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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />r <br />83_006699 Account No. <br />OPEN-END REAL ESTATE MORTG AGE <br /> <br />41748-0 <br /> <br />....._w..".~!.""..e..P.~. Brown"Il~..Ca.r.?1.:>:[\.K.~Bro"n, .hu"i:lSJ1d. s."ci\1ii:~ . <br />called the ".Mortgagor"', does. hereby mortgage !!-;{' kl;(;WlIlg de~o.:fihed (loa! t::~tate-: <br /> <br />............._ . hereinafter <br /> <br />....1.Q.!;.\L.:'11K!;Y....lQQ):...anQ...S.bty:.on!:'.. (p).) ...L.~. .H~igl:\t.lL .l'.ol!rth ..Sup.d.iv.illiQn.,....Hal.L.C.QuJJ.t:y.,......... <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />::::.f~~~::'~idh)ihi;;t,;,~:~::;:;..,.;~-h:~~'::7~~tri;.~~~~~;:~.~k;;~~~.~11'i~#';.ji~~~~;~:::.~;~'~i.~i~~~G~th.~.. <br /> <br />._~_~~_!:.~.._:.:.=~~:~_~...:.~..~.~.=-_~..~::-..~.~_.-:.~.=_=-.:~.~.~.~.~.: ($ ,??L?~~.~_?~m_ . . . .l.feCeljH or which is ht:reby acknowtedged.and in <br />consideration of covenants and agreement!'; hereinafter ~el forth: <br /> <br />PROMISSORV NOTE: ThIS mortgage is given to secure payment of the dmOlJot fll'1anced together wlth imerest, according to the terms of <br />the Mortgagor's promissory note of this datE', <br />ADDITIONAl. ADVANCES: This mortgage $haH \ectJre any additional amounts financed together with imeresf, which may be mada at the <br />mortgagee's option iH .aIW time- bP.fore the ff31ea~ -of this mortgagt.' provided, the aggregate amount secur..'" ,haii not exceed the maximum <br />amount permitted by law, except ..hat nathrna herem COni.-amed shall be considered as hmning the advances secured herein which -are made-to <br />-protect the -security or made: m accordance With covenants contamed in this mon.gage. Any additional advances, wit" interest, made by the <br />mortgagee to the mortgagors, or their successors In tltle, tor a!1V purpose. at any time before the release and cancellation of this mortgage, but <br />at no tlme shaH the aggregate ~lnClpal amount ~cured by this mortgage, being the amount due at any time on saId original note and any <br />additional advance-~ made, exceed the anginal prinCipal amount secured bv thiS mortgage, being the sum as set forth above, provided that <br />nothing herem coma;ned shall be considered <is Iimitlflg the amounts that shall be secured hereby when advanced to protect the security or in <br />accordance WIth convenants contained in the mortgage. <br />WARRANTY: The Mortgagor hereby covenants With the MO!'"tgagee that the Mortgagor IS lawfully seized of the premises. that the premises <br />are free from encumbrances; thln Mortgagor has good. ftght and lawful authoray to convey the premises. ",nd that the Mortgagor warrants and <br /> <br />~ll defend th-s title ~gamrt the lawful diHms of all persons whomsoever, \:Ixcept.,. ,. ..m... 