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<br />{6} That in the event any awards are made to the ~-o:-tgagors or their successors 1n interest ror takIng or t1amaglD6
<br />by the exercise of eminent domatn the whole or any part ot the mortgagoo premises or any easem.ant'there1n. the,: sald.
<br />awards are _hereby assigned to the Mortgagee; the Mortgagee Is _hereby' authorized to collec t. recel ve_, and .re_celpt
<br />thereror and to ap-Ply the same in payment or any Indebtedness, matured or- unmatured, secured by' this mortgage.
<br />(?l That 1n the event Mortgagors default in -the payment or sa.id prlnclpal sum, or or any installment _thEW8Qr';,:0J'
<br />df-,8.rtY lnt-erest t.hereon, at the ttme When t.he same shall be due,' or with respect to any covenant _or condlt1oJi--li~-
<br />of, then. at the optinn of Mortgagee, the entIre 1ndebtedness secured hereby shall forthwith, become due -af'^d-_'-P8Y_able;
<br />shall. bear- Interest at 'the de-fault- rate described In said note, and t..i.e _Mortgagee may Immed.Iately -torecloSe,:tJils
<br />mortgage or _pursue -a..'1Y other- avallable legal remedy.. -
<br />(en 11Iat;, in t.he event - action 15 brought to foreclo5e t.h1-s mortgage, the Hortgage~ _ shatl- 'be-_'_entltled :,'~o', (mnj~dlat;e
<br />~h~s~~;fn p~~;~e or~~~~;r;Ij~tfr~~ ~~~~~ court may appo1nt a rec-elver- to take possesSl0n 9!'" saId ,premt~es,.' '-"t1th
<br />
<br />(9) That fallure or delay, o! MOft;<;agee to exercls-e- a.ny or 1ts .rights 'or' prlvllegt)s--sha.ll-no.t'-be -cdns
<br />'WaIver thereQ!'; that ariS act cf Mf!I'tgage-e ~'al\11ng any $peclf1c d-etault or MortgagOrs_ Sh~ll--Iiot'--be" - _a$-:-;$;
<br />1i31v-er or !:'J17 rutur€- defaults; that 10 case of iierault In the- payment of, any amortization, ingtall~ents~ _, _ .,e:s:t;
<br />or-ln case or pa:lment by t1{wtga.ge-€> of a.n:/ Hen, .judgment, tal, Insurance, cost or expense-, -'or r~nts-. tees-,"or)'(jhtirS$$;
<br />SB-ld f"!,Crtgagee -shs-_l-1 'h.3-v€ tliC p!'lvlle~, w1thout declarlng the wbole' ~nt1-ebtjedne$s -due -and payable, 'to' tor:eglose,,::(in
<br />aCCOunt- or such specifIc der-aul~ fer $1jCh- i.;ums ft.S are in default and such t'oreclosure proceedIngs., -may'\1e'-h8.d"-'_and.
<br />the land descrlbfHl herein ms.y he 5(~ld, 3ub,lec-t. to- the unpaid lnde!:it&dness hereoy secured. and ',tb1-S, l1lortgage,-- Shal.t
<br />cont1nue as a ll("il for -?,n:..r ul}pal,1 baL1n~t?
<br />
<br />il0) That t.he Mortgagee may exten{j .1nd
<br />from 11ablUty a."~y p~.t,y liablE' tb~;,e-Gn,
<br />'1It thout n!'tectlng the prioriTy
<br />1 ;,debt~~\me:33, iSi.ll '''.1jc:n f'xten~;l! -::;rm.
<br />
<br />the mat,url ty -of and renew and reamorttze :saill- ,1nd&b.tedne'ss-~_-,'rete~e,
<br />'i.f;lf!~J.;e from the llen hereo.t' P?rttonz or - the'--pre:p-erty, c_oye,red-,herebjt:-..-
<br />!.labilIty of Mortgagors or any-other party f.ot'-the--,payment:ot',s-atd.'-;
<br />;tmeW~lS, a."ld re-amortl z,,'itlons to be - secured--h-ereoy.
<br />
<br />
<br />the part.!es hereto. thelr heirs, legal .repre,sEmt-atlves,-ani;t- a$~~gDs:~,:
<br />~'cni7,H,gQrS Nnin!.l tutes fl p,lrt. cr tr~e cons1deration ror- the_'_not~
<br />:::;h'_"lU ;~e 11. t rt'.rl.S fer , D1" '-.~Gnvey the 'property deS-Ci'lbe<Lbere
<br />!miebtedrress 1mmed1atel.v uue i'!.n!1 p-a:vat1e- and may:praceed:'.1,ri
<br />;:1 t,he tertlr, 0r the n:]:,e ant! mon:gage.
<br />
<br />se-t over. and conVey _ to_--norti;8_ge-e_,',all
<br />due and payable under.- any 0,11_._- g~;
<br />ex_1-st~nce, coverlng:-,tJlE! -abO''l1i_--ol-an~
<br />to the, indebtedness._ Sec1U"ed_--:h~re_b~:' a,r--
<br />or their ~Ucc'essors in- Interes_tl--_any-'or>~ll
<br />:'P.Uiln futt<t'-e sums.; ami without_- preJm1{-ce-
<br />':In\reyIlDp.e fJe-reunder- to Mllrtgag_ee- 0-1 safer .t~_P8:i
<br />t" -" r"Wl S10n fDr the i:ayment or redu-ctl.ou_,o!. the:'1l1Of,t-
<br />;,,;--,'vLied. ~n{ipp{>n1_e-nt of ~hi! mortgage l1en on:8~14;re~1
<br />!.fE" ~'t'1E'a.:;~ ,( thl~, -"'cn.ga~e or record, thIs conveyance --Shall
<br />
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