<br />I"
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE, ..... tbla ...._._,Wth _.__.___ day of _.!2~G...~~gL________ .
<br />___.--.J'IICHIAl ~NI~LSE~_~..N~_L.I.~DA J. NIElSEN, H~SBAND AND WIFE
<br />
<br />of Ha 11 County. Nebraska. as mortgagor S . and Home F<<lenl Savings and Loan Association of Grand "sl~d. '3 (Qrporation
<br />orpnized and existing under the taws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Orinld'lsland"Nebrasta;.-_as
<br />_:
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor , for and io considera'ion of the sum of THREE THOUSAND TEN. DOLLARS.
<br />. AND 50/100 n---------nnn-------n--n------fo:I.:::,,;:,:.-~p.;._~9lP.50 . . l,
<br />i ~.~~~;~:l;;t .J ~i~;llG: ;(,~,~
<br />therecei:pt of which is hercbyacknowled.ged.do___bythese presents mortgag:e~-~_~~~~~rsand85Sip$.-
<br />forever, aU Ihe followlngde5crihed feal ~tate. sJ(uatN in fheCOllntyof Ha 11 '-","""",.
<br />and State of Nebrll1ka. to-wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />T~Jgether wlth aB heating, IUt conditioning. l1ghti:ng. and p!umhlnJ( e-quipment und !LXLUtf..'~, mdudinJt" Jolcreen~. awnin~$. sturm window- nnd
<br />doors. and w~. sh~or blinds. used on or m ~:onnecllon tl..tth luud property. whether the S6mf' are now lQ(.'alCd on said property or !lcrcu{ler
<br />piaa..>d. then.."On.
<br />
<br />TO H.A VE AND 1'0 HOl.O T1U~ SAMB. toget.ilt't' wit.h all and singular tht: tenements. hertlditamenli:! and appurtenline~ thereuntO lu',
<br />
<br />longing, Qr in i<nYWi!ie ap~r1.aUIl.ng. lo-rever. and warrent the titre to trw M$mt!. SaW. morl!tBl(cr S her~by covenant with 'i~\.id
<br />
<br />mortgaget: that tht! Y ace, . ~t tht" dehvt"ry h~rooL the lawful ownl'r _5_ of t.h-e premises abnvt" nmveyed and described,
<br />
<br />~__ __~r~ $t!!iud of 8 good iIlNi mdef~:nble ~..sl41te of inbentwwe r.ht"rem. fr~ Bno dtlaf of l:llll'nC"ulllbrance&, and that thel. will
<br />warranlllnd deiend thP tiUf:' Uwlew fcre...~r aj(llmst- tht- chums snd demands of tiH pw-wn~ WhOmlKltl\'t>r,
<br />
<br />I')-ROVl DEl> AL WAYS. and this U\Slrum~J'1t is e:ltlCULed Ilnd deh"t!r~ (..t) ~~urt' tht' payment of thl-' sum 01 _ THR EE TH_Q~L?_A~.D I~N
<br />
<br />[lQI,.l,.A_R? ANP50/l0() ------------------------------ ["'lia",.. 3,010,50 )
<br />
<br />with int.et'eelt ~D, t.opther with. ~--uch charge;- and udvanres li5 may be dUt> and payable t<t:} !llUd mnrtg~Kt'4.\ under the terms and ('ondilion~
<br />
<br />of the plUmlssory note of even. date herewith and ~ur.,.rl herl"by. f'X~:ul<<l by siUt.l lTI(lrtgagot -S._. to sail.! mortgagte. Pllyable as Hpmst>tld
<br />in said note, and to -secure the J)tdormana:- of all the t-ermll and condilwns contained Lhm'~in_ The term~ of SRld note- are hereby iucorporatl-d
<br />....... by thia _......
