<br />I
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN 10.'0. ~.17k
<br />KNOWAl.LMENllYTIlFSEPRE.~ENTS:Thal Gary L. Benzel and Lonna J. Benzel, each in his andllSr
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<br />
<br />83--006826
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<br />own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whether one or more, in c:oDJideratiollofthelUlDof
<br />
<br />Fnllrt:een Thbusand_FQl,u::.Jil.lndm!;L.QD9Jl9LlitO.--..=----------------:::::"OOllARS
<br />
<br />_ '0 said mort_r by The F4uitable 8uilding and Loan Associalion of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 144 shares ofllock of
<br />
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CertiflC8tC No. L 24,174 ,do h=by gmnt, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION thefolIowing
<br />described. real estate. situated in HaU County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />The Westerly Thirty Six (36), Feet of Lot Three (3) and the Easterly
<br />Eleven (11) Feet of Lot Four (4), in Fractional Block One Hundred
<br />Thirty Eight (1313), in Union Pacific Railway Canpany's Second Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />tosethcr with all the tenements.. hereditaments and 3ppurlenm~ thereunto belonging, including attached floor co~,. all window screens,
<br />window shadet, blinds.. storm wmdows, 3wnin~. heating~ air condJt)oninR.and plumbing and water equipment and accesscnies thereto. pumps. stoves.
<br />refrigerators. and other fixtures and equipment nuw Of heteaftcr attached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas- the said mortgagor has agreed aud does hereby agree that the mortgagQf shall and wID pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />assessed upon said premist-i and upon [his mort~ and lhe bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to fumi!h approved
<br />insutance upon tbe bUildinp on !!<'lid premises S1tUOltcd 1fI the sum of S 14,400.00 payable to SOlid ASSOCIATION and ~'- . livcr to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies: for wd lnsuran~; and not to commit or permit any wasle on Of about said premises;
<br />In C3SC of default in the perfonnance of any of the terms and condiHons of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby. the mortgagee maUy
<br />on denl3Jld. be entitled to- illUllt'diate possession of [he mortga&ed pre'nnses and the mOfigagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets owr to the
<br />mortgagee all the "fe-ills" rc\'eOues and income to be- derivt'.d from the mortgaged prennscs durin.g su~h tunc as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the Jl10ftgagee ,ll..llhave the JW").:'cr fo 3vproint any ageni Of agems it may desire f~)f the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br />the same and ooilecting the n:nh:. revenue1\: and in",-"Ome. and if may payout of Silid income aU expenses of repairing said premises and necessary
<br />commissions and ex.penses i.ncurred in renting itnd t:n3.Uaglng the sante and of collecting rent:ds therefrom; thle balance remaining~ if any. to be
<br />applied tuward t~ disclwge of Sltid murtpte indcl>tedness~ these rights uf the mOHgagt:e Jnlty be exerciJed a.t an.y time during the existence of such
<br />ddawt.,. inespcct.rwe of any temporary waiver of the satne.
<br />These Presents. howe~f. ilre upun the Condition. -fhat jf the !aid Mortgagor shaU re(Yd.Y said loan on or before the ma.lurity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the s.um &pecifted in the Bond secured hereby as i:ntcH~,i and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />the TWentieth day of eaclt and ewr} mOnlh, until saKi loan is fully paid; pay aU taxes iiIld asse~ment5.levied ~t said premitrcs and on this Mort:g.lgc
<br />and the Boh'" secured thereby, befOfC dchnqutnq, fU.inlsh appl.t)...oo insuraoct: upon the buildings thcteon in the RIm of S 14,400.00 payable
<br />to said i\SSOCIATION~ repay to said ASSOCIATION upon aClIUiutl aU tl'liVney by it paid for .such taxes, aSSCMfnent$ and lP.smance with intercsl at
<br />tbe max.imum legal rate thcf~)n from date ~Jf fJJiymenl illJ of wh.ich .Morlgagtlt hCJeby agrees to pay; permit no waste on said premises; keep and comply
<br />with aU the agreementsllnd wnditlUll$ of the Bond lor S14, 400 .00 thts day gl'ien by the said Mortgagor (l) said ASSOCIATION, and ooUlply
<br />wilh aU the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws of laid ASSOCIATION; then those presents shall become nuU and void, othe.rwise they
<br />shall remain in full for~ <Iud nwy be fOh'~doiCtl af the opilon vf the said As..~OOAT'ON after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />J1I.ymeulll Of be thf'C( months to aH~a.r$ in mak.mg said monthly paymcnls. Of lo k.eep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Morlpgot agrees to have a rei;eiV\:1 appointed forthwith in 5lXh fOledus-we:- proceedings..
<br />If there is any cllangc ill owne.wp of the real ....te moHpgc<l herein, by We or otherwi>c, then the entire remaining indebtc<lncss hereby
<br />""""red ohall, al the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, NcbrlUka, bc<omc immediately due and payable withouI
<br />further IlOUcc. and tbe .moWlI 'emalning due under ",jd hood, and any olher bond for any oodilional.d....... made thereWlder, shall, from the
<br />date of .x..""" of said option. boa! interest ., 'he lnaxirnum legal rate. alld this morl_ may then he foreclooed 10 satisfy lhe amounl due on said
<br />bood.and any othe!: bond for addition.al 00_. tosether with alI!lWll$ paid by said The f'Ajuitabic Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Ncbrub for iDlUlaoce, tUl$aJld. ~ts~and .bst.ractingexteosion clwges. with interest thercon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />lopI ral<.
<br />As provided in the- Bond secured hereby ~ wh.ik this mortgage rcawins in efred the IIlOlt~ fIlay hereafter advance additional sums. to the
<br />makcn of said Bond.,.~l if ~ Ul suo:eSS(trs~.... cst. which sums w~ be Wilhin.. the sccwity o~f this. mortgage the sa.me as. the funds originally
<br />eecw'ed thet:cbyy t to 001 ofprlnci.paydebt not to cllceed at any rune the o{iglnal amount of this mortgage.
<br />f'Dmdlhil '. ~h daYOfl\. December A.D..19 83
<br />, J. ! .
<br />RY' ; //~
<br />".-1 - .f _':::c.-_.___~__.___
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<br />5'f41'1WI'~KA,l...
<br />('OONT\' Of ltAU.1
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<br />0..(1",
<br />
<br />30th
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<br />doy of
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<br />l)eC1.lmOer
<br />
<br />19 83 , hef",e me,
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />.he WldersigJwd, a Notary Puhlic in and for ..id CounlY, pelllowolly.,.....
<br />Gary L. BtmZel and 4:>nna J. Benzel, each in his and her CMn right~J: S1Xl~y~IO
<br />Q~,
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