<br />?ll'RCllA$El'll:ll'lU
<br />wrnr DUE~ON~SALE
<br />ADDEND\m
<br />
<br />This form is used in connection
<br />with mortgages: insured ..under -the
<br />one- to four~farnily' provisions:_of
<br />the N8:t1onal- HOUsing Act. -
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. made and execuled this 19th day of December
<br />19 83 . by and. between Allan J. Hemmer and Gail E, Hemmer, Husband and \-fit e
<br />
<br />83- 008664
<br />
<br />.A;D:
<br />
<br />of the County of Hall ,and Slale of Nebraska. party. of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor. and Tbe Secretary. of Housing and Urban Development.. Washington, Ul!;C.
<br />His successors or assigns,
<br />
<br />:tI~ 1- "'~I!I...4......a._fc
<br />party of tbe second part. hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH, Thatlhe said Mortgagor, for andin consideralion of Ihe sum of Seventeen thousand and nollOO
<br />______________________________....Dollars (Sl7 ,000 J. paid bylbe Mort.
<br />jj8gee. Ihe receipI of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these. presents does Grant, ~ar.
<br />gain. Sen, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns. forever. tbe foltowmg-descnbed
<br />real estate, situated in the Counly of Hall . and Slale
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />
<br />All of the easterly 32 1/4 feet of the north half of Lot eight (8)
<br />of the Countv Subdivision of Part of the south half of the south-
<br />east quarter' of Section Sixteen (16). in Township Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />of th~ Si,\th Principal MeriJian. "':l.nt.alnin~ 10 all -____....___________________ ane.;, iH;,urding to Gr,.
<br />!l1c-nt surve-y:
<br />
<br />TO HAVE :~ND TO BOLD the premb.e,,- ah\.w(. dc,\.:nhed. with ;ill the appurtenanc~s thereunto helonging and including
<br />:lU heating. plumbing ~nd hgtning tl'\lurc-s ~tnd equipment now or hereafter att~,ched to or u~ed in connection with S~tid real estate
<br />unto the Mortgagee. <Iud to lts S\H;:ce~S(1rs and l1~sigtl'r., torev(,L The- Mortgagor rcpresenb to. llllC covenanh with. the Mortga~
<br />F.;ee~ that the Mnrtgag,-}( ha~ gUt_)d ri~ht to sdl and t.:onve~' ..."d premi-'ie!lo~ thaf they arc free fro.m encumbram.:c: and that the
<br />Mortgagor wiit w;urant and defend the ':t~mH.' again':\-! the lawful claim.. 0-( all pefM,lnS whOIH>i;OcveC and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by retj~hes :\H righh of hi.)fne~t(ad. ,-\nd aU martial rights., either in I~w or in equity, and all other cuntingent interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in and h,) the alxl\-e..o(~l'rlbe-d prcmi~e~. the intention being (0 C\)n\'ey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple. includ-
<br />ing all rights of homes-tead, and other ri~hh and inleresb;'h <-Ifore\~thJ.
<br />
<br />PROVll>ED Af~v.,.'A YS, and the\c prt's~nh are executed ilnd de!ivr:red upun the fotlowing conditions. to wit:
<br />
<br />.n.., MortlWgor agIee, 10 pay I.. the Mortg;ljeee. or order. lhe principal ,um..f seventeen thousand and noll00
<br />-~~------------------------------Ilolla" ($ 17,000.00 }.
<br />
<br />with interest from dat~ at the rate Of eight pel' (1?Iltum( 89'(>) per annum on
<br />the unpaid balance until paid. The ,aid principal and inler.,l ,hall be payabl.althe ollice of U. S. Dept. of Housing
<br />and Urban Development
<br />in Atlanta t Georgia . \}[ at such other.placc as the holder (If
<br />the oote may designate in wriling, in monthly installment> Qf one hundred twen ty-four and /8 I 100-------
<br />-----------------noUat> 1,1/.4.78 i. conunendng on the first day of
<br />February . 19 84, and un the tir"l Jay of ca~h month thereafter until the prirn.'ipal <loti in-
<br />lerc'\t are.- funy paid. cJ\.(ept that the ttnai payment of prirn:ipal ,'"0 illterc.\l. if not ",O\)O(':f paid. "hull Pc due ;tOO
<br />ptl)'able 00 the first day of January .1991.t1l ~cl.:-ording to the: !crm\ of a cerli.11n promi~.
<br />:;hI~ei~e~"i:\':~b~"Jeh~~~~~g~'edhythesaidM"'t-r. This mortgage is subject to the addendum
<br />
<br />The M~ in order mOf-e fully tn prouxt the st'l;urity of thJS MQrtgage. agrC'n:
<br />
<br />L That be-wit! pay the indebtedMs,s. us hereinbefore provided. Privilege i~ re~trve:d to pay_the debt in wlwle. or in an
<br />~ equal to QM: Qt more mtlil-th1y payments. (.in the. principal that afe next due on lhe note. on the fir~t dav of an\' month
<br />prior tu 4ftii:Ultity-: Pr-o\tHkd. m'lwc,ter. Tb8t written ootk-e- of an intentKln to t\ereise Slh.:h privilege is given at 'lea:St thirty (:l\H
<br />day, prw ll>.ptqayment. .
<br />
<br />2. Thllk~betWithi 000. in ..uition 10. the monthly pa,ment' or principal .00 inkIest payable unde, the terms uf Ihe
<br />_ _urooiheteby.11M! Moo...... will 1", to the Mt)rt~. on lhe first day of e."b ",onlh unlil the sai~ nllle is fully poid. the
<br />. ,..........,,,,
<br />
<br />('.\'1:) Amotmt- wffit:knt to rfO\'lUt' tilt holder hereof with funds hl pay tho HI.l'Xt [nottgage inSUfilfK"t' pre11lHift1 jf tillS
<br />l:flltrumont ~ dtt nnlt- ~Ufed. hereby life in~rtd-i or ~ munthly dlarKe (in lu.'u 0/4 mf'tflt<<f(' iffSUlflHC(' pl,("
<br />lJIiumjtf tIwy ..olb:ld l)y-the Se....t..)' 01 H<.>ustng ...d Urban De..lopmenl, as follow.
<br />
<br />(n tf and ;"'1 h>Jll31 ,Jaid rmte- of -even d..C!' ll_nd lhts U!MH.uuefJt af\" IU'IllUlc-U or ;Ht' It>HlSUl~li lwd.c:l the- pro.
<br />\"kk.m$ of t1ti -SaUotul UtJ~ ht. at~ ~mount ~uUki:trit tq :il:i,:um_"dat~ no- tfH." t\JJtd:s Of tflt' hnlucr Pil.:
<br />
<br />5' Ale OF NE.Ill<AlIKA
<br />HUf!{)')1e~~M tf}'~Qi
<br />,>~ CH~ }'(!J 1 !!Jfl .J! ,~H
<br />
<br />~t.~2l-Gtl.~MrI'r k'{~Ol'tftf~'f fI<l fil~'tfi!ff
<br />