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<br />83- 006752
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<br />UNIPORM COVENANTS. Borrower and lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment of Principal ud Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and inleresl on Ihe
<br />IOdebtedness evidenced by the Note~ prepayment and late charges as provided in the- Note. and the principal of and' interest.
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. F....... for T_ _ I............. Subjecl 10 applicable law or 10 a written waiver by Lender, Borrower.balJpay
<br />10 Lender on the day monlhly installmenlsof principal and inleresl are payable under the NOle, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "'Funds") equal to one4we~f(h of the yearly ta;(es and assessments which, may. attain priority over -' t"i~
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents On the Property, if any~ pius one-twelfth of yearly premium' installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably estimated'ioili_ally and fro'm
<br />time to time by lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable -estimates thereof.-
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institulion the deposits or accounts, of which are insured"or guarant~d-by a_ Fe~e,raI-'-or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institulion). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said lax.., assessments,
<br />Insurance premiums and ground rents. len4er O'ay not charge for so holding and applying -the Funds. anatyzing-.said -account
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bins, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Flinds- and appHcable.rlaw
<br />pennit! lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execlition -:_of, this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest' on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless, such agreement is made or applicable Jaw
<br />requires such interet to be paid, Lender shall not be requir:ed to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Fundi.:' Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an_annual accountmg of the Funds showing credits and -debits to the Funds:and the-
<br />purpose for which each debit 10 Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the.umssecured
<br />by Ihi. Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with (he future monthly instaUments of FundS 'payable .prior to
<br />the due dates of tax.es, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shaH exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,.
<br />assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents: as they Lilt due, such excess shall be. at Borrower's option" either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly instailments of Funds. If the amount of - the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay laxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they- faU _ _due.
<br />Borrower shalf pay 10 Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums S-eCHre(~ by thIs Deed ,of Trust. Lender shall promptly.r('[und to Borrower any Furds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof the Propeny 1<;' sold or the Property IS otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />shalf apply. no later than immediately pnor to the sale of the Properry or ils acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the tjme of application as a credit against the slims s.ecured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3~ Appliration of Payments.. Unless appli...-able bv.- prOVIdes Dlhcrwisc, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nme and par-agraphs 1 and 1: her~ot shall be applIed hy l.ender first in payment of amounts. payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof. lhen to inlcre-sl payable on rhe N(*~, then It} rhe principal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />prrocipal on any Future Advances.,
<br />4. Charxt'S;- 1Jt.ns. Borrower ...hall pay all t-axe.., <,".5essmcnl,,> anJ other charges, fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnority over Ihis Deed of Trust. and lease-hold payments or ground rents. if any. in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, it no! paid in such manner. hy Borrower making payment. when due, directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower \hall promptly (ufnl<;.h to Lender .-tfi notices of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />~vent Borrower shall make payment dlHxtly. Borrower "hall promptly furnIsh 10 Lender receIpts evidenCing such payments.
<br />f1orrower ",hall promptly discharge any lien Whll'h has pnorit)' (WN thl" Deed of Trust; proVided, that Borrower shall not be
<br />rcqU1red to discharge any sm.'h lit:n '4.) long i\., BOfnw..cr ..hall agree 1Il "Titing to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />'i.m:h hen In a manner accept3;ble f(~ Lender. or ,hali In good faith ~on!t.'st s-w,:h hen hy, llr defend enforcement of such hen in.
<br />legaJ f.-rOCeedings wh!ch operate td pn:veflt the enforcement {,f the ii~n ur t0Cfciturc of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />. H:uan:llasunmtt. Borrower ..hall keep {he !mpn:wcmcnts now C\I~t,"g or hereafter erected on the Pro-nerty insured
<br />against loss by fire. hazards Included wlfhin ~hc lam "c_\Jcndcd -.:o\'eragc" .lnJ -...u..:-h other hazards as Lender _ reqUire-
<br />and 10 'Such amounts and for \uch periods ii\, Lender may rt'qtlJ[(:-: proVided. [hat Lender ~h:.)ll not require that Ih-t.' .tnlOunt of
<br />such co....erage c);ceed that amOunt ot ~~o...erage req-Ulred to pay the \Unh secured by thIs Deed of Trust
<br />The insurance carrier pwyiding the lU'Silfancc ~haU he ... hosen hy Borrower s.ubject to appro'val hy Lcnd~r-: pn.wided.
<br />that $uch approval shaH not be unreasonably Withheld i<\ll pr-:miums nIl Insurance fX)licies shall he paid in the manner
<br />provided under par-alfapb 2 hereof or. If not paid In su.:h manner. by Horrower making payment, when due. direclly to the
<br />IQ$Urance carrier.
