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<br />84,- 002386
<br />UNIfORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agret~ as follows:
<br />I. h,- of ~ ... 1-. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on tile
<br />indebtedneu evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Notc. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortllage_
<br />2. ...... for T_'" 1_ Subjec:' to applicable law or to a written waiver by lender. 'Borrower "'all pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in futl.
<br />a sum (herein "Funda~") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly ta..\es and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortp&e, and ground rents on tile Propeny. If any, plus one-lwelfth of yearly premIUm install_nla for hazard insurance.
<br />plus "",,-rwelfth of yearly premIUm installments for mort_ insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basls of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be IIeld in an inslitution the depositS or accounts of which are insured or guaranlCCld by a Federal or
<br />slate agency (including Lender it lender is such an instltution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said tues. aueIIIIiIftts-.
<br />ill5\l1'alKe premiums and ground rents. 1.ender may not charge tor so holding and applying the Funds, analyzingsaid,aecouat.
<br />or verifying and compiling saId assc<smen15 and bills, unless Lender pay. Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lende.J may ~g.ree in writing at the time of execution of this-
<br />Mongap: that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower. and unless. such agreement is inade or applicable :11"
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the F......Lender.
<br />shall give to Borrower. Without charge, an annual accouming of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fundi and- (be.
<br />purpose tor whICh each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for tile su_ ....:un.t
<br />by this Mor~F.
<br />If the amount of the Fundi held by Lender, together with the fUlure monthly installments of Funds payahle: prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. assessments. Ill5UranCe premiums and ~round rents, shall ex.ceed the amount required to pay'said-......
<br />assessments. Insurance premiums and gnJund rents a~ (hev tall due. such excess shall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credued l(1 Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funck-
<br />beAd by lender shall not be sudicient to pay taxes, assessments. ino;urance premiums and ground rents as lhey faU dUe.:
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary 10 make up the deficiency Within 30 days from the date- notice is maikiCt
<br />by LeDder to Borrower requestmg payment rhe-reQt
<br />Upon payment In full of aU sums secured by (hIS. Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Fundi
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph I S hereof [he Propeny IS '!>oid or the Property IS Otherwise acquired by Lender.. Lender
<br />dIall apply. no later than Immediately pnor 10 (he ..ale ot the Propeny or irs acquisition by lender. any Funds, beld- by
<br />Lender at the tilDe of appbcabOll as a credit against the sums, secured by !hls Mortgage.
<br />3, ~ of..,_ enles. apphcabie law pnw,des otherwise, all payments received by Lender under-the
<br />Note and pa.ragrapbs 1 and 2: hereof lihall be applied by Lender first 1M payment of amounts payable to Lender by Bortower
<br />under paraarapb 2 hereof. lbcn 10 mterest payable on the !'tole. !hen to the pnnclpal of the Note. and then 10 intcreSl and
<br />pnnclpal on any Future Advan~.
<br />4. CIa8rae;........ Borrower \h<tii pay <it! !He~. a~~cs~menls and nlhcr charg.es. tines and imposiltons attributable to
<br />the Property which may attaIn a pnority over [hl'S Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. in the mllDDlr
<br />provu:ied under paragraph 2 hereof Of_ It nor pant In "iuch manner, by Borrower makmg payment. when due. directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shaU promptly t urmsh 1O t endcI all notICes Df amounts due under thiS paragraph. and in the ev.d
<br />Borrower shall roue payment d-lreulv_ tit}rrowcr ",hajj promp-tJy furnish 10 Lemkr receipts evidenCing such payments..
<br />Borrower shall prompdy dtscharge any hen \\ hu:h !uu pnon!y flVer ,hIS Mortgage; proVided. Ihat Burrower shaD not. be
<br />requued to dlscbarae any such hen w ionll as Borrower o;;hall agre.c m wl"lung 10 the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />~ucb ben tn a manner acceprabk to Lender, Of s-haii In ~(~')(f tanh COOlest such lien by, or defend enforcement ot sueh lien 'in,
<br />legal proceedlDJS whICh ope-rate to prc'Io'em Ihe eJltorc~nlt::nl of [he Iltm or forfeuu"re of the Propeny or any part thcroof.
