.S.pet:.\K'1l .!Ip'-"(.If)'m~ rt'a,!>\Hlahk l"U"'" !h.'tl,.'l," .'-dlttN I,' l ou,ks \
<br />'OI1ff8t m the Pr~
<br />