<br />f~
<br />
<br />I . . 83- no 6 6 5 3 fOR USE IN THE STATE OF NEBIlASKA
<br />~ 9505"1" STREET (THE SElLER/CREDITOR)
<br />(402) 331-()27S GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801
<br />FOR METRQPOUTANOUAHA-SERVICE-CAlL331-02n (308)'3844414 33g(//&
<br />
<br />Sold To A g<:; r::? L.l !:-.?; .JZ2,. E/s/c.~.f) Date Of This COritr.el /0 - ? - ~
<br />(, ......~ L::.uAl _ _....v. _ 0'" ....t BHVFRSI
<br />"Address" id./ E 3.a City . '~.PJi4.l;:;7Slale PE Zip 6fX'OI TelePhoneNll.,3?j-.6a"ci
<br />In: this t~stallment S..1!les- Conn'act the words. f. me, ;.md my reter_ Ii) [h,e ~tly~r a,l1d <;?~,Bui:er (if ~my) -signing thi,S ConlraC(~ ~H.e ~words~.;-yoUi-a~d;,r - ":,,:'.:r,,:~
<br />-we- and -.us, reftr 10 !he - SeHer and may also l!l(:a."l <l bank or other fmanclal IOShmtlOn It H buy.s [hIS contract. If 'H- does;_ f '_wlH:--rnake--my;_-pa. _\_/_:,;:~:);
<br />it Under_ the ~lort!;:age statutes. I am also knO\\ifl Q:'. the "~1ortgagor." and you are. referred 10 as the h~ortgagee'o'.__I undersu~nd_..thab:if more, _<-,,'//
<br />.'Buyer'" :<.igns below tnal' each wIll be responsIble for all promlse~ made and for .paYlOg the obligationts) in, fulf~ yuu may- collect againsr-_one 01;, _ _ _ __ '~.~:_::-';{-",:
<br />controtct covets my purchase of m:mufacmred pr~ucts of The Pacesener Corporatl-oI1. You hllve quoted me a Cash Price and-_a Total_Sale Price.'-_The'Tot~~_;----;'_:-..:,;~-'_,
<br />Sale Price i~ the-total cmt of the pHx!UClS and scrvlces if 1 buy 01\ credlL _ _ _ _ _ __ _-,:--''',,':-.':,':);
<br />I now "h~se to ~uy. uno you a~ree to :.ell. for the To-tai S.,-Ile Prie-e, sel fonh bt;10\~. Ihe productS and services -described-- below~-:.' 8sree:-to: pa:~,;Y;_;:~~"
<br />YOU, the amount fInanced In accordance wIth the p.tymem ~ch~dule 'et tanh below, together with mterest thereon at the annual percentage __Tate' which :Is-dis.l;lose;r.'___::.,-~'~
<br />below. J ~!so agree. 1.0 till of the other lerms- on Mth side!' of this contract. Ont\' products manufactured by The, PaceseUer"Corporatlon are, covere,l:.,~,
<br />by o~r to year Limited \Varra~nty. ~o n1f'.rior or interior trim. painJin or ~t::~r.ng. Wi~~ be provid~ unless_-sp~ified in.this C~nt~ncl._- _ _ __, '_ ,,_ _ ,::<::;_~:
<br />C ('/~f7J,.., (f,.Jd,.(2 A/1!..LJ /N.d_:tZl-~ A I . ~rl,).RLZ- h{/..v~~C:3~/~t...
<br />(c,) KI'i/~/"~': /?;f7,/~:Jii95rA::~.I('s--'*-(:::;,J r~4Wft/r.:;<::,-;;;;;~ ... /):",.~r ....
<br />
<br />~~~Jii~~5~Jt;~7i%;:
<br />
<br />~.!~ 1};c~<;~ /C~/C;de L//?"lfTb7 /.~/?.eY'~
<br />LEGAL DE.SCRIPTf01'\': ~he .:thove dcscphed !!f. S imd "crvT~-s are In he t;-;t~!ed ;O~E!r~..l ur:on lhe :"Ad<Jress," 9 signated above, and the legal descr,iptio --
<br />fof' such "Addre~" i--: . .' . + t~-~
<br />(7: r\' if; 'Hr.:' ~ I r' -:t-;- l I
<br />
<br />SUMMA t OF4lAriE: Base <a,h ?fleC S js'7~. "" (JO.cJc)~ addilfu;;al warranty/service coveragecl!7,O'U= $ .'?S7<; r:.liC.
<br />
<br />Tor.leash priee S. 3S'79.ac' .. CL,h ftotal! d,'wnpaymenl' .__r;Jo,gu__ ~. l'npaid balance ors ,3'5 79~.
<br />ITEl\,fIZATTON OF THE AMOUNT Fl'lA:-\CED OF ~ _iCLe?:F.c..!3__ :
<br />
<br />S 1-}7'l, 0 Q Amount ncd!ted ,(1 this comr.Jct lSame ~moum a'i the '"L'npaid BJ:Ia.nct:.")