<br />5. ...... a-..:e.. 8on-ower shaH keep the Improvemcnh flOW Cll..tstmgor hereafter erected on the Property insured-
<br />"'-gaanst ion by fire. hazards mduoed w!thm the term de\tcnded ~o"erilge", ami such other hazards as Lender may require
<br />.:a.nd tn such amounts and ior such penods a1 Lender may require; pruvided, that Lender shall not require that the amount -of
<br />s.uch coveraae exceed that amount l)f coverage r~qum:d to pay the ...t1m~ ~cure:d b~ thiS Mortgage.
<br />The IDSUIllDCC carner providmg the w;sun:1lt.'C shall be chusen hy Borrower !l.ubJect to approval by Lender: providecL
<br />that suc,h approval shall not be unreasonably wuhheld. All premlUm~ on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner
<br />pnwtdcd under panarapb 2 heewt or, d nOI p,illd m such manner. by 8orrower mUlRg payment. when due. directly to the
<br />IDSUraDCe c-arncr.
<br />All insuranu polICies and. renewaJ.s. (h-en:ot !ihaH be m toml d-c;;eplab-le to L~ndcr and .malllndudc it 5l-landard mort..
<br />.:lA-use In favor of and m form acceptable h-' Lender. Lender ",huH have the fight 1\1 hold the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrower -schaU prompli)' furnish to Lender ail fi.'flCwal nuttces and aU receipts 01 paid premiums. In the event or loss.
<br />Borrower shaH 'f\'C' pff"mpt ootu.'e to the 'll~Ufan-.;e ...:arner i.md Lender. Lender may mak.e pf(mf (.If loss if not made promptly
<br />by Borrower,
<br />Unless lender and Borrower othef\lil'St agr<< in '" ntmg. Insurance proce..~,!) shall be applied tll restoration or repair of
<br />the Property damaaed. provu:Jed s.u~h fe-'!iloraHOn uf repair I:!. ec.:unOlfilcaUy feaslbJe arid lhe security of thts Monlaa.e is
<br />nOI lhereby inlpaued. If suc.h re~tunllon or repair 11$ not cconomu.:aUy teaslbie ()( It the secunty o( thiS Mongage would
<br />be Impaired. the IfiSUfaDCe proceed~ shall be apphed to (he sums ~~ureJ by thIS Mortgage. 'h lth the excess, if any. paid
<br />to Borr-o~r. it tbe Prope.rlY J!o dbano()I1Q1 ~\ Borrower. l'r II Borruwer lall~ to respond to Lend~r wlIhm 30 days from the
<br />date QOtlCe l~ malled by Lender 10 8~)rrower that the H1~uran\.:c ,:.urlcr ~\lien-. 10 ~e,Hle a dalm tor Insurance benefits. Lender
<br />l~ autbonzed 10 collect and apph- the lIl~uraru.:e pmceed~ Il( Lender 'lo opuon eIther to reslorallon or repair of the Propeny
<br />..If to the liUII1i M."Cured by tillS Mortp.&C
<br />Unla.s Lender and Borrower othern' tllo4.: .tgree w \<\, f lung, am ...uch apph\.'auon of pn.x:<<ds to principal .shall nOI extend
<br />l,Jf postpone tDc dw: dale or the I1llmlhhi mSlaHmenu fl:f~rreo tu iJ1 paragraph~ ] anti 2 hercl)-l or I.."hange the amount of
<br />:.-uch mstalhne-~!:!. It under paragraph I t\ here>.lt ,~w Prnpei['\. I'> dC~UHeJ hI,. lx-ndcr .-\11 nght. title and mtereSI ot Borrowcl
<br />In and 10 an} Ul.sUran~-c poh~jc.\ clod to and 10 the- pf\1Ceed."i thereOf resolung irom damage to the Property pnor to the sale
<br />or ac:qw~uon shaH pa" to Ltnder 11_' the C\ienl .It the ~um~ ",,-'\..urcJ: h:> Ihl'!> \-h1rtgagt: Immediately pnor In "iuch s.ale or
<br />acquwbOn.
