<br />I"
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<br />83-006818
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<br />not extend or postpone the due date 01 the monthly installments relerred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amonnt of such installments,
<br />10. Borrower Not Rei_d. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />securoo by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any ,"ccessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br />in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to- commence p};oceedings against such su(~cessOr OJ' refuse to extend ~ime for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured by this :\Iortgage loy reason of any demand made by the original Borrower Bnd
<br />Borrower's successors in int.-erest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Wciiver. Any lorbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, .hail not be a wai"",r of or preclnde the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The procurem.ent, of insuran{~e or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by J,..Iender
<br />shall not bea waiver of Lender's right to accelerate tJ,e l1l~tlirity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this :\lor(,gage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br />right. or remedy under this '\Iortgage 01" afforded by law or f!f}uit.y. and may he cxer('ised {'oncurrently, independ..
<br />entlv or successive Iv.
<br />-13. SuccessorS and Assigns Bound: Joint and Several Liability: Captions. The covenants and agreements
<br />herein contalned shall bind, ~nd thE: rights hereunder s.hall inure to, the respectiv(~ successors and assigns' of Lender
<br />and Borrower. ::<ubject to the- provis:ion-s ot parag-raph 17 hereof. .\ll (~OVcnants. and agrecmet\ts of Borrower shall
<br />be joint and severaL The captions and headings oi the para~raphs of this :\Iortgagc arc for convenience only. and
<br />are not to be used to interpret or define the pr-oviF..ions her<'-'Ol_
<br />14.. Notice. An)' notiee t.O Borrow('1' pro\"Ided for in lhj~ \lortgagc ghall he giYe>t\ by rnailing such notice by
<br />certified wllii addressed to Bornw;~'l.r ;tt the Proflt:,rt;v .\ddrt'st' ~tated he low , ('x('ppt for any not,ice' required, unde~'
<br />paragra.ph 18 hereof to be giVt.n to Borrower III ! lw \l1tlnner ll!T'scribed by applicable- law. Any notice provided
<br />for in this \fortgage- :-:h.aH ht' deelU!.-'11 to have !.tee-n given to Borrower when giV-ell in r.he manner designated herein.
<br />15. Uniform Mor1g:age: Governing Law: Severability. ThL~ fonn of Inortgage combine:;: uniform covenants
<br />for national use and non~uniiorm eovenants wit-h ilmitpd \'ari<.l,tions by jurisdiction to constitute a unifoml secu-
<br />rity instrument {'overing real property. This _\lortgagc shall hc gover;lc:i by the law of the: jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is located. In the Cycnt thM :lny provision t)!' ('lause.of this ).[ort,gagc or the Note r,onrlicts with
<br />,lpplicab!e law! such conthn shaH not affcet. other pro\"lsions o'f i-his .:\lo.rtgage or the Note which can be given
<br />effect without the {"onfllet-jng provision, and to thls I'.'nd the. provj~ions of tht" .\Iort~agc and the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be iurni~hed a conformed ('opy of this l\-1ortgage at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation hereof.
<br />17. Tranafer 01 the Property: Assumption. I f all or any pari of t hc Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by Borrower without l.end(~r';o< ptlOr \\rrit,t(>n ('onscrH., t~xduding (a I the creation 01 a lien or' encum-
<br />brance :;ubordinate to thi~ ~.If)rtgag€. ihi Ow n'eatlOn 01; II pnffhas{' money 5fecurit.y interest for household appli-
<br />:mC,f$l ~c) a transfer by deVISe. des~ent or hy op~ration (IlIa\\' upon the death of a joint- tenant or (d) the grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of thrc~~ p:ars 01" h~s;o, not contaiUlrl~ all option to pnrchase, Lender m-ay, at Lender', ~'''Jionl
<br />declare aU the ;!Sum! ~(';("ured hy thitl 1\longag(' to lac !unrlt:diatt'iy dut~ and J1a-:yabJ(', Lrodcl' shaH have waivt' j such
<br />option to HcC'elt:'ratti 11. prior to the 5iik or !ran..,,;ft'r. IAmdn ~l.nd the person to 'whom the Property is to be sold or
<br />t.ra.usie.rred re'a.ch ag.!'t'CuH:nt in \vflting that the rredit 01 ;':;Ul'11 .,H..'J':5.0n i~ nati:sfa.(:torr 1.-0 Lend~r and that t.he interest
<br />paj~able on the ~um5 .~~~(~uft.~d by thi~ ~torq,{a~t' ,.,.!Jtdi ill' at ~u('h fate :.is Lender ~hall request. If Lender has waived
<br />the option to an:cterate proviJ('(i iu thi5 i!aragraph 1.7 a.nd it Borrowt.~r.~ ;.;m'l't~s..,()J' in interest hati executed a \\'rit~
<br />ten ilSSmnption agreement acceptoo i.!t '\-vritmg by l.t~ndt'r, Lt.'nde.f MhalJ relc9.j)(' BtHTOwer from all obligations under
<br />,hi$1\1ort;lage and the Note.
