<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />83-t) 0 6
<br />
<br />Huffman and Felwn & Wolf, Wallon, Ne, 68461
<br />
<br />
<br />LARRY I. McCOIG and MYRA M. McCOIG. Husband and Wife. each in his and her cwo
<br />right aod as spouse of the other
<br />
<br />, herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />
<br />
<br />Ir ^~n~irler"ti"n of SIXTY -FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100---------------------- ($65 .000 .OO)DOlLARS
<br />
<br />from grantees, dot'-s graut, bargain. _sell convey and confinn unto
<br />
<br />
<br />RICHARD H. URBACH aod lOIS R. URBACH, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />ioint tenants with right of survivorship, and 1I0t as tenants in common, the following described real property in
<br />Ha 11 County,
<br />
<br />The Southerly Forty-two and Nine Teoths Feet (42.9') of Lot Five (5), and the
<br />Northerly Fifty and Nine Teoths Feet (50.9') of Lot Six (6). all in Block
<br />Twelve (12), in Parkhill Third Subdivision. an Additioo to the City of
<br />Grand Islaod. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />To have lUld to hold the above described premise, to!(ether with all tenements, herediiamenls and appur-
<br />tena.nces theret-O bt'ionging unt,o tht' grant('{'s and to thrir ussigns, or to t.he heirs and assigns of the survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />And grantor dof's he:rcby coy(>uant with the g'rantt~es aud with their assigns and with tbe heirs and assigns
<br />of the sUfyivor of them that grantor is lavlj'ully 5eised of said premises: that they are free from encllm:" ''''-'~e
<br />Excepting easements and restrictions of record.
<br />
<br />that grantor has good right and lawfnl authority to eOln'I'Y the same; and that !(rantor warrants and will defend
<br />the t.itle to said pl'emises agailt...,t the lawful claims of' all persons whoIDHoever.
<br />It is the iutention of all parties hereto that in the e"ent of the death of either of the grantees, the entire
<br />fee simple titlt'" to the real egt-8tt~ ~hall yc-st in the surviving grantee.
<br />
<br />
<br />Dated
<br />
<br />0"" ! 7
<br />
<br />19 ':;'3
<br />
<br />L, , il i <,/7
<br />!r\~~ (\, ,1' '~,~
<br />. , . ~~~ ' . . , . . . I . . . . , ~ h,. >,J.,--: Y. ." . . . . , . . , . . , . . , ,
<br />
<br />. ';:/~'~~o\" /?(/.<:.~., ~~~.,..
<br />
<br />till!"\' County
<br />
<br />}ss.
<br />
<br />On tlris.. /)7 ;~~
<br />
<br />day 0,1. ...L")~~,__.Lr-
<br />
<br />., 19..3.::1... before
<br />
<br />
<br />me~ thiJ ,mdt'rsigned a Notary Public, duly commis.sioned (wd qualifit7d foy
<br />
<br />in s,lid counly, perso>fa/ly ,"..",,,J.il,rry,,L, McC.Qjg"Q.ndJ1yra.,M.McCoig..
<br />Husband and Wifl!,~...E!ach in his andher.oworight"alld"as
<br />
<br />.s p~use . 0.1' .t~e ,,(),t:~~.r. ...
<br />
<br />(SEAL)
<br />
<br />to 111t known to be the idcniical person or persons 1.tlIWSt~ name is ur names an!
<br />
<br />
<br />afJixed to the [,,"gaing instrument and acknowledged /I" executwn thereof t" be
<br />
<br />his. her 0' th,,;, vQI"nl41'Y act and deed.
<br />'rit1~;",E'" ~"'rr,~f:;"~';'~':;I Witness "'y h,lnd and Nolarial S.al th.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />!('rittt'-n.
<br />
<br />My C"",missialluxfrircsllte" J':':IC., cia)' of. D",,,-~.
<br />
<br />..S otary PubUe
<br />, !Q1f,/~
<br />
<br />OF;"..",
<br />
<br />.. .(
<br />.."..I"'"
<br />index and fil.,.j for r~eord in the Regu,ter of need~ Office of $aid COllDty the
<br />.."19"".,,,,1..,., ,."o'eIG.ok and." ,minutes .,..."....M..
<br />
<br />,.".,f.,... ,'.". ... ,.,!ltPlll!\l..
<br />
<br />&....rlld on. numerical
<br />.daTu!",.,
<br />and ~il.l &ole...."
<br />
<br />fly, .
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<br />n"puty
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<br />
<br />R"g, or Deedto
<br />