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<br />r <br /> <br />14 - 002309 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANT~ 8orrower :1110 Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />I. hY1llf'1It of PrilK'ipal and Int~rrst. Borrower ,hall promptly pay v.-hen due Ihe principai of and imcre...t 011 the <br />Il1d\.'hl~d~~"Vld~bY tht: Note, p:rcpaymenf and blc charges a'i pnwided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on .my Fllttlre! AtfWIfk.~ ~1.'curi:d hv lhl~ Deed p( 'I rlI,t <br />2. .... fer TUell aM IlIIlIIntKe. Subject to applicahle law or 10 a wrilten waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />In Lender nn Ih\~ drty monthly in'itallmenh of prlOClpai and interest are payable under the Note. unlil the NOh: is paid-in full. <br />a stirn (herein "Funds") cqulil to onc-twelfth (.'If the yearly taxes ;iOU Js~smenfs which may attain priority over -thi~ <br />L>eed of Trust. and ground renl'i on the Property. if any. plus one-f~:elfth ~f yearly premium installments for hazanHnsurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium mslallmcn!s for mortgage insurance, If any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time 10 lime by Lender on the basis of a~sessments and hins and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Fund~ shan be held in an mslltution Ihe deposih or nccounts of which are iMUred or guaranteed by a Fede.., or <br />s.I8te agency (mcluding Lender If Lcnder is ..uch an institulion), Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay said-taxes. assessme:nts. <br />IOSUfJnCC premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzinl ~ <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the FundS and applic <br />permits Icnder to make '!iuch a charge_ Borrower ;md l.ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of <br />Deed of Trust lha! intcre'\t on the Fund.. "hall he paid 10 Borrower, and unle.~ such agreement is made or ~icable- -law <br />rcqulre-<i such inl~re,t l() he paid. Lender ..hall not be reqUIred 10 pay Borrower any interest or earni~", on the F~..<:,.'~ <br />~hall give to Borrower, without <..'harge, an annHal accounting of the Fund~ showing credits and debit!!; to lhe: Funds-und,,-thc' <br />PUfJlOle for whIch each debll '0 .he Funck w.. made. The Fund. are pledpd a. addilional MCUrity for the c_cMii:llNlt+_, <br />hv lhls Deed or Trust. <br />If the amOllnt of The Funds held hy Lender. wgether with the fulure monthly in!ttallments of Funds payable prior to <br />{he duc dates of ta~e<i.. a~sc,smcnf'.;, Hlsurance premiums and ground rents. shall ex.ceed the amount required 10 pay said tales. <br />.Js5essmcnh. IOsuranCt' premIUm" and ground rent.. <lS they Idli Jut:. ~uc-h C'.\\,:CM, ~ha;; be. <:it Borrower.s opdon. