<br />83_ 006659f
<br />
<br />by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking. wi'h the balance of the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br />I f the Property is. abandoned by Borrower t or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle. a
<br />claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is mailed. Lender is authorized '0 collect and
<br />apply tbe proceeds, at lender's option. ei,her to restoration or repair of the Property or '0 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any sucb application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due
<br />date of the monthly in!tallments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Nol RdNsed. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sum. secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner. the liability of the- original, Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time- for
<br />payment or otherwise modify amonization of the sums secured by tlUs Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower
<br />and Borrower's successors in imerest.
<br />11. F....-.... by ~ Not. Wai..... Any forbelU1tlk.'e by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded
<br />by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. The procurement of insurance or the payment of
<br />taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of t~e indebtedness secured' by this
<br />o-l of Trust.
<br />12. ll_ Cumulo'h". All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right or remedy under W.
<br />Deed of Trust or afforded by la'l'1 or equity. and may be exert.ised concurrently. independently or successively.
<br />13. s..ccaoon ODd Auips Boa....; JoID'ODd Sev_ Uobillty; CoplloDS. The covenants and a~ents berein contained shall bind, and
<br />lhe rights hereunder shall inure to. the respective s.uccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions- of paragraPh 17
<br />hereof. .-'\.11 covenants and agreemenu of Borrower shall be joint and severaL 111e captions and headings of the paragraphs of [his Deed of Trust
<br />are for c.onvenience onl)' and an: not to be wed to Interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Nodct'. Except for any notice reqUired under applicable law to be given in another manner. ta) any notice to Borrower provided for in
<br />this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Horrower at the Property Address or at such other address
<br />as Borrower may designate by notice to lender as provided herein. and (bj any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail. return receipt
<br />requested. to Lender's address staled herein or to such ot.~cr address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any
<br />nmice provided for in this Deed of Trust shaH be deemed to havC' been ~p\!en to Burrower or Lender wnen given il~ the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. VRlform Deed of Trust; GoWl'lliIll Law; Snt'RbiJity. rhis form of deed. of trust combines uniform covenants for nationaJ use and
<br />non-uruform co....enants wtth limited \'ariations by }unsdkllon to constit~lte a uniform se<.:urit)' instrument covering real property. This Deed of
<br />rrust shali IX" go\"C'::rned by th(!' law of the JurisdKllon in which the Pro)Xrly IS located. 1n the event that any provision or clause of tbis Deed of
<br />Trust or the Note contlkts with apphcdble law, \tich conflict .illa.I1 n01 affect other provisions of this Deed of Twst or the Note which can be
<br />gl\'W C'fTet't without the rontlj1;ljn~ provu'ion. and to thn. end the pro"'lsion:>i Of the Deed of Trust and the Not.e are declared to be severable.
<br />16. BorroWft"1 Cop)'_ Borrower shaH b<: furms.hro a ':!Jnlonncu ,op)' 01 the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the. time of execution or
<br />aft(:f rt'('ordauon hereof.
<br />l'7. fr.-adn- of ttae PrOJ)tny; A....pdoA, H Hll or any part 01 the Property or an interest {herein is sold or transferred by Borrower
<br />\\lthoUl Lender's prior \HHtrn consent. excluding (<lJ the ..:re-auon of a ben or enc-umbr;;.nc:e .';ubordi~..r.his ~~h..(!~.t~~~~~~~tion of
<br />a purchase money s(."Cunty mter~t for household ap-pllan('o. {q a transfer by d("vl~e. dCs.l."CtH or bY~hm>oJ~~ oila joint
<br />t~am Of (d) the ~rant ot any leascltold tnterC"'il of ;.hrec ~.ear\ OJ ks~ not contammg an option to PW;fh_:~\:#~ tna;t~t Le~'" flurion.
<br />dC\:iarc ali the ~um:s ~ured by tn-is Oc:ed of Tru~1 10 tx lmmethately due and payable, Lender :shall have w&ived~s'ub6"i'ohtrb.iifO'a~el ,f.C if.
<br />rmor to the sa.ir or tran.'ifer. i.enacT and the peUt){l to 'khom the Pmpc:ny l~ tn be soid or transferred n:ach agreement in writing that the credit of
<br />such person t~.sausfa...,ory to Lender and that tht lfilt'rest payabie on ,.he sums secured by this J:Xai of Trust :'ihaJl be ai such rate as Lender shall
<br />requesl. H Lender h~ Ww..-ect the optjUllto accdenut pnwlded m lhl:i paragraph 17, and if Borrower',,; successor in interest has eXC'CUled a
<br />wrtUtn a.uumption agrttITu:m accepted m wfHit\g t.y 1 ffider, 1 cnder shall release Horrowt"f from all obligal1ons under [his Deed of Trust and
<br />!h~Nl)le.
<br />If 1 etkkr exetnseo. such opClon w aC\;~leraie. l ('nder ..hall mall Bt.)rHlv.~r ;)Otl~t' of a;.:(eleration Ul a..:cordanc.:( with paragraph J4 hereof.
