<br />83.;v(JjUl
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<br />
<br />
<br />dayaf
<br />
<br />B~1O)541
<br />83~I)0665:r
<br />83
<br />
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<br />
<br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this 2nd
<br />be and between:
<br />
<br />,19
<br />
<br />attereal/ed"Trustor" whose mailing addre!''3ls
<br />
<br />P. O. BOX 732, GRAllD
<br />
<br />(B) JOHN A. WOLF
<br />address Is P.. O. BOX 428, GRAlm ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />(0) FTRR'l' RAvnmR i'OMPANY
<br />
<br />as "Trustee"whOse;malllng
<br />and
<br />
<br />P. O. BOX 1~66, GRAlID 'SLAND. NE 68802
<br />
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose maUlrigaddress'ls
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor. In consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration 'receipt
<br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged grants conveys. sells and warrants to Trustee,lo trust, with power of sale, It!. e
<br />I I BA,L'T
<br />following described property, situated in ,Co County,. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, Including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonglog; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING P!l~\p_~~9:f If~SM!lkne~ ap\~f-.ov~!.an~" of ~;~~~~~~:~e~~:,"~~:~o.ed
<br />and the payment ofthe princIpal sum o~ Fr'RT" ," '''j< '. ;, 3,'-l'''0 bollars ($ ,d. }.)I,. ~ j ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed: both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms sat forth in saId promIssory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and inten~~t, If not sooner
<br />paid. shall be due and payable on ihe 2nd < day of FEBRUARY , 19 tit) .
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. ........elllaa. Tq,;.t-vrullii..!~,,)> "*~*'Z ~,t l!;(o P';.)~!h. <! f!.U ~ Hij:h!:.M
<br />...-.hP~)i tC/Mli.A(I~lntlP!"''Defh-, l?'>'ll Ptooe<lyis 1rd .flU CUlilJ 01..1.
<br />~aftd~~..~ >>->11 <!(I-lio nt 'K1..\tU; lIImi fIiJ,filt.." ."hli ..""'r.....( li'll.1
<br />~.... t~lo m. ~\lnlo I!W fr,,'tltw.\tM II,. "":-:;:8~S: ami U5i(1n$.
<br />~.~ tf'Ie \:-Ialma 01 all p$ol~J- T,,,5tQol, III ;l~ 8'(f.'ll'N-M, .'It /1'.,&jntaln,.:14
<br />~..,....O! tN. f"04tt:let>d.$.~j........'1Y0fil~ rcu"S1 P.~!'ffl1..'t>~-t ,.-.,1111:>
<br />~ hJaUnQ .. of ~he \'Ute: ~l-KIi< II.-!ll ~u.. tl11$ ftl.f,t 0MM,l, .1\\.1 Il>>CfI
<br />~Of~~, to be tl,N.Il4II;tCQtaM.'U .mQf1gilo-ol tl'1oe
<br />TIV$t~ln ~maww &-')($ J.tt f,U<h pla\)., .!\U.i4t.u.$l.I(;hOI~ .kltOnU
<br />m 1M opi'RJOI'l {l{ T'~ ftWy tllt J~fed t>r ...,,~ pf~" O'! ttilure lil. If' <)l(tltf 1<)
<br />,**l. matn~ tiWJ ~t "'-I~ Q~ trlff, li\f!l~ OM.;!, _Ii' (h@Uffl(l-maybaff\m'I
<br />~lOtifM~OI~teod_
<br />
<br />2. ,.,.... 01................... TfliltU,l:f ~ ~I...ilily ~-a) u.. t*".~J 01,
<br />a!'Ci:in-..a Otl, sa;d~., t\otf, W\(,:~I\G'''''Y ~M<-.c;iH; lh!tteto u P'(W~
<br />~,0Il_"'~ .._,the~~ >f\ ~tloe~Qe\' Pfo.~ t~fI.nd_dI
<br />~~&U~C~l~J,t)(ipl'\Yl'lS<Gr'SQ1.tf1' l)I:"Ie~uc~nl,:,
<br />!.~~Itl~...m~lran~t!Ot'I
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<br />1-.
