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<br />'1 i 2lISlI2-BELEABE OF MORTGACE-Cozpor_ 83..... Ci ceo 2 Huffman and Felton & Wolf. Walton. Ne, 68461 II
<br />, I ~)~ee8
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the paytne1lt of the debt named therein, the Fi rs t Nati ona 1 Baok of
<br />r-.. ii j Grand Island, Graod Islaod, Nebraska herefry releases the mortgage made ti>
<br />
<br />I. " I The First Natiooal Bank of Grand
<br />I' I Island, Gl'and Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />I 0.. the foUowing described real estate, to-wit:
<br />I The North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter(N~SEl.,NEJ,;) of
<br />, Sectioo Fifteen (15), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (IO) West of the 6th
<br />P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />by James D. Hruskoci and Eileen M. Hruskoci
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<br />
<br />i of Sect;"" 15 , in Township 10 Nort!) Range 10 West of the 6th P. M., Hall
<br />i COImly, Stale of Nebraska which is recorded itf<.iI>>u of Real Estate Mortgages, page ,
<br />/' of the records of said County. As Document 83-005903 .
<br />IN TESTTMOllfY wHgflcOFv1he laid First National Bank of,S:ra!1~hIsJaod has caused.
<br />. these presents to be executed 5y ,ts'preM!f,;t and its Corporate Sea/ t~ be a~~!F1ktelo t~ ?lst . . I
<br />
<br />1:'=0,,,"" .......... .... ... .m .,.83 ,,~_~:~:i:.\.'i.1
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<br />' Nebraska AIIest /~~~~1~''VI~~~'~~eside~t U;itMH~~
<br />STATE OF.. '" .... . . . . 'lss. On this...flst.:'_day of......Rgj;!'.@Gt..............., 19.?~..1
<br />. .... " . . .. ... ...". ~a.1~ty J before me, the uru:iersigned, a Notary Public in and for I
<br />said County, peniOnall~~:ii~~~~Conl1er,. ....... ...tK~.@.t.t'/.~ V.tc~:-, President of the I
<br />E.!.rH .r.!j1tjQ!19L~~('~;J ~~l~tn ~rand lslijop, .N~q,a.?!ci1. :.. . . .a Corporation f
<br />to me personally kno , bll.'p. ~t: d Identical person whose name IS affixed to the above release and t
<br />acknowledged the ex ti<lrI th~t.~,! b!i hi voluntary act and deed as sucll officer, and the voluntary act and I
<br />deed of said C<>rporat .,i,nJ;Lthat it~(.e'~ te sea! was thereto affIXed by its authority. I
<br />W't h d '",..;;;;;;:C.w..l',./ Gi'aod r, 1 and . 'd C h.d d 1
<br />1 ness my an an :".."...,,~.>'.... ......... ...'........" ..".......... ......., ill sa! ,ounty t e ayan year I
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<br />last above WritUm.Z:.....,:?,."..". 19R1 7lf1fJr:t/!./!1;h1lJ&~ry P~~~c I,....
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