<br />S (')f1~ OGr' Amounr paid on net billancc from ~lf1or contract wlIh us,
<br />Amountts.j p;ud ~o others nn my ~,1'Chaif:
<br />S 1!l'3 ~ r::~ to msur.trn:e l.:ornpany !(lr Credit Ll(t.:; IfIS\lr;IOCC
<br />S :;LY /. :J-r to insurance rompan)' for At"C~d~nt and Heailh IllSUntflCC
<br />
<br />-"'=;"],
<br />l
<br />-:"~~.~- ,'1-'
<br />
<br />
<br />) '"_~~ t:Y tJ 10 insurance company fOf Pmpeny Damage insurance
<br />~ _2~ tu public officials for tiling/recording fees
<br />, ......c2.d. CJ~ 10 (SpCCllyl
<br />
<br />ANNUAL
<br />RATE
<br />Th-e cost of my credn a'!o
<br />a yearly rate.
<br />
<br />CHARGE
<br />
<br />Amount
<br />
<br />Financed
<br />
<br />The iin-lOUIl[ nf credu
<br />PfovHled to H}e Of tin
<br />.-t~\' oe-h.,l!r"
<br />
<br />Total of
<br />Payments
<br />The umount I will
<br />have. pmd after I
<br />!UIVC made ail puymen!~
<br />~\\ ~cheduJ~tl
<br />
<br />/5. DO
<br />
<br />~
<br />'0
<br />
<br />s 17/1. ~
<br />e
<br />
<br />s )/O;L5 / :3
<br />
<br />~ 57/f'~.CJcJ
<br />
<br />, Total S '-. Price
<br />I The lotal Cti: Jr n!~ pun:hase
<br />011 credie mcludmg my
<br />oownpaymen! of
<br />
<br />
<br />I; ;;;5:0
<br />
<br />Tht' do~b!" ;~mOlJnr the
<br />credi! \'1.-!1l ('!h! me
<br />
<br />My PU)'int1lt Khedu!e wIn be:
<br />f ._-~~_~~__~_'_'--'
<br />
<br />\ ,u: 2~:~'" :n;; ;~_~~~~~~~~~~~st~~:~:~~=,~~;~'~--=
<br />
<br />
<br />c f\!1 ::.ub~uc!U lfi'\~aHmef\l\ tm the ~,\m(' d:J.Y 01 t
<br />$ I? ?~-----. l";td\ ,t..'(l!l"e\.'\Jtlv~ n,tlluh un!!! fUld \!l lul!
<br />
<br />59
<br />
<br />Security: I am givlIlg u ~~curjIY inlere\1 in:
<br />1 1!1e !:!{)od~, :.crvicc!o and property being purchased. and
<br />:: Ill) n;,,11 e~tJte and impro\'efl1Cnl~. indudmg my
<br />!)(lu.')c, ,dl <.II my .'Addre.1>s.' de",ignateU above.
<br />
<br />filing/Recording rees $ .;;L./, () ()
<br />
<br />Late ChnrJ;t: If u payrncrll l~ more: than ten (10) days.
<br />laIc, I wilt be l,;t!ltrgtd $5,00 or 5% of the payment.
<br />whichever i:. 1t!SS.
<br />
<br />
<br />Insuran<<
<br />Crc-dit Id~ m~u,-at\Ce iind c~it dt~btll!Y ;~re nOlrt'_ql!lf~dl;;~~bt.i~;-Z;;-d~d will
<br />not be provKJ((l unles~ I :.i!!,f'l anti agree- li.l ll:Ul' the :rtldllmnai f.:(l:-.t
<br />1'tl'f ~"~)..m '";:''''- S '!\alurr;: -~-- -- - -- Itre-paym~nt:)l I pay H earh, I Will not ha'Vc 10 pav
<br />_---.'!.~..2....___ _ ~__ a pt2n~. ~9 I ma entitled 10 it refund {)f pa.n of
<br />Credit LIfe I \\<in! cred.t hte t~H ~ .
<br />S fhUr-dth:e '~!l.>iU~~7 __--0, -
<br />j.r?7/'AlLt:....1 -----, ----+, y.11=reVlew ther portions: of thlS contract
<br />{)J. ~ ,. tyU 'i'j('l"'llt~ -Jf~ _,Jor i.Wd#mal/t"nfomhtl ,tbout non-payment defaulf
<br />----.-, want c~~~---Z~ j'. an"'~~'. tull befol'e the 'l<t:ht.'d~led t.late:
<br />~no health InSUral\>':~;:;-:-:'1l:l>}'" .il1tlpn1luVmeOl rtluoos. and penalliC'~
<br />
<br />::;z..YI.J!1:W, . _.___________ e "'<.", "" """'ale.
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<br />CretJtl AC\."1lkm
<br />~'k Hfl&hh
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