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower l'r \.'rediled tn l:lo-rrower on monthly instaUments of Funds. If the amount of the Fu_- <br />held hI,; lender ...hall not he s.utficlent hl pay I;IXCS. a5,~"-"OlC"tS. in'l",urance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />BorHlwer ...hall pay Tt\ Lender any amount ne'-'","S.'iJ;ary hl make lip the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting paymenr thereof. <br />Upon pay.menr in lull d all sums 'iCcllred hy thiS Deeo ot Trusl. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funck <br />held hy Lender It \lnder paragraph I S hereof [he Propert\-: ,... '\old or the Pro:perty is ot~erwi5e acqwred by Lender. Lender- <br />'thall applv. no latcr than Immediately pnor Id the ,ale (It Ihe Property or ItS acquisition by lender. any Funds held' by <br />I_ender at Ihe lime of apphcauon as a credit (he sum... ..ecured by this Deed of Trust. <br />.l. t\........ of hYMen.s. Lnlcss applicable l..w proVide'\. otherWise. aU payments received by lender under the. <br />"\inle and paragraphs 1 and :! hcr~ot shall he a.pplled hy I coder fk~t m pavmenr of amounts payable to lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph:! hereof, then to interest pa\'able on (he Note. Ihen to the principal or the Note. and then to intema: and <br />prinCipal on any Future Advances. <br />4. e~: LIe.. 'ihall pa," ,l.Il I..n..e~. ilc.,sc-ssmcnt... and othe-r c:hargc5. fines and Impositions attrihutable to <br />the Property which may attam a pnonty over Ihl" Deed of Trust, and leasehold p~yments or ground rents. if an,. in 1:be <br />manner pro...tded under paragraph 2 hereof or. If not paid In sllch manner. hy Borrower making payment. when due. directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower 'shall promptly tllrnlsh to I,cnoer all notices. ot amounts due under this parqrapb. and in the <br />event Borrower shall make paymcnt c.hrectly, Borrower shall prornp1ty furnish 10 l.ender receipts evidcncinc such pa~ <br />Borrower shall promptly dlKhargc any lien v. hKh has prronf\' \wcr thl\ Deed of rrust: provtded. that Borrower shaH not be <br />reqUIred to discharge any such hen '>~, httl~ il'> Horru~'cr "hall agree 11\ \\rltmg tn lhe payment or Ihe obligation secured by <br />,>uch lien In a manner ai.ceptabk In I ~nder. Pf ...hall III gooJ fallh >.:OUlcst su\:h lien hy. or defeno enforcement of such lien in. <br />legal pn.)(;eedlng') ""hlCh operate In pn:vcnl lhl" \'ntun.:e.mcnl pI the Ilt~n Of fnrfciture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />~. 1IaZ8I'tI1~. Borro'Ai..' ..;hall keep Ihe Improvements IlllW ntMlllg or hereaher ereclcd on the Propeny insured <br />agaJn~( k""t"~ n\ tire, hazards lih.!udt.'d '-"Ithm I hI..' (erm "c'-tendcJ i..overage"' l:\nd 'itll.-'h other hazards as Lender may require <br />and In s.uch amounts 3.nd for ...uch penods. a!o I cndcr Olav It"~Ulfi:; prll\'llJcd, that Lender sha~l not reqUire Ihat the amount of <br />such coverage cAceed lhal rtRltlunt pI \.LlvCf;.tgC requlfl..d h> r.n' Ihe Stun." -secured by thiS Oc:cd or TntSt. <br />The Insurance I.'arner prtlVt...hnll the lH,>uram:e ....hall be hv Borrower subjecf lo approval by le-nder: providea <br />tha. such approval shall not ~ unrea'-nna~tv '"" Ithhdd All premiums on Insurance policies shall be: paid in the ...