<br />6. rn.n-....-.II \-t...~ of Proprn};. l,~~ t:OodolR...UIOS. PI._aed l)nit (ff"dopar.... liorrower
<br />~b.all keep the Propen)' tn good [cpalf and 'lohall not I.:UmUlll wasle lH pernul Imp.atrmCnl or detenOrallon Of the Propeny
<br />and ..n comply witb the prO'40'fflclOilS vt any lea'ie II {hI!. ~tongagc 1" 1m .j Icasetwld. 11 thh Mongage ,... on d \loot 10 ;J
<br />~ondOmUUUlll l~f 1ft. pbianed unH ;.k..dopmcllt. BOffOlo\;eJ ..Jlall pert MOl aii ul BOfro\\'~r!l- nbhgaHons under (he dcdaratHJo
<br />n.r {"~ntJJo ('f"('-::ttJQ, M 8P.vetlUfiiii: the clHH.iommmm t~r plaftoe-t! Uflil Jev-~jHpm('nt. lhl.~ by. laws and regul.atlon~ of the
<br />,-ondonunwm Of planlJlCd unit Oe-vej.upmem, ,md l..onstHuent t.k~umt'nt... I r 3. ,-I..,n-dOmtnIUm or rbnncd lIllll deveh,lpment
<br />nder i:i eACCuwd by 8ofl()~-('.r and f"et.:'on.:letJ HJ-ge1.hcr -'\110 Ihl' M<)rtgagt:, the I._tn.cuams ami ;agrecmCnl'lo oj 'Io1h:11 rh.lcr
<br />sball be wcorpoI'ated lUte and shaH antend and 'i.uppiemenl lhe ~ovc"ltanh .inll agrt!"C1Hcnb l}f thl' Mortga.i-c ar. 1I tht: rider
<br />- . put """",,,
<br />1. ~.. 1A8IIM'''a !itK'.....,.. Ii KOrn)'A'ef fall., tll pelINO} the ";l"\lCnitnU ;;Htd ,\.gl"cemclll$ u,ntalllcU In thl"i
<br />Mona... \)1 d any ~'Uon HI prOGeC'dt:ng J'lo ,-~lmment:C"d \IIhllo:h nlil.h:flail) lltf-c~l\ l,en-dcr... lnter~~l Hl the Prflopen\.
<br />~ l.H:.t t\Qt U"uled to, mllflltnt dormufl. tfl.-\<<.'11vc!lcC'!-, uw.1c -enHH-\:CUtenl. \If Jrrang<:mcnb lIt pf\x:ecdlOg~ lll\'nh-'mp: Il
<br />~ Of dcccdan. then Lendet ill Lmde,''lo option. ul--l()fl n~ltt~e II' Bl,lrrowcr. tna\ lllaiA.e- "w::'h ;~ppc:-aran,c;e~. dl..hur...~ ,.,\h.h
<br />!lUIQt UId lae MKb a..:.1Wf1 a..'\ Ii 1l<<.~-$-iliUl t,1 prntll;\..t I cnder 1; jfHCrfNt, ll1du..hn;:< tolll ,H'I llrlllh~'d h'. d~\.hun;emcnl \'1
<br />~ ~y'.. t"" .t.nd emf)' \tp4)fi tnc Prt'tJ'C'rl'\t' h; !tlotA~ HipaH" I! l-t'atJcr ,",.''ljl,Hrt..~d fl1..ft~..g~ Ifb_untth.:e ,'~ ..
<br />.::(.~ uf ~q lho U:HIlh _iC,cW"Cd by thiS Mortl-aje. Ut)'ftow~~J .,hdlt fli;\." tnt' pH~-mnH11!'. 1('4t11re-d ll' m;unldHl \lh.h
<br />InMlf~ m <<tiC:.'(;{ until ,",Ul.:J:l time as the ro'4utr~mcnt ft\"l ~tk.h 1f\~1JfaO(:t; lctmlUaln ~H ,K"t,:(}rda.n\:~ 'wI..t!h BOfft""'..Of"" ,iIHj
<br />