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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />2307 Apache Road. Grand Island. Nebraska 68801 <br />(Property Address) <br /> <br />The Note ......... prov\siOM aII<MriDI lor dlllllps in tile ~...... II tile ~.. rale <br />1....-, llIe Borrower's III08IIdy PM_Is will k ......,... II Ik Inlenst..... _. tile <br />_.1lIOIIdIIy paymeats will k lower. <br /> <br /> <br />ADDmONAL COVENANTS. In addition to tbe covenant and agreementS made in tbe Security Insrrument,BorrowerancU..em!er' <br />further covenant and agree... follows: <br /> <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY P.' YMENT CHANGES <br />The Noce provides for an initial interest rate of _-1.1..-._"10. Section 4 of tbe Note provides for clwnges in theinlerestrale and the <br />monthly payments. as foUows: <br /> <br />4. '!v,EREST RATE AND MONTHL Y PA YMENTCHANGES <br />(A) ~1lII... <br />Tbe intereSt rate" I 'Will P3ymaycha.naconthe,~~dayof FRhrllelrV 19115--. and <br />on that day -of the- month every t 2 months thereafter. Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a "ChalllC Date. " <br /> <br />(II) Thel....,. <br />IIettinnint! with the lirst C"""-" Date. my IOt.....t rale ....ill be based on an . 'I ndc..." The Index is tbe weekly average yield on United States <br />Treasury """ritic! adjusted In . constant llllUUlity of . nnp years. as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. Tbcmost <br />recent Index figure available as of 45 days bef""" <aclt Chan.. Date is called the "Current Index." <br />If tbe Index is IW I_nailabie. the Note Holder "ill cboos<: a new index whicb is based upon comparable infonnatlon. The Note Holder <br />will live me notice ut its choice" <br /> <br />(0 CaIaillIlIoa of ~ <br />Before each <..'11ange Date. the Note Holder wUl \.'llkuiatc my new interest rate by adding t',I'!; ..n~_h~ 1 f pcrcenraae-points <br />( /::; ...) 10 tbe CurrCrlllndcx. and roondina to the neatcst 1!8~. The sum \lIi'iU be my new interest rate. The minimum interest rate <br />on thi! loan will be: no ks1 than '3 '.::. ~. Tht maximum jntuot rate on this loan will be no more than 1 II S tJo. <br />Tne Not. Holder willlhen determmc the amount of t,", !11Qnthly paymml that would be ,ufflcient to repay in full tbe principal am <br />expected to -O~ on the O...a.nge Date in mbstantiall)' equal payments by the maturity date at my new interest rate. The result of this ca.iculation <br />will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br /> <br />(0) Effeettft illIto.., ~ <br />My new inter... rate ,,'il! become: eff...i~on each Cbaose [)air. I will pay th. amount of my new monthly payment beginning on the IIrst <br />lltOl1lhly pa_ date after the l..'11anll" Date until the amount of my monthly paYJOOllt cbang.. again, <br /> <br />(I!,) N....ofCllups <br />The Note Holder will mail or deliv... to Ole a notice: befo", each (bani. Date. Th. notice: will advise m. of: <br />(i) tbe new intCRSt .... on my loan as of the CltanJe Date; <br />(uI lbe ........nt of my monthly payment following the CltanJe Date; <br />lii/) lItly additional matters which tbe Not. Holder is required to disch.>se; and <br />(iv) tbe tide and triepItone number of a person who will ans...... any question I may ha~ "'.....ding the nOlic.. <br /> <br />B. CHAlKiESt UENS <br />"UIlifonn COYe!lll1lt4 of the Security In.strtllDot1t is amended to read as foUo....., <br />"'~"'. <br />>.t. ~ ..-.. Bonower ,hall pay all taxes. assessmen.... and other clwges, fines and impositions attributabl. to the Property which may <br />~ttain a priority over Security InstJutnmt. and IeaseIlold paymenu of ground rents. if any. in lh. manner provided under paragrapb 2 hereof <br />Or. if not paid in such tnlUlDt:f. by lIorrowet makina payment. ...ben d.... directly to ,b. paY"" th...eof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />l..ender all -'<:eo of _u due uncles' .his _II. and ill !be ..ent Borro_ shall mal<. payttH!nt din:ctJy. Borrower shall prompUy <br />furniob to I..cndet JC<<lpU evidencint such payments. Borrow... ,hall promptly dUclw.. any tien wbicb has priority ov... thi. Security <br />J.asu-.itoftvor. Borrower _not be required to _.. any ouch tien so long as Borrower: (a) shall agree in writing to the payment of <br />tile obIipI:ioo __ by such ben in . llWIJltt aa;q>table w Lender; (b) !bal/ in ttood fai,b contes' ,uch lien by, or defend qainst enforcement <br />of...... !llin l8. lepi ~ which in the opinion of Lender 0_ to pr<vent t,", enforcc:menl of the lien or forfeiture of the 'Property or <br />_ '*' lIltawf; or (~I shaII_ from the holder of >ucIl1i... an _r in a form satisfactory to Lend... subordinating _b lien 1<> this <br />Seaaitr lnsuvmcnt. <br />If ~ ~tlllU all", any part of tbe Propmy " .ubjQ:t to . lien ..bleb may .ttain a pnurity over tlm Securlty Instrument. Lender <br />tIIilalltiw ao.-. DOlia: ide'ntifying rocb ben. Bono_ shall "'tisfy such lien or take one or more of I.he actions..I. forth abo.e within ten <br />_of llw iii... of tbe aoclcc. <br /> <br />c )IIOIIQ <br />~.C- 14 oflbeSewtlty IllItt\Imlmt is amended to read.. follows: <br /> <br />M. ~ ~ 'or...y _let '*i~ \IlldeJ 0lJIliiaIble law to be Ii- 1ft lUlOther manner. {IJ any notlet to Burro_ provided fol. in this <br />~ ~... be Ii- It,- ddimitla k or by maiIlII& It by finl.w. ..110.8orI'Ower at tbe Property Address or at 'IKh otber address <br />.. s.r-1llIJ ~ It,- -'"" to 1.A:nd<<.. llf<!Vi<led bereiJt.. ud (b) any notice 1.0 Under shall be !liven by fi.... class ..I to L.nder's <br />............... 0<. itt...... "'"*' ~ at Under....,. ~l. by _.... t" 8orro_.. proYide<l hem". Any !Wti<. provitkd for in this <br />........ltt~ oloaII be~ \i>1l.a~ ...... "..... to tlttrt........", lomder...hen,.Vtn In the man.... ~t.ed heran. <br />
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