<br />AU Insurance pol1ctes and rCllc-wai~ thereo! sh.ill h-t III i,l(n1 Ud.:cptable hI J _coder and ..hall Hlclud(' a slandard morlgage
<br />clause In favor of and in (MOl J.-~(,<cp!ahle to Lcnd~r. ! ~nlkf "hall have lhc llghl to hold [he policlc" and rc-newills thereof.
<br />(lnd Borrower ..h3.11 promptly iurnt:<.h !o ! cmkr ;;11 rencv.al l\iltH.~e., MlIj a-il rccclpfS nf paid premIUms. In the event of loss.
<br />Borrower shaH glV-C prompt ImlKiC [0 !he mwrancc ..'arflCI .llld Ixuaef. I_couer m<ty make proof of loss d not made promptly
<br />bY' &'UfO\I;-.:-t"
<br />" UnlC$'i I.emkr and B(lrrower \'thl~r""'IW agH't: 111 "riling. H\-'UI:Hl;.;C pw\ccds. ~hall be apphed 10 ft:\fOration or repair of
<br />;he Property damaged. pro...i-tie,d slll.':h re..IOr<.lltOn or l1.'p.J:lf ~.. l..'uIlIomlLoilll\- !r.;a~lhlc ;lnd the SC~lIrtIY of rhl\ DccJ of Trust J\
<br />not thercbv lmpitflfrl If '\!.Kh rcMQut!On -or repa!! 1'- IH.t e-conomi'~tlf~' lc.t\!blc of If the ~ecllnly t1f thi... Deed of Trllst would
<br />he ilnpatred, the msuralll..'C pr-o\.:ce-ds :'l.haH be applied In iht.. ~UI1l<; \ot'\.'un:d hy lhi... Dc~d of Trust. with the ~.~ccs.s, if any, pau.l
<br />to BOffo,wee If Ihe Property I" abandoned hy B\lrtO\leL lll' if Ht)ffOWI!-( f:ilb to rc.':opond ro Lender within JO day<;. from the
<br />dare JlOW;C IS mailed b'!' Lcndt'f h) Bono~er llu! th", 1I1"iuram:c i.:O:ifflCr nlfl-n. h) settle a dalfn for Imurancc benefits" Lender
<br />i\ autMflzcd tt) ~oHec( and ~ppiy the insufan~c pn_l<.:ced" .JJ I..cnde-r"s ttplion !tIther to fC:<SloratlOn or repair L){ the Prcpe~ty
<br />or to the sums ~ured by this I.kc-d \.It Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and B....)fTOWer otherwise ~gree III wtllmg. itoy ~lH.;h applicatIOn of proi:ceds to prmcipal !.haH not extend
<br />or llt1oSlp..lue the due::- Jau: of lhe monthly lOstallmcl\h n:Je-rred 10 If! p<lragrapns I and 2 hereof or !"'-hange the amounl of
<br />!;ouch mstathnelllS. It under paragraph I:.: herl:t1f (he Propeny l~ .tt:~Ulled by I.ender. all nght. otic and lntcre~t of Borrower
<br />In and h) an)' insuram:e potu':le3. .and in anu to the rfi.)\;t:e~h lh-ert~l\t rc\uhrng from dam~jgc to the J>ropt:rty prior to the ~alt.
<br />~)r ;.iCQUlsllion sh"H pa~ t{) Lender to the extent oi ::he !o-wn1'; :<.c:cured {'\' ihl~ Lkeu ~ll lrusl immediately pnor to ...uch sale or
<br />acqulsii ton.
