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<br />UNCOIN
<br />
<br />FORM No. 211 IR~v. 12/801
<br />
<br />Loan Number ___~6_2_7.?_n_=_}-_n..:-::-__6J.:_.
<br />lllam;.. T)1W'"
<br />
<br />
<br />REAL
<br />
<br />ESTATE
<br />
<br />83--006817
<br />
<br />
<br />THAT_.__._....._...men.D.....DialIImd..an;'L.Do~a...L~..J)..iallr;ll:d,.-~..~-.~fl'i_.................____..__.._____._
<br />
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in consideration of the sum of.............___.._.................................._._...__......__
<br />
<br />.:>.~..~~..~i::~..~..~~LJ9.Q...--.._......_.........._..............-...-.......................................-..-
<br />
<br />($ 16,023.69 ) DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and CONv'"EY an absolute title, including all the rights of. homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br />Mortgagf:e, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situatedin.....~.....u..m......__
<br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Five (5), Block "IW:> (2), Waggener sutdivisiDn, to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real I'st"ie ahove described, with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />h~l!mging untc the said .Mnrtgagee, forever, provided always, and this mortgage is. upon the express con-
<br />drllOn that if the a!oresaJd Mortgagors, theIr herrs, ext'Cutms, adrmmsiratoI'S or assrgns shall payor cause
<br />to he paid to the said Mortgagee, its sun-essoI'S or as..,ib'flS, t.he principal sum hereinabove set forth, all
<br />according t.o t.he t.enor and effect of a certain installment note of said Mortgagors bearing e"o., date with
<br />thislllortgage,and ~hall PllY t~es and assessments le...~"d .upon :mid real es~te, .'lJld all other,..es, levies
<br />and all5eSSIn<!Dts leVled upon this mortgage or t1w note which th1S mortgage rs b'lven to secure, belore the
<br />same or any installr...ent thereof becomes delinquent, then tros mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />in ! ull loree.
<br />
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) '111a! if the ",lid 1\lortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes, the
<br />Mortgllgoo m1lY pay the ~1UUe and the sum ~ advanced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />and this morts;>ge shall stend as n;curity for thc&a.l1le. (2) 'l1Ult Mortgagors covenant with the Mort1;agee
<br />thai Hl€'V are 11i\vlullv ~t'b~ed of sa.id real est..1le and ('OVf-na.nt to \\ia.rrant and def(md the said real est.ate
<br />"gainst ih" bwful claims or all persons wl1Om",,,,ver. (3) 'That in case of a foreclosure of this mortgage,
<br />the plaintiff in so,:h pro<:,'(.dings shall he ,.';tiUed }') tl;'ke lJ<?;session of the Jlfemis~. protect the sa,;," and
<br />colk'd the rents, ,ssues and profits [herrol. (4) fhat a lallUfe to pay any of sald money or any mst.a1l-
<br />ment l1><'tl;O! when the ""me becomes due, or II faUme to comply with any of the foregoing agreements,
<br />shall cause the whole sum of money hen,i.n ",:cured 10 bl",ome due and collectible at once at the option of
<br />the Mortgagee.
<br />
<br />TllANSFEH OF THE PROPERTY; ASStJMPT!ON. If all or any partnf the Property or an
<br />interest ther".in is sol~ or translerred by Mo,tga~or without. MOrl1;agee's prior writt.en ~'onsent, excluding
<br />tll) the creahon of a hen or encumbrance suhordi.nate to thlS J\~lortgal:e. (b) the creatIOn of a purchase
<br />monel' ~urit.y int-ere..t for household apl'liances, (e) a transfer bv devise, de""ent or by operation of law
<br />Up<1l1 the detlth of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of any Jea.,ehoIJ interest of three years or less not con-
<br />taining an option to purd"..,;e, Mortgagee may, at Mortgagee's option, dedare all the sums secured by this
<br />~'f-{~-tgag~ to be in::ulled.iat..ely due and payable.
<br />
<br />If Mon.gllgee' ""..rcise5 such option lc accd"rate, Mortgagee shaU mail Mortgagor notice of
<br />accell'ntion and such notice shall pI(,vide a period of not It>Bs than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br />mailed wit!"rm .which MorlgaC;9r may pay the sums dedared due. If Mortgagor fails to pay such stmlS prior
<br />to the mtpu-ation of such perIOd. Mortgagee may, w,thout f.rrther nollce or demand on Mortgpgor invoke
<br />the po_ of s.ale and any other reme,iies permitted by applicahle law. '
<br />
<br />Signed this.. 23xd.day of .
<br />
<br />~.
<br />
<br />, 19.8~.
<br />
<br />.-1ii.~~~~~~"O."..:={F\
<br />..~i~"I::1i~hr~~;~'::":":,~~.
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<br />~._..._..o.-ty.
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<br />
<br />Oa 1hia,~...~JBt..... do)' at .. ..._~_.. 19 JU befNe toe, the Wlder?,.ned. a Nota,ry Publ;.; in ""d for
<br />
<br />...>d c.-l:r. _...u.Il7 "*"'" ..<iJ.MJ2,...Qi.~y_~_.~Q...J,,~.cii.Ml:1r.~,.l:l~~p..j>I;i,ft:L..-- .....
<br />N~ k_ 10..... 10 be u... ldenticalpon_ wh_ """""....... allUed l<> too above .....d fureg";,,. in..tru!Opnl. ...
<br />~_ ...... ~ ...k_wlM,.ed. """" iMtn.Iu>t>..t to be hi> ur ber volunmry act and d.,..d.
<br />
<br />Wit_ ..., .hhd .>><1 ...,jam! ....\l.l "L.Gt1;l,~..rfill~,.\ ~a.~
<br />ll>o >to\.<. IO&! .... ",rillo... . .
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<br />