<br />
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<br />
<br />MOJlTG.AiGE
<br />
<br />
<br />This form'-'ls used--in'COftftectfOn
<br />w~-: mort~'-'inlU~'."tiri.dW;~~
<br />on..::- ~'-J~r~fat,nUY<:~OI',kn"
<br />thHI8(_.IH"""~9~' "I
<br />.
<br />
<br />rm$Mi)ittl.1A{J~i~andexe.:ritedJms22nd . day of D~elllber:A'D.
<br />1983;byaltdbetWtcln~untiang Phollllllat;avcngsa and TengPhOlltmsravongsa', husband andH.Ue
<br />
<br />..' of.~C~Qfi~"'ll . andSrate1lfNebrasks,;partYQf tlte1irsfpart; hetcinl!ft&.~d'
<br />
<br />thell(9~'~bwER FINANCIAL, INC.
<br />
<br />
<br />aroQlOrntil>l> organiud andexistingunderthe laws of Nebr;lska
<br />paIlY Qftbese<:ond PlUt, hereinafter caNed the Mortgagee.
<br />
<br />wfrNtiS$ETH'Tbatthesaid Mortlla8Qr. for and inconsideration of thesom of THIRTY . FIVE .. T!lO{lSANlJ
<br />;llld ontloo . . Dollars ($ 35,000.00 . ):paidbythe.Mort-
<br />gagee': tbereceiptof whicbis hereby acknowledged. bas Granted and Sold and by tbese presents does G.rant,' Bar.
<br />gain,sell. Convey and Confirm unto the MOrlgag!,!,. its successors and assigns. forever. the fonowing-described
<br />realestate, sitUllled in the .CounlY ofHa 11 . and State
<br />of Nebraska. towjl' 224 S. Vine, Grand. Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />
<br />Lot. Two (2), Block Three (3) , in Koehler Place, an Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall Coonty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />lil
<br />
<br />~~fleooll-
<br />
<br />)(~y~;
<br />
<br />TO HAVE ANDTO HOLD lbe premi""s a"'"", described. with alllhe appurtenances ihereunlo belonging and including
<br />;ill~p\!unbingand ligbting.fixturesand equipmentn"wor herea!ler attached to or used in connection withsaJd real estate
<br />unl\ltbe MOrlgllgee. "nd 10 ilSsuccesson and assign" forever. The Mortgagor represetlts to. and ",wenanls with. the Mortga.
<br />~.tlult the MO"l<llI!<Ir has good tigbl to sell and convey said premises: tltal they are free fron. encu01brance:and thaI the
<br />Mortaagprwill warrant and defend the .same against the lawful claims of all person. whmnsoever: and the said. Mortgagor here-
<br />bYl!Olil)quisbes all rights of h()mestead. and.U manial rights. either in I.wor inequity, .nd all other ,,,ntingent interest. of the
<br />Mtlttgagor in and 10 tbe aoove-Jescribed prtmise..the il\l,ntion being 10 convey hereby an ab.olule tille, in fee simple. includ.
<br />ina.Olfrigbts ofbOmestead. and atller right. and interes"'s .fore.aid.
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALW A YS. and these presents 1Ife e..""uted and delivered upon Ihe following conditions, to wit;
<br />
<br />11IeMongagor agrees to pay 10 the Mortgagee. or order. theprincipaJ .um ofTIHR1"i FIVE THOUSAND
<br />and OQl.1<lO DoUa,s($35.000.00
<br />
<br />),
<br />
<br />wilb in~~st Iron! dateallhe late <lWELVE and 50/100 per centum ( 12.500 %) per annum un
<br />the unpal.l.l:!alance until paid. The said principal andintereSt.haJI be payable at the ollic." of
<br />Tower. Financial, Inc.
<br />in1.incoln, Ne.bra$lta . or at such other place as the holder of
<br />the ~m.Ydes_ein writing, in monthly mOll"lmen.. ofTllREE HUNDRED SEVE NTY THREE and 54/100
<br />Dollar. ($ 373.54 :r. coounencing on lhe first day 01
<br />F.bz:wu'Y . .1~4. and on tb,e first day.of each m"nth thereafter until tbe prindpal and in.
<br />lerest.are f\llly.paid, ""cept lhat the final paymenl ()f pnoclpal and mlerest. If not ,,,oner paid, shall he du~ and
<br />paY#Ol\.!ho~-daJi of . Janu.a'i'l!,. 2014.: all accordinglu the ..nns of a cenain promis.
<br />sorYl\llle,ofc~"",<law berewilh~J<ecllt<dby t~said M<lfl/lagO/.
<br />
<br />
<br />The; Ml>l'IMYrin order.ill.we fully 10 prolecllhe.securily of tn;; Mot'tllalle.agrees;
<br />
<br />LTIlath,e.\tiili\1ll:Ythel~b!edness. as bereinbefor~provjded. Privjleg~is reserve4 to pay the debl in whole.. or in an
<br />~~~_o.r more monlhlypayme.nl$ OIltbe principallhat Ol'e next du~ on tbe nOle. on the first day of any montb
<br />ptji.!t.lt!llll!tlilily"Provided; bowev<<, TIlatwritten noti<:( of an intention 10 exerei"" ,uch privilege is !li".";lt least thirty l.lll)
<br />day"jl>l'iocl(>Jl@Ilaytl1alt'
<br />
<br />2;,~.iIIll:,.witl4and,itl ~tion tQ" themonlhlYP"ymenl~. 'Of principalandinlere" payabie ulldel Ihe term. "~I the
<br />l\Ol;I-~iIIll:#hy.JIMMO!'1M.'l'willPl'ytol"M(l(~,on thefifSld.y,of~hnt<)nth unlillhe ~.ltOle i. (nUy p<,id, the
<br />f!l!lc>......, .
<br />
<br />~,,~~,,~.eou...l '""~:s.w;." f.'_""
<br />
<br />.mliJlIt.",.
<br />'~lC
<br />
<br />STJ<'I'i: OF lIl1illllMKA
<br />HWb-4ln4-'J-M ~~19~
<br />l}4- cn~ ::')(l(ttOOI
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<br />