- <br />prOytded under paraarapb ~ hcreut Of. II not patLl 10 3uch manDer, IW Borrower makin, payment, when due. directly to the <br />iosuraace carrier, <br />Alllmuran\.:~ poilcu~.-s ,mJ rt'nc-\i,oll~ lhereot .,hall ht." III lmm a..:..:cptablc II} J endtr and s.halllftdude a 5tandan1 mon.ate <br />...tause in favor of and in !'f>>m d-l:,.:eplah-h:: In I ~nJcr I coder ...hall have lht;: nght 10 hold the pl)(kies. and renewals thereof. <br />and Borft)~-er ~ha.U prnmptly turnbh h) I t,"ndcr ,~ll n:oe\l".J 1l-l.lII\..C\ .-IOJ ~lll rCI.e1pts (J( pallJ premiums, In the event of loss. <br />Borro..'fl shaH grve prompl no-tll..'~ 1<:' Ihc tn~Uf .JIfh..~ c ,trnt"l .md I ~IHkt. 1 cntic-r fl1aj. illotle proof of Ios.~ If not made promptly <br />bv Borrower <br />.. Unle1-~ Lend':l and 80rwwef ~tlhcr",s.e agr<:\" III ~\flllng, ,n'louran1.-C plol.:e-cd~ \hall be apphed lo restoralion or repair of <br />1M Properly damaged, pru\>h,h:d ,"uLh re..wralhlll ,ll f~p,lIr 1'1- t.:"lml~mlt.:dll~' 1l:<t\lblc .1l\d the security of thiS Deed of Trust IS <br />not thereby ImptllreJ. It ~Udl r~IVnUllHl 01 rep,*ll I" Iwl C<':'-'thmll-'.-dll) Jea!l.lbk ..ii' If Ihe ,~cuflty of Ihl~ Deed or TrUsl WOlI~ <br />be lmpau-eti, the IllMlnUII..e pr..,ct:d..s 3.hall h.:- OipplicJ 1\.) tht." ~llln.... :',~...ufl:d hy th" Deed 01 Trust, wilh Ihe excess, If any. pa.d <br />fO Borrower If The Property 1'\ dhandonell hy 8mhlllu:r. ,\I If Borrower f...ul" to rl:~pond 10 Lender wiihlO 30 days from the <br />date notu:c i.. m.ul~tJ by Lender 10 Borru",er that the "hUmn\.\.' ..:arller nlTe~'i to lIcnle a dam} for u1\urance benefils. lender <br />1\ aUlhonz",...J 10 ~,--,UC\:l ,md apply {be mSulalll.:C pl'lX'ccd.... ,1.1 I ender.s \'ptlon ellher 10 rC-sloralton or repair of lhe Propcny <br />Of 10 the sum~ .!iCt.:-UfW by th.s DecJ of 'fll3t <br />Unless Lender a.nd Bornlwer llther..-I.s.e .1gree III wflllng, ..Ul} loUl.:h dpphcatton 01 prOi.::eeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due dale ot the monlhly In~t.aHmC:lIb rclerr~J to In paraataph~ I and::.! hereof Of chan. the amount of <br />su..;h lI\StaUmcnb_ If under para,raph I x hcrc}t11 fhe Propef1~ I., a~~ulre'" hy Lender. .ill fight, 1Ilte and interes.t of Borrower <br />10 and to any Insurance pohi.:les and If1 ..ond 10 the ph"k..t':cd~ Iherlt,H rhulung trolll dllmalJ': lO the Property pnor 10 the sale <br />or a.4;'lUl$UJon shalt P""~ tn LenJer to Ih~ ~.\lenl \ll {he sums 3C-l.:lJrcJ by (hiS Dec:d 01 Trusl lOunedialely praor 10 such sale or <br />acqui5iuoo. <br />.. r.-........... ~_. uI p........); b_1ouIdo; ('o........uu.._ ....... U.II De.......... Borrower <br />...hall keep l~ Pn..lpen) 10 gooJ rcpttlr <JuJ ..hall nol i.;..'mnHt w..~h'; 1.