<br />6-. Prewrvatioa aa4 MaiatelUlDct of Prope-rty: Lt'llIwbotds: Condominiums; Planned Unit l)ev~lopments. Borrower
<br />...hall keep the Propert~, In good n:paH .ilH.1 ~haH I~l" 1.'"'1l1fl1J! ','..-l:S-IC ,'f pt:'flilH Ilnp,JlfJlli.."~! t'.r dt."tcrior<ltion t)f the ProperlY
<br />,.nd shall comply ....;ith the pro\llStOflS ot ;;;ny lease:. j[ !hls l>t.--ed of Trust I.. \lj) il l~a:schtlld, It lhl!\c Deed of Trust IS on It UOIl III a
<br />("ondomimum or a planned unit dt:\'e1opmenl. Bonower .-,hilll pe'tfl)fT11 ..dl (11' Borrower's oh1igat:oos under the del;:hmHion
<br />.J[ covenants cre~~mg 1,)1 gO\'C'lOlJ1g the condomllllulll l~r pbnne\l Unl! uevelopment. lhc hy-law\ :Ind fe~uiatl(lm nt ihc
<br />condominium or planned umI development, Jod ,:Qm,l:lucm do~:umc01"_ Jt a condomlllium tlr plannt'd unit dCH'J\\pmCnl
<br />nder 15 executed by ~rrower and re\:ordcd logether WHh !hi" Deed (II Trus!. Ihe '.:I..wcnants and agre~Hlt:llh of ,>uch flder
<br />~haH bt: mCQrporatetJ mto and shaH amend and ~upplcment the \.'l~l.cn.~nh .Hh.l ~l.greenlCOlS lij lhls Deed or Trw.t <1:-. If the f!dCf
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />7. Prolectio. of l.eaders SKarity. If Borrower faits II..) perform lhe o;o\'enants and agrc\:fl1CnH contamed in Ihi<;.
<br />Deed of Trust. or i~f any actIon Ot proceeding I~ commenced which rnalenaily ~tffcc-ts Lcnder"s lntere~l in lhc Property.
<br />mdudml. but nol limited lo, emment domaHl. mmlvcncy. ...:ode en!ixce:menl. Hf arrangements t)f proccclhn!Z\ lOvotv1ng a
<br />bankrupt Of d<<"cdtnt, t~n Lender lit Lender's op:tivn, upon notice 10 Rorrowcr. may make such al?pcaran\.~c,\" dl~hursc sw.:h
<br />~ums and tillke !i-och actloo Jot. IS f'..e-ccu:try W protecr l..ender's IOlcre!ll. mdudmg, but not lImncd to. lflsbun..(~mcn! 01
<br />teason~ble auorney.s fea. and t:nlry upon ,dx: Property lu make repai~, It L..endcr reqUired mortgage Hhunw\.:e :t\ .I
<br />t:o-ndit1on of maim& the knn secured by 11m. Deed of Tru:it, Born-:twcr ..haH pay the. prenllum~ reqUired 10 maHWllil ..uch
<br />HlSUfaBCC 11\. etrcct mUll s,u<:h time as the reqUJre-menf fo-r ~\.Ich IH!!turancc leflnUlat~'i 10 aCl:ord_ancc wllh BornJwcr\ .3Ild
<br />LentIct"', wnlten illtvt:ell1cut Of appli~bJe taw _ lloI'_wwer sh1i1I pa~- Ihe ~mp-urH (It all mortgage Uls-urancc prerniurm m the
<br />"Ian_ provided undetpo.ragfaph 2 ~re{>f.
<br />AllY at1tOUU11 dill-horsed by l.-ender pursuant 10 thi!i para.gn,;ph 7, wnh !\1tefl:S( thereon, "hall hc\.'ome ~iddHllln.ai
<br />i-ndebted~ (,tf Borrower secured hy Ihn. Dew of Tnl$l l1nless. Borrower and I.end~'f a.l{ree 10llther tCfllb of pa"mem. ~lI\:h
<br />~b, ;'hall he pay-abk upon nt.'thccr !f(lffi 1 "cnder to .Borrower fe-quoting pay~nent thereof, and .:'.hall bear lllter-esl from 1 he
<br />date cl. ~t ill the rate pa.Yllb!,e hom time!: to tlnlC on t-."iulSl.andmg prlOcipal under the Note unless pay'men! pf inl,~rt1it
<br />-Ii $\Kb,'.ate would be -con.tri:fY to ilp~h'ilhle i.i1~', m -nohu:h c'.-ent \uch ,tmounh ,~hall belle mteft',>';! ,It Ihe highest rate
<br />petm~bIe under ~C*htt law. NothHlS coobuwd m !hli. par,agraph ? "hail re-quae Lender 10 !t:1Cur nn)' el;pense (If take-
<br />...,""-~,
<br />.. ~ Lender ma.y -m:a,ke Of {ltU" to be rn:ade f\~as(mi1lbie ent.ne-,. llpon and H'I"pt-"C(lflO"S of the PfL'tpt~tl~'. ~'I'{H l<.h.~J
<br />tba.t l.C"ndM. WU &h"e: 8orrowtr n{>hee prior t-O Any :!olKTI Hl5~Ho-'n lpe'-"-tfymg- n::a~}nahk- ,,:a.u>;.e lhacto: I'd~w:d !" (t"ndt'r'..
<br />;ft~r_ fft dw: Prol!Je'l1\'
<br />