<br />,,';o,;;;;~{
<br />
<br />DmmORTRUST
<br />
<br />
<br />I"
<br />
<br />TfUSDflEDOPTRUSTiscmadelhlS 13th day of December
<br />19~.lllDOIIJtheTruilOt, DANIEL R. CRONK AND LYNN R.,CRONK. husband and wife,
<br />(bereurf'Bimower"). AREND R. BAACK. attorney at l?w .... ~.....' .. .... ................. ..... ... .
<br />(hereinuTruslee'-'); and the Belldk:iary, HOME FEOERAI.. SAY1NOSA LOANAS$OOlATlONOF ORAND,ltiANDyjNI;';
<br />a~OfIIIIi>:eclaDdexisllngUDdcrthelawsof NEBRASKA whoseaddre9sis, 221 SOUTHLOCU$T..P,O;;.~..:1";.,
<br />GltAND.ISLAND. HE _ (herein "LendeI'''), . .
<br />BOIUI.OWER, in considemtionof the indebtedness bemn recited and the II'U$l hereincreated.irl'evocablygrants amtCOD.~toTrUstell;'
<br />in tnlSt, with power of sale, thefollowing described property located in the County of HALL
<br />Slate O'f Nebraska;
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />-mcb has the oddress of
<br />
<br />2307 Apache Road~
<br />(STREE11
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />(CITY)
<br />
<br />Nebraska 68801
<br />(STAn; '" ZIP CODE)
<br />
<br />TOOllTHE1l with aU the impro_ now or bcmlfter erected on the property, and all _en.., rights, appurtenances. rents
<br />(subject bow1Mr to the riIbts and aulboritics Ii- bemn to Lcnd<r to coUo:t and apply such reo,,), royalties. mineral, oil anti ..... rights anti
<br />profits, _, _er ........ and water >lock. and all fixtun:s now or hereafter attached 10 the property, all of which. incIuditta replacements aDd
<br />atIdiIions thereto.lW be dcaned to he aDd muin a part of the property covered by this Deed of Trust; and all of the fOtelOina. toaether with
<br />said propony (or the Icuebold _ iftllio Deed of Trust is 00 a leNeboId) are It.....n referred to.. the "Property";
<br />
<br />----lherc:in "Property Addras");
<br />
<br />TOSl!CUllEto Leader (a) the __ oftheiodebtedllcsuvidettced by Borro~'f noledated December 13, 1!:!63
<br />(hcnin "~"),inthe~IWIlof tIGHTY SEVEN THOUSAND AND No/lOO--------------------------DolIan,
<br />widi -.- ~ pnMdiaa for ~ .inItaIImcnts of principal and inte=t. with the balanc:c of the indebtedDeu. if not sooner paid, due
<br />_"""011 January 1. 201<1 . the pa_t of all othersums.
<br />with ~ ~, advaDc>r:d in IlOI:<lIlIaocc hetewilll to protect lbe security of this Deed of Trust; and the perfortlUlDCe of Ill. covenants and
<br />..-u of Bomnrer hema contained; and (b) the _ymont of any future advances. with intereSt thereon, made to Borrower by Lender
<br />~ to!lllnllAPh 21 hereof (horcin "Future Ad_").
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Bomnrer ~ tMl Borrower is lawfully oeited of the estate hereby conveyed and has the riaht to grant and convey the Pr"llCflY,
<br />- tIw> Proposty.is lIJI!OIICUII1be and that Ilorrower wiD wammt and defend gcnaally the title to the Property apinst all claims aDd
<br />~ ..... 10. _ cIoCIanttiono. _or rmrictions lilted in a schedule of exceptions to cover",. in any titl. insurance pOlicy
<br />....l.e8Ilel~I'--in tIw> Propaty.
<br />UNJIIOIlNCOVENANTS. Bomnrer and Lalder co_ and _ as follows;
<br />1. ......., ..........~.Ilorrower sbaIIllfOlDIltIy pay when due the principal of anti interat on the indebtedneas evidenced
<br />bf!l>>NoU. ~ aDd late....... provided in the Note. and tIw> principai of and interClll on any Future Ad_ so::ured by this Deed
<br />of"'"
<br />1. ......T_..'--SulljocttO ~ law Of to a written waiver by Lender. Borrowersball PIl1 to Leader on llIe day
<br />JIlIlll!IlIlJ.......of~____ are papbIe UDdIIor the Note. until the Note is paid in run. . sum (herein "FundI") equal to .......
<br />twlIIftItoftbe-'1_....._..IIlds.may eItlIiftprlority 0_ tllio Deed of Trlllt, and around rentI 011 the Propaty, if any, plus ono-
<br />1'IIIIillt_,...~ ~ for'--tl.inIur-. pltII_wcIftb of,..J, premium lnttaIltnenu for mortalIIt> insurance, if any, all
<br />..................iIIiIiotIIy_Un.tlmetolilltd" Leader on thebaailof _ and bllli: and .......ubIeeslimatel thereof.
<br />"....~W4lR.inIlkutIolt tIw>~ Of _ of ..-bicllarelnNtedor ~ by a Federal or _. apncy (includlna
<br />I.-..ll~.. .. .~, ~. sbaII.-theFUIldt to pay Aid tuoa, _to, inIuranoe premiUt1ll and around ratto.
<br />l.a4w_..........IIlr:... iIoltllItI-lIPllIJinItIw> l'udl. ~..Illid _ or verifYlnJ and tompillna said _1$ ami billa,
<br />......~,..,. Ilorrower ____the Fundland~lawptll1llilJLeoder to ......such. ~ Ilorrower and Lender may ...... in
<br />..mille.. ....of.....iOD.ofllllt DI!o4ofTtlllttMlmw.t0ll1hlt PUlIdo sbaIIl;tc paid", Ilorrower, and unleso sudl",,-'I> Dllldeor
<br />