<br />
<br />:) ",.......... M~'" ~ '--<lOi,'" ...", ""'"" ,c;.m,,,,,' ~...~' ......."'tot
<br />~ Ita ~ty ;and 'A'Ui. .1 Ill; l>met,. m4if>t~r, IMt ~ ,t, 9;;-00 ,>lder .nd
<br />~ Wld lIl'iU~, ~tom !j~ io h!r~~ -I'! I'l:l9IIW~ f~'\oMlt1li~ fll'Cl~t~
<br />~ aM ~ .N<:~ II!$ f~tJi,. ':'GQU<tW l-l) ~~t .....#oll!!,
<br />~t.Qf~.ti:onofNkJ-t\>'~.-N'Ct>w~Q!~~'~INW"f
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<br />... ~..~,'~~~ ~1" ~"~~' "''{ ~k;."(;.1M 91, t~ 0011dtng5.
<br />~Of~~~t>1~f~~ft~l~r,,,.tO:>'oy+t1y,"l\Irt"-"
<br />~..... ~ tit ~.~ ::.< Ol~.}_ {'V'I!I!~, -u~ d"" l'i.")I(O o,~1 --.."'Il.t
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<br />~lU1f;-'~~-~ll$m*~hc~~{}J~tNC:t~O'!with
<br />~ ~ Nld~. M tt~I"'" ~~ ~ .~~P-'''!Cf. ~~HJ"l,jilid :!'\K~'
<br />~.~ ~ dQ ""'" ~j~ '.*U<<t l~ '.-IJI,** "'\OJ 'If~'i!fy (i! ,.\JC-fl
<br />~ ~ ~ ",,~ll\"';}l, -hym !t.. .~J1tt~ '~""lin~)' pr,w 1;0
<br />~......<< ~ fi-"".0t~ tl6-f)$;'HlfcG to ~fflb:\.tt~t f"C-m ll~
<br />1'~_____~<lI_DIItl~w~~<<-....-s~t>ylfv~CutW'l!,lO
<br />ttw...... aI:,...,.::tvaI~iI!~ \l-~ ~H" pt~'!'"I.
<br />
<br />\. ~.~,cP-'f~~ __~"{..,~~, It .'"~ '-...~ ;t~; tt:1t~. t!.~&fJt h,
<br />~.i*t~_.ft:~....qW"t..ntl~~\H~I~~",w,ltt'!lt\...,.....,-"
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<br />c~lf'IltJlll'~.~~... ~ li;:.,;'\i>n~!w,;,l
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<br />~'l'P9If ~ ~~l ,)f 1M t\,J;11<<,"~~~",l ;'~~'" "ii..~J ;1;;;j;'/'V;ll',~~
<br />~..~~~ ~\';"1.",:,hiVW~'~~ ,~t'''''IO~i:m1''''''''''';.f<:,._i9l' ~Ho',*.
<br />iI.~ ..~~" ,--.-~ ~'. v.-'fitOlo/1,.... ~ ",""i' ~~-ill..'i" ,.,,"',,' "~,Ilt ~ .",:1;
<br />~~ tt~. ~ ~..;<~,~'f .;:t~, $<,~'";\ ~<t~ ~~~~,~~'" ~... ~{ytt'll::;~~", ..-r'.1<
<br />~~ ~ ~ ~.t h>< ~ 1l'''l.'ot.,;,j,I<;..--' ~ -,,,,,,.'W*""';:,j!! ~" ,,"!t ~qli"lr.\fl &i ,..",.
