<br />I"
<br />
<br />
<br />.,. . . .Tlii$MdttfBl"'jSentered>iil1xij~Wieel1
<br />'Husbatid.'and;.wife.
<br />
<br />ColleenM;Caveneeti
<br />
<br />'-':
<br />
<br />r.,__ _" .,,_ ,-.__. _-',
<br />, " ,.,', --'--, --",-"'.:,
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<br />(he~~;~~r~~'~
<br />
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<br />~-;;~~~t
<br />
<br />
<br />County, Neb_ka;
<br />
<br />
<br />Two (2), and Four (4) in
<br />Grand Island,Nebraska
<br />
<br />'i'Og<Ithei withal! buildings, impro.emenls.fixtu....;streets. alleys. passageways, easements. rights..privileges and
<br />appuitentn~--iocawd. the-roon or in anywise pertaining the,reta, arid the- ren ts. issues and 'profits, reversions .and: rem$d$:rs
<br />the.eot;Jnefudlng,butnollimiled10, . healing and cooling equipmenl. and suchpen;onal property thaI is attachedw the
<br />lmprow""""uw..to coru;tilute a. fixture; aU of. wbich, ineluding replacements and additionslbexeto, is hereby declared
<br />tobea.part.of lluneal_ .ecured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as.the
<br />"Plcperty":
<br />
<br />Morl@ll",fudberc~)lnelWlts and lIgTee5. with Mortgagee,.. (ollows;
<br />
<br />1. PaymeaL To paythe.indehledness andlhe inte"",t thereon.. provided in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />
<br />a.,' Title..,. MoItpgor i. the oWl1eroftbe Property,.ba!; Ihe right and authority.lo mortgag" tbe ,Property; and
<br />"!l'llrQJIlsthat tIui.lilID .c,...led berebyis a nn;tan<l prior li"o on the Pro""rty, except as may otherwise be set fodb herein,
<br />
<br />o 'The Ptllpet1.y is SUbject. to a Mortgage wherein ~,-,c._._."., --~--C'-"-'._'
<br />
<br />istha.~,~rdtdatJlook__. Page______ _or the Mortgage Records of _
<br />NebIBUa, wbiDh. MlIflP&II'is a lien pnor 10 the lien """'ted hereby.
<br />
<br />.0 ..ot\IeJ:.priotlieDlt or.~nC\lmbra~'_____,.___.._.__.____.____._,____,
<br />
<br />Coimty, .
<br />
<br />
<br />'... ..'~~~ .NOl.Jrithsta?'filtg anything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to thee
<br />'1O~ . lIttbell~"fpayin.the munthlyinstallments of principal anll interest..
<br />....... il\Sllntacl'p;emitlmi, !lndgf!lunll"'nl.s(ifanYlwltje~!l1lIyatta!na
<br />~e$ttmaill4.frt>iltti_to~. by "* rd~.T~am(l\lnlsW palllshall.~.
<br />~llldt.o~.payment9f .th& IlelUSin~t lu wblehsucl):alDOlllI*,-we"
<br />~,~~....cl.dlllPDljl-'"ty forUt, jndepted!t~ _u"dl>Yth~.
<br />~~,.o~~Y~~,llet~the.ll<ltual..taxl!l\.~en~iIJa~ce
<br />,.;!l.e~. WltbIlL10;!Illy~.afWr.deDltUid... ll1A1lt! ujlQn ~oi't&JlO. tell-tint.
<br />
<br />..;:;'.:~~..fePfl.._ti)l'eor"bUild ...)1. b<tildIDJs(,..lm~vam...ls.IU>W or
<br />~!lI~~~llDlI ~.wWi!ll!tw_..ndJreetrom mecl.lattic" Of
<br />....,~~I""';~~;Ilf>t\~~.~orPl'~tanl~toelli!it,onQl tl' dlmjQ..
<br />. .~~.;~lItl;;9t~'lo'~;anllto<1O.ltlpl}'wjthl!ll ""Iulrl>_1;ls il)flaw ....llt
<br />