<br />83....... 006702
<br />
<br />
<br />tlleSllmNee"red bY this DeedotTruSI shall conlinue unimpaired. Uponsdch payment and cure by Bormwer. Ihis Deed of
<br />Tt~tand.lheobligationueeuredherebyshall remain in.fuH foreeand..elfecl as if no aceelcration had. occurred.
<br />20.;A..,,~m of;Renu;<\ppomllllCliIof Reeeher;Lender in Possession, As addilional ,,,,,"rityi)ereunder..
<br />lIefebY'.s~llilo Lender-tl\~renn ..llhe Property.provide<lthat Borrowe" shall. prior ((,.acceleration un<ler. pa
<br />here<jfor:ab.ndQnme,ttof.the Property, have therighttocoll.elandretain 'Uchrentsasthey
<br />. . . uilOf)"~leratj!ln' un~p.~p~: 18 hereof. or abandOOmentof the Pr~erlY, :Lender,. i~ perSl}ll;bya~V:llr'!>Y'
<br />Judi.cf, ,e~-,J.ect;tvcr-, -sb.;ijl:'be_-emlUed to -cnt:er- up-on.- -, tax.e. :pos.SCS$IO~::O[' a".~ '-'man.l.!g~ '-t~e::PrpP4rty:, a_~_d;;:t~l ~ ~9tlt!ct t ~~
<br />re11tt due. All remscollected by Lender or Ii)e.rceeiver shall.,beaPfl.}i<x/.firStJ
<br />eoUectitin of ,rents', -indtid-i-ng.::: _but.: ~o_t-)imile:~jp< r~~~-v~r:-~:{e,~
<br /><>~ieeeiver'sbOndsandrt~"nable attorneysees;andlhen !o.lhe .umssoeured liy this Deed of Tr\tsL..Lell.
<br />reeeiversbai1l1e'liablelo'aecountontyfopll<><erenlsaen,allyreceived... .. .. '. ....... .....; .
<br />2J~, l'itt....,Ad...ltC$O""" request of Borrower, Lender',a! Le!ldcr's oplion, prior to funroeo~~:r"nce
<br />bY'.~,~tU~H~e-':t'? ,_Bo~rower~-- may "f113ke -.Future :Advances 10 ,'Borrower. _Such"'~ltttlre-_ ~_dv_a_nces.,: whh-: i.n~~r_ thet
<br />securellbythi..DCi>dof TrusI w~en..videocedby pwmisspry nOles slating l!1atsaid notes are seeured !1ereliY. Ato\> ... . . ..... .'
<br />tht':. prindpal' 31l10Wit of the_ ind~bttdnC$_s _ secured tJy -I bis- Deed of T,rus!. - not- incllJding- ,~~ms--_adva,nced.-in- :~ccordatl{;~-'he~.~t~';
<br />!o proleetlhe security of Ihis Deed. of Trust, exccedlhe origi",,1 amount oltheNole. plus US S .,.....<d '.'.,',. :
<br />21; R~..'ey""cc. Upon payment of .n sumss..uredhy rhis DCi>d of Trust. l.endershan reqlleslTntsle~I"t~cOnv~y ..'
<br />Ihe.Properly ,andshalJ.sllrrendcr rhis Deed of Trust and all notes ev.idencing indeblednes:;.secllred liy Ihis Deed. "f. 'J'tust. .
<br />to Trustee. Trustee sbaH reconvey the Property without warranty and without _charge _(o-_the,-pe~()n:--or._"perso_~s-,'-lt~gu1_iy,-
<br />etltjded'ther.elo.- ,Such_petson-or persons shall pay aU cosls'of recordation. jf- any,
<br />Z_3.,-S1ibstitute Trustee:. lender, at Lender~s option. may from time tQ lime ,:rc_move -Tn~tee _and-, ;tppojn(/'a,_,s~c'c.cs~o"',
<br />tflJ$tee-to any_'Trustce appointed hereunder by an- ms.trUm~nl recorded ill the county," which- this:, Dee-d''-ofTru'S.t)s.,'recorde~L
<br />W_'thout coo~eYl1nce of the_ Property~ the successor trustee shaH succeed ,h) >\11 the tille,,'power_ ~1nd- :duties:'_confetntd ~l!p6n
<br />the Trustee herein and by applicable law. . ...... . .. . .'
<br />24. ,~e:q~t {(iF Notices. -Borrower requests that topt~S ~)f lhe nOlice of default ond notice of-sale be sent fO -Borrower's
<br />address which is the ProperlY Address.' .
<br />
<br />
<br />.€
<br />
<br />
<br />, - ~
<br />,
<br />
<br />, '/:, - ~:.
<br />
<br />-J 0 Q....
<br />f;..~ . ;:;.. .><1,~.. .
<br />Larry tI. Gipe /
<br />
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower has executed this Deed of TrusL
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA,. . Hall
<br />Onlhis """"""?~t. ,d~;~f:~: .19.83.
<br />
<br />duly commissioned nnd qualified for said county. personally came.
<br />
<br />.~q .. q "" "" "" .
<br />
<br />. . . County SS:
<br />. before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />. Lap:yr;.. ~J?El,. .cu;;i:!1g,l~
<br />. . . . , , . . . , ., to me known _ tr h~ _the
<br />instrumc-nt and acknowledged -the ex(' ution
<br />
<br />
<br />identical person(s),.whose name(s) arc subscrihed to the foregoing
<br />thereof lQ be.. . . hi;s . "" . . . . . voluntary acl and deed.
<br />
<br />
<br />::=:,~::.~ ""''';' =,"'.. -=e:. (i). .-;jj::::i'"
<br />1Jb€~ Rf:ZR:aNC'""'"~'''
<br />
<br />To T1\lJSTEE:
<br />
<br />The undersigned is the holder of the nole or notes .ecured by Ihi, Deed l1f Trust. Snid note or note.. logether
<br />with all OIlier indebtedness secured by !his Deed of Trust, have been paid in full. YOIl arc hcreby directed to ~ancel
<br />said note CrnOles 'lOd this Deed of Trust. whichnr" delivered hereby. and to reconvey. without warrant\'. all lhe
<br />estate now held by you under Ihis Deed of Tru>! to lhe person or persons legally enlitled thereto, .
<br />
<br />D~te;.....................,..... .
<br />
<br />iSpace klo..... This Lme- R~.,\~d ,.O~ Lender and Re!"~o'deq
<br />