<br />
<br />"l:U.pecllV6 j)<irt"'s' All ll>SI.HliIlCe I)Qhcae$ IUlaln~.iflC!'d pursuant to this Trust OMU
<br />",,,,,n !lilmt! rOdl.. ;1lno &lMlhClaf')' 45 1n$Ul1ldS, as. tn.it tftsp&cllve ll'Il'lUISls may
<br />Ii-P~l, ilnd ~)fO'Vk1l! !llat tJ1.&re Sl\.illl be no cance-lI.U"lI 01 modllicallorl wllhmlt
<br />lIfIMn.4<<V8 pilOt wfllten ootlllcallon to TfV.tM and BflMfI<::iarv, ifllhe tlV8nt .ny
<br />:x;>>1(iV i'\tl.t~ 1$ !"lQI fflflBw.d 011 CIf before IIftHn d.,.s pflOf' 10 lit! o.plfatloll
<br />d_'e_ TfU$t.. Of' tMMt1ici.r'j INY pcOC\ir. 61.Um. fl'l'SUfance an<J U1e cost thertolshaU
<br />I:r1l -t(kIf:l(J te t~ 1060 .$Cured by IN. rf~t 0&80 and shall bIN, 1nl8r"sl al tho,
<br />\}Ift.let of lNJ mien"! flile 5PKllied It'Ilmt!n Of tM "lgh8S! lntettr$t ratl! f;tJlhOt'lled
<br />fi:tlM i.<<8 OIlheS-la'. 01 Nebfuk.a, ItV1>IOI sn-II delN@rtoBOMhclarytheotiqlfllll
<br />pollele$ 01 ,nll\Jfilm.;o ano fl!:.ng",al. lnet~ Of memo CO-pfeil ot such potk;IIfIS and
<br />r~~l-$ tMfeof F.UUfe \0 tl.lll"l.!at'I In-sur.ncEl by TIUfll<<, Of ronew.is as I~Ulr<<l
<br />~ffttJn<:l$l ~".H, __I Irn= opHon 01 J\~efil;:l&l",!, C(H"lsUlute a default. ,.,11 Uf"lIl'I.med
<br />o:~mhmJs afe. ~reby ..S5igr\o<l \0 flli"'''' .n addlllollal s1leufily an:d Ii Nile and
<br />;~Ol1_V;UlC.~ ~Il.he PtODttflyb)' lNt T ;u!H\W shall QOefate h~ CO\1"#Y 10 thft purchaser
<br />t"liI T"ruS\Of'S ir>-t-e-rest In anc t(:' a!l pol.!Ci'llS. -01 Insurance UpO!'1lrtoe- Tf\lst Pf~ty
<br />
<br />, 1'u.. ano' 1t~ta. TrustlY. allait pay i!l~1 tax." .and spe<:~! al8N$ments
<br />!ev:>eO m usnsed ~1.,S.1 Of d..... Ui>Of) 1M P'l~t)" ~1or. oeltOQ(loocy, aile \!lliII
<br />,!f;l'!....tit to SltnllHeh.ty C<l{l~ 0' ~p:I. showin.g pily~1 01- !>~oi'! tlufl illl'l(\
<br />:~~~ !O~'t~lIi/tl""'l!; It th.~,...'I-i<::,~r1 ~~:!ll ::<.J '"(P'M.~, Ttll1Ht,1 ~Qr." th!it ttwof"l! "'~1I
<br />t>to a<idOO to l'IilCtJ. ~iOO;;::; plyffi.el\l tli'qtiueo to be mildfl ,...rwooer 1.'1 itlTIO>,Itll
<br />~.~tl\"f'lllt$;! p! flu$\," to ~ s",thc-iItfH to II'nabl$ !rusto.r to p.av. III ~alit 30 day\'!
<br />t-eloro tfaf-mQu1H'\Cy, jj1! IU,"I!I., a.$:'.Ie'$~rrt' or ulNJI Il'ubh,-; char'J&5 IiiIQ,tlns.l the
<br />,mM P'r{lpe1t)'. *I!! Note ~l!f8d ll-y.t'jis rf\.l~l~. Cl ttjX}tl ~(;oxwnl of the debl or
<br />t",~ il~" of !h!$ '!:rultl ~. log~t!'lttf "'H~ p.tt'Rlh"mS l<:If lfiS'J!ilnCff il..'<Nlfed to ~
<br />~--tr;<I(}OO ~M~ lhi~ flu'lll 0\M'd ilfl,:;t 'It> IIltij!ll'st sniJH ~ pajlabi~ !0 Trt/51Of m
<br />"~li~t t.~;4fOi.. upon Ql1ItnlJOQ ti)- rf\ia.IMI. '!"tlj.'nOf "tl;!ll~ .qe!h1lf 10 tn.lstei.\ '\Ul/:!1
<br />",.rMlimmt; J$l.lm!i vI fl>OCrllV '"'to ./.. ~-esA'JV I;;; mO'l<1" UP .ltly ~e-1i\1i&1\f;y 1', lhe
<br />i:<m.~'UrJ't~ n<<"'5.$llty 10 tmlJ* ft<J.l~ lO~." .any Qf l"i!\' h.."'ltg'CH'Ig II.m"
<br />
<br />I:!. AddI'~ L,leM. 1 !\i1tIO! VI.J: ll\-a).f! .11 p.yffiel1lS <;!t IntOteSl l'1~d pnnclpal and
<br />':'iI!,~ntll qt .11, ",U>tif <;n~$." !Mil. Arm .",~MqS c\'.Il'Itfllcl.o 10 !)it p;a14 l,O Ifly
<br />q:)ll..ti~ t"'!"l Mider" \If prtot Nrwtficlan.ll- unrnn .ny pi"!lli'l !\J$t 0Ha. "QI't~oe Q-f
<br />othtW ~~mr .flI'~t, MtQfe tn-lB'. tn..,. are dIl~~floQ\HPfl:1 iln<.l to ;l4y- .all)' qlhe,
<br />~,!ijIll-m .....hI!;:'!! joopa,chH1- IN! h(;UIHf ~.~t-od I'It"..n.