<br />
<br />It is themt;entiQn ~ ~ QI the part_ M:relO that lhl-8 mort~ge JSh-alJ ei:;o S(>cure any future sdvanct.'s made to .said mortf(agor -,_$_
<br />
<br />by saUd mortpgee. and aD.)' and .Ii indeblbdneu in addition to the bmount above slttted whid. Rllid mortgagors, or an)' or them. may owe to
<br />aait!~. howt"ver e-vtdenwd. wbt"ther hy note. bouk account or otht'rwise, This mortgag~ sOOU remain in full fOTl:v tind (llf{.'('l betwf't'n
<br />the part. hweI.o and t..hW hetrs. penonal ~tal.lve~, ~U\-;(;i\"SSQ(S and iL"'llHgn~, until aU ~mountlt ~ocurOO hereunder, mduding: futHt!>
<br />Ildvanct'lll" are paid in full with inten!08t.
<br />
<br />The ~ s.._~ _ hueby usigD :'Q said mort-pgLlf: tI.U fflflls and lnt:omt! llr-t8ing at any a.nd all times from liuid properly and
<br />hweb,){ aut.hori&e sa)d ~ or lta .nt, at- Its option, upon default, t(;! take duU"~ of said pro~y bod coUe<:_t all rmll~ l:i.nd incmnt.
<br />th.cefrom .Ad apply the same to UW pay[ft@Qt of intarest, principal. in$-uranre prvmiums. taxes. aSSt.lS8Jt1ent..'i, reptiJrs ,,)r improvenwnt:i
<br />~-l4)ke8paid~)'" .m~ooaWUoc.-()rtoo~ cha-rgesor-payment.$ provided for heMn or in the oow htn-<hy ~ured. Thi)'i
<br />rent ~ shall continue in fon:e umu tbe unpatd balana- of said m.u: i., fuUy paid. The laking of Po&ws.slon heteund(:'r '!'h.!tU in no manO('f
<br />plVVMt- QF r<<..ttni Mki ~ in Ure -e.:olioction of said S~ by fO<<!closut't' or (.Jtht>_rw~.
<br />
<br />The fUlute of the' ~ to Il63ert any of its righta hereunder at any time shall not be construed as 8 waiver t.l-f its right (oJ;) It.ssef1..l-h(.
<br />$&DW-.t any ~ t.ime._.and to imust upon and enforce -:i'tt"k.'1. <"_omph.nee With alllh\l: t-ertt)S and provisU)n~ of saId note and uf this mor1g8gl"
<br />
<br />Jf Mid ~ _ S !OW eauae to be paid tv ~ moM;"*,~ ,-he entire amount (h.w It b~reund-t::r. and under dw terms and pruvi.-;ion:-
<br />at .... QQW henby ~ .i.nch.lding fu!.u.re adValll:ft. a.nd any e'nensWll$ Qr ~~wa1s theroof in l1CCQrdancr witt! tl:it! Lerum und provisioM
<br />
<br />~ and ifMid.~S._~___ .thaijeootply wit,h all t~ proVl.$!uD-li of did note and of this mortgage, then the&! p~nLs ~hall be \.'01<1;
<br />~to.......iabU1___ucitliW.udsaid1DOf'tp.g~tJhaI1~tmliu.d tQ the ~wno( all of Mid properly. and :t:nMy..-t)W Qpl~on,
<br />.....u......oIMidMle-ud.n~ ~~ lherebt to be inuned.iate!y dl.Jeand p3yabit1, and may foreclose-t.his m(H1.~aM't!
<br /><W' laIut...,. .u.. Ioopl...._ '" -' ita,;pt. AP~l ,.....<!d.
<br />
<br />.b.
<br />
<br />TbM ~.n.u h. biod.:i.nc t.tpo.tl auxJ .~ MUlti to the bfmefit 9f th'l- fiein. el:.e<;1Jl.ors, admm~tr8tors. Sllt'~ and -a!lnilj(n$ of tht'
<br />_..~.portioo ~,
<br />
<br />IN WIl'Wl:lSIl Wl/.tllWt', -~S- ha \16 ""''''>>(.0 _thejr.
<br />
<br />~~.l2...~_._
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<br />haml $.._
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<br />(~ l.hiY ,",nJ y~ .hr)i!i ..dwWf>
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