<br />H l...ender exercis~ such option t.o ~'\c~'deratc, Lend€r ~hai11l1aii Borrower notice of aec~~leratiQn in accordance
<br />with paragraph 14 hen'>Qt', ~Udt nutll:e ~ll;lil pnn'tllt. a pf'rwd of not lt~:i-." thlUl ao days from the date the notice is
<br />mailed w-ithin whit.-h Burro\\',.'r n~ay p:l.y ~jl\..; ~ua1:'i dt'f'lan'd dut'. I! Borro\\'\'l' l:lib to pay :-.uch sums prior t.Q the
<br />,,"xpiration of ~Uth period, L('nder rnay wn!;nut fUl'tl1~'r !lotH'I' f)t. d\.'lnund (Ill frorrO\n~l', in\'oke any r(~medies per~
<br />nutted by pttragraph 18 he.reoi.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />XON-l' ~IFn<<M ('on:sAxTs, Borro\\'(~l' Hnd LJi.'lUlpf (urOw)' ('O\,('lluut and ag-ree H.~ followH:
<br />
<br />)8. Acce~ion: R.medi.... EXl't'pt a::- pnlntl~'d in !J;H'a~rup!1 17 lH:n.'oL uflun Borrower's hrNi~h of any
<br />CQVent\nt or -tlgn......IlW1H of Burrower III till." :\lortj.z)1gt'.. mdudillg; the \'f}\'{'lHl.nts to p:\y w'iH'1l dUl,' allY RUfUS ~('cur<'d
<br />by thiK )tortgAg~. L("l}(h'l' pour to lH'I'dt'"fatH.Hi ~liall llHUi lWUt'C to Borrl..lwl'!' H!'. provided in p:uag:raph 14 hereof
<br />I'ipt~lfyiug: tH th-e br('at'i,; ,-2) th.: ill'llUrl rN~uin:'t! llJ curl' :e.ut:h hre-aeh; ~3j .a da.te, not ie-.&.... than thirt.)' days
<br />from the du.t-t:~ thl' notl('~' i" l!~ailed to BOrrtl\\'f'r, h,\' \,'jndl :<-utl! hrp;u'h 1H11~t be furt..'d; ~nd f.1) lhat failure to cure
<br />SUt~h breach on Qr bt"iore- tilt. da.le .:-pcl,'itl{'i.t in tilt' 1'101.1('1.' may I'e-~ult in ae-eeleration of the SlllllS ~ecured hy this
<br />Ytort.gagt and sale of the Propt:"rt)'. If t!H~ breadl iB nol tun"d Ofl or ht"fore tit(' dale spcClfit>:d iT! t.he notice. Lender
<br />at Lendt"r'~ Ol)h-ou. may dt"CJare an I,)f tht~ sum.$- H"t'U!'t-<t:.! hy this :\lortga~(' to h\\ irnmediatrly due fJ.nd payable.
<br />withuut further deuuutd :..md nUl)' fon.~'lNe tln,~ )lortj>!;age hy jndiciai pr()(,Ct'1JlHg. LenJ~r shall he ('ntitlt~d to collect
<br />in .51.teb proceeding aU l'Xpt'tlSl~1S 0-1 it)rt"dO-sure, mdlJdili~, hut nor Iilll.lft.'d to, ('os-t,~ of dtWuJIl('utary, ('yidence,
<br />amtraeto and t it'" reports.