<br />Such nolia: shall provide a period of not l~ than j{) days from the datI': the notIce 1:;' rmuled \\ithin whi~h Borrower may pay the sums declared
<br />Jue. if !klfro..-er fails 10 pay ~u\,':b sums pON to the ~.'plratJon {)f ..u....h f-'l('tlod. Lender may, wlthollt further noti'e or demand on Borrower,
<br />invoke liny remt'di~ permitted by paragraph I ~ hereof
<br />
<br />NON~UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrow~ and Lender funtter i.;w'tenant ano a~ree ~ follow~:
<br />II. A__: Remedios. Exntll .. ....0._ ID porqropll n """"'f, .poD lIorro......s breodl of IDY COVCDoat 0' ..""''''''DI 01
<br />1Iom>.....1. IiIIa Deed 01 Tnaot, I~ .110 co'''''.DlS 10 poy ....... d.... oay ...... lleCUJ'ed by Ihls Deed 01 TMlJt, I",....... prio.. '0 ._IIoD
<br />.- Ddll .olIn 10 Borro..... .. pro."" Ia ..........pIt 14 _, spodfylDll' II) tllo bl'N<b; (2) lIIo acllOD ""101.... 10 c..", s""b breodl; (3) a
<br />dote, DO' .... IIwI 30 days from lIIo <W. of Dotlc:e Is aulled 10 Borro...... by ..bleh _h bl'N<h 18...1110 ...ned; .ad (4) 11..11 foil"", 10 c"'" I""h
<br />...... OD.... bd_.. do.. "llCCifIed iD 1IIo.__y _.ID ...",.".,.1I0D 01 1IIo.......lleCUJ'ed by thls Deed of Trusl.1Id _ 01 tllo Property,
<br />lloe _ .- fartller itaf_ _ 01 .110 riP' '0 _II'" of.... ___IIoD .ad tllo rlabt to briDe . .0..... aclloD '0 ....... tIIo DOD-
<br />_ of. ~......y _ oId_ of Borrow... '0 lO<ftienlloo _ _. If 1110 bl'N<h Is Dot ....... OD or IIof_ 1110 d.I" .podfled Ia lhe
<br />DOlite, ........t LeacIfl". oplioII _y dedue 011 of .110 1Il....lleCUJ'ed by thla 1_ of T.....I to "" IDlmedl..ely due .1Id poy.hie wllllo..t lul'lhfl'
<br />daaud _moy iDv.....1IIo pow....f _ _ oay 0..... ~ .........ned by applicable law. [",ad... ah.n "" ..lIt1ed '0 colIec'.U reuonoble
<br />..... _ .._ _1a....naiD& Il1o retDedla p,o._ID 1Il1a ""","",11 18.lnclttdiaa. b..1 Dol Umlled 10. "","onoble .1I0"",y's I....
<br />If ,110 power of _ Isltl.oked, T_'- t'C<<mI . Dotlc:e of oId.ulllD _b .o..oly 10 wbleb t"" Pro....rty or some port tho.....f ..1....led
<br />_ .- _ eopIoo of _ .otke ltl.he _ ...-ri_ by .pplkable I... 10 1IotTo.."r and ,<, tho othn peno.. pracri_ by .pplkable
<br />Ia.. Aftff tIIo ~ of _~ _ .. _y 110 """'""" by opplleoblo Ia... Tnm.. -lIn ....bIIc BOrke of sale to t.... .....0.. .1Id iD ,.... tDODD...
<br />~ by IQIIIlltalIIe Ia... T.......... wItIIolot daaud OD Borrow..., .boIl",," ,"" Property.. ....bIIc .""lIoD 10 I"" hllb... b_ .. ,"" 11m"
<br />_ ...... _ ......... Iloo _ ~ ltllloo ..otke of _ID ODe Of 180'" ......... .M in lIleb 0_ .. Trus... may det_. T.....toe may
<br />..-- .... of 011 or all) """'"' 01Il1o I'ropor1y by p..bIlc .D__ol .. I.... ti.." aad pl... 01 .oy pre.lollliy .._oled .Ilk. I",....... or
<br />......... ...... _y ~ ."" I'ropor1y ...oy sale.
<br />l'_....... of po_, of,,,,, price lrld, T_._ dell....." tllo po"","- r"",...,s deed coD."yIDllI"" Property $OkI. Tb. "",11.10
<br />Iloo T_'. _.- ""..... lode...w..- of 1IIo.....t11 of I"" ..."'..... _ 1_.. rr...... _ .pply ,"" p.._ 011""..1e In 1M
<br />'--........., '.1..... ____ _ 01Il1o "".Inclltdl... "'" aotllwle<I.o. 1''''.1.....1... .1..0118..." Iboa , MIA, ,<',
<br />of Il1o _ .... ........ __ ,,"-'. f_ .1Id ...... of IIlk .._; fbllO 011 .u.... __red by thls l_ .f 1'1'tl!I1; .nd !t'llh. ....... II
<br />",,10 Il1o_ ...._lopIIy..Il_ _0.
<br />.9" ..............1tiaIM $0 ~,. Ntltwtth:,l.illWUlJ L~fidcr'.s. Rl,;:l.;d~ration N th.: t'\!01~ S.CCUtt'd h'T thi) lJnxl ~)t ll'u!>-t. BorroVot"' shall h.a.,.{"
<br />n.tt Hlbl ft.> M\'~ arry f\foc~t1j:~ brIun P)' Lender lo euh:~i.:e {ht~ [)cw tH TtlHl dt'lt"l'ontlnu('(j at any t1fn(' p.fhJI \0 lhe (,;;Hh(,f h) l~,:Ut \)t il\ !h;:
<br />!iJth del' tx't(Ke 1M- w.k of the rH~ty pur~ua.1l1 to tilt '}."U-wu of ilak: ~"t~H"tl<'U m dth I:~ ".r Trml. or jll) t"l1h)' (11 ~ ludgm('Ht ~nh\(\:lfI~ ltH~
<br />~:~ (4 'fr~ if- ~&) lk"-!l)\ll't':( p.Y\ Ltnd~f aU 5un~l which wHuM tJ< lh.m -.lu('" \,md~ !h,. l~.Q o! Tnnl. the N~l:r .-wd N~!(" 'jjX'Unllj( f IHUlt:
<br />