<br />\f P1oWtcUon of ..,..t~.".. s.curitt. Shoo'O rfl.l~H~f taU te l'hal<i(l! an,; ~,.m~t..
<br />r_1i ~Q '.to ~f ""1 ..~..., j;!1""'~, (lI' >t ."r ae.tlOnOl' prOC~Il'lQ III eOl"l'tfMn<<<.c
<br />1Il'~ rNU~ .,IWlt.. ~il(;I.V-;" Intet"' m tf\e Pn',p&.ft), lflt;lualntJ, b-Jt ~\Jl
<br />ilm>tiKI w. ~~eJ'1t \1\)MA1l'!-, '''~1l~~ .anl\l;~~l" -or woc..uinqa 11"!~Olvlng ""
<br />~'J1<U>""~t 1.." ~.e!Hitt, tn..... &+n1t'1l;;I"Y Of ;it.<o!Il.. j)Ql """,,thollt (~~l~ tn l1a ~
<br />;;;.i<4 with<owi f>C'hc'f kl iM {,f~ ~ '!!>;.$W, .nil wtl!\OOl riIItQ.\l'll'lg Thf~Oi ftel'"
<br />;<,.,~ ,,*i~1~ "'1Ilf....noj~ If''''U' ll\.ll.~ ~.,. ''to t!'l1E! "It.,,,,*, .Jt\l mat NI.J', PU9'CI'>I<:.!I@'.
<br />c"."'!~"'$\ ,V ~.{}.'l""!~t~ .."~ ~W'rl~.Jlfl(".:CI.. cl'l-<lt~Vi Hotf>, wh\<~f'; l<-\ t1\. i'tl;ig~l (:It
<br />",,;H'~< ..m,.,..,* ~" "'.~~.-l U'lt1 f;'<-..'1,*tl'f: i" i!i<Cl<<:.IS.;~ .~ H<~t> ~~fl_flt inti
<br />~,~.U'l,..t .:-1 tltf-1>~ ~.r ,J't,-U1 i1i~W Mat'!frtt il;C,~} .'"~ .-hlt__ ~O\.i"U..
<br />."~:!,,.,jt~\; ~"$~...,t..i~f:t ".'~ ~mtlt<:'ll.itt)i." .n,~p"fif.'" t__, \It"l~,;:h M '1>~jr .tbltot;of.
<br />'1_~:HI,h._~', ',",,9'~ ;;~"'" ."'~'~""'l~ If"'- "...N I""! 1 ,,,,",if' !\J-..;tH ,.." I~' ,H"",;;r('
<br />->l'>w~-ll>"".,"" ,), ,i" lNl"T r<!!~oH., ""''' ;l-~'j.! .!/.~1'10~~ ~'" t<:> tn_I... .11th" -;"h"t(~r'l$ If?
<br />~:<..:tf it>l\i ~~ L~' r'.';tllh<."'ft\'!ll!,. )"''"' I;\q".-!'{:I'-"f .'n~y P'ftX'ij" !IhX't>
<br />,,",,',t iI\,\/W\ '.-,,'<fH-t!d '," ~.;'!'l.t;-'1W.1 r.'y h.-Itti<<::,!.\!l{l'
<br />hv",ll,->.i <1""'; ~:i1-"~ ~'ft!.'\KI"
<br />