'qnm_._..... . <br /> <br />. NO'EXCEPTiONS. <br /> <br />OWNERSH1P: If there ,~ Sfly change In the ownerShip ot the premIses by sale Or otherWIse, therl at the election of the Mortgagee the unpaid <br />balance of the amount fInanced mcluding additional amounts flfl~nced together with Interest shaH became due and payable at once without <br />demand or notice, <br />INSURANCE AND TAXES: The Mortgagor s.haH main tam fHe. wloduorm and extended COVi<:ra-ge Insurance upon the premIses In an amount <br />not less than the indebtedness due the Mortgagee wah a IQss--payable clause In fa\l'Or of Mortgagee. The Mortgagor agrees not to commit nor <br />permit waste on the premlsei. The Mortgagor shall pay all ~he taxes. l!:!''iles Bnd assessmef'ft$ upon the premises before they become delinQuent_ <br />In the ewrH the Mortgagor shall far! to obtam Insun:mCfi or pay HIX1!S and other liens before deliflQuent. the Mortgllgee may either pay thefT', <br />creating a tll~-f1 secured herebY' lor the amounts $... advanced together with mterest at the al1r'lUal percentage rate ot tvvelve percent 112%); or <br />consider Mortgagor in default <br />DEFAULT: The Mortgagor ''> \(1 defaUlt It any af the tlHms and condlt!ons of thIS mortgage Of the proml$s:)ry (<Qt': or notes secured hert;:, -';!: <br />breached. Upon default, the .vlthout oomand Of notice may deciare the el1tlfe debl secured bv ths mortgage due at once and lay <br />foreclose this mongage for the satisfactIon thereof. <br />RENTS: All renl,> iHld Droflts denved from the pre-mlses aT~ heft!cby aS1Ig!l;;!d 10 the Mortga~e and upon default such rents and profIts shall be <br />paid o;reClly to th-e MOHgagee to be applted ag~l\n$t the I.Jnpald batance of any Clnd all advances- se-cured hereby together with Interest. Upon <br />default the Mortgagee s-.t;alt be ermHed to tmmed18te p()Sse"lQ-fl of tne premises. The Mong-agor Irrevocably ilPPOlOts the Mortgagee and ItS <br />asstgn'i and SU(;Ces:JOr$. hiS i:lnotBeY.If1.fact !O rf>nt. manage and malrlHlUl thi! premIses ciS It deems best, and the Mortgagor further agrees to pay <br />said attorney a relt'$Ot1Bbl!;! fee for Siucn servIces, <br /> <br />"...,.,,;:~~~~;iwp"'.i3::::/..:.::....:..:.._..:...1.~.....~3: <br /> <br />.",.. ..... ............7J,..... ...m..... ~.... <br />X / l _ /J '7 ,~.1 A <br />,'J1.1.&!../HA:...f... ,k4fUzk!..... <br />CarolynrK. Brown . <br /> <br />SUTE Of~~.l>:r..S.I<"., <br />COUNT\' OF.Il..l.l.. <br /> <br />SS. <br /> <br />\1<->rtgagpT <br /> <br />He!..'!,:; i:l<', .'- "ioC_lIY Puhhc '-lUllllfH.~d for said ~ounty. personally came <br />Wallace D. Brown and Carolyn K. Brown <br />:u (;,10 ~!~:ll'"':~; i.:; .~~~ ti;~".I.J~~\t;l. d'ih.rt:r~l\n \', II'., :">1 ~~;~d ~.h~"f~~~~g~;;~-g-'i.~~-t~.~~;~~~..;~d..~~~~.;i.: <br /> <br />e-Q~('d the c),t't.:l.<i!...,ll th('r\,,)! tv ht' ._".,,~~~~.~. <br /> <br />!.;olunlilry a.;t and deed. <br /> <br />"IT~FSS m' h"nd~~~:l.~=~ <br /> <br />~'Har)' PUhlic <br /> <br />.......19..8.L <br /> <br />_..._-11....._ <br />CONNIE E. 0S1'IlIIIiWt <br />.,ClM.u.Il&H, _ <br /> <br />!>.-ty CQmmu.s;lln F~rH("s: ....tlax:ch. 1.0... ..1986 <br /> <br /> " 0 ~ <br /> :io .. :;:; <br /> , <br /> " '::" - ':....- <br /> " <br /> ~ .. a z <br /> .. ;; <br /> ;: ;j 0 <br /> :2 -i ~ " .... z Z <br /> '" ::> .... I': <br /> " iU <br /> ,,; 1 '" !:: ~ $ <br /> '" ~ a <br />--'-. ." i Ul ;" ~ <br />,S a: :t <br />.;. ~ ;; j () t; ~ <br />~ i " ~ ~ - <br /> ~ ~ ~ <br /> '1 u ~ a: z <br />! 3 .... Ul ..: <br />;:.t.l '" .~ ~ ffi ~ <br />" I .., ~ ~ <br /> ~ II. - <br />"- ! -. 0 7:, ~ <br /><:> I ~ ~! <br />::: ! 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