<br />
<br />11. Bon-ower~. .Right to R.UMtot.~ .:\ot\\,lth~t~ndiHg I.-(>n<ter'~ a(."('.e1(~ral1on of the 6ums -8e(~ur('d by thil$
<br />Monca-gel Borrower shaH have the right to have ~,l.l1y proceeding,6 1)-J;."gUTl by L!:ll(lef to f'niorrv thi~ Mortgage dis-
<br />eont.inued at a.ny time prior t.o entry of a jud-~ment f.'nforci-ng thi~ .\1ongH,R€- it: ~al Borrower pays Lender all
<br />aUfna--:w'.hk.h would be t,hen due und.er thii )lon,g~e< the );ott> .ancI notes se('urin~ Futun- Advanc(~J if any, had. no
<br />aeoelet'ltion oecurred; thl Borrower ('".un~ all hreiwhe~ oi un)' otnc:r rnVt'na.hV ur ng:n'tmH-'Ht."\ of Borrower con~
<br />tain-.i in thit'~{~r I,c) Borrower pays all teawnabh- t>xp(ln!'!tc~ ineurr(?1'i hy Lt'-n~tt'r in ~!tlfor('ing the ('-o\'enantoti
<br />M.Mf ~tI-O{ ~'er conta.ined in thii,; )lortga~l' ~,.ud il1 ('nfort'ing Lenctl"f':-; H.met1ieio; as provided in para~
<br />paph 18 hf.JeOl~ iMiuding, but not- HnlJted to, rea~onabjt.' nuorncy';-- lee-Ii<: and ldl Borrow'-':'f take~ suell action at'\.
<br />~.'_' rea$Otl&bly require to M$Ul(! that the hen of fhii! )'ff.rrtgil~~', Lendt,lf'~ int(,f(,$t in the Property anti
<br />B~~. -obli&atiOtl.t-c; pay the- $UIDi! setu.red hy !Jus; :\f(lrtJ:ta~,:{.t ~hail ('ontlnUt' uniHlpain~L Ppon ~u("h payment
<br />!kIl4Ie\ltll oyBono""1!r. tlliJ; Mo~ alld tIll' obhgatiollS ""cUN",1 herehv shilll rem"ln In f"l! fore" and (.tleet as if
<br />oo~~b&d oo~. .
<br />.. A.....lJ~of~ AppliIiD~ of ,"",<Kv", Lender in P..........uon. ,\s "dditi'llllll '''C\ltlty he,"",
<br />~, &r~....btteby ......~ to Lender the r.',,'" of lhe Prop"rn'. prl)\"hl<,l tl... Born.'vet .'",11. prior to "ceeler.
<br />l\4l!In ulllil!!' ~Ilh 18 hl!re<?f Or abandonment vi Ow Property, h&,'" the right to coUe"t olld T<'t"in s\lch rent.
<br />... thtly ~_ ami Pll.l",bll',
<br />~~ .~t~: u,uder JJat~I,b Hl h~t~tQcf c)l' fihb.:ndoorneht of tnI:' Prupf-liy, L<:ndrL Hi penon. by agt~nl
<br />bt.hy'Joo.~y ..~ted, ~-Y~r "M,ll he f"utHled t.o .tHrt.f!r' uf,>~on, u\kt~ pf~'e~1'>HH~ (.i und HtidUij,W dt4~ Property
<br />.w:. to';~ l~.~ .(If .toM: .PfQJ,~rt,yt ltwlu4Hn..g: th~ p.il.~t dHt', .All f-t,'1).~~ ('~)H#t.-t-i~j hv Lt-:ndN or ~ h~.: r~"~t~i"'t~r
<br />...u. M',.~ a..to- J)lt~, Qf rob" e-.uH;,i :t~''''etf<<~llt -of tht.' Pro-f~.!rt.y and ('vHi'1"{!(:n of rl't'Ht<, iw:,'indHlJt:, but
<br />.~ U~.t,u~ ~4V_'J> f~_ pwmu.l.m*: tin n'.{l,~JV~.f-~ -t~~i~' and n-u.~..:mli.hh" l?Hnt'lwv'~ ff,{^J.;, :n!i-d fht"n l,f) thc' !':Ui}ll<
<br />~lM trT. t.n... ")f~", t...t'INlft- an.d H}t': t~tth..-~t >l-h~H hof.' h~hl~'- {-') a,~(I-.ount tmt y f,); f.lltJ!'-~~ n'nt:;.: .;\cnwJly l'''f'ch't.~'l
<br />