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<br />Plat of . tract of land ~rising part of Lots Four (4) and Five (5), ~1ainl"'d, and part of
<br />Lots Ole (1) and Two (2), ISlald, together with the accreation land thereto, afl situated in
<br />the Soutooast quarteT (SEla) of Section Thirty-Six (36), Township Eleven (11) North, Range
<br />'!en (10) West of the 6th P. ~L in Ball Col.llty, Nebraska, 1IDrt' particularly described as
<br />to llows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at a point on the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. liighway No. 281, said
<br />point being Ole Huldred Fifty-Seven (157.0) feet ..cst of the southeast comer of said
<br />Section ndrty.Si.x (36); thence westerly alonR the sooth line of said Section Thirty~Six
<br />(36)) a disullce of Two n.,usand Five Hmdred Fifty-Nine mld Fifty-Seven Hmdredths
<br />(Z,SS9.S7) feet to the southwest comer of said Lot '!\ro (Z); thence deflecting right
<br />1000 :\.1' 14" and rl.llning nortlr:rly, a distance of Three t1l.1ldred Forty-()nc and Sixty-Three
<br />H1.Ildredths (341.63) feet; then<:e deflecting left 08" 48' 14" and nmning northerly, a
<br />distance of One Theus.."j 'IWo Htndrcd Forty-(m, ....d Fifty-eight IImdredths (1,241.58) fee
<br />toa point of curvature; thence nortlr:asterly along too arc of a curve "rose radius is
<br />Z,393.32'. (the lClll <bon! of which deflects right 490 31' 46" fmm the last described
<br />course), a long <bord distana> of Ole Thousand Se""n IIl.1ldred forty and Flfty-One Hut-
<br />dredthsn,740.Sll f""t to the northwest comer of the Northeast Quarter of the South-
<br />east Quarter (NE\ SE%); thence easterly along the north line of said Southeast Quarter
<br />(SE%l, a diston"" of Ole IU>dred TWanty-Eight and Eight Tenths (128.8) feet; tlr:nce de-
<br />flecting right 89'> 46' 39" and lUU'ling southerly, a distlllce of 1Wcnty (20.0) feet;
<br />thetlcc eas:terly parallel to the north line of said Southeast Quarter (511la), a distan""
<br />of'On!> Thousand Se_ty-Eicht and Six Tenths (1,078.6) feet to the ....Sterly right.of-way
<br />line of said Ilii....y No. 281; thence southerly along said highway right-of-way line, a
<br />din..."" of'lWo Tho_ Six Hutdred Seven and Fifty-Nine ftmdredths (2,607.59) feet
<br />to the place of beainnina and CXIIltainina 133.211 acres mol'<! or less.
<br />
<br />I hereby certify that to the best of my kno>tledae and belief, the oc","",anying plat is
<br />fl'Olll an a<:curet<: survey of the described property IlUlde under my S>lpetv;;;lon.
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<br />Jl.IlO 7 1983
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<br />EXHIBIT 1\
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