-'1 pt:IUlll Imp<tilmcfl.1 llr l,klcrio""hon of the ProperlY <br />and tAall compiy ..uh tbe prO\CI.!llOfiS of any le..w: 1.1 th~ IJecd ()f "f rw.II""..)O a ICll!)ChoIJ_ If this Deed of Trust IS. on a unil in a <br />..."'ODdominium or a planned llOJt development, Rorrow~r s.hall periorm all 01 Borrower's ohti,ahons under the declaration <br />\l( c;o~b ~re.ahn! ill !ove-m1ns rhe condominium or planned IIntl de\-'elopmenl, ,he hy-I..wx and re@ulali(l~ of the <br />~0JDCI0iD1niwA or pianned unH dclidopmenl, ..lod ~ou~iJ(uen' dlA:UmCIlI~. If a ~:ondominium ur plano.:d untl dc\'clopmcnl <br />ndel is cA<<Uud by Borrower and rei.."olded lo&e1ber ""'Hh thl!'> Deed ,II Tru!.t. the L:OVenaol, and agreemenls or such rider <br />shall he incorporated into and SohaJl amend and supplemelll ,he Ci..'t\cndnh and agret:mcnui of thIS Deed 01 l'rusl as if lhe rider <br />were a put hereof, <br />7. ~ of l~'. Security. If 8orrv~cf lalls ld pcrh"\rm Iht ~Ov(:nanH anJ agreemenl.. I.'ontaincd in Ihis <br />need of Tna;., or It an)' aclion ~H proccedmg 1\ ...llmmen..:eo ....hjl.:h malcr1aily atfecb LenJer's. Intere,>l In Ihe Property, <br />IOdudma. but 1101 limited to. emment domam. inwl\'CfK)". t:ode enforcemenl. or arran,cOlenb or proceedings in,;olving a <br />beakrupt or ~t. then Lender ill Lender's upUOR. upon nOIll.:C to HorrowcI. ma.)' ma"'e such appe-af~ru.;ei, Ji$bune such <br />!ioUIDI and take s.w.:b ilUWn as i.s 1M:.~r) to prOleCl Lende-t-s lnleresl, Including. hUI nol limited 10, disbunemenl of <br />~ ano.....,.', fea. and enlry upon lbe Property to repalfS If Lender rCI.jUlred rnor.lgage m~umnce as a <br />CoodlllOO of mat1na the loan 8C:Cured h~' tillS 0eeJ of Tru\ot. 8ofTnv.'cf sh-aJl pay the prenllums fef.lulred 10 mamlam s.uch <br />'........ tD ekt untai sw;h ume all the reqUlremenl ror !l-uch lIlsuram:e IcrmlOilte~ In ;'h:\.:or\lan\.:c Wtlh Rorrower\ .mJ <br />l.4lQder'1 wriu.e.n .aarceroont Of .pplK:able [4"'. . ihaU pay the "ll'Ul>unl ~ll all mOflgalC IfbUranCe premlum:\ III Ihe <br />__ prowJdal under ""' ! hereof <br />Aay aJIIOtIQtt d~ b)' 1.ender pursuant 10 Ihl' parqrapb 7. "'Ith lnter~l thereon, ..hall l'lC\:ome additional <br />'lIdebledncu of 8orr-owez secured by Ih...Deed 01 T~t. lJni~ IklflOW&:f and l.emicr agree to other h.'lm,. l.1l payme'-Ill, s.u\:h <br />AIIlOWlb shall be pa)..blc upon oouCC" {rom Lend.::r w iklrrowcr req~IHl.g payment Ihen.~\)L ;wd shall h<<....., Intere~( from the <br />data 01 ~ at t.he ralC ))a).hle from lime hl HnlC un ~'uh.llim.hnl pfln~lpaj under th~ NOfe lIIlJ,~SS paynwnto( inhtfe"t <br />at IiKh r.... ..ouId be \.'ontury III apptK"abte law.. III whl-Ch (''''cot '-lh.'n anltlt)flh ....hall hciu IOteres.1 ill the hllhcst rale <br />~ ...... appb~-..bic i".., SOILuDj 1..:,-.nt.aUlc.d In thu, 7 liha.ll rt:\.fUdc l_l'nJef to Inl.:Uf' ",n~ ("xpenl/le or lake <br />...y ""'1_ her........, <br />.. ~ I endcr lnay make or i..",UW tn be made rca~olltlble c-nltk""'. lffk'~f\ ;lft~1 1ll..(w;.'Ul-t\~ {\I lh~ Prnptu"(\- pr"'.llh.',-i <br />lb.t Lend..,r man Ilvc.ltunvwc-r fW11iie pnor t.-o IUI} ~ut;h Hl'\;)<<,-hon ~~lt"'H\lt fC'aMHt.hlt: \.-..u,.... ihen:i<lf II.~i"leJ h' I fOlkl .. <br />.mclut In the Pro...'h <br />